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Discussion: KIZARNY!

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Kizarny's gizimmick is he spizeaks cizarny. It's gizonna gizet oziver like a fizart in chizurch.


Then he's gizonna get fizuture endizeavored after creative has nizothing else fizor him.

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Total Nonstop Action Wrestling (2003–2004)

Cvjetkovich moved to Total Nonstop Action Wrestling (TNA) in mid 2003 under the ring name "Sinn", where he joined a stable called The New Church, led by Father James Mitchell. The group engaged in a long running feud in 2003 against Raven and his "Gathering", with many bloody hardcore style matches between them. Sinn's

final appearance for TNA was in March 2004, a loss in a tag team tournament with partner Slash to the team of Kid Kash and Dallas.


Cvjetkovich was previously in a relationship with female wrestler Tracy Brooks. He is the childhood friend of two wrestlers, Edge and Christian Cage. While growing up, as stated in Edge's book, Cvjetkovich was referred to as Fatty by Edge and Christian. Cvjetkovich is the protege and close friend of Jake 'The Snake' Roberts.




It appears he's also a black belt in karate.

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Sadly I know I've seen him before but can't remember if he was any good or not, which leads me to believe he sucks. And yet Colt Ca--er, Scotty Goldman does job duty.

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Sadly I know I've seen him before but can't remember if he was any good or not, which leads me to believe he sucks. And yet Colt Ca--er, Scotty Goldman does job duty.


Hell, he hasn't even been on TV lately.

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Sinn was fine in TNA but he only wrestled tag work and was only the 2nd best partner for Slash. They were an enjoyable team that wasn't quite as much fun as the Slash/Brian Lee version but its tag work so who knows? Whether Sinn has enough talent to be interesting as a singles wrestler? I can't judge that from him doing silent freaky tag work with a very good tag partner and with people like James Mitchell, Shane Douglas, Vampiro, Raven, and CM Punk working with him to make things interesting.


He struck me as the perfect tag partner/lackey to Kevin Thorn back when WWE was trying to make him work so I'm kind of surprised that WWE sees enough in him to give him a solo run with such a weird gimmick that seems guaranteed to be annoying. I'm pretty sure his niche is just as freaky and silent lackey for a freaky talker like Raven, Mitchell, Thorn, Taker, whatever.

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Kizarny will not be the worst worker on the roster the day he debuts, he's probably middle of the pack, does all the little things right, but will never deliver mat classics. Lucky is right, he's probably best utilized as a tag wrestler.

In the very least Kizarny has a much different look than the usual frat boy muscle head types. Also he's been toiling in the indies for years and years and will not be the traditional FCW/OVW cookie cutter wrestler either. On a recent FCW show Dusty compared him to Kevin Sullivan, and I think that was pretty apt comparison.


Here's a link to Kizarny/Nikolas Sinn/ Sinn Bowdee's old website - http://www.theoriginalsinn.com/sinn.html


He does have the darts to the back gimmick he seems to do everywhere he goes (I've seen it both in TNA and OVW), and I'm sure we'll see that in WWE sooner than later. He'll also probably have to change his facial hair and Jeff Hardy will call gimmick infringement.


The New Church music was bad ass.


Kevin thorn recently blasted away at wwe creative for making him drop his Vampirism gimmick, so he's probably looking to be future endeavored. Funny thing about Thorn is that he was supposed to be the redneck/trucker gimmick teaming with Lance Cade, before Rhodes got the spot instead.


What happened to the Boogeyman promo's of his return on ECW? Was that already dropped? I know he was in the dirtsheets for causing a scene of sorts at a sports bar with Booker T, as Boogey was asked to leave because he had a big cross displayed and wouldn't cover it up and Booker T took offense to the fact that Wright was asked to leave because of his religious faith and cops were called.


I'm still holding out hope that Scotty Goldman has been taken off television to re-debut along side Punk on Raw. The way I see it is that with Survivor Series just around the corner, we could be looking at Miz/Morrison/Dibiase/Rhodes/Manu vs Punk/Kofi/Shad/JTG/??? with ??? eventually becoming Scotty Goldman.


Goldman is taking advantage of the WWE Universe interaction, as he's had some pretty funny blogs over there - it could be a solid way to build up fanbase of sorts.

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I just seen him on FCW, he has a fun offense, eventhough his finisher would work better as a submission, instead of a modified double arm ddt.


He cut a decent promo after the match, using the Kizarny lingo.


The gimmick could work if done right.

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Is he wrestling on one of the shows? This is my first time hearing about him, other than being Sinn.

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-The real irony here is that he used to be a legit carnival sideshow geek, doing the human dartboard and other similar gimmicks, which is where Creative probably got their brilliant inspiration for the idea here. "Hey, he used to be a Carny, haw haw!"


-I have no idea how he would be on promos. Dude always dressed up like some kind of devilman, but then in the back whenever he opened his mouth, suddenly dontcha know it was all aboot maple syrup and mounties, eh? Real strong Canuck accent, which so utterly did not go with his demonic gimmick.


-He was always a competent worker whenever I saw him, but that was always doing Southern style matches, either the tag-team brawls in TNA or working the standard slowed-down style on the local indies. No idea how he'll do in the WWE environment.


-That being said, hope he succeeds, was always a hell of a nice guy to me, real open to talk about anything.

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Is he wrestling on one of the shows? This is my first time hearing about him, other than being Sinn.


He's had video packages play for the past few weeks on Smackdown!


They usually give wrestlers who they hype with videos before their debut a decent push out the gates don't they?

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Is he wrestling on one of the shows? This is my first time hearing about him, other than being Sinn.


He's had video packages play for the past few weeks on Smackdown!


They usually give wrestlers who they hype with videos before their debut a decent push out the gates don't they?


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They usually give wrestlers who they hype with videos before their debut a decent push out the gates don't they?


Kenzo Suzuki

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Gail Kim (To an extent)

Ultimo Dragon (To an extent)



Gail Kim won the title in her first match with the company.


Yeah, they didn't push her out of the gate AT ALL. :rolleyes:

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Gail Kim (To an extent)

Ultimo Dragon (To an extent)



Gail Kim won the title in her first match with the company.


Yeah, they didn't push her out of the gate AT ALL. :rolleyes:

Hence the 'To an extent' addition.


She did win the title, but was she pushed per se?

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She did win the title, but was she pushed per se?


It is really eerie how similar Gail Kim's push was back then, to Taylor Wilde's now. Where they give her the title in her debut or pretty close to it, and then has the title for months, but nobody gives a damn or remembers it.

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Nah...that wouldn't be a very nice hope. I meant that more in the sense that I hope the gimmick never makes it to the ring...for whatever reason.

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