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More Future Endeavours - Dykstra, Lena, Elijah

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Boogeyman moves merchandise and the kids love him.


What merchandise does he move? He's never around




What kid wouldn't want this? It glows in the dark!


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Boogeyman is a prominent character in SvR 2009.


Regarding Lena, a note from F4W:


According to one source, as soon as they signed Gail Kim (who is signed, sealed and delivered) Vince and Stephanie felt there was no reason to have Yada on the roster as well since they "looked too much alike".

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Boogeyman moves merchandise and the kids love him.


What merchandise does he move? He's never around

You're right but he is being slowly brought back. Boogeyman has also improved a lot over the past few years he's been wrestling in the WWE.


I'm kinda surprised Kenny didn't get released a lot sooner. While he was a good worker, he just came off as this bland jobber ever since the SS got broken up. Though I did like the fact that he used the headband as a way to get himself noticed as being different in the SS.


Burke I am surprised about. While he was at times a sloppy worker, when he wasn't sloppy in the ring, he was really good. He has a lot of potential as he's really seems like a total package as a wrestler, but being sloppy every other match really hurts a wrestler. Especially in the WWE. I could see Burke making a name for himself in Japan or maybe even TNA.


Lena Yada...No big lost. Really all she was, was a pretty face that could hold a microphone.

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Boogeyman is a prominent character in SvR 2009.


Regarding Lena, a note from F4W:


According to one source, as soon as they signed Gail Kim (who is signed, sealed and delivered) Vince and Stephanie felt there was no reason to have Yada on the roster as well since they "looked too much alike".


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Boogeyman is a prominent character in SvR 2009.


Regarding Lena, a note from F4W:


According to one source, as soon as they signed Gail Kim (who is signed, sealed and delivered) Vince and Stephanie felt there was no reason to have Yada on the roster as well since they "looked too much alike".



If Lena could prove she said this, she should sue. Hey Steph, don't Mark Henry and R-Truth look alike? I wonder if Angela Fong will be released from Developmental as well.

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Of all the people who have survived the cuts, I can't believe Kevin Thorn remains employed. I love the guy's work, and his Vampire gimmick was fun. I've always figured WWE must have some sort of plan for him if they haven't released him after all this time.


And he trashes the writers on his wwe universe blog.

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Come on guys, Lena and Gail do look quite a bit alike. It's not just that they're both Asian women. The comparison to Henry and R-Truth is ridiculous.


WWE has too many divas as is...cutting two or three of them would not be all that bad.


Katie Lea should stay though...she's pretty decent in the ring, looks good, and is definitely in shape. It's also nice that she doesn't look like every other woman in WWE right now.

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World Wrestling Entertainment has come to terms on the release of SmackDown Superstar Kenny Dykstra and ECW's Elijah Burke and Lena Yada as of Nov. 10, 2008. WWE wishes them the best in all future endeavors.



That is nuts....I've always been a big fan of his. Seriously misused. He did small things in the ring that many wrestlers don't do that make the match more enjoyable. I hope tna picks him up because I think he has star potential. Stupid move by wwe...They get rid of him but keep stinsky? wtf?

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Burke's problem in the ring besides being sloppy at times is that WWE gave his matches too much time and he wasn't over enough or compelling enough as a worker to fill it. I recall a PPV match he had with CM Punk that got seemingly 15-20 minutes, which was too long for what it was. Some of his TV matches were fun because they kept him under 10 minutes and he had enough spots to fill that amount of time.

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Boogeyman is a prominent character in SvR 2009.


Regarding Lena, a note from F4W:


According to one source, as soon as they signed Gail Kim (who is signed, sealed and delivered) Vince and Stephanie felt there was no reason to have Yada on the roster as well since they "looked too much alike".



If Lena could prove she said this, she should sue. Hey Steph, don't Mark Henry and R-Truth look alike? I wonder if Angela Fong will be released from Developmental as well.


Really, the 200 pound muscular guy with braids that raps to the ring looks like the 350 pound big gy that's gimmick is based off being "the world's strongest man"? Why? Because they're black? Talk about racism.

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Come on guys, Lena and Gail do look quite a bit alike. It's not just that they're both Asian women. The comparison to Henry and R-Truth is ridiculous.


That doesn't stop it from being a stupid reason nonetheless. Honestly. I have no need for any of the Divas on my TV screen.. but when it comes to hot asian women.. the more the merrier.

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Called it.

Not to mention, no they don't look alike. They weren't even born in the same country! Lena is from Hawaii for christ sake, she looks NOTHING like Gail Kim!


It's a stupid reason. Hell, half the women on the Diva roster all LOOK alike but the only one they fire is the girl who looks too asian because they hired an asian?

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Boogeyman is a prominent character in SvR 2009.


Regarding Lena, a note from F4W:


According to one source, as soon as they signed Gail Kim (who is signed, sealed and delivered) Vince and Stephanie felt there was no reason to have Yada on the roster as well since they "looked too much alike".



If Lena could prove she said this, she should sue. Hey Steph, don't Mark Henry and R-Truth look alike? I wonder if Angela Fong will be released from Developmental as well.


Really, the 200 pound muscular guy with braids that raps to the ring looks like the 350 pound big gy that's gimmick is based off being "the world's strongest man"? Why? Because they're black? Talk about racism.


Went right over your head, sport.

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A lot of the generic blondes look alike, but they keep them around.



Kim and Lena should've formed a tag team and tried to do the Bleu Brothers twin switch gimmick using the "all Asians look alike" stereotype, but with it never working.

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Ken Doane's MySpace blog:

"First I would just like to say thank you to everyone who left a comment or message and for the support. It is greatly appreciated. Believe it or not i actually am happy to be gone from wwe. I dont have to do things around their schedule and i dont have to answer to anybody. i have never fealt so free in my entire life. i had been working with wwe since i was 16 so ive never really known anything else. i did have fun with wwe but the creative side never used me properly or really gave me an opportunity to get over. it sucks when you know your better than the majority and your only used to make people look good. will i stay wrestling? Im not sure. wwe kinda puts a bad taste in your mouth after all the politics and garbage that can go on. I may try to go to TNA but we will see. i have 90 days to think about it and possibly try. although i wont rule it out. I do feel like they could use me much better. I would also like to have some matches with guys like a.j. and kurt and joe and christian. plus sting has always been my favorite so to work with him would be great too. but i guess i will wait it out and see what direction i try to go in. as for wwe i am glad to be gone. i thank them for everything and wish them the best too. take care. Kenn Doane
(from Rajah as I don't have a myspace account)


I think the kid had all the tools in the world, but he needs to struggle a bit. As he said he's been signed with wwe since he was 16yo, so he's never had to worry where his next meal is coming from. I don't expect TNA will touch the guy either.

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TNA should bring him in with a Legend Killer gimmick and have him be a lone wolf and feud with both the MEM and Joe, AJ and the younger guys.


He can punt them in the head too.



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TNA should bring him in with a Legend Killer gimmick and have him be a lone wolf and feud with both the MEM and Joe, AJ and the younger guys.


He can trip while jumping over them, too.



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