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Crackhead aunt responsible for crackheaded children that I hate, so she wins by proxy. Don't you just hate it when your dying granddad's daughter robs him blind so that she can afford pills to eat during his funeral? Also her youngest children are home schooled. By her. They can't read or write. They're ten and eleven.

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That's....a tricky one.


It's probably either my youngest sister or my cousin. I mean, I don't really hate either of them, but my sister has this incredibly annoying method of "debating", whereby she ignores everything you say and just starts talking louder and louder until she's shouting over you, repeating the same points you've already refuted, but she hasn't noticed because she's stopped listening to you. I've seen her get to the point that she'll cut me off when I try to say something, but not even with a word, with like a sound. She has nothing else to add, she just doesn't want me to add anything because she also seems to believe that whoever gets the last sound in is the winner. It's incredibly frustrating. This method of hers has led to a 20-minute argument over the car radio, because I leave the volume set too loud, and she could not even give me one single solitary reason why she couldn't just turn it down herself. I basically just asked her that a bunch of times and she got madder and madder. It was kinda funny.


Also, one of my cousins. He has a really annoying method of talking - He used to say "You wannna know something?" before saying like, anything. It got to the point that I'd just say "No". He was also one of those people who told the exact same boring-ass stories to everyone, so if you were unfortunate enough to be around him long enough, you'd hear about his new skillet about 15 million times. I dunno if he's still like that though, I haven't seen him in years.


But yeah, outside of that, I don't really hate anyone in my family - hell, I don't even hate them, they just annoy me more then anyone else.

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Probably my oldest sister, technically my half-sister, but sister nonetheless. She's an alcoholic and a terrible mother. She jumped feet first into being a mom, and then neglects her kids and does whatever she wants. She's married to an ex-Olympian, who we like more than her, and they have lots of money and the dude is about as great as they come. But my sister stopped drinking for maybe a week after going into rehab, then relapsed, and now nothing's changed despite us doing everything that we can for coming on four years now. She sucks, it's amazing that he's still married to her.

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My Dad. Alcoholic, womanizing scumbag; cheated on my mom a bunch of times and made growing up really difficult when he would waste money on booze or whatever stupid thing he thought was a good idea in a drunken haze. Spent two years throwing down challenges in court to avoid spousal and child support-claimed that, amongst other things, I wasn't in school and that my mom made $80,000 a year (She is self-employed as a freelance book-keeper, and nets around 25k); He makes $120,000 a year. After my mom finally won in court, it was discovered that he owed the federal government $21,000 in back taxes, and we wouldn't see a dime until it got paid off.


My sisters love the guy to death.

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I wouldn't say I hate them, but I'm honestly terrified of several members of my mom's half of the family. I was raised Catholic*, and they are too, as well as really conservative-and by that, I mean modern day definition of "conservative", as in incredibly pro-life (that's the main reason that loved Sarah Palin and Ron Paul-thet are the type of people who'd go to an abortion clinic protest and shove pictures of aborted fetuses un your face), big fans of Fox News (They love Glenn Beck apparently, and they think everyone else in the media is part of some liberal conspiracy), loved "Joe the Plumber", don't care much for gay people-the list goes on. It's impossible to talk to them, as all they want to talk about is politics, and everytime you try to say a differing opinion, they go ballistic and start screaming and yelling at you until you just give up. They flat out refuse to listen to you, then expect you to listen to all of their Ann Coulter ain't that bad and CNN is a liberal bollertrop bullshit. I hate visiting them on holidays.




*No, I don't consider myself Catholic anymore. That's a whole different story. Oh, and no, I was not molested by a priest. And while being Catholic wasn't fun, it wasn't as bad as some might tell you.

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I don't know. It has to be a tossup between one of my cousins and one of my uncles. I wouldn't say I hate either of them but they both annoy me to some extent. My cousin is 16 but has the demeanor and intelligence of an eight year old. The latter is not an exaggeration. One of the most awkward moments at a family gathering was Thanksgiving about five years ago when Mama Kamala made all of the "kids" read a line or two of some really stupid poem before dinner and she quickly discovered that the aforementioned cousin (who was about 9 or 10) at the time couldn't read. Man, that was really awkward. That's what you get for making us read, Ma! Anyways, said cousin really kind of annoys the hell out of everybody in the family and we've all sort of resigned ourselves to the fact that she's probably going to get knocked up by some dope in the next year or two. Kind of depressing. Anyways, she's nice enough and means well but man is she obnoxious.


The other one is an Uncle, who I actually just saw for the first time in three years or so yesterday when I went out for breakfast with my Ma, Grandma, Aunt, and him. He's just really loud and obnoxious and kind of an egomaniac. Even though he's really sort of a dick, he's been a source of unintentional comedy for me and my brothers for the time he got thrown out of an All You Can Eat Buffet, the soup and sandwich place he owned for about three months where he refused to serve cops (despite being across the street from the town police department), and the somewhat related incident where he went to jail for about a week for threatening a cop. These incidents really make him seem cooler than he actually is though.

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Problay my dad or my one cousin.


She thinks shes all better then me but when she was my age she got into more trouble then me, fuck her dumb stuck up cunt.

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...that's actually not a bad answer. I don't have anyone in my family that I really hate, just mostly a bunch of weirdos with all their various personal eccentricities. Like, my dad does indeed own multiple Ann Coulter books, but at least he never tries to preach any of that shit at me. The most annoying ones are some odd rich cousins who are real snooty and strangely distant from the rest of the human race. The last time I saw them (Christmas at grandma's) they were literally all lying together on one couch like a big puppy pile. These people live in a mansion, yet the five of them felt the need to all squeeze together onto enough space for only two or three people to sit comfortably. I dunno man, you tell me what their deal is.

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I don't talk to half of my mom's family for things that were said/done when my grandmother died.


Haven't talked to my dad in almost 9 years. Not sure if he's still alive.


But the worst is my cousin who has had various substance abuse issues and lost more jobs than I've had in my life. The problem is that we were practically like brothers when we were younger and his mom (my aunt, obviously) still remembers all this. She tries to keep me in his life and vice versa despite that we are completely different now. I can't even have a ten minute conversation with him now but my aunt caused a big fucking to-do when she suggested that he come live with me when the better half and I move into our house next week. I politely declined, citing that we already have a roommate. She flipped her lid about how our roommate is a friend and my cousin is family, etc. Somehow I ended up the asshole to that side of the family because he's going to be stuck living with my aunt and uncle more. It's just fucking retarded.

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Do in-laws count? Because otherwise I don't really have an answer. I have a fairly sane, and small family. And even before I moved to Alaska I didn't have any family close to me outside of my parents and my sister. Closest relatives were in cousins and uncle in Phoenix, and after that you had to go all the way to St. Louis. So if I have any awful family I haven't had enough interaction with them to realize it. But I did have to spend some time with an annoying cousin when I was a kid, so I guess I'll vote him. He was like 4 years old at the time so that was why he was annoying, but that's all I got.

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My family gets along really really well. Both sides, although I'm much closer to my mom's side. We all love each other. Fuck you guys and your dysfunction.


But if I have to pick one, I'll take my dad's brother's daughter (I felt like I had to be more specific than "cousin"). She's just really loud and I don't like going to restaurants with her. I remember when we were 7 or 8 (not that anyone should be held accountable for dumb things they did when they were 7) we went out to eat at a restaurant and she ordered a kid's pizza as an appetizer, and then the same pizza as an entree. 10 years later though, that story is more endearing than aggravating.

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My family can basically be divided into a socialist side and a conservative side. Even the conservative side is charmingly working-class, albeit a tad bigoted. I suppose that the common people of East Anglia just blame immigrants for all of their woes. Anyway, I don't really hold anything against them. I hate my sister the most as she plays awful music in the car.

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Probably my Uncle and his Kids. He's always been a bum but I really started to dislike him when he left my Aunt with 3 Kids for the 50 year old Babysitter. He also borrowed a couple hundred dollars and hasn't paid it back for over 5 years. Oh i'm sorry, he paid $10. Fuck him and his cunt of a wife. As for his kids, They are rednecks that live out in the boondocks and annoy me. I wouldn't have anything to do with them if it wasn't for my Aunt who I adore.

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