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WWE Raw - March 23, 2009

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Raw is rape.

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Why is Triple H so hurt about an elevated DDT when he Pedigreed his wife through a table?

And again, I go to my old standby...


<WWE Creative>Would you look at this please?


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I'd laugh my fucking ass off if the crowd was 100% behind Orton during the match. Looks like it may go that way. At least the crowds still apparently have no love for Stephanie. HHH may be a different story.

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Orton is way too good at this... he must have had practice with a lot of passed out females at college parties.


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If this was 2001, Steph would have taken 15 sledgehammer shots. God, that would have been awesome.


That's for damn sure. I still cringe watching Austin's chair-assault on Lita.

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If this was 2001, Steph would have taken 15 sledgehammer shots. God, that would have been awesome.

I still jerk off watching Austin's chair-assault on Lita.



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This was the total hard sell show for WM tonight. They did put a ton of heat on the main heels, with Jericho and Orton destroying Flair and HHH (as well as Steph). The Jericho segment made me want to see Flair vs. Jericho though, not the 3 legends against Jericho.

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Sometimes WWE reminds me of my work ethic in school - they've known for weeks they need to work hard on something but halfass it despite the fact it could really end up hurting them, but when the pressure is on, they decide to be awesome.


Every segment on Raw served a purpose for the Mania build, and this one show did more to hype it than everything from the Rumble until last week combined. Some DrVenkman Notes:


- The lack of (intentional) colour in the past several months really makes it seem like a big deal when someone finally blades. I think the Flair beatdown looked a bit weak, but the idea behind it and overall execution was great. I have no faith in Jericho vs. Piper/Snuka/Steamboat being very good (though I am curious to see what Ricky can do) but damn, I was appalled - knowing full well this is all a story and the watch was more than likely a replica - that Jericho would destroy Ric's retirement watch. Getting pissed at the heel for being a dick = good angle.


- I'm a sucker for 8 man tags that end in a finisher fest, so hooray to that match. It was also nice to know that Flair was really looking forward to Finlay being tagged in the match.


- I'm still not very interested in Cena vs. Show vs. Edge and the build to that on this show was probably the weakest part (because I've already written it off as 'whatever'), but they're trying, so that's fine. I think in the end it will be a good match, but I'm not feeling it right now.


- JBL was on commentary no more than 45 seconds before he threw out "THE LIGHTS ARE ON BRIGHT", and then he said it AGAIN right after. That bit of annoyance aside, I look forward to his retirement because hearing someone talk about "professional wrestling" and Lou Thesz on commentary is always appreciated.


- The Shawn Michaels vignette was money. This reminded me of last year when the build to Mania was mostly "hey, Flair and Shawn are going to have a big match" without really doing anything (besides the retirement angle) to make you care, then they did the Old Yeller promo and it buys galore. So awesome.

I can't wait for the Taker mockery on SmackDown



- Stephanie needs to dress in casual attire all the time.



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Funniest moments of the night:


The guy yelling out "Good job Orton!" at the end. Excellent work.


Edge and Vickie's mashup photo - I could have sworn it was Kizarny.

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That closing segment was like mainlining pure awesomeness. I would *SO* love it if the crowd completely turned on HHH and backed Orton at Wrestlemania.


But, other than the closing segment, and the opening Jericho/Flair segment, everything in between was pretty boring.

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Ha, the guy in the crowd with the flower mask is wrestlecrap's own blade braxton.

I thought I was the only one to notice. I knew it was him when I saw the mask, because WC just had footage of him wearing the mask for a recent Indy appearance as a manager. I should have known he'd be there, it was in Kansas City after all. He kept looking at himself on the HD tron all night long though.


The show was pretty entertaining. The Flair beatdown went over well, but makes you want to see Jericho/Flair instead. Gotta love him stealign Flair's shoes abnd throwing them in the crowd (where from the looks of it, quite a fight broke out in the stands to obtain them) The Rolex smash was a nice added touch, and props to Lawler for remembering Shawn giving that watch to him last year. The Shawn stuff was great, nice history lesson there. He needs to go full on heel for awhile it would be quite awesome and he could even get a title reign out of it.


Orton for once looks like the heel in the feud. Someone in creative must have noticed how much HHH was looking like the heel. And yea Steph took the DDT right on. I was waiting for the punt too, I must admit.



For once actual Build for Mania, that ALMOST got me excited for it.

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I'll always mark out for video packages showing all of Undertaker's victims at WrestleMania through the years, but whoever decided to have Shawn Michaels kick a tombstone with "16-1" on it probably also set in motion the wheels for the whole "25th anniversary of WM" deal.


If you're hell-bent on ending (... or "burying") the Undertaker's undefeated streak at WrestleMania, shouldn't you kick a tombstone that says 16-0?

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I'll always mark out for video packages showing all of Undertaker's victims at WrestleMania through the years, but whoever decided to have Shawn Michaels kick a tombstone with "16-1" on it probably also set in motion the wheels for the whole "25th anniversary of WM" deal.


If you're hell-bent on ending (... or "burying") the Undertaker's undefeated streak at WrestleMania, shouldn't you kick a tombstone that says 16-0?

Great point Tino.

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I'll always mark out for video packages showing all of Undertaker's victims at WrestleMania through the years, but whoever decided to have Shawn Michaels kick a tombstone with "16-1" on it probably also set in motion the wheels for the whole "25th anniversary of WM" deal.


If you're hell-bent on ending (... or "burying") the Undertaker's undefeated streak at WrestleMania, shouldn't you kick a tombstone that says 16-0?

I think it was symoblic of HBK burying the dead man AFTER he ends the streak, not of him burying the streak itself..

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