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Sports. Bitching. Porn. More bitching. Etc...

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71. Sports betting, my birthday, dating, stuff.

71.   Ryder Cup: Europe over USA: .80.   Europe always wins. The US team has a lot of mediocre players. This is easy money.   Cal over Arizona State: -7.   ASU is not a good team this year. The only way this stays close is if Carpenter has a huge passing game. ASU can't run. And they won't be able to stop Lynch and Cal's passing game. ASU is notoriously a poor road team, and even worse when playing in Cali. They haven't won any games in Cali for years.   New York Jets over Buffalo: +6.   For whatever reason, people think the Bills are suddenly a strong team now. Watch that Miami game. Their offense was dreadful. The Bills offense is still very, very weak. I like Losman, but he still has a way to go before being a competent starting QB. Plus, the Jets usually play the Bills well. Pennington has burned them many times before. I like the Jets straight up... but, even if you like the Bills here, it's tough seeing them win by more than a FG with their offense.   I hate birthdays since I turned 21. And I got nothing good.   I'm going on my first date via someone through myspace tonight. I have a feeling I'll really regret this. No, I'm not giving out any links to you bored piranhas.   xoxoxo Leelee.    




70. 9/11, sports, board crap.

70.   Obligatory story about where I was on 9/11. I had my wisdom teeth pulled on 9/10 and out like a light most of 9/11. Except to wake up at night for my Aunt's birthday get together, and have no idea why it was the quietest, strangest birthday celebration ever. With people putting American flags everywhere.   I don't mean to mock 9/11. Thousands of people needlessly died. That's sad. And it included a porn star I loved. Damn towelheads. But, the way people reacted, and still do, is disgusting.   "GOD BLESS AMERICA! I LOVE NEW YORK!"   Fuck you. Most of you weren't putting American flags on your windows and cars before that. So, you're suddenly patriotic because a group of crazy fucks needlessly killed a bunch of people. Whatever makes you feel good, I guess. Weird how I didn't hear GOD BLESS ESPANA and I LOVE UGLY BRITS for the Madrid and London killings. But, dey ain' wit'us, deyr agin'us. Or something.   I feel sad for the many people affected by the killings. Their lives will never be the same. But, everyone else can fuck off. The end.   So, the US Open sucked. Federer won easily. The women's event shall be ignored. That is all.   Another NFL season starts, and I have no excitement. Meh. And college football has been mostly boring thus far. Oh well.   As you can see, nothing interests me these days. So, I'll stop.   xoxoxo Leelee.




69. Rain. Victory. Stuff.

69.   US Open was boring today. Roger won. Some others did. Last night just killed all my interest for the Open. Ugh. And tomorrow will be a washout with Ernesto... then, the Andre Agassi farewell tour will be in full effect Sunday and Monday. Ugh.     Good to see that a "casual" tennis fan hates the silly Andre shit, as well. The "smark" tennis freaks like me all despise it.   Also, in tennis news, I won 8-2 tonight (lame pro-set) tonight. Over a girl named Carmella. And she looked a lot like the "Diva" Search crap girl, too. Only 4 aces and 8 service winners, though. I expect at least 2 service winners per game.     Mostly because of Santana and Liriano. And Mauer. And just how the Twins are run. How teams should be assembled. They're the team I'm rooting for this year. So, of course, the White Sox will pass them, and that asshole Ozzie will get the attention he wants.     The US losing to them is absolutely hilarious. Give all the excuses you want. It doesn't matter. The US has by far the best talent in the world. And they always lose. Just quality stuff. And further shows how sad this country is.   I haven't watched any wrestling, except for a couple viewings of Randall Orton, in nearly 5 months now. I'm proud of myself.   That's all for now.   xoxo.




68. US Open, college football, etc...

68.   Well, Agassi had a memorable win over Baghdatis. I dreaded this, and it happened. First off, the match was EXCELLENT. A good match (quality wasn't really great...), and they both fought their hearts out. But, again, the obnoxious crowd ruined it. Does Andre really enjoy having these rowdy, bandwagon fans cheering him like this. It's awful. Everything is so over the top, that I don't see how he can enjoy this. This is why star athletes should never announce retirements.   Meanwhile, this ruins the Open... as CBS is the worst with the bullshit hype. Agassi/Roddick 4r match on Labor Day? Oh, fuck no. I can't watch this weekend without wanting to stab people for the 1324124 stupid, ridiculous comments and happenings that will ensue.   The sad thing is that I've loved Andre since 1999. The way he's turned around his career is nothing but inspiring. But, sadly, the best memories are going to be of hoodlums mindlessly cheering for him. Much like Jimmy Connors from 1991. That is NOT what tennis should be like.   In other sports news, college football kicked off today. I only watched the UTEP/SDS game. This game further shows why there should be no meaningful games in the first couple weeks of the season. Mistakes, mistakes, mistakes. Games before my birthday (13 September) prove absolutely nothing as to who the better teams are. And be assured that FSU/Miami will be another flaming pile of suck like it was last year. What is the point of those two teams playing now. They get more than enough national exposure during the season. Why stupidly risk your entire season like this. Oy.   In TSM news, nothing interesting. This place is still struggling. NHB's flavor of the week is insulting wildpegasus now. I'm lost as to why people find this jocular. It's still better than the "teddy bear" week, and the "Boardum, let's PARTI DUDEZ" week. The only part of the WP situation that I'd find interesting is why the mods are so adamant on doing nothing about him. They don't explain it.   Note to people wondering where I am on MSN/AIM, not messaging back, etc... I haven't been on much. I go through these stretches. As everyone should know by now, I'm very antisocial and hate talking to people. Plus, with tennis on, I'm watching TV and shit. It's nothing personal against you. So, don't get all offended. Thanks.   I finally have tennis tomorrow night. Wish me luck. I'm expecting to win this little tourney. Then, I have a fairly big USTA one in 2 weeks. I'm losing there, but I want to be competitive. I like to show off.   That's all for now. I'm kinda sleepy. Only got about 3 hours of sleep last night due to stressing over nothing.   xoxoxo Leelee.    




67. Bored.

67.   Since today was a washout at the US Open, I'm very bored. I really wanted to watch Sexxy James Blake tonight. But, this just means tomorrow is that much better with all the matches to make up. Still have stupid Serena on the main court tomorrow, though. Ugh. I hate casual fans.   In other news... not much. The sports world is pretty dead. Baseball doesn't have any real hot pennant races. I only care to see the Twins get in the playoffs, somehow. Football has the usual preseason bullshit that I don't give a damn about, outside of fantasy purposes. World Basketball Championship, yawn. It's so sad that it's an accomplishment if the US wins those things now.   So little interests me, anymore. This is what I dreaded when I finally became a full-time worker, and entered the "real world". I work. Eat. Fuck around for a couple hours. Sleep. Repeat. And never care about anything because of having a lame routine.   I need tennis on. Please.   xoxo Leelee.




64. Samoa Joe.

64.   Samoa Joe.   Match Quality: The large majority of his matches I've seen are obviously in TNA. Against the right workers, Joe can look very good. And he turned my opinion on his selling abilities by dragging Steroid Steiner to a respectable match. But, at times in the many Styles/Daniels matches, it's noticeable that he can't keep up. That's why I don't agree with the BEST WRESTLER EVER stuff. I've seen the Kobashi match, and while it's good, I've never been high on the OMG STIFF~ stuff. But, if given time, and not stupid squashes, he can work very good matches. 22/25   Sexxiness: His face is really ugly. And he's fat. But, he's not the ugliest wrestler, so he gets some points.5/35   Character/Charisma/Crap: He's fat, hideous, talks like a nerd... and is put over as the biggest monster there is. Horrible. As in it's just completely not believable. And it's even worse when he's always against small X-Division guys, or a sloth like Steiner, as it's purposely done to make Joe look like he has the advantage. If he's up against someone like Monte Brown, the only acceptable thing is Joe running scared for 5 seconds until getting blown up.   This is why TNA and ROH and whatever will only be catered to loser smarks. Who want to see a very imperfect looking man, just like them, be the ultimate killing machine. I'm not saying Joe should be a low-card comedy act... but, there must be some middle ground here. That's why I hate watching Joe. 0/40   27% for Samoa Joe. Almost all of which is not his fault, though. So, he doesn't fail. He'd be one of my favorites if he was used in a more proper way.




63. Randall Orton.

63.   Randall now faces his JUDGMENT~   Match Quality: This can't be too high, because for most non-important filler, his matches are slow and boring as fuck because of his neverending chinlocks. However, for most PPV matches outside the HHH disasters in 2004-05, he brings the quality. His selling is top-notch, and Randy can tell a great story in the ring. His concussion angle a few years ago was extremely believable, and even fooled the biggest smarks. 18/25   Sexxiness: Randall could be a legit model in any form. His body is perfect. His face is perfection. Sexy, yet rugged and tough looking. The full package. 35/35   Charisma, whatever Unfortunately, Randall can be rather on/off with his promos. Sometimes he'll stumble over his words, and sometimes he'll sound great. Randall plays a great heel, and despite what the jealous dorks here say, he gets good heel heat when the angle isn't ridiculous. As far as facial reactions, Randall is up near the top. You just want to smack him in the face when he does his smirks and shit. If only he could be given that one angle that really makes his heel character shine. The Evolution stuff was a great start, but it's all gone downhill from there. But, eventually WWE will get it right with Randall... they won't stop until they try 10000 times. 35/40   Randall Orton: 88%   Very good. Randy is definitely one of the best stars in wrestling.   Samoa Joe will be next.




62. John Cena: Inane Wrestler Ratings.

62.   Someone gave me the idea to stupidly rate wrestlers with my little wrestling knowledge, and so I shall.   Here is my criteria:   Match Quality: 25% Sexxiness: 35% Charisma/Interviews/Intangibles: 40%   And we shall start with John Cena. Just because everyone here hates him.   Match Quality:   Even though I'm a silly mark, I know Cena is a god-awful wrestler. The majority of his matches are him getting his ass kicked, with poor selling. Comes back with his shitty set of moves... five whatever punch, FU, STFU and stuff. It's lame, and everyone knows it. The only positive I have with Cena is he has been in some decent brawls... Judgment Day '05 with JBL is generally regarded as a fine brawl, and one of his PPV's with Taker, the one with the steel chain a few years ago, a pretty good match. But, Cena generally blows now... so, he gets 6/25   Sexxiness:   Cena is a pretty boy, no doubt. And he has just about the perfect body for a wrestler. Muscular, but not too big. Only negatives would be that he's got a naturally goofy face. And usually looking wiggerish is always a deterrent. Therefore, 28/35   Charisma/Stuff:   This section includes the main reason I watch wrestling... to see crappy actors try to put on entertaining segments. And obviously, this is where Cena shines. He's the most fluent speaker in WWE since Rocky. He never sounds like he's spouting lines, and there's usually emotion in his speech. Although, that's changed in the past year or so, with his neutered, lame character. He's ok with his facial reactions, but he overdoes them at times.   And as far as his segments being entertaining... that's dropped a ton recently. Not his fault... but, seeing him basically admit that he's an inferior wrestler to HHH a few times. Bad, bad, bad. He was OK back in the heel rapper days... but, Cena needs major transformation to be a decent face. So, overall in this section, I give John: 25/40   John Cena Overall: 59%   He fails. Go away.   I don't know who to do next.




60. My blog is not dead.

60.   I just forgot about it.   Due to many things.   I had a vacation last week. Work is being a bitch with internet junk, plus I've been a lot busier in general there. Many people here have been ruder to me for no reason, causing me not want to post as much.   I hopefully will be more bored in the future, as I'll be working nights starting in July. But, we'll see how that goes.   That's all. I'm grumpy.   xoxo Alynka.




59. My WWE Fantasy team. That blows.

59.   I need filler, so here we go!   My strategy this week was to take a ton of risks, since I'm still bitter about my awful performance last week.   Beth Phoenix (Her "diva" debut this week. Good chance she gets a win. Or, at least some tag match filler).   Bobby Lashley (He's the US Champ... so, he has to be on SD. Odds are he'll have a match since he'll never have an interview segment, and has nobody he hates enough to just interfere against yet).   Brian Kendrick Paul London Kid Kash Jamie Noble (Tag champs, and soon-to-be #1 contenders. I assume at least one of these teams is winning on SD. So, I played safe and took both teams.)   Chloe (Had $500,000 left. Plus, Torrie might get an appearance since they're near Boise.)   Gregory Helms (Velocity fodder last week... I'm taking a risk and guessing that won't happen again. The CW division can't be totally ignored.)   Kenny (11 points guaranteed. At least 4 points+ per million already. Easy pick.)   Mark Henry (Supposedly getting title shot soon vs. Rey. I'm hoping for a squash win here over someone, and not just a random interference killing.)   Triple H (I hate taking $5 million guys... but, Trips already gets 11, and probably will have a few appearances before that. I didn't know who else to take besides him, either).   Umaga (Please get an official match this week.)    




58. 5-day weekend.

58.   I have a 5-day weekend, which rocks. Our place is having some security something, so we're off Tuesday. I don't know if that's a good thing. But, with my scheduled Wednesday off, I have 5 days to do nothing.   I recently put in for another part-time job, but that already went by the wayside as their hours couldn't work with my current full-time job. Oh well.   There will be no more avatars of myself here, because of all the whiny bitches. Therefore, only porn stars now. Mostly of my look-alike porn star, the lovely Teagan Presley. Pre-boob job, of course.   Myspace has been boring lately. Alex Shelley deleted me after I told him I hope his leg breaks, and it ends up looking like Kevin Nash's chicken legs. What an asshole he is. I can't wait until he's fired. How hard is it to be nice to your fans that took the time to stalk you cuz you're cute.   That's all.   K. Bye.    




57. lovecraft and some numbers.

57.   He begs me to reply to him forever...   Then, I post in his blog, and nothing.   Oy.   And, yes, I'm fully aware that my recent entries really suck here. I've stopped trying. Sorry.




56. Quitting Declaration Premature.

56.   Well, I've decided to postpone my retirement from the internet. When I said I was thinking of quitting, it wasn't a big show, or an attempt to work the board, or anything like that. When I made that declaration, I was about 0% certain I was going to take an indefinite hiatus from the internet. Well, the 100% proved to be enough for now. So, sorry to disappoint everyone that was looking forward to me being gone.   Random story: I was leaving a meeting this morning, and stopped to talk to one of the executives. The cute preppy-looking boi from our IT staff, Davi, walked by on his way to the bathroom, chatting on his cell phone. Fucker is still a little pansy that's afraid to talk to anyone. Why do I end up hearting people like this.   xoxoxo Alyanna.




54. Inane Raw thoughts.

54.   I actually watched most of Raw today. Mostly because it's the start of the fantasy season, and I'm very competitive. I doubt my viewing lasts long. Raw blows so much. I may just stick to SD, which I usually tolerate, and even enjoy occasionally.   The Spirit Squad is simply a horrible gimmick. I've already posted a few times about it, so yeah.   HHH starts to be an enjoyable character, showing some life and the occasional weakness lately... then they do that absolutely unneeded sledgehammer bit, where Doane took the sledge, and HHH is all FUCK THAT NOISE YOU DON'T TOUCH MY SLEDGEHAMMER, N00B!1 That shit just doesn't help anybody. Although, if there's one bright spot, Kenny is the leader, and he is quite impressive in the ring. Except for tonight. I really REALLY hope they kill the Spirit Squad gimmick soon. Putting them in so many main events could damage these guys for a while.   Umaga... yeah, it's a ripoff of Samoa Joe. That's nice. This Estrada guy is kinda funny, though.   The women's division is dead once again. The only way to salvage things is Mickie/Melina. And build up these new random bimbos in the meantime, hoping a couple stick. And push Victoria, damnit. Why they don't properly use her as a wrestler is beyond me.   RVD/Benjamin was god-awful. As much as the smarks love RVD, they seem quite oblivious to his many weaknesses. It's unfortunate that WWE didn't take advantage of his overness in ~2002... but, wanting to make up for it now just isn't the right thing to do.   This ECW thing is nothing but an attempt to suck more money out of the desperate older fans. The shit will fail miserably if they seriously plan to keep it up for more than 2 months. But, by then, it will probably be an EXTREME version of The Internet Shows, and nobody will care anyway.   I forget what else. Raw is so poor compared to SD.   I'm gonna go bother wrestlers on myspace. Nice ones this time, hopefully.   xoxoxo Alyanna.        




53. Alex Shelley feud.

53.   Alex Shelley is now my 2nd least favorite wrestler!   ----------------- Original Message ----------------- From: Alex Shelley<A HREF='http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendID=189083'>FAHQALL</a> Date: May 19, 2006 11:37 PM   Why in the world do you like wrestling? At all?       ----------------- Original Message ----------------- From: Princess Leelee<A HREF='http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendID=63870547'>Good Girl.</a> Date: May 20, 2006 7:18 PM   Why do you ask that?   Do I offend you with my enjoyment of your work?   I've loved wrestling since I was little. I love the choreographed athleticism that some workers show, which includes you. And when it mixes with well-thought out psychology, wrestling is truly an art.   That and really funny and really crappy writing and booking. Not that your current gimmick is crappy.   And I tried out to be a wrestler for a day, but it hurts. Tennis doesn't.   Write me back, because I'm honestly curious, sunshine.   xoxoxo Alyanna.     ----------------- Original Message ----------------- From: Alex Shelley<A HREF='http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendID=189083'>FAHQALL</a> Date: May 21, 2006 6:38 PM   I honestly think you're fake. So I'll put that out there right now. Your profile is a little too inviting, and this stuff about Russia and adopted parents and a tough life and yadda yadda, now all I do is watch porn, like, c'mon.   That aside, whatever you are behind this computer, you're a fan, so that's cool, and I appreciate the support. Tennis harder to me than wrestling anyways. Maybe not on the body, but eff, you see fat wrestlers a lot and never fat tennis players.     ----------------- Original Message ----------------- From: Princess Leelee<A HREF='http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendID=63870547'>Good Girl.</a> Date: May 22, 2006 11:59 AM   Oh, Al, you are such a FABRICATOR. Inviting? Tough life? Porn lover? The first two couldn't be further from the truth.   I have no reason to fake myself... I'm not interested in being one of your rats. You're no Randall Orton, unfortunately, sunshine. Besides, you can message some of my wonderful friends that can validate my existence.   You've hurt my feelings, and I hope you apologize.   By squashing the fat wrestler.   xoxoxo Alyanna.   -------------------------   To be continued.   Squash Shelley.   xoxoxo Alyanna.




50. Judgment Day thoughts!

50.   Fuck, I'm not watching it tonight.   Download tomorrow.   Go, Great Khali.   Also, as my friends here know... I stalk wrestlers on myspace. And I have caught Colt Cabana perving over me. We shall see how this pans out.   xoxoxo Alyanna.




48. Hugs.

48.   I always give everyone I know a hug when I meet them.   I suggest you give someone a hug today.   It always makes people feel better.   xoxoxo Alyanna.


