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Watch it here and post what you think.






Currently, I am exhausted after watching. Actually, I was exhausted about a hour in before they even started in on the Eugenics portion of the program. However, it was really well crafted both in structure and it's argument. I look forward to hearing countering points of view.

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Looks like another "Loose Change" type piece.

And by that you mean....


bullshit propaganda.


*clicks link*


Alex Jones? Jesus, it really is bullshit propaganda. What is this, more Truther crap?

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Looks like another "Loose Change" type piece.

And by that you mean....


bullshit propaganda.


*clicks link*


Alex Jones? Jesus, it really is bullshit propaganda. What is this, more Truther crap?

You got something to back that up or are you just talking out your ass as usual? So much for countering points of view.

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Alright, I'll watch the damn thing.


Bad sign right off the bat when the movie starts with a quote containing the phrase "New World Order", with ominous music playing in the background. Worse sign is that the quote is from H.G. Wells, a science fiction writer, whose ability to accurately predict the future wasn't that great.

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And now it's followed by a montage of random quotes taken out of context and then strung together to make it look like the Bilderberg? Vilnermerg? Billybong? Group is taking over the world. A political documentary showing Bush and Chaney saying kinda sinister things is like a wrestling heel screaming that all the fat rednecks need to shut up and show him some respect.


EDIT: and just as I finish typing that, less than four minutes into the movie, we get our first footage of Hitler. This should be a wilde ride indeed.

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I'm really hating on the narrator's deep, menacing voice, which I guess is supposed to add weight to his statements.


They just said that "the banking cartels" apparently caused all of the wars from the 15th to 19th century in Europe. Apparently the banks literally own and ran the entire British empire as well. I'm sure that information would've come as a surprise to the British military, the monarchy, and the East India Trading Company which was by far the most powerful company on the planet.


And now they're saying that a "secret society" assassinated the Archduke Franz Ferdinand in order to make the banks a pile of money from World War I. Are they just making this shit up? We know exactly who killed the Archduke, why he did it, and how the following tangled web of political alliances and treaties led to war.

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Oh, I should've mentioned this earlier, but the opening monologue is goddamn hilarious. It talks about how The Man's final goal is to kill 90% of the people on the planet, and keep the rest locked up in giant prison-cities. Of course, there's no source provided for this information.


According to these people, the NWO's final goal in WWI was to form the League of Nations. If that's true, then man, that's one shitty conspiracy, because it didn't accomplish dick.


The conspiracy theories themselves are maddeningly vague about specifically who is behind the NWO banking cartels. Exactly two names have been mentioned, Rothchild and Rockefeller, and those are pretty common targets for Truthers.


Ah yes, the European Union is NWO, didn't see that one coming.



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There's one HUGE piece of history which is completely skipped over and ignored: the Cold War. The filmmakers just ignore the fact that we were on the very brink of worldwide nuclear war for decades, which would've completely fucked up the NWO's plans. The giant Communist empire which covered half the globe for so long isn't even mentioned.


Now the glory-hog director Alex Jones is saying there was some kind of conspiracy to keep him out of the most recent Bilderberg meeting last year. Apparently he was detained for a few hours while immigration officials went over his paperwork and asked him some questions. That's all. But he literally says that it's the worst thing he's ever seen happen in the entire world. He must've missed every single story about reporters being murdered in Iraq and elsewhere. But he acts like this absolutely piddling non-incident is some kind of evil persecution from a shadow society who are afraid of his Truth~!


He's also terribly unbiased and objective. Actual quotes screamed from him at passing cars during a business leadership summit:

"You crook! You're gonna go to jail, just like Ken Lay!"

"We're not your property, we're not your slaves! We're gonna defeat the New World Order!"



The various Truthers and protestors depicted on camera all come off like Chicken Littles and madmen in general. Dammit Lactose, there's still almost two hours of this shit to go, I hope you're happy.

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Beyond just subject matter, this is one slow, badly-paced movie. Right now I'm watching our heroes debate over whether they're lost in downtown Ottowa or not.



They keep harping over and over about the secrecy of the annual Bilderberg meetings. (I assume they're annual, anyway, the background information often has holes in it like that.) The general attitude seems to be "well, if they were doing anything good they'd be doing it publicly, thus they must be doing EVIL~!" That's damn near a direct quote. Meanwhile they ignore all the countless legitimate reasons any kind of important international group might have for not wanting the entire world to know about the inner happenings of their meetings. Also, though they keep stressing how important all these people are, they give embarassingly few names and don't tell us exactly who these people are, where they're from, what they do, so forth and so on.


EDIT: okay, NOW they finally provide a little information on some of the supposed New World Orderers, more than half an hour into the movie. Bad structuring, they should've told us this stuff up front. Frankly, any group which includes Henry Kissinger as a top guy just doesn't send chills down my spine. Also, PepsiCo is run by a woman? I didn't know there were any female CEOs at that level of industry. Of course, it just says she's the "head" of the company, which is pretty vague.


EDIT2: apparently Hillary Clinton is part of this too. PH3AR!

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The director has a bullhorn, and is literally screaming at the building with it: "WE KNOW YOU ARE EVIL! GOD IS ON OUR SIDE!" Why the fuck are we supposed to take anything this paranoid drama-queen says as being credible?


The small scattering out journalists outside the meeting never identify who they work for. Their credentials and/or employers are never discussed. This leads me to believe that they work for nobody but their own blogs.


Some of the stuff captured on camera blatantly contradicts what the director claimed had happened. Like how the one guy supposedly "cackled" at him when he started screaming "I'M NOT YOUR SLAVE1", yet the footage clearly shows the guy in question just walking away and not responding.


And now the shitty movie crashed my browser. Arrgh. I don't know if I want to wait for it to load again.

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Now he's asking random people on the street if they know about the Secret International Government Meeting. Some do, some don't. What's this supposed to prove? Especially since he starts the questioning by shouting at them over his bullhorn about how the "elite" want to destroy Canada and turn it into the American Union.


Now he's literally claiming that all American presidential elections are just faked. And he's saying it as if it's a proven fact.


Every time he shows us any piece of paper which supposedly corroborates his claims, it's always been delivered by some unnamed anonymous source. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. But here, we get grainy photocopies. Hell, they admit that they don't even know who's sending them the list of people attending the Bilderberg meetings every year, and the lists don't accurately reflect who's actually there, but they still trust those lists like gospel.


God, this moves at a snail's pace. Now they're repeating the same conspiracy theories about global government takeover for like the third or fourth time.

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It crashed AGAIN. Google Video never crashes this much. Either this movie is so bad that it's infected the system, or OMG TEH NU WORLD ODOR HAS INVADED MY COMPUTER, OH NOEZ!1!


There's a real xenophobic feeling here too. It seems like Evil Unnamed Foreigners are to blame for at least half this shit.


Spending goddamn FOREVER on this highway in Texas which is supposed to be the big cog in the conspiracy machine somehow. He claims that these new toll roads are being forced on the people without consent from either them, the local government, or Congress. Apparently he didn't ask anyone in Dallas, or they could've told him about the huge fight over a new toll road here, which ended with the citizens voting on the proposal.


Big surprise, now he's going on about Big Brother using microchips to track out movements.


The usual fear-mongering about Bush giving himself new powers, right on schedule. Yet they dismiss him as "a mere puppet of the Global Crime Syndicate".


Jesus, there's still an hour more of this shit... Cheesalactose, if we ever happen to meet in the real world, you owe me a drink for causing me to watch all this.

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Quote: "It is a historical fact that The State is the #1 cause of all unnatural death." Well, as long as you count car wrecks, malnutrition, and disease epidemics as being "natural".


Ah, finally, the eugenics portion of the film. And they instantly undermine it by claiming that some old movie they dug up is a "Pro-Eugenics Film" when it's clearly the opposite, with a dry old bitch telling a beautiful young girl that she's about to be dragged to the hospital and sterilized against her will.


Also, this guy seems to have this sort of disparaging attitude towards Darwin and evolution. I'm not surprised, since he proved earlier he's a Bible-thumper.


The entire story of the pesudo-science of eugenics and its horrifying popularity amongst Western countries is a fascinating and scary tale. It's often ignored and skipped over, it's rarely taught about in history classes, and it deserves a great documentary to be made about it some day. Too bad this wet little cuntfart of a "documentary" got there first. It also completely no-sells the facts that basically the whole world almost instantly abandoned the eugenics theories as soon as their sick real-world implementations in the Holocaust became public knowledge.

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Some of these stories just sound fake. Like the one about soldier's pregnant wives being forced to swallow radioactive pills in order to abort the babies and kill the mothers. What?! Yet these ludicrous tales are sandwiched in between stuff like the Tuskeegee experiments which really did happen, giving them secondhand credibility to gullible viewers.


Another clearly bullshit one is how supposedly the vast majority of foster children and orphans are forced to take a cocktail of multiple psychoactive drugs in order to make sure that they become sheep who never question the government. And the one about how Bush Senior got the government to forcibly sterilize half the Native American women in this country. Or how about the story of unborn infants being classified as future criminals, and being forced to attend probation hearings when they're two years old?! Where the fuck do they get this stuff?


While endlessly describing this doomsday scenario, the director never once bothers to explain why these conspirators are supposedly doing this, and what supposedly appeals to them about a bleak unpopulated world where 99% of the population lives in prison. He just calls them psychotic and says they want more power, and pretty much leaves it at that. He's one of those people who describes his enemies as being crazy and evil, and thinks that's enough to describe all their possible motivation.


Interesting theory that the final goal of environmentalism is to kill billions of people. That's certainly a new take on things.

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Within the span of fifteen seconds, he says that the American military recently "dumped millions of tons of nerve gas onto the East Coast", and that genetic scientists are creating human-animal DNA hybrids and releasing them into the wild. Sweet Jesus make it stop.


This movie is the first time I've ever heard the theory floated that Bush, Cheney, both Clintons, and Gore are all working for the same people, towards the same goals.


This douche Jones makes the same logical fallacy that most Truthers do: that the New World Order is so brilliant that they've invisibly controlled the entire world for centuries... yet they're so incompetent that they can't silence a doofus like him who wanders around public streets yelling on a bullhorn. He says that these people have murdered millions worldwide, but they're unable to throw him off their front lawn and stop him from taking their picture.


If you took a shot of vodka every time he shows a photo of dead bodies from the Holocaust, you'll drop dead yourself from alcohol poisoning. Shit, even if you used light beer instead, it'd still kill you.


Oh goddamnit, he's using footage from the classic film Metropolis. To quote Crow T. Robot: "Don't show a good movie in the middle of your crappy movie".


And it wraps up with a Michael Moore ripoff, as Jones goes to the Texas governor's house... but since he's a nobody, instead of interviewing the gov, he (guess what?) screams about the NWO, over a bullhorn, at the governor's mansion in the middle of the night.



Thank merciful god that it's over. Cheesy, please tell me that even you weren't swayed by this bullshit. This dumb fucker took a handful of facts out of context, and then ran with it to create 140 minutes of the most ludicrous crap this side of Scientology. I'm surprised a lefty like you would recommend this drivel, since it's essentially a manifesto for people like the Branch Davidians and anyone else who literally thinks their government is plotting to kill them.

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It sounds like he just watched every Sci-Fi original movie ever made, got hit in the head with a dodgeball and woke up thinking all the plot summaries really happened or are happening right now. This might have been mildly interesting and at the very least entertaining if it wasn't a crazy guy controlling it all.


He is only slightly less annoying than the people behind TRUTH.COM anti-smoking ads. Even if all of this was true, people like this make it incredibly unbelievable.



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They just said that "the banking cartels" apparently caused all of the wars from the 15th to 19th century in Europe. Apparently the banks literally own and ran the entire British empire as well. I'm sure that information would've come as a surprise to the British military, the monarchy, and the East India Trading Company which was by far the most powerful company on the planet.


They mean Jews. They always mean Jews when they bring up that sort of crap.


Within the span of fifteen seconds, he says that the American military recently "dumped millions of tons of nerve gas onto the East Coast", and that genetic scientists are creating human-animal DNA hybrids and releasing them into the wild. Sweet Jesus make it stop.


This movie is the first time I've ever heard the theory floated that Bush, Cheney, both Clintons, and Gore are all working for the same people, towards the same goals.


It sounds like Jones and the Truthers are finally adopting some of the beliefs of David Icke. Evil reptiloid aliens caused 9/11!!!

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Someone would have to lack any sort of critical thinking skills to watch through this movie and accept it at face value. Unfortunately, that seems to be more and more people in America these days.

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However, it was really well crafted both in structure and it's argument. I look forward to hearing countering points of view.


I'm looking forwards to hearing where exactly that part of the movie begins. I watched it and thought it was pretty illogical throughout: Jingus brings up the great point of this is a flawless, incredibly run conspiracy... that is getting caught and revealed to the public by a guy on the internet. And I'll also agree that if the NWO's plan to run the world was through the League of Nations, this is one shitty organization with little control on their subordinates. Seriously...

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Yes, yes, it is all about context. However, the thing that worries me is that the people mentioned throughout the years were indeed in the positions to do exactly what Jones suggests (well he does a bit more than suggest). From MY POV I would put NOTHING past people in positions of power to do some really horrific shit in the name of making money and attaining power.


Of course this is just another doc. about the NWO or North American Union or one world government yadda yadda and it really didn't tell me anything more than I had already come across somewhere else.


Though to be fair I hadn't heard about nerve gas being used across the east coast. That left me pretty cold. Oddly enough, Jones' point of view screams more of a conservative slant than a liberal one with his whole deal about borders and soverinty. It was really dizziying.


I think my point overall isn't so much that I would swear by any of this but I wouldn't be surprised if much of what he says has happened and is supposed to happen didn't start on some rich fucks drawing board. So what I think isn't much in conclusion when I have only THIS and the mainstream media to go to for information since I put faith in nothing. But this issue isn't about me.


But MY big question remains, is it true that this big clan of bankers fund both sides of every war? This is the foundation Jones' argument stands on but I'm sure that makes him and me an anti-Semite just to ask that right Ginger?

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How about this question:


Do you believe any of what he said?


What things did he say that you believe to be true?


If nothing, why post?


If something, which?

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But MY big question remains, is it true that this big clan of bankers fund both sides of every war? This is the foundation Jones' argument stands on but I'm sure that makes him and me an anti-Semite just to ask that right Ginger?

Well, until the Protestant reformation, banking was almost entirely a Jewish profession because the Catholic church forbade the practice of money-lending. (Note that Jones actually uses the phrase "money-changers" when talking about ye olde days, and that's a strictly Hebrew term.) Afterwards there were Christians who made inroads into the banking industry, but the Jewish tradition in financial corporations was so strong that it still lingers as a stereotype to this day. Considering that Jones seems to be a Christian fundamentalist to the point of believing in Creationism, I wouldn't put it past him to be hiding some anti-Zionist sentiment. Do recall the one point where he claimed the Israelis randomly irradiated and murdered thousands of children just for the hell of it.

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Now he's asking random people on the street if they know about the Secret International Government Meeting. Some do, some don't. What's this supposed to prove? Especially since he starts the questioning by shouting at them over his bullhorn about how the "elite" want to destroy Canada and turn it into the American Union.


Now he's literally claiming that all American presidential elections are just faked. And he's saying it as if it's a proven fact.


Every time he shows us any piece of paper which supposedly corroborates his claims, it's always been delivered by some unnamed anonymous source. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. But here, we get grainy photocopies. Hell, they admit that they don't even know who's sending them the list of people attending the Bilderberg meetings every year, and the lists don't accurately reflect who's actually there, but they still trust those lists like gospel.


God, this moves at a snail's pace. Now they're repeating the same conspiracy theories about global government takeover for like the third or fourth time.


Its right about here where I checked out of this bullshit. It was so stupid it was funny at first and then it just got too boring and too ridiculous.

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But MY big question remains, is it true that this big clan of bankers fund both sides of every war? This is the foundation Jones' argument stands on but I'm sure that makes him and me an anti-Semite just to ask that right Ginger?


Soooo cheap from you. People do this shit all the time. They just want some excuse to blame Jews / Israel for something, this sort of thing just gives them the avenue for it. And then you go, "what, I'm an anti-Semite for asking the question?" You are certainly using this economic issue as something of a pretext to blame the Jews for running some sort of evil shadowy Illuminati world conspiracy or whatever. It's like a South Park bit. Jews don't really carry gold around their necks you know.


Jones definitely seems like a bit of a anti-Semite to me. He's a big supporter of Ron Paul, and Paul likes to make a lot of inflammatory remarks towards Israel and doesn't have a problem taking campaign donations from neo-nazi hate groups.

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Guest Pizza Hut's Game Face
I'm really hating on the narrator's deep, menacing voice, which I guess is supposed to add weight to his statements.


They just said that "the banking cartels" apparently caused all of the wars from the 15th to 19th century in Europe. Apparently the banks literally own and ran the entire British empire as well.



EDIT: Ginger Snaps beat me to the punch. But hey, while I'm here, what sort of remarks did Ron Paul make? I know he refused to issue a condemnation of sorts once because he opposes the idea of empty legislation like that, but I wasn't aware of any inflammatory remarks. If he's really against Israel's right to exist, that would throw my support of Ron Paul into question.


I've already said too much in Current Events for the week.

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