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Guest Mole

What do you look like...

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GC, here's the english translation of that last post.


"So what? I said what I said and I meant what I said. It's a mutual cuteness that we have between us, anyway...;)"

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Guest SweetNSexyDiva

Mutual cuteness? I don't think I've heard anyone use that term before.... but okay.


And Ripper, still holding out on us! Are you sure you are as cute as you say?

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I working on it right now. All I got is 15 year old Ripper and 16 year old Ripper...but that will have to do now until I get the digital camera.

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16 year old Ripper sitting on the 89 Laser in sweet home alabama





15 year old Ripper looking all...15 years old. I have football helmet hair in this picture though.



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Guest stardust
Mutual cuteness? I don't think I've heard anyone use that term before.... but okay.

I was thinking along the same lines. But look at who it is. *grin*


And Ripper....ooh, pics. So how old are you know so we can try to account for you possibly looking older?

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Guest SweetNSexyDiva

Well, if I counted correctly, Ripper just turned 24! And he is a cutie! Now, just waiting for some recent pics.....

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Guest Crucifixio Jones

I have it on good authority that Ripper started doing crack when he turned 21 and everything went downhill. Stick with the pics you got, cuz you don't want to see him now. Trust me.

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Guest stardust

Okay, for God only knows why I'm guessing everybody and their grandmother decided to try to access my web site today, and now I can't access my own web site because of excessive band width usage (damned Angelfire). So to make things easier, and to keep my site from getting shut down, here's a pic, dammit. I'm tired in it, though, and you can tell, but it's the best I can do. *grin*


Now everyone stop going to my web site all at once. What if I actually wanted to work on it for once? ;)

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Okay, for God only knows why I'm guessing everybody and their grandmother decided to try to access my web site today, and now I can't access my own web site because of excessive band width usage (damned Angelfire). So to make things easier, and to keep my site from getting shut down, here's a pic, dammit. I'm tired in it, though, and you can tell, but it's the best I can do. *grin*


Now everyone stop going to my web site all at once. What if I actually wanted to work on it for once? ;)

Holy crap...you look just like this girl that rides the same bus as me everyday that I was trying to hit on except she was dating this hippie.


Do you have family in Atlanta. I don't mean she looks kinda like you, I mean EXACTLY like you...with blonde hair.

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I posted before, but no one gave a damn. So I'll post it again, because I like rejection.


http://www.shootproject.net/images/Dutchman.jpg - Older picture taken randomly at work one day


http://www.dutch-online.com/gallery/self.jpg - self-portrait taken at college for Commercial Photography class.


Hell, just for fun, you might as well hit up my picture gallery as well.

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Guest stardust

Jay, Max, Thumbtack, Candadian Chris, and Ripper...thanks, guys, I was literally blushing for a few seconds there. :wub:


And Zack...I knew it was all your fault...thanks...but it's okay, as long as Angelfire doesn't decide to close down my site or some bullshit like that.


And a dancing monkey! Awesome!


Oh, and Ripper...as far as I know of, I don't have any family in Atlanta. I might, though. *shrug* And I can't imagine what me with blonde hair would look like...

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