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Guest Zack Malibu

The One and Only Zack Malibu Thread~!

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Guest caboose
And now a choose your own adventure post


Caboose wakes up in bed with




B) Buffybeast


C) Marney


D) Scott Keith



a) Isn't freaky enough for me. He wouldn't last two minutes in my world of S&M and sexual depravity.


b) She has a fettish for Hairy Hosses, so I'm gonna say no, I'm not that hairy.


c) A right-wing lesbian who always seems to be having her time of the month, I don't think so.


d) Just plain no.


::shoots himself::

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Guest Zack Malibu

I'm surprised Andre hasn't bitten buffybeast's dick yet.


Anyone who admits they have an attraction to Albert HAS to have some set of balls.

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Guest The Amazing Rando

When IDRM isn't freaky enough for someone....you KNOW there are problems

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Guest Zack Malibu

::Refuses to assist any medical attention for THAT move.::

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Guest The Amazing Rando

::is a nobody...so call me when nobody is killed::

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Guest Zack Malibu

::No-sells death, and then gains him as a sidekick, a la Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey.::

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Guest The Amazing Rando

hey Rev...where can I get more of these jelly donuts you keep tossing around

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Guest Zack Malibu

::Pukes in a garbage can, inadvertently puking on Lex Luger~! who was searching for his next meal.::

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Guest HollywoodSpikeJenkins

:: makes a special RUN IN and lifts Zack into the trash can, and throw the trash can down a hill, getting Zack even MORE sick. ::

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Guest caboose

::Caboose just so happens to have a camera. He films Zack go down the hill. OAOAST Jackass is born!::

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Guest Jimmy Beard

::encourages all people to participate in the first down hill trolley race of doom::

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Guest candie45

::Looks down hill.


"Um... I'll be the cheerleader or something."::

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Guest Zack Malibu

::Is deemed the winner by default, since he's THAT MUCH COOLER than Jimmy Beard~! Takes Candie out to celebrate so she's not stuck at the trolley race.::

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Guest Kingpk

::Zack and Candie hail a cab, but don't realize PK is their driver before it's too late::


"Where to, Zacky?" *demonic laugh*

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Guest caboose

::Caboose hijacks Jimmy Beard's 4x4 Trolley and sets off after Zack and Candie in PK's demonic cab!...::

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Guest candie45

::Finds a rope in the backseat and ties one end to the taxi, then throws the other end back to caboose. Zack and Candie climb out the window and slide across the rope to caboose's trolley::

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Guest caboose

::Caboose hands over the controls of the trolley to Candie and Zack, before diving onto the back of PK's cab!

(in a suitably over dramatic fashion...)


Caboose: Give me back my cab! It was meant to take me to DisneyWorld!::

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Guest Jimmy Beard

::the beard is in total shock that his trolley has gone, but just like knight rider he talks to his wrist and the bad boy comes backk to his daddy::

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Guest Kingpk

::Caboose manages to crawl through an open window into the cab. However, PK has bailed out by then and a new driver is at the wheel::




::Cab goes off a cliff::

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Guest caboose

::Caboose battles with the new driver as the cab heads towards a cliff and the James Bond theme plays over the radio!...::

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Guest Zack Malibu

:Distracts Caboose from his imminent plunge by asking WHICH Bond theme he means. :P::

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Guest caboose

::Caboose screams 'The Main theme dammit!' as the cab flies over the cliff edge...::

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