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Guest tank_abbott

The Old School questions thread

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3. Did Macho really have Stephanie when she was a teenager?

Apparently, people within WWE (writers & wrestlers) swear that it's true and a writer was the original online source of the rumor.

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1. Why didn't Goldberg get the WCW Championship after Starrcade '98?


He wasn't in charge of booking WCW and deciding to turn the company into his own personal playground. And when those people were removed, a revolving door of imbeciles were put in charge who couldn't book their way out of a paper bag.


2. Do you guys believe that Goldberg not having the strap was a major factor in the decline of WCW?


With who was in charge, he could have had the belt forever and it wouldn't have made a difference.



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3. Did Macho really have Stephanie when she was a teenager?


Personally, I think it's all just internet speculation, but it would explain why Macho Man seems to be blackballed by Vince despite currently having a common enemy with Hogan. My gut sez it's about a 40% possibility.


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3. Did Macho really have Stephanie when she was a teenager?


Personally, I think it's all just internet speculation, but it would explain why Macho Man seems to be blackballed by Vince despite currently having a common enemy with Hogan. My gut sez it's about a 40% possibility.


I could see it happening, now that we all know what a ditz Stephanie is. And since Macho was with Gorgeous George, we know he likes em young.


but, if Stupid Stephanie was legally underage at the time, would Vince seek charges against Macho or would that just embarrass Vince even further?


for all the money the McMahons have, they truly are a joke of a family


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Steve Karel... I guess he was the managing director for the OG ECW, and apparently may have also been Paul's lawyer when they were still in business. Anyway, I was reading an interview Shane Douglas did back in 2000, basically ripping on Paul for being small-minded in his business sense. He also went on to mention Mr. Karel and had the following to say:


"The fact that he still has Steve Karel doing syndication for him ... He has done more detrimental business dealings for the company than he has done anything positive. Yeah, he's got the company on pay-per-view and the company's garnered no money from it. Well, goddamn, I could have got that done. The fact that he's still doing business with this guy shows you he really doesn't have, I think, the ambition, gumption and desire to really make the thing work."


You can read the entire interview here: Click me


Anyway, since I can't really find anything online about Steve Karel, I was wondering if anyone had any info on the man and the kind of stuff he apparently did that hurt ECW.

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3. Did Macho really have Stephanie when she was a teenager?


Personally, I think it's all just internet speculation, but it would explain why Macho Man seems to be blackballed by Vince despite currently having a common enemy with Hogan. My gut sez it's about a 40% possibility.


I could see it happening, now that we all know what a ditz Stephanie is. And since Macho was with Gorgeous George, we know he likes em young.


but, if Stupid Stephanie was legally underage at the time, would Vince seek charges against Macho or would that just embarrass Vince even further?


for all the money the McMahons have, they truly are a joke of a family


My personal belief is something happened, but the rumor and the story has snowballed throughout the years due to very few people actually knowing the truth.

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Was Fall Brawl 2000 the last WCW PPV released on home video?


I do believe it was.

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1. Why didn't Goldberg get the WCW Championship after Starrcade '98?


He wasn't in charge of booking WCW and deciding to turn the company into his own personal playground. And when those people were removed, a revolving door of imbeciles were put in charge who couldn't book their way out of a paper bag.


2. Do you guys believe that Goldberg not having the strap was a major factor in the decline of WCW?


With who was in charge, he could have had the belt forever and it wouldn't have made a difference.


I saw a shoot interview with Nash in which he insists they just HAD to get the belt of Goldberg because Nash claims 'Berg was getting booed out of the building. Bullshit. Everyone I knew at the time who was into WCW loved Goldberg, and him losing the belt in such a ridiculous fasion killed much of their interest. I know that was pretty much it for me as a big WCW fan.

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Is there any relation between Steve Prazak and Dave Prazak?


Yes, they're sisters. Steven & the parents left Dave at the mall when he was little and they didn't see each other for over two decades until NWA Wildside's Freedom Fight 2005, where they did commentary together.

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I vaguely recall hearing that Rob Van Dam was, as a kid, involved in a Million Dollar Man promo. Truth to that?


Yeah. They actually showed the video on Confidential, I think. RVD was bouncing a basketball for money, and DiBiase knocked it out of his hand.

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I thought the push-up kid kiiiiind of looked like him. I've never actually seen the kid kiss Dibiase's feet, just a bit of it from a Survivor Series package. Thanks.

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I vaguely recall hearing that Rob Van Dam was, as a kid, involved in a Million Dollar Man promo. Truth to that?


Yeah. They actually showed the video on Confidential, I think. RVD was bouncing a basketball for money, and DiBiase knocked it out of his hand.


RVD was black when he was a kid?

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Why is the UK WWE Tagged Classics DVD's allowed to remain in tact? No WWF blurring or censoring. I'd like to know why that's allowed but the North American WWE DVD's continue to get slaughtered.

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I guess the ruling only applies to North America. Its nice to get the Tag Classics and see the WWF Attitude logo untouched, WWF being said, as well as all the licensed / stock music (especially hearing Demolition's theme) being intact!

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I've been watching the 1994 season of RAW that I recently purchased and saw the segment where they did the coin toss between Bret Hart and Lex Luger for WrestleMania X. My question is did they use a two sided coin to guarantee that Luger would win or did they just fly by the seat of their pants and do an honest toss? It looked as if it was fair which kind of makes you wonder if it hit tails what that would've done to WWF booking because we would not have gotten Owen-Bret @ WrestleMania X.

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I've been watching the 1994 season of RAW that I recently purchased and saw the segment where they did the coin toss between Bret Hart and Lex Luger for WrestleMania X. My question is did they use a two sided coin to guarantee that Luger would win or did they just fly by the seat of their pants and do an honest toss? It looked as if it was fair which kind of makes you wonder if it hit tails what that would've done to WWF booking because we would not have gotten Owen-Bret @ WrestleMania X.


They were absolutely planning on having Luger vs. Yoko and Hart vs. Hart. I don't remember if they showed the coin up close or not, but if they did, my guess is that it was double-sided.

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I think they spliced in a shot of the coin landing heads that was done beforehand.


That makes sense. I forgot that it was taped a week in advance (a week after the Rumble).

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What was the plan for Palmer Cannon, the wrestler who represented the Network? Where were they going with that deal with Cannon working with Long?

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What were the circumstances behind Adam Bombs face turn in 1994? I seem to remember it having to do something with Kwang. Did Brian Clarke ever even have any significant programs during that run in the WWF, or was he just mid-card fodder? I don't really remember him having any major feuds other then being the last minute replacement for Ludvig Borga at Wrestlemania X, and wrestling on different teams at Survivor Series 1993 and 1994. I honestly can't remember him doing anything other then being menacing, and jobbing a lot.

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I think it was like you said- the age old example where the heel manager (Whippleman) got tired of their client (Adam Bomb) losing and had their new hot shot client (Kwang) attack him.


To answer the latter part, he feuded with Kwang for a short time as a result of his face turn. And I vaguely recall him feuding with The Million Dollar Corporation. There was also this bizarre aborted feud between him and a babyface Giant Gonzalez. Luckily, Gonzalez left wrestling before it ever came to fruition. That match would have been just brutal.

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What turned DX face in 98? I'm astonished I don't remember this, considering how much I re-watched Raw in that timespan.


I remember Xpac coming back, a brief feud with the DOA (with the DOA as faces!). I recall DX pissing on the DOA's bikes, but still being heels the following week. My next memory was about six weeks later, when Owen Hart interfered in the HHH-Xpac KOTR qualifier.

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You know I can't remember either. I don't think there was a single moment where they suddenly turned face. They had been getting a few face pops for quite some time before the face turn.

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