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Guest tank_abbott

The Old School questions thread

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Was 1991 or 1993 the first year they did the "winner of the Rumble gets the mania title shot" thing. I'm guessing 93 with Yokozuna, but I could easily be wrong.


How did the Nation of Domination originally form? And how long did Farooq go around wearing that helmet thing?

93 was the first.


Farooq wore the helmet from July to October. After he and Sunny split in September he soon joined with Clarence Mason. I don't believe it was until his entrance at the Survivor Series that the fans actually saw the "Nation", though it was probably spoken of before that point. That was PG-13's debut as part of the faction.

Faarooq mentioned it in passing on an episode of Livewire.

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Guest Frank_Nabbit
How did Hogan turn face again in WCW after the nWo angle and who did he fued with? And why was he wearing nWo colors during the infamous Bash at the Beach 2000 "shoot"?

He did the double switch with Flair at Uncensored 99 and was cheated out of the title due to referee Nick Patrick.


After that he took a few months off, came back, beat Savage for the belt, lost it to Sting, did the Havoc 99 angle ... came back after Russo left in Jan 00 ... feuded with Luger ... then had Kidman sent after him upon returning in April 2000.

He was still Hollywood Hogan after the Flair switch, up until the 4 way at the next PPV


and Lil Natch screwed Hulk not Nick Patrick

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I was watching Bret vs. Shawn from Survivor Series 92 tonight. There's a spot fairly late in the match where Bret has Shawn in a sleeper, and Shawn backs Bret up into the corner, sandwiching Earl Hebner and causing a ref bump...but Hebner gets right back up (kinda like Series 97, really!) and nothing is made of it. Does anyone know why they did that? It just seems kind of weird that they would have a ref bump but not have him be bumped.

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Guest Stunt Granny
Rumors have it that directly after the King Of The Ring match where he jobbed to Yokozuna in a true Kodak moment of justice (Bwaaaa-hahaha) Hogan asked McMahon when he was getting the title back. Vince couldn't believe it and fired Hogan on the spot.


Shortly after KotR Vince paid respect to the fallen champion by, no wait a minute. Of course he went out to bury Hogan. I remember a classic WWF Magazine article that stated that Hogan was afraid of Yokozuna. If anyone has scans of the pictures of the terrified Hogan please post them. They were hilarious.


Hogan was also referred to as "the once mighty Hulk Hogan" while clips of Yokozuna legdropping and pinning Hogan aired as part of a video montage that aired on WWFs TV shows hyping Yoko's reign of terror. Somehow the evil photographer was excluded from that video so it looked like a clean win. Probably just poor editing.




It wasn't shortly after KOR '93, but about a year later when Hogan showed up in WCW, when they ran that mag.








God I wish I still had that one. All of my old WWF Magazines for that matter.

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Rumors have it that directly after the King Of The Ring match where he jobbed to Yokozuna in a true Kodak moment of justice (Bwaaaa-hahaha) Hogan asked McMahon when he was getting the title back. Vince couldn't believe it and fired Hogan on the spot.


This sounds fairly suspect.

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How long did Kane wrestle matches under the red light after his debut?

His only match on tv with the red light on was at Survivor Series 97, his run ins also had the red lights on.Don't know about house show matches but i'd doubt it.

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How did Benoit get the title shot at Souled Out 2000?

The original booking was Bret Hart vs. Sid for the world title and Benoit vs. Jeff Jarrett for the US title. Hart and Jarrett were both injured for the show, so they just put Benoit vs. Sid.

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Did the suits get pissed at Hawk for no selling Kane's tombstone not long after he debuted in 97?


How many times did Undertaker pretend to be Kane, and then unmask to shock everybody? (Even though you knew it because he wore a two sleeved outfit to cover all his tattoos.)

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How many times did Undertaker pretend to be Kane, and then unmask to shock everybody? (Even though you knew it because he wore a two sleeved outfit to cover all his tattoos.)

The only time I remember that happening was on Raw in June 98 when Taker, as Kane, pinned Mankind to become the #1 contender to Austin's title.

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Guest Astro
Did the suits get pissed at Hawk for no selling Kane's tombstone not long after he debuted in 97?


How many times did Undertaker pretend to be Kane, and then unmask to shock everybody? (Even though you knew it because he wore a two sleeved outfit to cover all his tattoos.)

When did Hawk do this?



I remember him (while playing the drunK) tell Lawler: "Hey Jerry remember when you told me to no sell the piledriver in 84?"

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Referee question:


When did WWF referees switch from the Blue Shirt/Bowtie combo to the Zebra stripes?

Early 1995 before WMXI. I think it was the final 4 week Raw taping before WMXI IIRC>

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I have one episode of Sunday Night Heat from '98 where Undertaker was disguised as Kane. I believe it was a little while before SummerSlam, during the time where the Kane/Undertaker alliance was a mystery.

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Did the suits get pissed at Hawk for no selling Kane's tombstone not long after he debuted in 97?


How many times did Undertaker pretend to be Kane, and then unmask to shock everybody? (Even though you knew it because he wore a two sleeved outfit to cover all his tattoos.)

When did Hawk do this?



It was Early 98 and Hawk and Animal were beat down by 1 man for probably the 1st time in their careers which was fine until Hawk did his usual no sell of a piledriver before getting another tombstone, as Kane was being built up as unbeatable the attack was never replayed or mentioned which was a shame because the WWF could have used that to increase his credibility.

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How good was the Rock/HHH Ironman match?


I didn't like it. HHH was too dominating much like how Lesnar was against Angle in their Iron Man Match. The controversial ending didn't help either.


How about that Judgment Day PPV as a whole?


Depends on your taste. It was okay, IMO.


Credit: Cawthon's Site


Rikishi & Too Cool defeated Kurt Angle & WWF Tag Team Champions Edge & Christian at 9:47 after Grandmaster Sexay hit Edge with a legdrop off the top behind the referee's back


WWF European Champion Eddie Guerrero (w/ Chyna) defeated Perry Saturn and WWF Light Heavyweight Champion Dean Malenko when Guerrero pinned Malenko with an Oklahoma side roll after Malenko hit his head on Chyna's loaded bouquet of flowers


Shane McMahon pinned the Big Show in a No DQ match at 7:11 after outside interference from Test, Albert, and Bull Buchanon, Shane trapping Show underneath a stereo, and then breaking a cinder block over Show's head

WWF IC Champion Chris Benoit defeated Chris Jericho in a submission match at 13:26 when Benoit choked Jericho out with a modified version of the Crippler Crossface


X-Pac & the Road Dogg (w/ Tori) defeated the Dudley Boyz in a tables match at 10:55 following an X-Factor off the top onto Bubba Ray after outside interference from Gerald Brisco; the Dudleyz were the first to put their opponents through tables but the referee was knocked out


Triple H defeated WWF World Champion the Rock in a 60-minute Ironman match to win the title, 6 falls to 5; Shawn Michaels was the special referee for the bout

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Guest drdrainoscott

I'm a huge fan of all the PPV's in the first half of 2000. I would put Judgement Day as #4 out of five, with only Wrestlemania being below it. In my opinion, from top to bottom, Backlash of that year is in my top five PPV's of all time.

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Guest Askewniverse
How good was the Rock/HHH Ironman match?

I thought the match was very good. In my opinion, it's much better than Bret-HBK and Angle-Lesnar. Overall, HHH-Rock is the WWF/E's second best Iron Man Match (Bret-Flair is first). Even with the lame ending, the HHH-Rock Iron Man Match is one of my favorite matches. I can't really give it an objective rating, because I'm a fan of both wrestlers.

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When did people start using the DDT in the WWF as a transition move? Right after Jake left? Did they do it because Vince wanted to make Jake's move not so deadly?

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When did people start using the DDT in the WWF as a transition move? Right after Jake left? Did they do it because Vince wanted to make Jake's move not so deadly?

I don't recall too many people from the early to mid 90s using the DDT on a regular basis. Of course, there was Arn Anderson who used it as a finisher. Bret used it on the rare ocassion.


The move remained protected for quite a while. Even today it has enough credibility to be a finisher.

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I'm guessing this is old enough to be old school now...


Which WWF PPV ended with this segment?


(inside Limosuine)

Undertaker: (turning around, showing he's driving)Where to, Stephanie?"


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Which WWF PPV ended with this segment?


(inside Limosuine)

Undertaker: (turning around, showing he's driving)Where to, Stephanie?"


I believe that was Backlash 1999.

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Who was the referee that Jericho faced in that match with an arm tied behind his back (in WCW) when he was still a face?

I'm pretty sure it was Nick Patrick.

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When did people start using the DDT in the WWF as a transition move? Right after Jake left? Did they do it because Vince wanted to make Jake's move not so deadly?

The Rock was the first person in WWF that I really remember using the move as a transition on a regular basis, and that was circa 96/97. I then remember it spreading to HHH and some others around 98 or so.

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When did people start using the DDT in the WWF as a transition move? Right after Jake left? Did they do it because Vince wanted to make Jake's move not so deadly?

The Rock was the first person in WWF that I really remember using the move as a transition on a regular basis, and that was circa 96/97. I then remember it spreading to HHH and some others around 98 or so.

The first time i saw it used as a transition move was at Survivor Series 93 in the SMW Tag match.

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