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Guest tank_abbott

The Old School questions thread

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Ronnie used the Indian Deathlock IIRC.


You've also got the Iron Shiek (Camel Clutch), Slaughter (Cobra Clutch), and I *think* Backlund used the Chicken Wing back in the day (I remember hearing something about him behind made to use the Atomic Drop instead though...not totally sure since it was WAY before my time).

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I *think* Backlund used the Chicken Wing back in the day (I remember hearing something about him behind made to use the Atomic Drop instead though...not totally sure since it was WAY before my time).

He used both during his title run but the atomic drop came first.

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When did Bob Sapp start to train at the WCW Power Plant? I know he did an Awful interview(which he's improved at) on a Thunder in November 2000 so he must have been there at least a couple of months.


Here's a link to a review of the Thunder and a few thoughts on his interview.The interview is just before the main event match.


Bob Sapp Interview on Thunder

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Guest Dynamite Kido
WCW vs BattleDome: Wow I can't believe I forgot about that one


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Guest drdrainoscott

My goal for this summer is to get a huge batch of old Thunder tapes so that I can relive all the retardedness that was WCW

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1) When did the WWF switch from having afternoon PPVs to having evening PPVs?


2) Does anyone else remember the rumors of a "Gates of Hell" match between Taker and Rock at Summerslam 99?

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Guest wayzing
1) When did the WWF switch from having afternoon PPVs to having evening PPVs?


2) Does anyone else remember the rumors of a "Gates of Hell" match between Taker and Rock at Summerslam 99?

1). They switched at seven. *rimshot* *ducks the tomatoes* *apologizes tearfully*


2). I remember reading about an upcoming Gates of Hell match with the Rock and the Undertaker but I don't recall it ever being mentioned by WWF. It's a match with a hole in the center of the ring and you win by throwing your opponent in the hole. I've never seen one but it sounds kinda lame.

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1) When did the WWF switch from having afternoon PPVs to having evening PPVs?


2) Does anyone else remember the rumors of a "Gates of Hell" match between Taker and Rock at Summerslam 99?

1). They switched at seven. *rimshot* *ducks the tomatoes* *apologizes tearfully*


2). I remember reading about an upcoming Gates of Hell match with the Rock and the Undertaker but I don't recall it ever being mentioned by WWF. It's a match with a hole in the center of the ring and you win by throwing your opponent in the hole. I've never seen one but it sounds kinda lame.

Yeah, I think it was a crazy Russo idea that got dumped. I was wondering if there was more to it, maybe reported by more credible internet sources than I was reading at the time. :)


Oh, one more question: What was the deal with the whole Higher Power angle? Was it intended to be Vince, or did they switch at the last minute? It seemed kind of sudden to turn him back as a heel.

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What was the deal with the whole Higher Power angle? Was it intended to be Vince, or did they switch at the last minute? It seemed kind of sudden to turn him back as a heel.

I heard that they contacted a bunch of people to do it, but they couldn't find anybody so they just went with Vince. I wasn't really on the net at the time though, so I'm not 100% sure.

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That poster in the sig above made me wonder...


How did Razor Ramon get into a feud with Savage, Warrior, and Flair?

Razor came ringside during Flair / Savage and beat on Savage's injured knee - resulting in Flair winning the belt. Earlier in the evening, Savage and Razor had a confrontation during an interview Okerlund had with Savage.


After the match, Razor continued to beat on Savage and embarrass him. No one came to make the save but after Razor left ringside, Warrior came out and carried Savage backstage.

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What was the deal with the one-time French announcer at SurSeries 97?

Think about where the show was held.

I know it's in Montreal, but it's just that I've never heard of them using a French announcer before or since.

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What was the deal with the one-time French announcer at SurSeries 97?

Think about where the show was held.

I know it's in Montreal, but it's just that I've never heard of them using a French announcer before or since.

Don't they always use a bilingual announcer at all the Montreal wrestling events?

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That poster in the sig above made me wonder...


How did Razor Ramon get into a feud with Savage, Warrior, and Flair?

Razor came ringside during Flair / Savage and beat on Savage's injured knee - resulting in Flair winning the belt. Earlier in the evening, Savage and Razor had a confrontation during an interview Okerlund had with Savage.


After the match, Razor continued to beat on Savage and embarrass him. No one came to make the save but after Razor left ringside, Warrior came out and carried Savage backstage.

Thanks for the info. :)


How much time did the WWF have to switch the match and replace Warrior with Perfect?

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Was there any reason why Tatanka was taken out of the Survivor Series 93 match, or was it just storyline?


I'm pretty sure it was just a storyline, but I could be wrong.

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Why did the WWF use fat chicks as ring card girls on RAW in 1993? Was it just some running joke?

The ladies used (the Rosetti sisters were their names, I think) were friends of the McMahon family or something. They had a feature in WWF Mag on one of the girls when she died a few years back.


Anybody know what was up with the Taker/Warrior feud back in 91? Thinking back, that was too high profile a feud for them not to have a match at SummerSlam 91...at MSG of all places. Did Warrior refuse to job or something?

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2) Does anyone else remember the rumors of a "Gates of Hell" match between Taker and Rock at Summerslam 99?


2). I remember reading about an upcoming Gates of Hell match with the Rock and the Undertaker but I don't recall it ever being mentioned by WWF. It's a match with a hole in the center of the ring and you win by throwing your opponent in the hole. I've never seen one but it sounds kinda lame.

There was a picture of it (just a sketch of what the ring structure would look like) in WWF magazine a few years back, I believe, and it looked moronic.

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Guest MikeSC
Who was the first to start rating wrestling matches and give them star ratings?



But don't tell anybody. They might want revenge.


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What was Mr. Hughes' finisher called? He whipped his opponent off the ropes and hit a Bossman Slam / Chokeslam kind of thing on them.


And how did Sgt. Slaughter turn face after his heel run in the WWF?

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And how did Sgt. Slaughter turn face after his heel run in the WWF?


Wayzing answered this very question for me:


After being absent for some time he was tracked down by Mean Gene Okerlund who found him at camp where Slaughter talked about how he turned his back on everything he had believed in and that he asked for forgiveness.


Eventually he was welcomed back by the flag waving professor Duggan who gave him his stamp of approval. Can't argue with that :P



1.) How long was Tony Schiavone in WWE?


2.) How long was Ventura in WCW?


3.) I remember the Warrior followed Jake Roberts into a lair and was bitten by a cobra he opened out of a small box. What was that all about?


4.) How did Austin debut as Stone Cold?

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