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Guest tank_abbott

The Old School questions thread

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What was up with King Kong Bundy's return to the WWF in 95? He seemed like he was going to get a huge push and possibly get a WWF title shot (I think Bret Hart was champion when he arrived) but he ended up just floating around the upper mid card feuding with Undertaker and then disapearing after only a couple months.

When Bundy came back in the fall of 94, he immediately headlined a European tour opposite WWF Champion Bret Hart. But after pinning Luger at the Survivor Series, and the embarrassment of a match with Taker at WrestleMania, I think Vince just saw that Bundy had given all that he could give and didn't serve much of a purpose.


Bundy stuck around for another six months or so. I think the last TV match of his was on Superstars when he put over Henry Godwinn clean. This was just before Godwinn's match with Sid at In Your House.

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Was there any feud between Diesel and King Mabel, or was it just presented as Mabel was the mandatory challenger for the belt?


What was up with King Kong Bundy's return to the WWF in 95? He seemed like he was going to get a huge push and possibly get a WWF title shot (I think Bret Hart was champion when he arrived) but he ended up just floating around the upper mid card feuding with Undertaker and then disapearing after only a couple months.

As for the 1st question, Mabel 1st made his presence felt in the 7/95 IYH WWF Title Lumberjack Match when he attacked Diesel during his match against Sid. Once Deisel retained the title, the feud escalated.


As for Bundy, he did have a series of vignettes (Godzilla style) in late 1994. I believe he did get WWF Title shots around the horn against Diesel early in his title run but I have to check Cawthon's site to make sure.

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How many PPVs have been held outdoors (or in an "open air" arena)? I can think of Wrestlemania 9, Wrestlemania 19, all the WCW Road Wild shows...were all the Bash at the Beach shows outdoors? Any other shows I'm forgetting?

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Who was supposed to headline the WCW PPV after Greed? when WCW thought Fusient or whatever the name of that company was, was going to buy them out. All I remember was Goldberg was supposed to return and get his revenge and win the title back somewhere down the road.

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I believe he (Bundy) did get WWF Title shots around the horn against Diesel early in his title run but I have to check Cawthon's site to make sure.

He got at least one title match. It was taped for a Diesel video profile. Even though the match was very short, maybe a few minutes at most, it was still horrible, and well into the negative star range.


As for:


Who was supposed to headline the WCW PPV after Greed?


I don't think any particular match had been decided upon, but I would guess Steiner would have defended the World Title against one of the returning faces. Best guess is that that match would have ended in non-finish of some sort, leading to a rematch maybe on the next PPV, or a match with another returning face, where Steiner would have probably dropped the title.

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Guest drdrainoscott
Who was supposed to headline the WCW PPV after Greed? when WCW thought Fusient or whatever the name of that company was, was going to buy them out. All I remember was Goldberg was supposed to return and get his revenge and win the title back somewhere down the road.

The plan was for WCW to "shutdown" for a few months and then come back with all of the stars who had been gone for the past six months, so who really knows what they were going to do.

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What was the deal with the whole nWo parody of the Horsemen? I read somewhere that Flair and Arn walked out of the show after the nWo did that?

The parody was meant to end with The Horseman running in and cleaning house on the nWo. Presumably, it was to set up WarGames, as that did wind up happening. Kevin Nash got the Horseman run-in cancelled though, and the Horseman comeback was simply going to be a Flair promo later on in the show. However, because of the content of the parody, with the numerous jokes about Arn being an alchoholic, which Flair and Arn felt were a combination of taking things too far and Nash making things personal just to get a laugh, Flair refused to come out for the promo.

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What was the deal with the whole nWo parody of the Horsemen? I read somewhere that Flair and Arn walked out of the show after the nWo did that?

The parody was meant to end with The Horseman running in and cleaning house on the nWo. Presumably, it was to set up WarGames, as that did wind up happening. Kevin Nash got the Horseman run-in cancelled though, and the Horseman comeback was simply going to be a Flair promo later on in the show. However, because of the content of the parody, with the numerous jokes about Arn being an alchoholic, which Flair and Arn felt were a combination of taking things too far and Nash making things personal just to get a laugh, Flair refused to come out for the promo.

IIRC, Nash and Mark Madden scripted the parody.

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The nWo Horsemen parody is one of the top 5 moments of the Monday Night Wars and/or Nitro's history, IMHO.

I'd agree if the Horsemen would have actually been allowed to do the save, since that was the only ending to that segment that made sense.

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1.) How long was Tatanka undefeated for and why wasn't he rewarded with any gold despite having such a tremendous push for so long?


2.) How did Camp Cornette first form then break up?


3.) When did the Undertaker stop talking really slow in his interviews / promos?

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1.)  How long was Tatanka undefeated for and why wasn't he rewarded with any gold despite having such a tremendous push for so long?


2.)  How did Camp Cornette first form then break up?


3.)  When did the Undertaker stop talking really slow in his interviews / promos?

1) WWF @ Daytona Beach, FL - Oceanfront Center - January 7, 1992

WWF Superstars taping:


Tatanka defeated Pat Tanaka (Tatanka's TV debut)


WWF @ Worcester, MA - Centrum - September 28, 1993

WWF Superstars taping:


Ludvig Borga pinned Tatanka with one finger after Yokozuna came ringside and distracted the referee, allowing Borga to his his opponent with a steel chair on the floor; after the bout, Lex Luger fought off the Quebecars backstage and in the aisleway to make the save; as the show came to a close, Tatanka was taken from ringside on a stretcher; as a result of the injuries sustained in the match, Tatanka was taken out of the upcoming Survivor Series pay-per-view


I'm just referring to TV because he did lose a few matches to Rick Martel after WrestleMania 8.


Why wasn't he given a belt? Becaaaause ... I don't know. In retrospect, the only time I might have agreed with putting a belt on him was when he and Bam Bam were teaming in 94-95.


2) They formed by Cornette managing Owen, Smith, Yoko, and Vader ... and Fuji was off TV by that point so it was all Cornette. They broke up ... well, I guess when Clarance Mason stole Owen & Smith's contract at Mindgames.


3) After Paul Bearer turned on him. Late 96. It escalated from that point on, especially after Taker lost the belt to Bret at Summer Slam.

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How was Mr. T's appearence in WCW explained and what was the setup behind his match at Starrcade 94 with Kevin Sullivan?

1) He was Hogan's friend. Obviously WCW was trying to make everyone remember WrestleMania 1.


2) I think he helped make the save for Hogan against Sullivan and his guys on TV and Sullivan saw him as a nuisence. T was pretty much at Hogan's side off and on from Bash at the Beach through to Starrcade, even appearing in vignettes.

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What's the reason for Alex Wright getting an undefeated push for 6 months until Slamboree and then having his push stop? he didn't really do anything then for nearly 2 years until his heel turn.


I know Flair was high on him so the only thing I can guess is that Wright was depushed to spite Flair.

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Was there ever any feud/match between Bret Hart and Lex Luger after the WM9 brunch incident where Luger nailed Hart with his metal forearm?

Only on House Shows.

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Guest HTQ's Personal Bitch
Was there ever any feud/match between Bret Hart and Lex Luger after the WM9 brunch incident where Luger nailed Hart with his metal forearm?

Only on House Shows.

Who won? Who lost? My lips are sealed.

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Was there ever any feud/match between Bret Hart and Lex Luger after the WM9 brunch incident where Luger nailed Hart with his metal forearm?

Only on House Shows.

Who won? Who lost? My lips are sealed.

Get the Great American Bash 1986!

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Guest HTQ's Personal Bitch
Was there ever any feud/match between Bret Hart and Lex Luger after the WM9 brunch incident where Luger nailed Hart with his metal forearm?

Only on House Shows.

Who won? Who lost? My lips are sealed.

Get the Great American Bash 1986!

Ha! Wasn't sure who would get that.

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1) Was the online/smark community aware of the bait and switch that was going to be pulled by the WWF at Survivor Series 99 with Austin, or was that a surprise to everyone when it happened?


2) What was the history of the Hogan/Piper feud in WCW? How many times did they wrestle, when was it for the title and when was it non-title, and why would WCW have non-title matches on PPV anyways?


3) Why was Kenny Kaos picked as Rick Steiner's new tag team champion partner after Havoc 98? Was he about to get a big push or something?


4) How many matches did Bret Hart and DDP have during their US title feud in 1998 and were any of the matches good?

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2) What was the history of the Hogan/Piper feud in WCW? How many times did they wrestle, when was it for the title and when was it non-title, and why would WCW have non-title matches on PPV anyways?


I believe they fought in singles at Starrcade 1996, Superbrawl VII, and Halloween Havoc 97 (in a steel cage). I believe Starrcade and HH were non-title (both which Piper won), but I think Superbrawl was for the title (which Piper lost courtesy of Savage joining the nWo that night). I forgot the angles for the PPV matches, someone please help. They also had tag matches against each other at Spring Stampede 98 and GAB 98 in which both Hogan and his partners (Nash then Hart) won.


4) How many matches did Bret Hart and DDP have during their US title feud in 1998 and were any of the matches good?


They had four if I remember correctly:


1 - 7/20/1998 in Salt Lake City, UT on Nitro for the vacant US title, Bret wins and becomes the WCW United States Champion for the 1st time in his career.


2 - 10/26/1998 in Phoenix, AZ on Nitro, DDP wins via Diamond Cutter - TITLE CHANGE -


3 - 11/22/1998 in Auburn Hills, MI at World War 3 (which was also the PPV's main event), DDP wins via The Diamond Cutter - TITLE RETAIN -


4 - 11/30/1998 Chattanooga, TN on Nitro, Bret wins via The Sharpshooter on an unconscious DDP after the Giant interfered in the match which was No-DQ. - TITLE CHANGE - This led to the Page / Giant match at Starrcade while Hart was recovering from a pulled groin.

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1.) Why weren't Kama & IRS part of the Million Dollar Team at SSeries 94?


2.) Did Sting and Hogan ever face each other in televised bouts prior to Starrcade 97?


3.) What was the reason for the Benoit / Raven feud?


4.) Why was Hammer kicked out of the Flock?


5.) Did Hogan ever get his JOB back from Goldberg following the defeat in Atlanta?


6.) What was the real reason for Sting's absence following Hart's savage beating on him at HH 98?

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1) Was the online/smark community aware of the bait and switch that was going to be pulled by the WWF at Survivor Series 99 with Austin, or was that a surprise to everyone when it happened?

It was known. There was much more talk of using Test as the surprise substitute than Big Show ... Show caught just about everyone off guard.

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