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Guest Retro Rob

Trish Int. Pulled from Main Page

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Guest Downhome
Nice save, Downhome. :)

I just remembered where I got that one, and it wasn't from a website I don't think. I have a few more of guys in TNA or having to do with TNA.

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Guest B-X

Jim Ross - Blahblahblah. He's rarely on, but even then, he'll run if you IM him.

Edited by DrTom

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Guest Anglesault
Jim Ross - Blahblahblah. He's rarely on, but even then, he'll run if you IM him.

He's on fairly often, I'd say.


And don't IM him with





He frowns on that

Edited by DrTom

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Guest Sakura

It would be fun to just BS about the Sooners and see how long it took him to see you were a fan smart ass.

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Guest Jobber of the Week
And don't IM him with





He frowns on that

Damn straight he does. For god's sake do it right and make it bolded.

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Guest Slapnuts00

Talk about being late on the curve here. My 2 cents: I believe Rob, Ive known about that sn for a couple years now (and am probably the only net fan to NEVER IM here, seriously not even once. I have never ever IMed any supposed wrestler screen names out of respect for them), and after reading the reposted interview it seems pretty legit. Nothing too outrageous was said.

But on the other hand I highly question the validity of his logged conversations with her, they just seem akward. Oh, and no way am I buying the poster at WC being her. Why would she just choose to start posting immeidately after a suppossed "Crisis" from posting her comments online.

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Guest DrTom

Posting wrestlers' screen names isn't illegal, nor is it verboten in the board rules. I do frown on it, though, since there's no reason they should have to be bothered by a bunch of silly fanboys. Celebrities live at least partially in the public eye, but in their own homes or in a hotel room, I think they have the right to privacy and not have their names plastered all over the place.


Just because you CAN post something does not mean that you SHOULD.


I have never ever IMed any supposed wrestler screen names out of respect for them


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Guest Celtic Jobber

Is there any chance that "Trish" could really be Scotsman?

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Guest The Decadent Slacker

I don't especially care whether this is legit or not, & in the long run TSM shouldn't either, barring legal shit. It got hits, that's what it was designed to do, right? RR was fucked over either way, & that sucks, but it's considered over at this point, it appears, so let the past be the past. You want tasteful vengence? Send some of this shit to the site of next weeks RAW. it's not the size that matters, it's how you fuck with Canadian babes & billionaire...type people.


It better not be fucking Scots. If it is, he truly is the man. IF it were any columnist, it'd be Hyatte or Scots, & i'm not mentally ready to accept either portraying Trish.


Hell, could be fucking Crash for all we know. I'd love that.


As for any AIM names, i've only found a few but none have proven credible, since they aren't ever on (Russo & Fuck Goldberg come to mind). i'll gladly accept any the kind TSM folk care to send me. I'll trade you any for Jaleel Motherfucking "Urkel" White!

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Guest evenflowDDT
I don't especially care whether this is legit or not, & in the long run TSM shouldn't either, barring legal shit. It got hits, that's what it was designed to do, right? RR was fucked over either way, & that sucks, but it's considered over at this point, it appears, so let the past be the past.

I like this guy a lot.


And hey...I can be selfish now...now that that interview's off the site, with all these added hits from the controversy, there's only one more column to take out before these new visitors come flocking to the first article on the site...mine!


::spoofs e-mail to Dames from EWR creators informing him that the beta he reviewed was unstable and as such, to save face, he should remove the review. NOW.::

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

My useless opinion on the matter is that the first interview was real (really was Trish on the other end) but somehow between then and the 2nd interview, someone thought it would be a hoot to "Hijack" trish's real AIM and trick him into doing another interview. Don't ask me how this person pulled it off, since I have no good explanation, its pretty much just a theory I have like other people have had. I think it was either someone from another site or someone who was banned from here, trying to discredit TSM's site in general, if not even getting Dames and others in some hot water over posting the fake interview.


But at this point I don't really think it matters much. Regardless of the actual situation, its at least a good thing that nothing more serious happened as a worst case scenario.

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Guest HollywoodSpikeJenkins

It's Jericho getting back at us internet geeks.

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Guest Jobber of the Week
My useless opinion on the matter is that the first interview was real (really was Trish on the other end) but somehow between then and the 2nd interview, someone thought it would be a hoot to "Hijack" trish's real AIM and trick him into doing another interview.

Seeing that I've had two ICQ numbers and an AIM name stolen/hacked from me, I wouldn't be suprised if this was the case.


It seems this name was pretty well known by people since I've seen many people on many boards talking about how suprisingly well-known Trish's AIM has been. It would be very easy for anyone who wants to "live the life of a celebrity" online to take it with the right application or connection to take it. And it wouldn't suprise me if Trish only shared her next name with people close to her, seeing that her first name was just accidentally leaked to the world thanks to that idiot Test.

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Sad chain of events. I read the interview and it seemed to be legit. A cruel trick apparently, and Rob, its all good, not your fault.

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Guest hunger4unger

If it was someone pulling a stunt like Scotsman we'll find out soon enough cos they won't be able to resist telling the story and reaping the attention. Unless they are too scared to come out now as they could possibly be in deep shit legally I dunno? Or it could have really been her. My head hurts.

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Guest Retro Rob

2 thoughts that just crossed my mind....


1) If the SN was "hijacked' or a fake to begin with, don't you think her site would have reported it? Also, since the name was well known, the WWE probably knew it exsisted and they have strict rules about impersonating wrestlers.


2) If the statement on her site is true and the interview NEVER happened, wouldn't myself or Dames have gotten an e-mail from SOMEONE asking us to pull it from the site?

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Guest Spaceman Spiff
Jim Ross - Blahblahblah. He's rarely on, but even then, he'll run if you IM him.

Heh, if the screen name that was posted was what I think it was, it was fake.

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Guest Spaceman Spiff
He said WWE didn't give their employees the freedom of speech. Which they don't. They're basically unauthorized to do any interviews. They can't speak out against some of the writing for fear of being fired. As we saw with Piper last week, if they speak about a certain topic like drugs, they will be fired as well. WWE wrestlers need to be extremely careful over what they say. Sure, this is probably in their contracts (which is legal), but it still means that they aren't able to speak like the constitution says they should be able to.


And yeah, WWE is "God Bless America", "Let's punish our troops by giving them Bad Blood for free, by gawd" and other stuff. But when it comes time to actually grant the first amendment to their workers, they throw a fit and promise danger unless their way is completely met.

*Any* company frowns on employees making unflattering or potentially unflattering remarks about them in public, so for the WWE to restrict what their employees can/can't say is well w/in their rights. And to fire/punish them for such remarks would be well w/in their rights, as well.

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Guest oldschoolwrestling

Holy Crap!!! They just announced Trish Stratus is going to be on Byte this to address some internet controversey. And Mean Gene is going to cover it on Confidential. Or not.

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Guest Retro Rob
And Mean Gene is going to cover it on Confidential. Or not.

What a coincidence... I'll have the pleasure of being able to review it for all of you...

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!
Is there any chance that "Trish" could really be Scotsman?

*marks out*

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Guest Big Poppa Popick

I just think its really freaking funny that the question of legitmacy of his interview with trish is linchpined by my thank you note to her.


How the little things we do come back in big ways...


Just for the record, you've done a hell of a job rob. Kudos to you and Dames to make a stand.

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Talk about being late on the curve here. My 2 cents: I believe Rob, Ive known about that sn for a couple years now (and am probably the only net fan to NEVER IM here, seriously not even once. I have never ever IMed any supposed wrestler screen names out of respect for them), and after reading the reposted interview it seems pretty legit. Nothing too outrageous was said.

But on the other hand I highly question the validity of his logged conversations with her, they just seem akward. Oh, and no way am I buying the poster at WC being her. Why would she just choose to start posting immeidately after a suppossed "Crisis" from posting her comments online.

I doubt that she thought it would be linked all around the net. Why would she keep quiet and hardly post for a year at WC if it was a prank? Now, THAT's what you call dedicated. She/he/it would have to have an incredible amount of patience. The writing style is the same too.


To everyone else, this would have had to been a running prank for two whole years. And for what pay off? Just to have Trish say on her website that it wasn't her? :) I mean come on, if it was a prank, don't you think they would try to be a little more controversial? Not just to Rob, but to everyone who talked to her. She didn't say anything that bad. If you want to see bad, download RVD's voice of wrestling interview. He made the writers look like total idiots.

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Guest Retro Rob
I just think its really freaking funny that the question of legitmacy of his interview with trish is linchpined by my thank you note to her.


How the little things we do come back in big ways...


Just for the record, you've done a hell of a job rob. Kudos to you and Dames to make a stand.


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Dames and Rob, ye guys are of lil faith. Heck, even Scott Keith still has faith in that interview:


From http://www.411mania.com/wrestling/tvreport...reports_id=1198


"- Controversy reigns, as RetroRob with TheSmartmarks.com conducted an interview with Trish Stratus that was TOO HOT FOR THE WWE! One of the tidbits she may or may not have dropped was ownership of my book and a general appreciation of my rants. However, it appears that TrishStratus.com has thrown a tantrum and declared the interview a fake because Big Brother didn’t oversee it. And the WWE wonders why the internet is so negative towards them."

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Guest Retro Rob

I was actually shocked to see that. Mostly because of the history between me and Scott. I guess all is forgotten...

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