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Guest Choken One

The One and Only Smackdown Spoiler Thread

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Guest SeanO'HaireMark

Give Sean O'haire the U.S. title already. He is the only guy that should get it besides matt hardy and john cena, and now that cena got shafted and sent to THE BIG NO SELL aka undertaker i guess they won't think twice about shafting matt the same way. It's a good thing Sean is a big hoss and vince likes those types of guys.

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Guest Anglesault
Give Sean O'haire the U.S. title already. He is the only guy that should get it besides matt hardy and john cena, and now that cena got shafted and sent to THE BIG NO SELL aka undertaker i guess they won't think twice about shafting matt the same way. It's a good thing Sean is a big hoss and vince likes those types of guys.


Choken, new stablemate?


The Triad becomes a quad.


And so easily teared.

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Guest Choken One

Sweet Jesus No...He has NOT or ever will be invited...


Move the fuck round me...

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Guest Choken One
So, if Angle = Grandmaster Sexay, who is Scotty 2 Hotty?







and you don't even need to do the BACK TO 1999 angle to do that...

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Guest Choken One
Found this SD live report from another board.

You scanctimonius bastard...



Copy and Paste...


We went back to 1999 fer christ sakes and you cant just CP it for us?

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Guest Anglesault
So, if Angle = Grandmaster Sexay, who is Scotty 2 Hotty?



He's got the hair, and they act like Too Much!

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Guest Mulatto Heat

Geez.. FINE



Jobber 1 (Tyson something, had `textbook' on his tights) over Jobber 2

Nunzio over Spanky

Orlando Jordan over Kanyon

Sean O' Haire beat Some Jobber.


SmackDown! opens with recap of Gowen/McMahon vs Big Show from last week.

New opening credits that still include The Rock for some reason.

Angle interview interrupted by Cena. Hilarious segment where SD! ref does beatbox again, and Angle does a funny rap. Then Angle get serious, just as Show hits the ring. Cena ambushes Angle from behind, and it's a two-on-one beatdown.


Mysterio/Kidman won a four-way over Bashams, FBI and APA. APA and FBI had a backstage brawl before the commercial break, eliminating them I guess.


Angle/Lesnar segment backstage, building tension between them.


After the segment, Kidman took the belt from Rey and Rey snatched it back. Not sure if that was part of the televised segment or not.


Benoit/Rhyno over Matt Hardy/Shannon Moore. Ehhh match. Suprisingly Ehhhh


Zach Gowen (complete with awful new entrance video) signed his contract. Vince McMahon came out (yeah, I was shocked, too) and set up a handicap match for the end of the night: Haas, Benjamin and Show vs Brock. He also set up Gowen vs "Meeeeeeeeeeee!'' for Vengegance. Afterwards, Sable nailed Stephanie with a clipboard.


Stephanie attacked Sable backstage just as she and Vince were making out, so Vince announced Stephanie vs Sable for the PPV.


Guerrero comes out in low-rider to explain his actions last week. Said he lost his temper because Tajiri almost messed with his car, then wished him best of luck on a speedy recovery.


In the US title tourney match (it was the last bracket in the opening round, apparently) Guerrero beat Ultimo Dragon. Crowd was dead for that one.


Torrie/Billy Gunn beat Jamie Noble/Nidia. Afterwards, Noble offered Torrie $10,000 to spend one night with her. She responded by DDT'ing Noble.


Vince's assistant calls Angle to Vince's office. Angle isn't seen again for the night.


Matches for Vengeance are: Triple Threat match, Gowen vs Vince, Rey/Kidman vs Haas/Benjamin, Sable vs Stephanie, Undertaker vs Cena, and U.S. title tournament: Benoit vs Hardy, Guerrero vs Gunn, plus finals


Show and The Greatest Tag Team Ever (new name for Haas & Benjamin) over Brock. Awesome ending as Brock pulls steel stairs up to the table, prepares to drop Show off the stairs.. then Show reverses, and chokeslams Lesnar onto the table. Great-looking spot.


After cameras stopped rolling, Brock made it back to his feet and left. That was it.

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Guest Lord of The Curry



Dear God.


Mark the date, kids. Vince McMahon has *OFFICIALLY* lost his fuckin mind.


Steph vs Sable?

Vince vs Zack?


Yeah, they hate their fans. Just try and tell me different. I dares ya.

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Guest Choken One



Take a Deep hard breath...


AS is gonna to explode in about



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Guest Anglesault

So, Angle makes an ass of himself, gets beat up, does his "buddy" segment with brock and then gets beat up by Vince (in his office)?



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Guest Mindless_Aggression

Kurt Angle is rapping.


So how long till Dusty Rhodes does a run in and bionic elbows him for the 1 2 3? It'd make just about as much sense.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Jobbing out Dragon in his second match and in a division inwhich he isn't even legitimately in...




So who guessed 2 weeks? Huh? Who guessed it?? The Grand Prize is watching this company burn.

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Guest Nevermortal

Check the Toronto Morgue, Ultimo Dragon's career may be under a sheet.

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Guest Lord of The Curry

Come on guys, they COULD have Benoit vs Eddy in the US Title Finals.........


*stifles laughter.*

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Guest Mulatto Heat

Eddy better destroy Gunn at the PPV. No more late 2000 shit. Save the Rhyno turn for the finals.


Aside from that, the PPV looks to be very 'feh'. One McMahon match is enough because you know that it will be focused upon, but two? *sigh* And like I said over a week ago, they should have saved Zack Gowan's debut match for PPV and get some buys out of it, but I suppose they're satisifed with 0.4x or 0.5x buyrates.

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Come on guys, they COULD have Benoit vs Eddy in the US Title Finals.........


*stifles laughter.*

Tony Chimmel: "Here is your winner and NEW United States champion, BILLY GUNN!"


Oh boy, Steph/Sable and Vince/Gowen. That soooooo makes me want to purchase this PPV.


Why does Vince do this shit to us? WHY?

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Guest Space_Cowboy

Lets see, Angle looking stupid, McMahon's all over the show, Billy Gunn still getting pushed, Ultimo Dragon jobbed out already, yep, Smackdown looks to be business as usual.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

But at the very least, Ultimo jobbed to a GOOD wrestler and not (shudder) Billy Gunn

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Guest ISportsFan

I think this is their way of trying to get smarks to buy the PPV. The possibility of two Eddy matches, two Benoit matches, and Rey/Kidman v. TGTTE.


Well, we'll get Gunn winning the title, one Eddy and Benoit match, and the tag title match will be less than 10 minutes.


Vince v. Zach: 15 minutes with table spots in every effort to get them over.


Sable v. Steph: 10 minutes with run-ins galore to make the match a DUD or better.


Life sucks.



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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Dragon could have jobbed to Jesus FUCKING Christ and it still would have been the dumbest thing to do with him.

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Guest Lord of The Curry

Don't make excuses. The situation is retarded. Ultimo's SECOND MATCH and he JOBS. Do you see anything wrong with this?


But don't worry, he'll job to Gunn soon enough.

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Guest Askewniverse
Show and The Greatest Tag Team Ever (new name for Haas & Benjamin) over Brock. Awesome ending as Brock pulls steel stairs up to the table, prepares to drop Show off the stairs.. then Show reverses, and chokeslams Lesnar onto the table. Great-looking spot.

So, Big Show beat Brock again? That sucks.


What happened to Haas & Benjamin being called "The Best Damn Tag Team Period?"

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Well we'll see what the PPV buyers fancy is, Redneck Triathalon or McMarathon.


It can't be as bad as the burping contest..............can it??

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

WWE Smackdown spoilers from Toronto




by Peter Elkerbout




Just got back from Smackdown and it was a fairly decent show with a hot hot

crowd. Here's the matches and hopefully you don't mind the personal comments

that snuck in here and there. ;-)


Toronto had been promoting a 3-way deal with Toronto Blue Jays and the

Molson Indie to help recover tourism from SARS and I'm sure this is why the

Air Canada Centre was fuller than at the last Smackdown taping. It looked

like a sold out show, with only a few rows in some far off sections tarped

off. The crowd was red hot from start to finish and like Montreal was very

much into the TWOOOOOOO counts.


Dark Matches:


Only 1 dark match tonight saw "textbook" Tyson Moodie (who has also wrestled

as Tyson Dux in the past) defeat Mark Bartalucci.


The first Velocity match was taped before the show's pyro:


1. Albert d. Funaki for the thousanth time on Velocity. It wasn't any better

this time around.


2. Nunzio d. Spanky in what was probably the best Velocity match. Decent

cruiserweight action back and forth, and even a small ROH chant for Kendrick

could be heard at the beginning of the match. (I'm doubly excited since my

ROH tapes came in today)


3. Sean O'Haire d. Bobby Rude. Not recognizing Bobby Rude's name, I would

have expected a squash match but it was pretty back and forth with Bobby

even earning a few near-falls.


4. Orlando Jordan d. Kanyon. Not a bad match IMO, but the crowd got into a

huge "boring" chant part way through the match. Poor Kanyon... at this rate

I don't think he'll ever escape Velocity.




Smackdown opens with an Angle promo, Cena interrupts to run off some rhymes

and before you know it Angle and Cena are having a rap battle with the

Hebner kid doing beatbox again, just like he did for Kendrick a couple of

months ago. It was pretty funny stuff actually, Angle looked like he was

really having fun and the crowd loved it. Somewhere in there they announce

that the Vengeance main event will now be a three way between Angle, Lesnar

and Show. Later on in the show there were a few more of those comedic Angle

/ Lesnar segments too.


1. A returning Billy Kidman & Rey Mysterio d. the Basham Brothers, Johny

Stamboli & Chuck Palumbo, and the APA in a fatal four way tag match. FBI &

APA brawlled into the backstage area only a few minutes into the match,

leaving the Bashams and Rey & Kidman to work the rest by themselves. They

re-recorded a whole series of moves part way through the match but I

couldn't figure why (the first hot tag to Rey and the few moves

afterwards)... I didn't notice any screwups. Bashams had some nice unique



Next was the Zach Gowan contract signing. Before it started they showed last

week's match in it's entirety. As you'd expect, Vince & Sable showed up, and

Vince announced himself vs. Gowan at Vengeance (if you're rolling your eyes

at this you're not the only one). But it gets worse! Following a backstage

fight between Sable and Stephanie McMahon, Vince announces that these two

will also face off at Vengeance.


2. Rhyno & Benoit d. Matt Hardy & Shannon Moore.

Pretty solid match. Hardy has a new entrance video and sadly no more Matt

facts. They still neglected to follow up on any teases of a split between

Rhyno and Benoit as all seemed fine between the pair. I really wished that

they'd do *something* with Benoit as he's been grosely misused these past

few months (moreso than before anyway).


3. Eddie Guerrero d. Ultimo Dragon in the only singles match of the night.

This was also a US Title tournament match. Eddie first came out to explain

his actions last week (which were recapped) but the crowd was behind him

nonetheless from start to finish. He said how he has a temper and needs to

look out only for himself from now on. Match was short but Eddie & Ultimo

traded lots of good reversals and it was a good fast-paced match. You would

not believe how much the crowd in Toronto loved Eddie even when he was

trying to be heel.


4. Billy Gunn & Torrie d. Jamie Noble & Nidia.

An alright match. After the match Jamie tried to give an indecent proposal

to Torrie but her and Gunn would have none of it.


5. Big Show, Charlie Hass & Shelton Benjamin d. Brock Lesnar in a 3 on 1,

falls-count-anywhere match. Lesnar was able to fend off his opponents for

most of the match and setup the ring steps in front of the announcer's

table, presumably to F5 Big Show from. Huge crowd heat on Show when he

prevented Benjamin from taking the F5 from the steps onto the table. Match

was built up nicely with everyone anticipating Show going through, but he

reversed it and gave Lesnar a nasty-looking chokeslam through the announcers

table from the ring steps setup in front of it. The table didn't look like

it broke much of the fall, but after the cameras stopped rolling, Lesnar

made it to his feet and headed to the back on his own. We left after this

but I don't think that there was anything happening afterwards since

everyone was already gone to the back.


As of this Smackdown taping, here are the matches announced for Vengeance. I

have to admit that when I first heard of a Smackdown-only PPV, I was pretty

hyped, but much less so now that they've announced some of the card.


Brock Lesnar vs. Kurt Angle vs. Big Show

John Cena vs. Undertaker

Vince McMahon vs. Zach Gowan

Stephanice McMahon vs. Sable

U.S. Title tournament finals.


They also announced the brackets (finally!) for the U.S. title tournament.

The semi-finals are Billy Gunn vs. Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit vs. Matt

Hardy, with the finals taking place at Vengeance.


Pete Elkerbout




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