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Guest Choken One

The One and Only Smackdown Spoiler Thread

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Guest bob_barron
Am I the only one that doesn't get the Kanyon love? He's good but not great ... I'm actually surprised he's kept his job in the wwe as long as he has. They obviously don't hold him in high regards.


While I agree that he deserves better than being an out-and-out jobber, I really don't think he's as great as a lot of people here seem to think that he is.

The guy was able to carry Billy Gunn to a decent match- He also has great mic skills, a catchphrase and some nice offence. It's disgusting the way they treat Kanyon

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Guest bob_barron
I love my adopted city- Any city that boos Zach Gowan is perfect enough for me to live in.


Poor poor Kanyon.


Now it's the "Non-wrestlers and bad wrestlers" show.


You could say the same about TNA

You can't say that about TNA, because for all the bad (New Jack, Sandman, Russo all over the place) you still get Daniels, Skipper, Styles, D Lo pushed as VIABLE ENTITIES on that program.

I'm just saying that Smackdown is being built around non wrestlers, bad wrestlers and cripples like TNA is (Russo, Raven, Douglas, Watts, the Hard 10 etc). TNA, like Smackdown does have its rays of hopes (Styles, Benoit, Guerrero) but too often focuses a show on someone who rarely wrestlers (The Vinces, Cripple Boy)

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Guest Spaceman Spiff

I find it laughable that the bring up guys & push them as "the future" (i.e. Orlando Jordan), and they end up looking green & uncomfortable on camera, yet they crap all over the WCW guys (i.e. Knoble, Kanyon) who can get it done in the ring & look comfortable on camera for no other reason (IMO) that they are "WCW guys".

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Guest Zack Malibu
Ok, so am I the only one who doesn't get the Gowen hate around here?

I'm pretty sure the Gowan hate just stems from his overexposure in an already shitty angle. Plus, any good that would come of him wrestling (publicity, media coverage) is ruined by the fact that they've made him out to be a goon.

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Guest bob_barron
Ok, so am I the only one who doesn't get the Gowen hate around here?

He's an annoying little shit who is only getting a push because he has one leg.


I'd rather watch wrestlers with two legs.

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Guest bob_barron
I find it laughable that the bring up guys & push them as "the future" (i.e. Orlando Jordan), and they end up looking green & uncomfortable on camera, yet they crap all over the WCW guys (i.e. Knoble, Kanyon) who can get it done in the ring & look comfortable on camera for no other reason (IMO) that they are "WCW guys".

They gave Noble an angle but they're still jobbing him. I wonder who Kanyon ever pissed off. I agree with Spiff- it sucks that Orlando Jordan is getting a rookie push and Noble and Kanyon have to job to everyone under the sun

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

What the fuck I'm saying now is that I'm still correct in my assessment in that it makes no sense to talk so much about something you hate so much.


I like to bitch, make sense? I enjoy talking about wrestling more than I do watching it at this moment...


And that Ultimo Dragon is an idiot for not pushing for creative control, which judging from his past experience with running a wrestling promotion and all that, should have been given to him without a second thought.


You didn't honestly think that Dragon would push for CC did you?? That's ridiculous, he doesn't have the juice.


Maybe the fans chanted boring because the Kanyon match was actually...you know...boring. Boring chants weren't invented the day Austin started insulting Lance Storm you know.


Yes, but the crowd NEVER chanted "boring" for a WWE match in a VERY LONG TIME before the Lance Storm issue. Now it's happening on _every_ show. This isn't a positive spin, this is a delusional one.


And oh...my...god...we get Ultimo Dragon and Eddie Guerrero one on one. And people are BITCHING because Dragon lost. Seriously, he's a legend. If he can't take a loss and still be over, he doesn't belong. It's not a legitimate sport, losses don't necessarily mean 'this wrestler sucks'. A good wrestler can take a loss, and still be as over as before the match.


Do the WWE fans know that Ultimo Dragon is a legend? Hmm? No, they see him as a new face and when they see a new face losing in his SECOND MATCH having only previously gained a victory over a JOBBER like Shannon Moore along with not being important enough to be featured on a weekly basis, they aren't going to see him as a legend any time soon. Wins and Losses *DO* mean something ESPECIALLY with new comers. There is so much wrong with Eddie beating Ultimo in the US tournament. So much. But then again, you can't see the link between the Boring Chants and Austin encouraging the fans to chant boring, so I doubt this will sink in either.


Before everyone moans about Sable-Steph, remember NWO 2001 where Trish and Steph actually had a good match. And this was before Trish could actually wrestle like she can today...sure, it MAY suck. It probably WILL suck. But there's always the chance of it not being too bad. Plus, it provides us with time to have a snack break during the show.


People don't pay $35 for a snackbreak. There is no reason for this match to happen other than lil Stephie wants more TV time. Sable differs from Trish in that (a)Even Trish Early 2001 was better than Sable ever was, (b)Sable hasn't wrestled in 4 years, ( c )Steph vs. Trish wasn't even *that* good and it was the surprise element that pushed it. This match now has a standard to live up to.


I don't get why Angle's rapping...but maybe he WANTS to have fun in front of the crowd, considering a few months ago he may have thought he'd never be able to again. Then again, meh, it's probably Vince's fault. Everythign else is, right?


Well yeah, the guy is completely out of his fucking mind. He gets the credit for the WWE's success, he gets the blame for it's (many, many, many) failures. There really should be someone looking out for Angles well-being - character wise - he's looking totally bush-league right now.


McMahon-Gowen...When was the last time McMahon won a high profile match? Gowen's going over, and this amtch is Hogan's fault because he left so suddenly, and left McMahon in the lurch.


So McMahon was FORCED to create this match? Oh that's bullshit. Jesus Christ you don't actually believe this shit your spewing do you? This is a gimmick, right? Seriously, this is getting disturbing. What colour is the sky in your world? Are the clouds green and the grass white? Gowan needs to be in the ring with a good worker in order to showcase his skill_ , McMahon - while being quite the bumper for a 50+ year old - is still 50+ years old. This is just Crazy Ol McMahon living his dream... his dream of beating a cripple with his own wooden leg...

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Guest Spaceman Spiff

And even the WCW guys they do want to push (Jindrak, DeMott, O'Haire) don't exactly set the world on fire.


re: Zach Gowan - it's the whole "1 leg" thing. I refuse to buy a guy hopping around the ring on 1 leg being able to beat "normal" wrestlers. His match last SD didn't really impress me either. And I just know that, if they end up using him as a full-time wrestler, he'll be going over guys like Knoble, Kanyon, etc.

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Guest nikowwf

You can defend the Zach/Vince and Steph/Sable matches. What's bad is that they are not giving us the good matches that we want, along with these matches for the masses. If they announced BENOIT/RHYNO and DRAGON/REY lets say, along with the above matches it would be better received. However, what they did give us was a chance to see 2 Billy Gunn matches along with the above.


I'd enjoy seeing Steph and Sable roll around a lot more in between 2 kick ass matches. Think of that card Trish/Steph was on. That whole show kicked 200 different kinds of ass.



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Guest RavishingRickRudo

You *do* know that Steph vs. Sable and Vince vs. Zach will get WAY more attention that another other match on the card, right??? (Hell, it already has).


It's pure ego stroking.

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Guest Goodear

You can defend the Zach/Vince and Steph/Sable matches.


You can defend having one of those matches, having two is blatantly stupid. It's not only bad (which I think we all expect to a certain degree), its repetitive since the angles are tied into each other so much. Just have a damn tag match and get this out of the way.


What's bad is that they are not giving us the good matches that we want, along with these matches for the masses. If they announced BENOIT/RHYNO and DRAGON/REY lets say, along with the above matches it would be better received. However, what they did give us was a chance to see 2 Billy Gunn matches along with the above.


Well, coming out of SmackDown you do have ...

Spoiler (Highlight to Read):

Haas and Benjamin vs. Rey and Kidman

At least one of Matt Hardy, Benoit and Eddie wrestling twice against each other.

And Brock, Angle and Big Show should actually be pretty good considering the past history


So the wrestling shouldn't be bad.

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

Id mark out if, instead of going with Matt Hardy Version 2 (For a full face turn), they go with Matt Hardy Version 1.5 (For a tweener run)..he's still being booked as a heel but hes getting face pops.

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Guest wrestlingbs

From what I have read, Only the finals of the US tournament are on the PPV. The report listed it wrong. Plus the tag title match may just be for SD, since it also hasn't been listed as a PPV match. So there is some hope for Rey/Kidman and Rhyno/Benoit.


Oh, and I hate Gowan. If booked properly, I can see him being a threat to other wrestlers. But Gowan needed the help of just about every face to win his first match. Plus this angle has totally exposed how green the guy is (I hated him behind the mic) and I don't want to see him as just another freakshow for Vince to earn money with.

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Guest wwF1587

jesus christ... this company HAVE lost their damn minds... vince/gowen... steph/sable... possibly billy gunn/matt for the "new" US title... i dont think even a beniot/rhyno and ultimo/rey could make me order this shit... i thought they couldnt possibly fuck a SD! only ppv up soo badly but they have.... this is one of those i will tape shows but probably never watch things...

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Guest nikowwf

Unless Billy Boy gets bounced in the semifinals, in which case i promise to not bitch about wwe from then until the ppv.



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Guest Anglesault

Can Billy Gunn wrestle twice in one night?


He'll have to go over Eddy in two minutes and Matt in five.



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Guest Anglesault
I don't get why Angle's rapping...but maybe he WANTS to have fun in front of the crowd, considering a few months ago he may have thought he'd never be able to again. Then again, meh, it's probably Vince's fault. Everythign else is, right?

I don't CARE.


Goldust wanted breast implants. It was overrulled because it was stupid (not to mention bizarre)


No matter how much Angle wants it, the incomptetant bumbling idiot dork WILL NOT sell a PPV or help anything, so it should be vetoed.

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Guest Showstoppa Icon

lets see if Billy Gunn can get a bad match out of Eddie Guererro AND Chris Benoit!

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Guest Anglesault
lets see if Billy Gunn can get a bad match out of Eddie Guererro AND Chris Benoit!

He's done it before.

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You know what's sad?


I used to LIKE Billy Gunn...


Of course, that was when he was part of the Smoking Gunns...especially when Sunny became their manager.


Any other time...meh.

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Guest Polish_Rifle
Can Billy Gunn wrestle twice in one night?


He'll have to go over Eddy in two minutes and Matt in five.



I think the semis will take place next week and we'll only get the finals at the PPV. Which means that if Matt loses next week, he'll be off of another PPV this year.

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Maybe the fans chanted boring because the Kanyon match was actually...you know...boring. Boring chants weren't invented the day Austin started insulting Lance Storm you know.


Yes, but the crowd NEVER chanted "boring" for a WWE match in a VERY LONG TIME before the Lance Storm issue.  Now it's happening on _every_ show.  This isn't a positive spin, this is a delusional one.


And oh...my...god...we get Ultimo Dragon and Eddie Guerrero one on one. And people are BITCHING because Dragon lost. Seriously, he's a legend. If he can't take a loss and still be over, he doesn't belong. It's not a legitimate sport, losses don't necessarily mean 'this wrestler sucks'. A good wrestler can take a loss, and still be as over as before the match.


Do the WWE fans know that Ultimo Dragon is a legend?  Hmm?  No, they see him as a new face and when they see a new face losing in his SECOND MATCH having only previously gained a victory over a JOBBER like Shannon Moore along with not being important enough to be featured on a weekly basis, they aren't going to see him as a legend any time soon.  Wins and Losses *DO* mean something ESPECIALLY with new comers.  There is so much wrong with Eddie beating Ultimo in the US tournament.  So much.  But then again, you can't see the link between the Boring Chants and Austin encouraging the fans to chant boring, so I doubt this will sink in either.


Before everyone moans about Sable-Steph, remember NWO 2001 where Trish and Steph actually had a good match. And this was before Trish could actually wrestle like she can today...sure, it MAY suck. It probably WILL suck. But there's always the chance of it not being too bad. Plus, it provides us with time to have a snack break during the show.


People don't pay $35 for a snackbreak.  There is no reason for this match to happen other than lil Stephie wants more TV time.  Sable differs from Trish in that (a)Even Trish Early 2001 was better than Sable ever was, (b)Sable hasn't wrestled in 4 years, ( c )Steph vs. Trish wasn't even *that* good and it was the surprise element that pushed it.  This match now has a standard to live up to.


I don't get why Angle's rapping...but maybe he WANTS to have fun in front of the crowd, considering a few months ago he may have thought he'd never be able to again. Then again, meh, it's probably Vince's fault. Everythign else is, right?


Well yeah, the guy is completely out of his fucking mind.  He gets the credit for the WWE's success, he gets the blame for it's (many, many, many) failures.  There really should be someone looking out for Angles well-being - character wise - he's looking totally bush-league right now.


McMahon-Gowen...When was the last time McMahon won a high profile match? Gowen's going over, and this amtch is Hogan's fault because he left so suddenly, and left McMahon in the lurch.


So McMahon was FORCED to create this match?  Oh that's bullshit.  Jesus Christ you don't actually believe this shit your spewing do you?  This is a gimmick, right?  Seriously, this is getting disturbing.  What colour is the sky in your world? Are the clouds green and the grass white?  Gowan needs to be in the ring with a good worker in order to showcase his skill_ , McMahon - while being quite the bumper for a 50+ year old - is still 50+ years old.  This is just Crazy Ol McMahon living his dream... his dream of beating a cripple with his own wooden leg...

Oh RRR, without you my life would be so boring...seriously...


1)Yeah true, but still. It may have actually been boring. I'm not saying it isn't because of Austin/Storm. But it has happened before that as well.


2)Ultimo Dragon is a pretty big name there RRR. He has been in WCW too. I see what you're saying, and yeah they should build him up a little more, give him a few wins. I want him to win too. I'm just saying it's not the end of the world. Remember, he's getting the Cruiser Title shot at Summerslam supposedly.


3)People aren't paying $35 for a snackbreak, but then again they're not paying $35 just for one match. No-one buys a PPV for a midcard women's match anyway. It's built around Angle/Lesnar/Show(although AS may disagree). Sure it's poorly booked, but they're not saying OMG STEPH n SABLE...BUY BUY BUY! And I'm also not saying that it'll be a four star classic. It was me trying to be positive because no-one else was. I HATE THE IDEA TOO. But we don't need 8 people saying the exact thing without another POV, we might as well just listen to one person with that view.


4)Agreed. And to AS, I know you don't care and that it's not Angle's fault. But come on...breast implants on a guy are a bit more risque than a comedy Olympic gold medalist, don't ya think?


5)Oh RRR, yes. It's all a gimmick, because I was bored of the same thing being said over and over and over and over. So I tried to be different about things, god forbid. But seriously, did I SAY Vince was forced to make this EXACT match? No. I said Hogan quit, screwing up what was planned for Vengeance, whatever that was. So he made Gowen/Vince. He could have made something else, he didn't. As far as his dream goes...you really think Vince will win? Really? When was the last tiem he won a high profile match? Rumble 99? The title match with Triple H? That's about it. Gowen will win. It'll be a typical McMahon spotfest, enough to entertain the marks. Nothing offensive. To be honest, I don't care about this match. Who else can Gowen face? Considering how the storyline has gone, he has no other people to feud with really.

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Guest Anglesault
4)Agreed. And to AS, I know you don't care and that it's not Angle's fault. But come on...breast implants on a guy are a bit more risque than a comedy Olympic gold medalist, don't ya think?

But destroying the cred of a guy you plan on using in the top feud is worse than anything.


You know, if they hadn't worked so damn hard every week since his return to make him look useless, it wouldn't be a problem.


But as of yet, he hasn't done ONE THING that makes him look like a competant face worthy of challenging for the belt.


He's gotten beat up six or seven times already


He's done four asshole imbecille comedy skits




Theyy refuse to let him look competant.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Oh RRR, without you my life would be so boring...seriously...


*sniff* that's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me... :)


1)Yeah true, but still. It may have actually been boring. I'm not saying it isn't because of Austin/Storm. But it has happened before that as well.


But _before_ when there was a boring match the fans would just be quiet. _Very Rarely_ were there boring chants (WCW had more of them). I can't recall the last time I heard a boring chant for a WWE match - and I *hate* that chant so I tend to keep tabs.



2)Ultimo Dragon is a pretty big name there RRR. He has been in WCW too. I see what you're saying, and yeah they should build him up a little more, give him a few wins. I want him to win too. I'm just saying it's not the end of the world. Remember, he's getting the Cruiser Title shot at Summerslam supposedly.


I just find it amazing how they have him lose his second match... that's so... stupid. Is it the end of the world? No. Can Dragon rebound from this? Yes. Does it give ANY sign that they are taking him or the cruiserweight division seriously? HELLS NO.


3)People aren't paying $35 for a snackbreak, but then again they're not paying $35 just for one match. No-one buys a PPV for a midcard women's match anyway. It's built around Angle/Lesnar/Show(although AS may disagree). Sure it's poorly booked, but they're not saying OMG STEPH n SABLE...BUY BUY BUY! And I'm also not saying that it'll be a four star classic. It was me trying to be positive because no-one else was. I HATE THE IDEA TOO. But we don't need 8 people saying the exact thing without another POV, we might as well just listen to one person with that view.


The _biggest_ problem with this is that it is _not_ a mid card feud. Count up the segments, this storyline _dominates_ Smackdown. Here's an idea when being positive, first state your opinion about it and THEN spin the positive flavour - it makes it much easier to see where you're coming from.



5)Oh RRR, yes. It's all a gimmick, because I was bored of the same thing being said over and over and over and over. So I tried to be different about things, god forbid.


There's "different" and then there's "off" - you're taking mighty big leaps to be different. I could _maybe_ see putting a positive spin on the Big Show being in the Main Event - though I disagree with it - the are some positive elements to it. Hell, even Billy Gunn getting the US title can be spun in a positive direction.


But seriously, did I SAY Vince was forced to make this EXACT match? No. I said Hogan quit, screwing up what was planned for Vengeance, whatever that was.


Which doesn't justify this match _at all_. They had a week to think of something - you could take 10 people from this board, give them a pen and paper and 10 minutes and they could think of 10 different ideas on their own for what to do with this angle that doesn't involve Vince and Zach going 1 on 1. It's not like this was a high pressure situation. Hogan was barely involved in WWE TV for the past few weeks.


So he made Gowen/Vince. He could have made something else, he didn't. As far as his dream goes...you really think Vince will win? Really? When was the last tiem he won a high profile match? Rumble 99? The title match with Triple H?


I never said Vince would win, I just said that his fantasy is beating up (perhaps I should have put the 'up' in there) a cripple in the middle of the ring with his own leg. Vince has been loving the sight gags with Gowan.

That's about it. Gowen will win. It'll be a typical McMahon spotfest, enough to entertain the marks. Nothing offensive.


I don't mind Vince vs. Zach nearly as much as I do Steph vs. Sable. But that's not to say that it's good or I like it. It has just been built better and it _should_ have a blow off and it _could_ make a lil money. I don't see it ending at Vengeance though, cause hell, Vince vs. Hogan didn't end at Mania and Flair/Vince didn't end at Rumble...

To be honest, I don't care about this match. Who else can Gowen face? Considering how the storyline has gone, he has no other people to feud with really.


They could have done a 6 man or a Survivor Series match or something. Sable, Vince, and ____ vs. Steph, Zach, and ____ - give someone a rub being in a high profile feud as well as putting in a good worker there.

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So Benoit/Hardy and Gunn/Eddie in the Semis.


We know what we want in the finals...


But we ALL know what we are GONNA get in the finals...

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Guest Anglesault
They could have done a 6 man or a Survivor Series match or something. Sable, Vince, and ____ vs. Steph, Zach, and ____ - give someone a rub being in a high profile feud

::Match changes to Vince/Sable/Albert vs. Steph/Zach/Orlando Jordan and gets inserted into the main::

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Guest Mulatto Heat
Man, reading those old threads about Dragon being signed and the variety of people saying that the WWE wouldn't botch it and calling everyone like me too cynical and jaded and all that bullshit and that he'd be ok...

That was a funny thread.


Anyway, about the Gowan hate - it seems to be growing. I'm actually surprised. I didn't think he'd plateau so soon.

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Guest The Old Me

Gowan has just been booked to be a douchebag. 1 leg or not. And I don't think they can afford to sacrafice a perfectly useful 2 LEGGED wrestler just to try and get his carnival act over.

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Guest Spaceman Spiff
And I don't think they can afford to sacrafice a perfectly useful 2 LEGGED wrestler just to try and get his carnival act over.

That's sure as hell not going to stop them from trying. Vince will be lining up WCW buy-out guys to job to him.

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