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Guest Memphis

EWR 4.0 Has Officially Been Set Free!

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I'm bleeding money in my ROH game, and let a few people go to cut costs, but that didn't stop us from having our first five star matchup.


Backseat Boyz vs Briscoe and Spanky.


Match Background: This will be a ladder bout. This is a continuation of the Backseat Boyz vs Briscoe and Spanky feud. This match is for the RoH Tag Team titles. Backseat Boyz have been RoH Tag Team champions since 18 May 2004.


The Match: Trent Acid kicks the leg, knocks Spanky down, and goes to work on it. Second rope flying axe handle, M.Briscoe goes down. One day, Kashmere might even consider coming off the top with that. You know...for more impact and stuff. Splash from the top of the ladder, reminiscent of HBK at Wrestlemania 10! M.Briscoe blocks a kick from Johnny Kashmere. Implant DDT by Mark Briscoe! I will always and forever mark out for that move. Briscoe and Spanky hook up Acid, then hit a double suplex. Super kick by Spanky. Spanky blasts Kashmere with a slingshot into the ladder. M.Briscoe drops an elbow...but Trent Acid moves out of the way. Spinning bulldog in the corner and Spanky is down! Trent Acid sets Mark Briscoe up in the corner. Super Frankensteiner!!! Spanky is stunned as Kashmere heads to the top rope. Missile Dropkick, right on the money! Trent Acid and Johnny Kashmere go up the ladder and grab the prize for the win. Backseat Boyz climb opposite turnbuckles, working the crowd as they celebrate their victory.


My Opinion: *****! What can I say! It earned EVERY star. You, my friend, know what you're doing!



This was originally Briscoes vs. Backseats, but Jay went down to a neck injury about 3 days into my game. When WWE let Spanky go, I hired him and brought him in as Mark's mystery partner to get revenge on the Backseat Boyz, and it's worked out very well.

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Guest El Satanico

put any combination of Backseat Boys, SAT and Briscoes together, you'll get a 5 star tag.

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Guest El Satanico

You could use Scotty, as he's actually pretty good on the game, but no dancing fat man.

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Guest Deebo

Does the game like put young created wrestlers on your roster after a while or something? I loaded my game today, I'm in February in my second year with WWE, and all of the sudden I noticed like 6 or 7 created guys I'd never seen before with no pictures or anything on my roster. I sent 5 to development and released the other two. I'm guessing the game puts guys on your roster after a while, because I never signed them ?

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Guest Deebo
I wish they would let you book tourneys. You can do it, but not spicificaly book it as an angle.

How do you do book tourny's?

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You can't book them specificaly. You can do the bouts yourself but not actually book a tournament. And if you use a guy 3 times or more on a show you get a bad reaction

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Guest El Satanico

When I do tourneys I stretch them out over the whole month. I finish the matches on week three, I do promos for the final match in week four and I have the final match at the monthly show.

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Mikey and Tajiri vs Second City Saints.


Match Background: Mikey and Tajiri are one of the most experienced teams in the promotion. Second City Saints are one of the most experienced teams in the promotion.


The Match: Punk just WAFFLES Whipwreck with a STIFF chop that hurt ME to watch! Second rope flying axe handle, Whipwreck goes down. One day, Punk might even consider coming off the top with that. You know...for more impact and stuff. There's a two count on the pin. Punk tags out to Colt Cabana. CM Punk scoops up Whipwreck. Colt bounces off the ropes and hits a flying Hart Attack clothesline. Covers for a quick two count. Implant DDT by Colt Cabana! I will always and forever mark out for that move. Whipwreck kicks Colt Cabana in the gut to reverse the momentum. Spinning bulldog in the corner and Colt is down! There's a two count on the pin. Tag between Mikey Whipwreck and Tajiri. Super kick by Tajiri. Cover, ONE...TWO...NO! I honestly thought that match was going to end right then and there. Hard back suplex on Colt. Come to think of it, that move had WAY too much power in No Mercy for N64. Colt reverses a Tajiri hammerlock. Second rope flying axe handle, Tajiri goes down. One day, Colt might even consider coming off the top with that. You know...for more impact and stuff. Tag to CM Punk. Trying to channel the spirit of Misawa, CM Punk ends up chanelling Lex Luger instead and nails a running forearm to the face, minus the steel plate, of course. Tajiri tags out to Mikey Whipwreck. CM Punk hits a rolling kick on Whipwreck. Konnan has ruined any chance for me ever enjoying this maneuver again with his shitty execution of it. Backseat Boyz come running down the aisle and into the ring! Whipwreck turns...and is dropped with a double DDT! Whipwreck in big trouble. CM Punk floors Mikey Whipwreck. Devil Lock!!! Mikey Whipwreck taps out! We have a three-way stand off in the ring, as Mikey and Tajiri, Second City Saints and Backseat Boyz look at each other. They all charge forward, and a three-way brawl erupts in the ring! This is chaos! After a few minutes of fast and furious action, a motley crew of referees and stagehands hit the ring to break it up.


My Opinion: This match had it all! Big bumps, incredible, crisp moves, sound psychology. Simply one of the best matches of the year. *****!


Overall: 99

Crowd: 100

Match: 99




AJ Styles vs Truth Martini.


Match Background: This is a continuation of the Styles and Storm vs Truly Amazing feud.


The Match: Styles just WAFFLES Martini with a STIFF chop that hurt ME to watch! Truth Martini reverses a hip toss. Truth Martini connects with a back heel kick on Styles and gets back up quickly. The ref is bumped, as goes down after accidentally getting caught by an elbow to the face. Power drive elbow by Truth Martini. That sounds like a feature on a 4 x 4, doesn't it. Hooks the leg, but the referee is still out! Styles reverses a waistlock. Spin kick by AJ Styles to the face sends the opponent FLYING across the ring. GORGEOUS Spinning bulldog in the corner and Martini is down. Covers for a quick two count. Back heel kick off the second rope and Martini goes flying! Pin, but Martini is out just before the three count. Truth Martini comes up with a right hand out of nowhere. Flying reverse elbow by Truth Martini. Cover, ONE...TWO...NO! I honestly thought that match was going to end right then and there. AJ Styles reverses a hip toss. Lance Storm comes running down the aisle and into the ring! Truth Martini turns around. Lance Storm spins Martini around. Lance Storm hits the Super Kick! Storm leaves the ring, the damage done! Cover gets three for AJ Styles, Martini got pinned. Styles and Storm beat away on Truth Martini, leaving him spread-eagled on the canvas.


My Opinion: This match had it all! Big bumps, incredible, crisp moves, sound psychology. Simply one of the best matches of the year. *****!


Overall: 98

Crowd: 96

Match: 100




Twice in one show...thank you *takes a bow*


And my Cena/Simon Diamond main event got ****

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i've noticed someone talking about 'marrying the bosses daughter' and getting creative control (and i dont mean in real life, on the game obviously)


was that part of a diary, or does it occur in the game?

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Guest Annoyed Grunt

Not only do they get creative control, they're unsackable too. It used to happen alot more often in the early versions of EWR 4.

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Does it hjappen in 4.2?


And i'm trying something new in my new WWE games, i have FOUR roster splits, Raw, Smackdown and Velocity and Heat have both been moved to prime time slots.


Obviously i've moved some big names down, and signed Sting to Haet, Shamrock and Vader to Velocity.

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Damn...I imagined the stats would decline as the worker got older, but this is nuts.


Low Ki had 80s in Brawl, Speed, and Technical...now they're all in the 40s.


I noticed a lot of my guys stats have sunken way lower then they should of.


I don't think someone like Low Ki should drop in half in only 3 years

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Guest Deebo

What do you guys think of this Wrestlemania XXI card..


WWE World Title:

Edge© vs. Rhyno (feud overness: 100)

(I decided to give Rhyno a monster push and now he;s the most over guy in the company


World Heavyweight Title:

Kurt Angle© vs. The Rock (feud overness: 90)

(The Rock won the Royal Rumble and won the shot at Angle)


Steve Austin vs. Randy Orton (feud overness: 90)

(This will hopefully be the win that vaults Orton into superstardom. Sorry guys, I didn't want to push him, but every week he was getting more and more over so I had to do something)


Intercontinental Title: (feud overness: 90)

John Cena© vs. Sean O'Haire

(a 3-month long feud ends in a ladder match for the IC Belt)


Cruiserweight Title: (feud overness: 87)

Ultimo Dragon© vs. Paul London

(After losing to Ultimo for a 2nd straight week, London attacked him brutally after a handshake and turned heel, then joined The Untouchables, a stable with Rhyno, Sean O'Haire and Randy Orton. London is looking for revenge)


Raven vs. Chris Jericho (feud overness: 89)

(a 4-month long feud ends in a Cage match.)


Shelton Benjamin vs. Charlie Haas (feud overness: 92)

(The 7-time Tag Team Champions split at the Royal Rumble after a loss to the Dudley Boyz)


United States Title: (feud overness: 88)

Christian© vs. Rey Mysterio

(Christian's 6-month title reign comes to an end by the emerging Rey)

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7 time tag champs? How long do they reign at a time?


The most titles a team has had on my game are Mike Sanders and Michael Shane Who've won my world tag titles twice and my X Tag Titles once

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Guest El Satanico

I'm ready to end my Rock/Beniot feud at Summerslam, but Sophia hasn't given me the ok to blow it off and I'm to the ppv.


Should I listen to her and give it another month, or is it ok to end despite Sophia not saying it's time to end it? By ok I mean will it ruin the fued blow off by ending it earlier than Sophia says.

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Guest Deebo
7 time tag champs? How long do they reign at a time?


The most titles a team has had on my game are Mike Sanders and Michael Shane Who've won my world tag titles twice and my X Tag Titles once

Well I was counting their real life title wins too. Still though, the tag titles have been shuffled back and forth quite a bit in my game.

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I'm ready to end my Rock/Beniot feud at Summerslam, but Sophia hasn't given me the ok to blow it off and I'm to the ppv.


Should I listen to her and give it another month, or is it ok to end despite Sophia not saying it's time to end it? By ok I mean will it ruin the fued blow off by ending it earlier than Sophia says.

If Sophie hasn't said it's time, it's not time.


Ending the feud early won't benefit both workers, and in fact more often than not it will cause your workers to LOSE overness.

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Guest El Satanico
I'm ready to end my Rock/Beniot feud at Summerslam, but Sophia hasn't given me the ok to blow it off and I'm to the ppv.


Should I listen to her and give it another month, or is it ok to end despite Sophia not saying it's time to end it? By ok I mean will it ruin the fued blow off by ending it earlier than Sophia says.

If Sophie hasn't said it's time, it's not time.


Ending the feud early won't benefit both workers, and in fact more often than not it will cause your workers to LOSE overness.

Alright, thanks...that's what I needed to know.

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Guest El Satanico
Rob Van Dam vs Christian.


Match Background: This is another chapter in the long-running RVD vs Christian feud. So far, RVD hasn't managed to get a pin or submission over Christian since the feud started. This match is for the WWE Television title. Rob Van Dam has been WWE Television champion since 28 March 2004.


The Match: RVD takes a flying neckbreaker from Christian. Flying reverse elbow by Christian. Covers for a quick two count. RVD flips out of a Christian bodyslam attempt. Spinning back kick from Rob Van Dam. Rob Van Dam hits a rolling kick on Christian. Konnan has ruined any chance for me ever enjoying this maneuver again with his shitty execution of it. There's a two count on the pin. DDT from the top rope by Rob Van Dam. That looked KILLER. Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! Flying elbow from Rob Van Dam connects. Christian blocks the suplex attempt and is able to hit the suplex instead! Super kick by Christian. Covers for a quick two count. Vicious kick to the teeth from Christian. Cover, ONE...TWO...NO! I honestly thought that match was going to end right then and there. Christian hits a rolling kick on RVD. Konnan has ruined any chance for me ever enjoying this maneuver again with his shitty execution of it. STIFF high kick on RVD by Christian. Rob Van Dam once again takes the advantage after blocking a few punches and connecting with some forearms. Hard back suplex on Christian. Come to think of it, that move had WAY too much power in No Mercy for N64. Vicious kick to the teeth from Rob Van Dam. The bell rings. The referee declares that the time limit has expired, and the match is a draw. I don't think the fight has finished. Rob Van Dam and Christian have begun brawling again! They wind up brawling all the way down the aisle and out of view.


My Opinion: *****! What can I say! It earned EVERY star. You, my friend, know what you're doing!


Overall 97

Crowd 95

Match 100

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RVD & Christian are another one of those combos that always put on great matches.


I gave than an unofficial feud a while back, and every match they had together was, at a minimum, ****1/2.

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Thought i'd share this;


'We got a 7.44 rating for 'Nitro'!

The attendance level was 8012 people.

We made $320480 from ticket sales'


The best i've done, what is the highest anyone's got?


That event was headlined by HHH/Goldberg.

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I just had a stellar idea for a TEW update for people who really want to be in-depth about their merchandise sales.


You pick the wrestler you want to market a DVD for, how many discs it is, the MSRP, and using the event archive, pick out what matches go on it, then track its sales.


I should have thought of all this earlier.

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Guest El Satanico

I'm turning WGTT face here shortly, but I've got to thinking that WGTT is a very heelish name.


I'm thinking of renaming them after the turn, but I can't think of a good name.



Speaking of tag teams, Rhyno has gotten mega over(99 overness) thanks to his teaming with Orton. They are current Raw tag champs and will be feuding with newly turned WGTT who I just traded from Smackdwn to Raw for Dudleys. However, Orton is only 84 over.

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I'm due for a big team heel/face split.


If someone goes down with a bad injury do their stats go to hell? Low Ki's stats went from 80s in the major departments to 40s. I also took big hits for Benoit, Acid, and Siaki

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