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Guest Memphis

EWR 4.0 Has Officially Been Set Free!

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Guest Kingpk

Yeah, wrestlers offer suggestions of who they'd like to work with. Orton mentioned a match with RVD and I put it as the main of a Heat. *** from Dames.


I'm also giving Paul London a bit of a push. Maybe give him the US title come December or something.

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Guest Memphis
Rhyno won't leave me alone until he gets an Undertaker match.

...wait, he wants a match against Undertaker? :huh: I've never had a wrestler ask for a specific match against another.

It's best to comply.


Spanky asked for a shot at Psychosis (RoH World Champion) and surprised me with a **** match.


However, I wouldn't trust anyone demanding UNDERTAKER matches.



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Guest Kahran Ramsus

Where do I download the dll file? The site has been changed so I can't find anything.

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Guest Lightning Flik

Not sure... Where.


Oh and to those who are wondering where the ticket sales for the house shows are, they show up at the very end now. You won't see them till the months over.


...God I'm being an idiot today with stupidity.

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Guest Lightning Flik

Hmph... Ok, I'm in a fine pickle. Once AGAIN, I'm about to be given my pink slip. I tried to secretly covet myself through totally written wrestlers to my company, but seems that didn't pan out. Well, it did, but I just have to make sure I pay less for wrestlers apparently...


Grr. I need to find a right formula or something. This is NUTS.

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Guest Anglesault



My Eddy/Chavo ladder match was declared "all that and a bag of chips!"

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Guest Memphis
Hmph... Ok, I'm in a fine pickle. Once AGAIN, I'm about to be given my pink slip. I tried to secretly covet myself through totally written wrestlers to my company, but seems that didn't pan out. Well, it did, but I just have to make sure I pay less for wrestlers apparently...


Grr. I need to find a right formula or something. This is NUTS.

Holy fuck, you're out-doing Scott Hall on how many times you can get fired and still keep trying. What exactly is your main issue?


I'm playing with Ring of Honour and the company is flourishing, with a healthy PPV audience and a small TV show to back up the storylines on the USA Network. To combat loosing money, I only used the big stars, i.e Low Ki, Chris Daniels & Michael Modest, at PPV's or special events.


I signed Psychosis, Spanky and an assortment of other lesser known talent and built them all up myself on written contracts - Using them as my TV show team. This ultimately saw their overness sky rocket and enabled them to play ball with the big names.


Funny how every second post from you though concerns getting your ass fired.

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Guest Anglesault
Where do I download the dll file? The site has been changed so I can't find anything.

on ewadditions.com, use the search option. It's there somewhere, I found it yesterday

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Guest Lightning Flik
Holy fuck, you're out-doing Scott Hall on how many times you can get fired and still keep trying.


I'm not sure whether I should take that as a compliment, or feel ashamed here. I'll go with compliment.


What exactly is your main issue?


First two times, it was concerning PI as my shows weren't all that good (I didn't hire any GREAT talents under written) and basically when I was going down, paniced and booked a lot of open contract guys and just well, went broke.


The third time, I made a slight err booking PPV Weeklies when I was only Regional... Really smart, that move. ...oyie. Well it was in a way, but I wasn't bringing in enough to effectively use it. Went broke.


The time before this, I took on the WWE and was doing well. Problem was, both WWE and I were falling and there wasn't ANYTHING I could do. I just lost 2PI every week. Heck WWE was losing 1 every week. Then when I dropped to National I got canned.


This past time was a little different, I finally moved up in PI for my first time, but I'm a MILLION over my budget and my boss wasn't too happy about that. I signed everyone I could to written contracts as I didn't want to lose everyone as I use everybody I can (and sign the rest to developmental for later usage). Add to the fact, I was an idiot and decided to upgrade a sponsor by CANNING one, I'm now just sitting a little less than 3 million in the hole. I DO have a TV show, but I don't think it can give me the extra 1 mil I need to get everything on track. Although with the new TV show, I should be able to get more profits from my sponsors techinically, but my production costs increase as well (should be about 200000 increase)... UGH, headaches...


As you can tell, I can't stand the open contract system. I'd rather have all my guys working for me. And believe me, I do have a system in place that WOULD work, if I can budget myself well. ...hm, my staff are costing me a lot more than they should be.


I'm playing with Ring of Honour and the company is flourishing, with a healthy PPV audience and a small TV show to back up the storylines on the USA Network. To combat loosing money, I only used the big stars, i.e Low Ki, Chris Daniels & Michael Modest, at PPV's or special events.


...gr, I hate that. Sorry, but I do. I want to be able to use my big stars always. Cause they are MY big stars. I hate having the possibility of losing someone I've put everything behind and for them to up and leave me for the WWE.


Yes, you could call me a sentimental bastard or crazed loon with that last statement. I'll let you decide.


I signed Psychosis, Spanky and an assortment of other lesser known talent and built them all up myself on written contracts - Using them as my TV show team. This ultimately saw their overness sky rocket and enabled them to play ball with the big names.


...that's ALL I signed as well. Well, they WERE with other people, but didn't cost me THAT much more to steal them away. I mean, my only big name was really Marc Mero. ...actually, he's quite good for a Cult ME. I'm rehiring him for sure this next time.


Funny how every second post from you though concerns getting your ass fired.

Then again I'm using my own fed, so this might be why I'm having a hell of a time, becuase I've got like NO stars what so ever.


It is kinda funny that I'm fired every two months, isn't it? Although, I hate the fact with a passion. I will figure out a way to get further. I will, I will, I will.


[Kefka Laugh]MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA[/Kefka Laugh]


Ok, I'm TOO into this game... I know what I need~!


...for those of you who guessed chairshots, your wrong. I've had enough of those. I'm off to get some corndogs and then sit down and create my [Finger Quotation Mark Movement]"master plan"[/Finger Quotation Mark Movement]. From there I will finally wreak havoc with my created fed of High Impact Wrestling~!

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Guest The Decadent Slacker

Right, i've been putting on awesome cards, according to Dames. I've had about 6 ****+ matches (Styles/Tajiri, Helms/Jericho, Lynn/Jericho & Benoit/Rhyno/Styles Vs Angle/Lesnar/Edge, to name a few) & he's been gushing at the majority of my shit, except for mainly the RAW stuff (London/Spike was the best at ***1/2 or something). Amazing. I'm currently going with Dangerous Alliance (Benoit, Rhyno, Styles & maybe WGTT) vs Angle & Lesnar as the top SD! feud, followed by an awesome Scott Taylor (super heel) Vs Rey. RAW...ugh. Jericho/RVD is the main feud, followed by Austin/Raven. Fuck Randy "TNA Won't Even Return My Calls" Orton.


Thinking of starting a diary, but then i remember how little a fuck people give. Still rules all though.

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Guest Lightning Flik

Curious. But which makes you more money? For like feds that aren't national or anywhere NEAR Global.


Having one big event at the end of the month? Or Weekly PPV?


I haven't actually put them up against each other as I wasn't really paying too much attention to that.

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Guest Lightning Flik

Considering I've lost all my life to this game, I think I have solved my dilema and have implemented [Finger Quotation Mark Movement]"master plan"[/Finger Quotation Mark Movement].


As sponsors pay by the show, I went to PPV Weekly format so that my sponsors pay me per week (hopefully it SHOULD work that way), thereby allowing me a lot more cash.


I also have cut my working payroll in half by picking up easily bought up wrestlers (some pretty good) and now have an all-star lineup that just lacks in star power. So I can compete, I just don't know if my Cult fed will be able to do it so quickly. I'm about to find out.


Wish me luck. I'm hoping this isn't my sixth time getting my pink slip.

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Guest Lightning Flik

Ok. I hate this. Master Plan WORKED, but I still ended up losing a lot of PI and got canned yet again.


*sighs* Oh well. Try again, I suppose.

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Guest bravesfan

OK, now playing as TNA, I won a bidding war for Christian ($197,000 a month).


Should I do everything in my power to release him, using my acquired PI status (from beating the WWE in that bidding war)? Or should I keep him in the Main Event scene, as planned?

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Guest Memphis
Ok. I hate this. Master Plan WORKED, but I still ended up losing a lot of PI and got canned yet again.


*sighs* Oh well. Try again, I suppose.

What's that? SEVEN now?



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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Kurt Angle vs Chris Benoit.


Match Background: This match is for the WWE World title.


The Match: Big forearm by Chris Benoit makes me want to go to the mirror and check MY teeth. Angle powers out of a headlock. Big forearm by Kurt Angle makes me want to go to the mirror and check MY teeth. Kurt Angle misses a clothesline...and takes out the referee accidentally! Death valley driver (not to be confused with the DVD 500) by Kurt Angle connects and Chris Benoit is down! Pinfall attempt, but the ref is out and can't count to three! Chris Benoit powers out of a Kurt Angle headlock. Chris Benoit snap suplexes Angle HARD to the canvas! And again! A pair of clotheslines follow and...yep, Benoit is a HOUSE...EN...FUEGO~! Nice piledriver on Angle. There's a two count on the pin. Benoit hits a great swinging DDT on Kurt Angle. Benoit then hits a pair of HARD clotheslines and a BAAACK Bodydrop! ULTIMATE HOUSE...EN...FUEGO~! Cover, ONE...TWO...NO! I honestly thought that match was going to end right then and there. Angle counters a sleeper with a jaw breaker and is able to get free! Doctor Bomb and Benoit is hurt. Pin, but Benoit is out just before the three count. Kurt Angle misses a big legdrop after stalling too long. Chris Benoit floors Kurt Angle. Here it comes...Crippler Crossface! Kurt Angle taps!


My Opinion: This match was SO close from being perfect...but I'd feel almost...dirty giving it the full monty, so I'm only going to give it ****3/4.




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Guest Retro Rob

Anyone remember how Adam was talking about going to war with another promotion? Does one of you initiate the war, or does it naturally occur?

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Guest jimmy no nose

Has anyone used a comic book hero gimmick against a comic book villian gimmick? I'm going to try that one out with my newly acquired AJ Styles as the villian against Hurricaine.

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Guest Vyce

It's been said ad nauseum in this post, but Dames really can be a harsh mistress.


Er, master.


I put together an NWA SUPERCARD~! and the highest rating I got was ***.

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Guest Angle-plex
Anyone remember how Adam was talking about going to war with another promotion? Does one of you initiate the war, or does it naturally occur?

It automatically starts when you and another promotion are within 40 PI from each other.

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Guest Retro Rob
Anyone remember how Adam was talking about going to war with another promotion?  Does one of you initiate the war, or does it naturally occur?

It automatically starts when you and another promotion are within 40 PI from each other.

Not in Cult though I'd imagine, since it hasn't happened with me. Just National and Global?

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Guest jimmy no nose
Anyone remember how Adam was talking about going to war with another promotion?  Does one of you initiate the war, or does it naturally occur?

It automatically starts when you and another promotion are within 40 PI from each other.

Not in Cult though I'd imagine, since it hasn't happened with me. Just National and Global?

Yeah, that's right. I checked on the other promotions screen and for TNA it says they arent at war with anyone and all the other promotions say they arent big enough to be at war. TNA can't compete with me because they are national, so I guess I have to wait for that Pinky and the Brain promotion to start up.

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Guest Lord of The Curry

Why is my WWE roster not up to date? I still have Jeff Hardy, Raven and others still employed and all of my champs are wrong. I've got Knoble as Cruiser, Billy and Chuck as Tag Champs etc.


Anybody else having this problem? Because I didn't last night but when I loaded my game today it was like this.

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Guest Lightning Flik
Ok. I hate this. Master Plan WORKED, but I still ended up losing a lot of PI and got canned yet again.


*sighs* Oh well. Try again, I suppose.

What's that? SEVEN now?



Six actually. I'm still getting used to having to rely on open contracts. I don't LIKE using them, but I'm going to have to, I suppose. As I WAS making money but with no star power, I couldn't get any PI.


Unless... :huh:


:P Hm... I think, I have another brainstorm.

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Guest Lightning Flik

Edit: Geezus, I need to read MORE.


Anywoo, this is filler.


So anyone know if RaveX has their update yet?

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Guest MaxPower27

Dames is tough, but fair.


He gave me -* for my Nash v. Kane match on Raw, but also gave me ***3/4 for Rico v. Booker on the same show, as well as **** for AJ Styles v. RVD.

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Guest jimmy no nose

I just had a show where I got 3 *** matches, a ***1/4, and 2 ****1/4 star matches from Dames. Then mixed in there was Kane and Edge's *1/4 match which was followed by Kane saying I should book him against Bubba Dudley instead.

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Guest Retro Rob

Just got ****3/4 from a randomly thrown together CM Punk-Kid Kash match from TNA.



CM Punk vs Kid Kash.


Match Background: This will be a ladder bout.


The Match: Dropkick connects to the BUTT of the jaw and Punk goes down. Kid Kash dives off the middle of the ladder with a clothesline that connects. Second rope flying axe handle, Punk goes down. One day, Kash might even consider coming off the top with that. You know...for more impact and stuff. Second rope flying axe handle, Punk goes down. One day, Kash might even consider coming off the top with that. You know...for more impact and stuff. Punk counters a sleeper with a jaw breaker and is able to get free! CM Punk dives off the middle of the ladder with a clothesline that connects. Punk crushes Kash with a running senton. Kash reverses a CM Punk hammerlock. Lightning kick by Kash on Punk. Diamond Dust from Kid Kash and Punk is out! CM Punk is able to duck a clothesline attempt and connect with a counter clothesline. Spinning back kick from CM Punk. Kash reverses a waistlock. Hard back suplex on Punk. Come to think of it, that move had WAY too much power in No Mercy for N64. Punk begins to climb the ladder. Devon Storm comes out of the crowd and slides into the ring....and shoves the ladder! Punk is sent crashing hard to the canvas! Kid Kash climbs the ladder and grabs the prize for the win. Kash and Devon put the boots to CM Punk, stomping away on him.


My Opinion: A ****3/4 rating for a great match. Close, but not 5 stars.

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