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Guest Memphis

EWR 4.0 Has Officially Been Set Free!

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Guest Kingpk

I think I'm going to try something REALLY risky.


I'm having Kane beat Goldberg in a triple threat with HHH at Unforgiven and then having a title match at SurSer with RVD, where Kane cheats and RVD finally gets the belt at the Rumble.


Hell, I gotta reward these two for this feud (92 heat as of this post)

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Guest Lightning Flik

YES~! I signed Kid Kash to a 93000 contract for two years~!


THIS IS GREAT~! Harry Smith and Kid Kash are now going to feud like NEVER BEFORE~!


It was a high price to pay, but I managed to kick TNA in it's balls. HEHEHEHE....

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Guest Memphis

For those interested, RaveX has just released one of their fantastic stat updates for EWR 4.0.


The update can be obtained here

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Guest Lightning Flik
For those interested, RaveX has just released one of their fantastic stat updates for EWR 4.0.


The update can be obtained here

Ah, the illustrious update. I'll do that as soon as I get bored with my current fed.

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Guest Memphis
I think I'm going to try something REALLY risky.


I'm having Kane beat Goldberg in a triple threat with HHH at Unforgiven and then having a title match at SurSer with RVD, where Kane cheats and RVD finally gets the belt at the Rumble.


Hell, I gotta reward these two for this feud (92 heat as of this post)

Just curious: Is your company experiencing a boom period? Seems to be the case if RVD is getting over within angles.


In any event, this success story has convinced me to rehire Kane and give him a chance to prove his worth. I gave the big guy a pink slip straight away due to the large chunk of money he was taking up.


I'm in a slump period however, so it will be interesting to discover what happens.

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Guest Memphis

The update needs serious tweaking if your a smark who believes in being fair.


Kevin Nash's brawling ability is a whopping 73. I placed it down to 55, and even THAT is being exceptionally generous.


I also find that HHH's selling ability and Goldust's brawling ability are never properly represented in EWR. However, that is just my opinion.



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Guest Lightning Flik
Just curious: Is your company experiencing a boom period? Seems to be the case if RVD is getting over within angles.


In any event, this success story has convinced me to rehire Kane and give him a chance to prove his worth. I gave the big guy a pink slip straight away due to the large chunk of money he was taking up.


I'm in a slump period however, so it will be interesting to discover what happens.

It's actually an interesting phenom. I really do believe that gimmicks effect how a character gets a reaction.


Right now, I've got Nova and Sick Nick Mondo dueling it out in a feud, and they've been scoring high 70s in segments so I think that gimmicks play a bigger factor this time around than last.


At least I'm guessing cause Sick ain't that great of a talker.

Edited by Lightning Flik

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Guest Angle-plex

Finally I got a ***** match...


AJ Styles vs Low Ki.


Match Background: This is a continuation of the Styles vs Low Ki feud. Neither has managed to get an in-ring victory in this feud. This match is for the NWA World Heavyweight title. AJ Styles has been NWA World Heavyweight champion since 19 October 2003.


The Match: Low Ki walks into a high dropkick from AJ Styles, almost losing several teeth in the process. Styles drops an elbow...but Low Ki moves out of the way. Trying to channel the spirit of Misawa, Low Ki ends up chanelling Lex Luger instead and nails a running forearm to the face, minus the steel plate, of course. The ref is bumped, as goes down after accidentally getting caught by an elbow to the face. Death valley driver by Low Ki! No one executes that move properly anymore. Cover, but there's no one to count for Low Ki! AJ Styles is able to duck a clothesline attempt and connect with a counter clothesline. Second rope flying axe handle, Low Ki goes down. One day, Styles might even consider coming off the top with that. You know...for more impact and stuff. Styles crushes Low Ki with a huge legdrop. Hooks the leg for a two count. Tiger suplex on Low Ki. No Misawa references from me, I swear. Oh, dammit. Hooks the leg! ONE...TWO...NO! AJ Styles misses a big legdrop after stalling too long. Styles walks into a side slam. Think about how much talent it takes to side slam someone. Nash can do it. Cover, ONE...TWO...NO! I honestly thought that match was going to end right then and there. AJ Styles elbows Low Ki in the face to break a hammerlock. Low Ki scores with a forearm, sending Styles down into the corner, squashing the referee. Styles has pulled something out of his tights! Low Ki walks over...and ducks the brass knuckles punch! The knux come off. Low Ki floors AJ Styles, and picks up the knuckles himself. Styles rises...and gets a taste of his own medicine as Low Ki uses the knuckles to knock Styles out. The referee gets up to see Low Ki making the cover: 1....2....3! Another referee comes running down the aisle, and points out to the first official that Low Ki used an illegal weapon. The referee reverses the decision! Low Ki has been disqualified! I don't think the fight has finished. AJ Styles and Low Ki have begun brawling again! They wind up brawling all the way down the aisle and out of view.


My Opinion: I don't do it often, but this match was EVERYTHING and a bag of chips... ***** baby!! (95, 90, 100)

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Guest Zack Malibu

The new update needs a little tweaking in other ways too. I believe that in the update, Paul London is working for the indies again, and other such nonsense. Also, the majority of the people added to the game were MMA people, when I was hoping for some more unknown/older talent to be added since I'm going to be redoing a diary that's played for laughs a lot.


Ah well. I'll be sticking with the original EWR 4.0 for now.

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Guest TheArchiteck

Muhahahaha....just bought out RoH.....with Low Ki.

He's only able to have a open contract since he's touring...but as soon as the new rosters start....i'm snatching his ass up.

I also took Hurricane from WWE........and I dug deep into my pockets to get Kurt Angle!


He's coming over in 3 months. Hopefully I'll cut all the dead weight by then and have my faces/heels even. Trying really hard to get a 3rd tv show.....but I need to hurry up and gain PI...cause at this pace, i'll drop from Global in 2 months.

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Guest MillenniumMan831

I tried starting as WWE but I can't do any angles because 'I don't have enough writers'. QUE?!? How many do you need? I have 5 now.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

HHH is really starting to get over with his new "gay" gimmick.

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Guest Lightning Flik
I tried starting as WWE but I can't do any angles because 'I don't have enough writers'. QUE?!? How many do you need? I have 5 now.

For each TV show, you need two for that show. So since you have three shows, you need six writers.


If you have no TV shows, but wish to do angles, you still need at least two to do them.

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Guest Memphis
HHH is really starting to get over with his new "gay" gimmick.

He wasn't for the Slut gimmick I suggested he have.


I guess it came as no surprise that he didn't like the romance angle with Chyna either.


Ah, what fun it is ruining Hunter's life.

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Guest Lightning Flik
HHH is really starting to get over with his new "gay" gimmick.

He wasn't for the Slut gimmick I suggested he have.


I guess it came as no surprise that he didn't like the romance angle with Chyna either.


Ah, what fun it is ruining Hunter's life.

Speaking of HHH, in my current game, I could go out of my way and try signing him as he's contract is coming up with the WWE. I could ruin his career~!


...too bad I'm at Cult level. :lol:

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Guest Memphis
HHH is really starting to get over with his new "gay" gimmick.

He wasn't for the Slut gimmick I suggested he have.


I guess it came as no surprise that he didn't like the romance angle with Chyna either.


Ah, what fun it is ruining Hunter's life.

Speaking of HHH, in my current game, I could go out of my way and try signing him as he's contract is coming up with the WWE. I could ruin his career~!


...too bad I'm at Cult level. :lol:

Chances are, you'd go bankrupt and get fired again.


Leave it to Vince. They'll send WWE into a self destruct course soon enough.

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Guest Lightning Flik
Chances are, you'd go bankrupt and get fired again.

:( Dude. You wanting me to go bankrupt for a fourth is just harsh man.


...oh wait. :lol: You meant, signing a cancer like that right? Ah... :P

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Guest TheArchiteck

Man, I think I have way too many people.......

It was like at 120 when I bought out those 2 fed.....now its like 96 wrestlers in the fed.

Most of them are on open contracts from the buyouts. But I have like 40+ wrestlers to debut....

So right now I have no fueds going and the rWa Global Championship title is the only not vacant.

I'm still trying to decide how to split the fed.....Before I did cruisers and heavyweights.

But I basically need a better organized roster....some people I'm just now discovering I had.

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Guest Lightning Flik
But I basically need a better organized roster....some people I'm just now discovering I had.

...afraid to say this, but pull a Russo. Make sure EVERYONE's doing something. Even if they become a jobber of some type, get them to do something. It could be the weakest excuse of a angle possible, but make sure that everyone is used in some fashion. Or just open up a developmental camp and shove people into it.


Then again, that's just insane. 96 wrestlers??? Heck, I've only got 36.

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Guest Angle-plex
Damn a lot of people are getting that *****.

I was keeping all my best matches, just in case I decide to do an "end of the 2003" awards, and I had EIGHT ****3/4 matches. It's a bitch to get ***** in this game.

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Guest Lightning Flik
Damn a lot of people are getting that *****.

I was keeping all my best matches, just in case I decide to do an "end of the 2003" awards, and I had EIGHT ****3/4 matches. It's a bitch to get ***** in this game.

Heh. I hear ya. That would be something cool to do. Here's hoping it's good.

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Guest TheArchiteck

Yeah before I started getting a profit...I had like 52 wrestlers total.......like 30 of them was in developmental.

Things was a hell of a lot easier, everyone was happy.

I just offered Jeff Hardy a release because he got pissed when I canned Christian York.

I had many better lower midcarders than York.....so why keep him?

I didn't need Hardy at all either. Only kept him because he's close to the now Main Eventer, Hurricane.

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Guest MillenniumMan831
I tried starting as WWE but I can't do any angles because 'I don't have enough writers'.  QUE?!?  How many do you need?  I have 5 now.

For each TV show, you need two for that show. So since you have three shows, you need six writers.


If you have no TV shows, but wish to do angles, you still need at least two to do them.

Ah ha . . . thanks!

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Guest Lightning Flik

Weeee~! My roster has STAR POWER~! Finally.


All of these wrestlers are above 50 overness and aren't Uppercard or Main Event:


Colt Cabana 54

J.R. Ryder 50

Johnny Kashmere 71 (WTF???)

*Leo Branford 61

*Marcus Chavayada 68

Spanky 62

Spiffy Sean Stylez 51


* created wrestlers and currently feuding.


I'm happy that my midcarders are doing so well. It's great. Only thing though: HOW THE FUCK IS KASHMERE 71??? :huh: I mean, I haven't booked the guy well at ALL. Geezus, no wonder the guy's morale has been biting ass. He's got more overness than he should have.

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Guest Nevermortal

Scott Steiner, Masochist:


Chris Kanyon and me don't have much chemistry in the ring. How about putting me in a program with a worker like Triple H? I think our styles would really work well together.

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Guest Lightning Flik
Scott Steiner, Masochist:


Chris Kanyon and me don't have much chemistry in the ring. How about putting me in a program with a worker like Triple H? I think our styles would really work well together.



Wow, this is kinda amusing to see you guys get all these suggestions. I haven't had ONE yet though. Weird.


Then again, I was informed by the road agents that Leo Branford and Johnny Kashmere have similar styles, so I'll probably send Leo after Johnny as soon as Leo finishes off with Marcus.

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Guest JacK

I didn't get a 5-star rating, but I got a minus five star rating; Desire vs Valentina with a Siaki interference and Chris Harris save (as Ace in tha Hole are feuding with AMW)


My Opinion: Quite possibly the worst match that I've EVER SEEN! -***** PLEASE tell me that you did this on purpose! PLEASE. A negative five star match is not something you just...DO. This was probably the worst thing I've ever seen this side of Diesel vs. Mabel from Summerslam '95. I must now go and gouge out my eyes, thank you very much.


grrrr, Dames is mean.

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Guest Nevermortal

Got a message from Jericho.


Well junior, you *finally* earned your booker-man pay by putting me back in the main event. It's a good job i'm so great, or this conspiracy to keep Y2J out of the main event scene might have halted the career of the greatest showman in wrestling history.

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Guest Space_Cowboy

Low Ki and Jerry Lynn are greatness, four straight ****1/4+ matches and thier overness is skyrocketing.

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