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Guest Memphis

EWR 4.0 Has Officially Been Set Free!

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Guest Lightning Flik
Does anyone know if there's an Arsenic Editor out for this? If so, where? I suck, and I'm sending ROH into bankruptcy.

No. Besides, that's cheating.

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Guest HoosierDaddy

Sorry if this feature has already been mentioned.


I ended up with Johnny Swinger marrying "a previously unknown daughter of Linda McMahon in a whirlwind romance!". Now I have yet ANOTHER unsackable person on the payroll. Good thing he's not totally useless.

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Guest Fook_Hing_Ho
Guys, if you're working WWE, book Christian vs. Hurricane NOW! Three matches for the IC Title with them, TWO ***** matches and a ****3/4 match!


I'm running this feud for like six months if they stay healthy at this rate!

I must agree.


I put them in a nothing match on Heat and got ****1/4. From Dames no less!


Since they've both asked to work with each other, and because they'll deliver, I'm cutting off Hurricane's feud with Orton after only five weeks and having him feud with Christian.

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Guest Zero_Cool

heres some notes ive made a month into my MLW on who meshes..


Daniels and Chavo

Low Ki and American Dargon

Low Ki and Jonny Smith

Spanky and Matt Cross

Juvi and Super Crazy

Raven and Funk

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Guest JacK

Hey - one question (well, actually two). Do you pay open contracters for interviews which the other guy targets them? Or for video packages involving them?


Also . . . why on earth do open-contract guys lose moral when I don't use them? I mean, it's not like there working for me full-time, and It screws me up having to use them occassionally to complement my now written roster.


And why do my Buyrates go down on my better ppvs? I mean I had my best ppv, 79%, and the previous weeks was my next best 76%, and my buyrates were the lowest yet! What gives? Or am I missing something in that people want to see suckiness?

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Guest WrestlingDeacon

Do alter egos factor in to anything or are they just for kicks to look up?


Like if I have Barry Darsow and make him a thief it will automatically get over, because he used to be the Repo Man or if I change his name to Repo Man it will help with his overness because it's a recognizable name and character?

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Guest Retro Rob
Raven and Funk

They haven't worked well for me. Raven and Jarrett put on good matches. And lately Sting has been requesting to work with Raven.


As for the Arsenic Editor, I don't believe one is out for 4.0.

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Guest Retro Rob
Hey - one question (well, actually two). Do you pay open contracters for interviews which the other guy targets them? Or for video packages involving them?


Also . . . why on earth do open-contract guys lose moral when I don't use them? I mean, it's not like there working for me full-time, and It screws me up having to use them occassionally to complement my now written roster.


And why do my Buyrates go down on my better ppvs? I mean I had my best ppv, 79%, and the previous weeks was my next best 76%, and my buyrates were the lowest yet! What gives? Or am I missing something in that people want to see suckiness?

1) Yes


2) The buyrate is influenced mostly by PI and a little bit of randomness.

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Guest Nightscrawler
God's Team vs World's Greatest Tag Team.


Match Background: God's Team used to be a regular team, but have been inactive for a while. Whether this match will lead to a reformation as an active unit remains to be seen. World's Greatest Tag Team are the reigning WWE Tag Team champions.


The Match: Haas uses a basement dropkick to the knee and it looks like it might be TIME TO GO TO SCHOOL~! Flying reverse elbow by Charlie Haas. Covers for a quick two count. Haas tags out to Shelton Benjamin. World's Greatest Tag Team hook up Angle, then hit a double suplex. Shelton slams Kurt Angle down and motions to the crowd. There's a two count on the pin. Back suplex on Angle. Shelton Benjamin gets taken down out of nowhere! Emerald Fusion by Kurt Angle on Shelton! Angle tags out to Chris Benoit. Running knee lift from Chris Benoit. Shelton walks into a side slam. Think about how much talent it takes to side slam someone. Nash can do it. Shelton reverses a waistlock. Tag to Charlie Haas. Super kick by Charlie Haas. Tiger suplex on Benoit. No Misawa references from me, I swear. Oh, dammit. Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! Back suplex on Benoit. Benoit flips out of a Charlie Haas bodyslam attempt. Tiger bomb by Chris Benoit, which is nowhere near as cool as a botched Pedigree but gets the job done. God's Team have Charlie Haas to themselves. Angle Lock! 1....2....3! It's over. Lesnar \ Rhyno come running down the aisle and into the ring! Angle turns...and gets floored by a clothesline. Benoit walks into a vicious boot to the face. Lesnar \ Rhyno set him up, and nail the Super Bomb! Angle is grabbed...and he gets hit with the Double Powerbomb as well! Lesnar \ Rhyno have done a number on them!


My Opinion: This match was SO close from being perfect...but I'd feel almost...dirty giving it the full monty, so I'm only going to give it ****3/4.


Dammit Dames, you know that deserved an extra quarter star!

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Guest TheCrowCall

Is there any website where I can download the first EWR game? I had it, but then it got deleted somehow and I can't install and play EWR 4.0 without having the original.


If the original EWR game isn't on a website, would someone maybe be able to e-mail it to me?


Thanks very much to all who reply!


~ Pac

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Guest TheArchiteck

Paul London and Juvi are having killer matches.......after I'm done with my Shamrock vs Kojima (91) and Lash Vs Acid fued (88)...i'm putting them up. Just a reg singles match was 98 quality. So when I place them into a fued to build their heat up.....i'm gonna get 5 stars all over the place. But Juvi is on an open contract and he's touring. I usually don't try to devout much time to them since they can up and leave any given moment. So I might just make London go over this feud.


Anyways.....only 2 months to go till Kurt Angle is coming! I also snagged up John Cena which is like 89 over.

These 2 are costing me mad money, but I think i'm going to be making a ton of money within 3 months.


Btw, WWE is only 11% PI Global. Right now i'm 19% Global. They dropped way harder than we did.....waaaaaaaaaay harder. So this is my first time having more PI than WWE. Hopefully they fall into national and I'll reign supreeeeeeeeeeme!!!!!!


Without tv shows, i would drop 5-6 points a week!

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Guest Zack Malibu
Anyone who can should put Spanky and Funaki together.


At the moment Spankynaki are my champions, and having **** matches with anyone they face, whether hyped or not.

Heh, in my non-diary game I dubbed them "FunSpank".

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Guest Lightning Flik

Heh. Well, I'm glad everyone's gotten those *****. I'm still looking for my first.

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Guest Vyce
Sorry if this feature has already been mentioned.


I ended up with Johnny Swinger marrying "a previously unknown daughter of Linda McMahon in a whirlwind romance!". Now I have yet ANOTHER unsackable person on the payroll. Good thing he's not totally useless.

Count yourself lucky.


That happened to me, only the happy groom was Billy Gunn. :throwup:


As for my non-diary WWE game, it's all building up to one thing:


WWE Champion: Sean O'Haire!


He's at 80 over right now, and as soon as my Undertaker / Cena feud is over (with Cena actually winning, of course), Sean's going to steamroll the dead man on his way to the gold.

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Guest MaxPower27

O'Haire and Benoit are currently tearing it up for #1 Contendership.


Of course, O'Haire's not going to win, but I'll leave that part out.


Wait, I included it there....

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21



"Chris Jericho vs Kurt Angle.


Match Background: This will be a hell in a cell bout. This match is for the World Heavyweight title. Kurt Angle is the reigning WWE World champion, and has been since 14 December 2003. Chris Jericho has been World Heavyweight champion since 14 December 2003.


The Match: Jericho hits a HARD spinning kick to the jaw. Kurt Angle charges into the corner, but EATS BOOT and staggers backward. Chris Jericho snap suplexes Angle HARD to the canvas! And again! A pair of clotheslines follow and...yep, Jericho is a HOUSE...EN...FUEGO~! Kurt Angle comes up with a right hand out of nowhere. Doctor Bomb and Jericho is hurt. Kurt Angle gets taken down out of nowhere! Spinning bulldog in the corner and Angle is down! Massive lariat! Stan Hansen would approve. Angle flips out of a Chris Jericho bodyslam attempt. Big forearm by Kurt Angle makes me want to go to the mirror and check MY teeth. Chris Jericho reverses a hip toss. Chris Jericho with a spinning neckbreaker on Angle. Both competitors climb out and start brawling around the cell structure. Finally, both of them climb up to the top!!! Chris Jericho grabs Angle...and hits a choke slam! The roof buckles, and Angle falls all the way to the canvas, which breaks, forming a hole in the ring! Chris Jericho drops down, then drags Angle out of the hole, onto the canvas. Cover gets three for Chris Jericho, Angle got pinned. Chris Jericho remains in the ring, celebrating the victory.


My Opinion: This match had it all! Big bumps, incredible, crisp moves, sound psychology. Simply one of the best matches of the year. *****! "


DAMES GAVE ME *****!!!!

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Guest Lightning Flik

Oh and just so everyone knows, Kid Kash and Johnny Kashmere make an impressive team, or so my road agents tell me.


Amazing what happens when you put two feudings heels into a tag team to take on the faces they are feuding with.


Edit: WTF is up with Marcus Chavayada??? The guy didn't gain a single point of overness on my last show and the bastard just went from 79 overness to 84~! He gained five points magically out of thin air~! I don't get this. I mean, he's good, but DAMN~! The guy has like 14 more overness compared to the person he's feuding with, Leo Branford... Shit... I'm now in a bind... As if I put Marcus over to end this feud, he'll end up with 100 overness at this rate and I'll have NO ONE as over as him...


...damn man, that's just so cool, but I need someone as good as him...

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Guest Vyce

Damn, I had a smoking Smackdown.


First, a thrown together Eddie vs. Chavo match:


Eddie Guerrero vs Chavo Guerrero.


Match Background: Eddie Guerrero is the reigning WWE United States champion.


The Match: Implant DDT by Chavo Guerrero! I will always and forever mark out for that move. Lightning kick by Chavo on Eddie. Covers for a quick two count. Eddie kicks Chavo Guerrero in the gut to reverse the momentum. Eddie Guerrero kicks the leg, knocks Chavo down, and goes to work on it. Implant DDT by Eddie Guerrero! I will always and forever mark out for that move. Covers for a quick two count. Tor-NADO DDT from Eddie Guerrero, Chavo got planted! Hooks the leg! ONE...TWO...NO! Spin kick by Eddie Guerrero to the face sends the opponent FLYING across the ring. Chavo blocks the suplex attempt and is able to hit the suplex instead! Super kick by Chavo Guerrero. There's a two count on the pin. DDT from the top rope by Chavo Guerrero. That looked KILLER. Pin, but Eddie is out just before the three count. THERE IT IS! A legdrop to the BACK OF THE HEAD! I swear, that makes any match just a little bit better. I don't mind telling you that every time I see it, that's for sure. Eddie walks into a high dropkick from Chavo Guerrero, almost losing several teeth in the process. Chavo Guerrero gets taken down out of nowhere! Second rope flying axe handle, Chavo goes down. One day, Eddie might even consider coming off the top with that. You know...for more impact and stuff. DDT from the top rope by Eddie Guerrero. That looked KILLER. Chavo Guerrero tries to get a big slam, but it is blocked when Eddie goes to the eyes! Eddie Guerrero quickly scores with a field-goal kick between the legs! Chavo Guerrero collapses! The referee didn't see the illegal blow! 1...2...3! Chavo Guerrero got screwed!


My Opinion: Consider yourself lucky, a ****1\4 is hard to get and it was earned every step of the way. Let's see if you can do better now.


Then I had this match booked, seeing as Edge emailed me requesting a match with Lesnar:


Brock Lesnar vs Edge.


Match Background: None.


The Match: Edge with a spinning neckbreaker on Lesnar. Spear by Edge. Covers for a quick two count. Brock Lesnar reverses a hip toss. Brock Lesnar hits some punches. How generic. Running knee lift from Brock Lesnar. There's a two count on the pin. Death valley driver by Brock Lesnar! No one executes that move properly anymore. Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! I would have bought that as the finish! Flying shoulder tackle by Lesnar sends Edge CRASHING to the mat. Lesnar drops an elbow...but Edge moves out of the way. Full nelson slam on Lesnar. Covers for a quick two count. Edge scores with a big spinebuster. Hooks the leg! ONE...TWO...NO! Rude Awakening neckbreaker on Brock Lesnar by Edge. Remember when that was a legit finish? Lesnar is a glutton for punishment and just continues to take it during this match. Brock Lesnar avoids a Edge avalanche by getting out of the damn way! Rude Awakening neckbreaker on Edge by Lesnar. Remember when that was a legit finish? Brock Lesnar scores with a standing spinebuster. Brock Lesnar moves in for the kill. F5! 1....2....3.


My Opinion: Consider yourself lucky, a ****1\4 is hard to get and it was earned every step of the way. Let's see if you can do better now.


And I immediately got an email after the fact stating that Edge & Lesnar have good chemistry in the ring together.....hmm. Too bad Lesnar is feuding with Angle. But I may have to have some Angle / Edge vs. Lesnar / Partner.


And finally, my debut of "Hot Talk" (Scotty 2 Hotty's new "Highlight Reel" type of segment......hey, why not take advantage of the guy's impressive charisma stats?) did fairly well, featuring Undertaker & Cena:


Scotty 2 Hotty is standing in the set for his personal interview segment. He announces that tonight's guests are Undertaker and John Cena. They make separate entrances, and stand either side of Scotty. It doesn't take long before insults are flying, and soon Scotty 2 Hotty is shoved aside, and the two workers brawl, taking most of the set with them. Scotty does not look happy as he surveys the damage to the set.


Dames RAWKS. That is all.

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Guest Lightning Flik

Wow. That's a damn good Smackdown.


Man, everyone's seems to be having fun playing as the big WWE. Maybe I should give it a swing...


Nah. I like my Supreme Wrestling Federation better.

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Guest Nevermortal

My feuds...


Chris Jericho v. Kurt Angle (WWE Title)

- Brock Lesnar was slated to get a shot after trouncing Jericho in a HIAC, but Lesnar was derailed. Jericho is trying to avenge the hurting Angle put on his stablemate Shawn Michaels at No Mercy.


Brock Lesnar v. Edge

- Lesnar was supposed to get his title shot, but the returning (and heel) Edge, revealed himself to be Brock's stalker.


Chris Benoit v. AJ Styles

- After heated words were exchanged between the two prior to No Mercy, Styles interfered during Benoit's IC title shot against Eddy Guerrero, costing him the belt. Benoit has since gone totally nuts, attacking Styles liberally. Styles recently got a cheap victory over Benoit.


Eddy Guerrero v. Matt Hardy (IC Title)

- Matt Hardy turned face when Eddy put a hurting on Hurricane after a match; Hardy saved his former Omega bretheren and is now after Eddy's title.


Chris Kanyon v. Rob Van Dam

- From seemingly out of nowhere, Kanyon rose to like 85 over. So, I put him in a feud with RVD who is over after beating HHH. Kanyon defeated RVD clean the night after No Mercy, and RVD wants retribution.


Backseat Boyz v. The Best of the Best (London/Spanky)

- Backseats are fresh off of beating Benjamin/Haas for the titles. Prior to that, the Best of the Best stable (London/Spanky/Styles/Michaels/Jericho) had offered them a spot in the stable, but the Backseats turned them down. After No Mercy, London and Spanky (who's the Cruiser champion) defeated Benjamin/Haas, The Rising Suns (Tajiri/Dragon), and The Tough Enough Crew (Matt/John) to become the No. 1 contenders. I anticipate good things from this feud.


Rey Misterio v. Triple H

- I'm trying to use HHH's star power to put over people whom I want to elevate. Rey's the next one.


Other Notes:


- Matt/John from Tough Enough recently turned heel and are alligned with Paul Heyman.


- Hurricane introduced Nova as his new partner.


- Vignettes for Raven are being show regularly.


- I signed Samoa Joe, B-Boy, and The Briscoes to Developmental Deals.


- I have a nearly hoss-free roster.


- I plan on having Benoit/Lesnar, Angle/Benoit, or Angle/Lesnar as my Wrestlemania Main Event.

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Guest Kingpk

I've already planned my Wrestlemania main events:


Kane vs. RVD (World Title HIAC match)

Benoit vs. Angle (Iron Man match for WWE title)


I decided to hold off RVD-Kane for Mania since I'm holding Kane-Jericho at the Rumble (where Kane gets the belt back) and the match should get them both over mega-huge. I'm dumping No Way Out so I can have two months of buildup without worrying about a throwaway PPV. Benoit wins the Rumble by eliminating RVD last. Austin decides that since RVD was the last RAW guy in the match, he should get the World Title shot.


2) The buyrate is influenced mostly by PI and a little bit of randomness.


I think your advertising level also figures into that.

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Guest cartman

Weird thing about this game...I think match quality somehow effects "Over" rating without telling us about it...


Or maybe My Funaki just shot from Opener to Upper Midcard for the hell of it. (Over 82!?)

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Guest MaxPower27

I got Lance Storm from a 65 over Anti-USA to a 92 over Ice Man.


I'm going to have him and The Rock do a title run after Rock gets done with Triple H.

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Guest Lightning Flik
Weird thing about this game...I think match quality somehow effects "Over" rating without telling us about it...


Or maybe My Funaki just shot from Opener to Upper Midcard for the hell of it. (Over 82!?)

It effects it. That's the ONLY way Marcus Chavayada in my game could get as over as he could.

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Guest El Satanico
Then I had this match booked, seeing as Edge emailed me requesting a match with Lesnar:


Brock Lesnar vs Edge.


Match Background: None.


The Match: Edge with a spinning neckbreaker on Lesnar. Spear by Edge. Covers for a quick two count. Brock Lesnar reverses a hip toss. Brock Lesnar hits some punches. How generic. Running knee lift from Brock Lesnar. There's a two count on the pin. Death valley driver by Brock Lesnar! No one executes that move properly anymore. Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! I would have bought that as the finish! Flying shoulder tackle by Lesnar sends Edge CRASHING to the mat. Lesnar drops an elbow...but Edge moves out of the way. Full nelson slam on Lesnar. Covers for a quick two count. Edge scores with a big spinebuster. Hooks the leg! ONE...TWO...NO! Rude Awakening neckbreaker on Brock Lesnar by Edge. Remember when that was a legit finish? Lesnar is a glutton for punishment and just continues to take it during this match. Brock Lesnar avoids a Edge avalanche by getting out of the damn way! Rude Awakening neckbreaker on Edge by Lesnar. Remember when that was a legit finish? Brock Lesnar scores with a standing spinebuster. Brock Lesnar moves in for the kill. F5! 1....2....3.


My Opinion: Consider yourself lucky, a ****1\4 is hard to get and it was earned every step of the way. Let's see if you can do better now.


And I immediately got an email after the fact stating that Edge & Lesnar have good chemistry in the ring together.....hmm. Too bad Lesnar is feuding with Angle. But I may have to have some Angle / Edge vs. Lesnar / Partner.


That's interesting to know. I'm considering making a power and glory type of tag team with Brock/Edge to replace the Rey/Edge team I planned on putting in a feud with World's Greatest Team.


It would clear up my main event scene for a face vs. face feud between Beniot and Angle with Angle eventually making the heel turn on Beniot.


It would also free up Rey to work with the US and CW champions and feuds.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Jericho/Angle is the money feud.


"Chris Jericho vs Kurt Angle.


Match Background: This will be a first blood bout. Jericho is making his debut at this show. He is a regular with WWE. Angle is making his debut at this show. He is a regular with WWE. Jericho and Angle have been feuding recently. Neither has managed to get an in-ring victory in this feud.


The Match: Chris Jericho strikes Angle. Angle takes a flying neckbreaker from Chris Jericho. Bodyslam by Jericho. Angle backdrops Chris Jericho out of a piledriver attempt. That took a lot out of Kurt Angle. Tiger bomb by Kurt Angle, executed to perfection. We don't see too many good looking Tiger bombs. Angle charges into the corner but EATS BOOT. Spinning bulldog in the corner and Angle is down! Springboard dropkick from Chris Jericho. Nicely done. Angle reverses a waistlock. Jericho takes a back suplex. Chris Jericho is able to duck a clothesline attempt and connect with a counter clothesline. Second rope flying axe handle, Angle goes down. One day, Jericho might even consider coming off the top with that. You know...for more impact and stuff. Jericho whips Angle into the turnbuckles...and the ref is crushed! Angle quickly grabs a chair...and hits Chris Jericho with it, drawing blood! Jericho recovers quickly, and hits a low blow...then wipes the blood off his head and smears it on Angle and exits the ring. The referee recovers, sees the blood....and calls for the bell, awarding the match to Chris Jericho! I don't think the fight has finished. Chris Jericho and Angle have begun brawling again! They wind up brawling all the way down the aisle and out of view.


My Opinion: Absolutely mind blowing match! This is probably up there with my favorite match of all time, Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart from Wrestlemania X and is worthy of ALL its praise. ***** "



The % rankings were the best I'vee ever had.


100% Match Quality

100% Fan Reaction

99% Overall Rating

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Guest Vyce
Wow. That's a damn good Smackdown.


Man, everyone's seems to be having fun playing as the big WWE. Maybe I should give it a swing...


Nah. I like my Supreme Wrestling Federation better.

I'm playing the WWE just for fun. I hope to do a diary of my cult-level fed (the one I'm not getting any house money on).


But I'm having a blast so far. Here's my feuds:




* Angle vs. Lesnar (Lesnar heel turn)

* Goldberg vs. HHH (HHH will drop the title to Kane, who will drop the belt to Kane. Who will probably eventually lose to Sting ;)

* Jericho vs. Rock (the ratings on this are ASTRONOMICAL)




* Booker T vs. Orton (with Book eventually winning)

* Kane vs. RVD (with Kane winning to get the push for the title)

* Undertaker vs. Cena (Cena eventually going over)

* Benoit vs. Eddie (for U.S. title)

* Edge vs. A.J. Styles


And my "unofficial" feuds are:


* Filthy Animals vs. World's Greatest Tag Team

* Shawn Michaels vs. his "Mystery Stalker", Raven


In two weeks time I've risen the PI by at least 12 points and made something like 11 million dollars in profit, before costs.

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