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Guest Memphis

EWR 4.0 Has Officially Been Set Free!

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Guest Lightning Flik

Interesting Vyce. Seems like you've got the WWE down pat.


Also, still not sure how come you aren't making money on house shows, but I digress. Who knows? Maybe you can only start getting money for house shows when you are National? Wouldn't that suck?


As for my Cult fed, I'm thinking of after my latest monthly event, that I'm going to backtrack through it and build it into a diary. Considering I was lucky enough to get it going well, I think I just might.


Besides, I mean, not much else I'm doing with taking down EVERY match so I remember who did what with what.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I'm up to 3 ***** Dames matches all with Jericho vs. Angle.

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Guest Lightning Flik
I'm up to 3 ***** Dames matches all with Jericho vs. Angle.

:angry: Everyone's trying to oust me with that, aren't ya? You're all trying to outshine my gloriousness. I hate you all for that.




Is having 12 Uppercarders too much? Kinda weird that I have that many, but thankfully only 8 of them are under written contracts.


What? :huh:

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I just started a new game with WWE, and I have a Triple H vs. Goldberg feud going. I know Creative Control guys need to get their heat back after matches, so how is the best way to end a feud if you want the heel to go over?


If I'm doing Triple H vs. Goldberg at the PPV, do I want them to go in even so no one gets pissed and loses heat? So if they go in 8-8, Triple H picks up the win for 9, and then Goldberg gets his revenge for his 9, thus no heat lose? Correct?

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Guest Lightning Flik
I just started a new game with WWE, and I have a Triple H vs. Goldberg feud going. I know Creative Control guys need to get their heat back after matches, so how is the best way to end a feud if you want the heel to go over?


If I'm doing Triple H vs. Goldberg at the PPV, do I want them to go in even so no one gets pissed and loses heat? So if they go in 8-8, Triple H picks up the win for 9, and then Goldberg gets his revenge for his 9, thus no heat lose? Correct?

Let whoever is winning the match at the PPV have one less.


So if Triple H is winning have Golberg leading 8-7


If Goldberg is winning have Triple H leading 8-7. That way, the person going over keeps the amount of wins even.

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Guest El Satanico

I haven't started my game yet, because I haven't had time to set it up.


Off suggestions in this thread I've created a Funaki/Spanky tag team. Since Funaki is a HBK mark and Spanky was an HBK student I've named them FNK n' SAK(starting with the first letter i used every other letter to make these three letter nicknames). I'm feuding them with backseat boyz.


Speaking of indy tag teams. I have CM Punk and Colt Cabana feuding with the Dudleys.

Edited by El Satanico

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Guest Lightning Flik

I'm half thinking of letting go some those four uppercard indy guys and grabbing two indy tag teams to liven up my tag team division. Can someone suggest some cheap teams?


And not Second City Saints or Backseat Boyz. I've got Colt Cabana and Johnny Kashmere in a singles feud and I'm thinking of pulling the plug on Trent Acid and CM Punk as I can't really have them for now.

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Guest El Satanico

To finish off this tag team theme here are my tag title feuds.



Canadian Violence(Christian/Lance Storm) vs. Justice Duo(Hurricane/Shannon Moore)



World's Greatest Team(Haas/Benjamin) vs. Brock/Edge


Anyone have any ideas for a name to use for the Brock/Edge team?

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I just started a new game with WWE, and I have a Triple H vs. Goldberg feud going.  I know Creative Control guys need to get their heat back after matches, so how is the best way to end a feud if you want the heel to go over?


If I'm doing Triple H vs. Goldberg at the PPV, do I want them to go in even so no one gets pissed and loses heat?  So if they go in 8-8, Triple H picks up the win for 9, and then Goldberg gets his revenge for his 9, thus no heat lose?  Correct?

Let whoever is winning the match at the PPV have one less.


So if Triple H is winning have Golberg leading 8-7


If Goldberg is winning have Triple H leading 8-7. That way, the person going over keeps the amount of wins even.

So Goldberg getting a revenge attack on Triple H doesn't rise it from 8-8 to 9-8?


Thanks for the help.

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Guest Lightning Flik
I just started a new game with WWE, and I have a Triple H vs. Goldberg feud going.  I know Creative Control guys need to get their heat back after matches, so how is the best way to end a feud if you want the heel to go over?


If I'm doing Triple H vs. Goldberg at the PPV, do I want them to go in even so no one gets pissed and loses heat?  So if they go in 8-8, Triple H picks up the win for 9, and then Goldberg gets his revenge for his 9, thus no heat lose?  Correct?

Let whoever is winning the match at the PPV have one less.


So if Triple H is winning have Golberg leading 8-7


If Goldberg is winning have Triple H leading 8-7. That way, the person going over keeps the amount of wins even.

So Goldberg getting a revenge attack on Triple H doesn't rise it from 8-8 to 9-8?


Thanks for the help.

Yah. Silly, but revenge attack after the match wouldn't do that. Sorry.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

"AJ Styles vs Bryan Danielson.


Match Background: Danielson and Styles have been feuding recently. Neither has managed to get an in-ring victory in this feud. This match is for the NWA World title. AJ Styles has been NWA World champion since 14 April 2004.


The Match: THERE IT IS! A legdrop to the BACK OF THE HEAD! I swear, that makes any match just a little bit better. I don't mind telling you that every time I see it, that's for sure. Hooks the leg for a two count. Lightning kick by Danielson on Styles. Hooks the leg for a two count. Styles reverses a waistlock. Bodyslam by Styles. SUPER frankensteiner on Danielson, who hit hard and is loopy as a result. Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! I would have bought that as the finish! Danielson blocks the suplex attempt and is able to hit the suplex instead! Danielson crushes Styles with a running senton. Covers for a quick two count. AJ Styles avoids a Bryan Danielson avalanche by getting out of the damn way! BURNING HAMMER~! from AJ Styles is executed with perfect brutally! Danielson reverses an irish whip...and AJ Styles runs into the referee! AJ Styles slides out and grabs a chair, then gets back in the ring. Chair shot missed! Bryan Danielson ducked it, and now grabs the chair. Styles takes the shot instead! Wait - the referee is back up, and is calling for the bell. He's disqualifying Bryan Danielson for using a chair! Styles ends up with a cheap victory. The fight has started up again! AJ Styles attacks Danielson, and they brawl all around ringside, then into the crowd! They eventually disappear backstage, still fighting.


My Opinion: I don't do it often, but this match was EVERYTHING and a bag of chips... ***** baby!! "




"Chris Jericho vs Kurt Angle.


Match Background: This will be a hell in a cell bout. Jericho and Angle have been feuding recently.


The Match: Reverse DDT into a backbreaker by Kurt Angle. That was interesting. Kurt Angle misses a clothesline. Chris Jericho gets up and gives a Belly to belly suplex to Jericho. Jericho hits a dropkick on Kurt Angle and gets right back up. Bodyslam by Jericho. Angle pushes out of a Chris Jericho hold. Jericho walks into a stiff sit-out jaw breaker. Jericho gets hit with a running Splash Mountain out of the corner! Kurt Angle snap suplexes Jericho HARD to the canvas! And again! A pair of clotheslines follow and...yep, Angle is a HOUSE...EN...FUEGO~! Chris Jericho powers out of a Kurt Angle headlock. Chris Jericho hits a rolling kick on Angle. Konnan has ruined any chance for me ever enjoying this maneuver again with his shitty execution of it. Spear! Angle is down! Both competitors climb out and start brawling around the cell structure. Finally, both of them climb up to the top!!! Chris Jericho grabs Angle...and hits a body slam! The roof buckles, and Angle falls all the way to the canvas! Chris Jericho looks through the hole, then drops a massive elbow through the roof onto Angle!!! Cover gets three for Chris Jericho, Angle got pinned. Kurt Angle offers a handshake to Jericho...and he accepts it! No! Chris Jericho levels Angle with a cheap shot right hand! Chris Jericho floors Angle. Chris Jericho signals - Lion Sault! Kurt Angle has been floored after the match.


My Opinion: Absolutely mind blowing match! This is probably up there with my favorite match of all time, Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart from Wrestlemania X and is worthy of ALL its praise. ***** "


I also had a ****3/4 blowoff cage match between AMW and Team Angle...AND a ****1/4 X title match between Paul London and Kid Kash.






WOOO!!!!! I own Dames in this game!

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Guest Kingpk

Whelp, looks like I'm pushing Eddie to the top at just the right time, he's retiring at the end of November. I was planning on giving him the belt by beating Angle at SurSer anyway, but I guess I'll turn him face afterwards and give him one last match woth Angle on SD before he Low Rides into the sunset.

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Guest Lightning Flik
Whelp, looks like I'm pushing Eddie to the top at just the right time, he's retiring at the end of November. I was planning on giving him the belt by beating Angle at SurSer anyway, but I guess I'll turn him face afterwards and give him one last match woth Angle on SD before he Low Rides into the sunset.

:( That sucks so much. Sorry to hear your loss of Eddie.

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Guest MaxPower27

I remember in 3.0, I lost Benoit, Angle and Austin within my first 5 months.

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Guest El Satanico

Here are the feuds I have planned for now.



HHH vs. Rock for Heavyweight Title

Booker T vs. Chris Jericho for Intercontinental title

RVD vs. AJ Styles for Television title

Christian/Lance Storm vs. Hurricane/Shannon Moore for World Tag titles

Kane vs. Kid Kash

Randy Orton vs. Paul London

Dudley Boys vs. CM Punk/Colt Cabana




Angle vs. Beniot for World title

Eddy Guerrero vs. Rey Mysterio for United States title

Chavo Guerrero vs. Matt Hardy for Cruiserweight title

Haas/Benjamin vs. Brock/Edge for WWE Tag titles

Undertaker vs. Sean O'Haire

Rhyno vs. John Cena

Spanky/Funaki vs. Backseat Boyz

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I was feuding Styles and Christopher Daniels for the NWA title then I lost Daniels to a sick bump for 8 months.


I quickly threw Styles in a storyline where he was being stalked and after a few shows American Dragon turned out to be the stalker.


I threw it together at the last minute and I got ***** on the first match!

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Guest Kingpk
* Goldberg vs. HHH (HHH will drop the title to Kane, who will drop the belt to Kane. Who will probably eventually lose to Sting ;)

Remember kids: Don't watch Summerslam '95 for booking ideas.


I know you meant Goldberg, but that joke was RIGHT THERE.

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Guest Lightning Flik

A throw away match that was my ME on my last show before November's Event of "Rightly Burial".


Colt Cabana vs Marcus Chavayada.


Match Background: None.


The Match: Flying elbow from Colt Cabana connects. Colt crushes Marcus with a huge legdrop. There's a two count on the pin. Colt drops an elbow...but Marcus Chavayada moves out of the way. Colt takes a headbutt from Marcus Chavayada. BAAACK Body drop by Colt gets a bit of a pop from the crowd. Hooks the leg for a two count. Impaler DDT by Marcus Chavayada just SPIKES Colt Cabana down! Cover, ONE...TWO...NO! I honestly thought that match was going to end right then and there. Fallaway slam by Marcus Chavayada puts down Colt Cabana. Marcus charges into the corner but EATS BOOT. Colt crushes Marcus with a huge legdrop. Covers for a quick two count. Diamond Dust from Colt Cabana and Marcus is out! Hooks the leg! ONE...TWO...NO! Colt uses a basement dropkick to the knee and it looks like it might be TIME TO GO TO SCHOOL~! Dropkick connects to the BUTT of the jaw and Marcus goes down. Marcus Chavayada comes up with a right hand out of nowhere. BAAACK Body drop by Colt gets a bit of a pop from the crowd. Mick Foley-esque Double Arm DDT by Marcus connects as Colt is down! Johnny Kashmere comes running down the aisle with a chair! Marcus whips Colt Cabana into the ropes. Kashmere jumps onto the apron with the chair! Collision between Kashmere, Colt, and the chair! Colt Cabana staggers back into a roll up! 1...2...3! It's over! Marcus Chavayada, having taken the victory thanks to the outside interference of Johnny Kashmere, goes over and shakes hands with him, showing that their plan was a success.


My Opinion: This was such a good match, it caused star ratings to magically appear... ****1\4

Overall: 87, Heat: 77, Quality: 97


Fuck yah~! CHAVAYADA IS GOD~! Foley's got NOTHING~! I mean, shit, this was just lovely. This is my highest rating match so far.


Holy shit, I hope my matches for my Monthly Event are good.


Also some notes:


Air Paris wants to face Nova. I'll pit Air Paris in a throw away match next show and see what happens. Maybe it'll be good. I'll let you know.


Brian XL and Chris Stylez are good against each other.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

"Air Paris wants to face Nova. I'll pit Air Paris in a throw away match next show and see what happens. Maybe it'll be good. I'll let you know."


It should be.


When people request matches they usually turn out awesome.


London wanted matches with Kid KAsh and they've all been over ****

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Guest Lightning Flik
Is Marcus Chavayada a created character?

...well, yes. But shit, I'm not expecting him to be Godly. I made the guy a lightweight hoss.


:ph34r: Maybe the fans love a lightweight hoss???


Either that or his "Egomania" is winning him lots of heatness.


Seriously, I made him, but shit, he's carrying every fucking person he's with. I mean, I feuded him with Leo Branford my other guy, and Marcus is CARRYING him. I mean, Leo's not getting over unless Marcus is there to help him along.

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Guest Lightning Flik
"Air Paris wants to face Nova. I'll pit Air Paris in a throw away match next show and see what happens. Maybe it'll be good. I'll let you know."


It should be.


When people request matches they usually turn out awesome.


London wanted matches with Kid KAsh and they've all been over ****

My next show is a PPV, so I can't throw it away right off the bat. Nova's taking on Sick Nick Mondo at the PPV.

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Guest MaxPower27
Is Marcus Chavayada a created character?

...well, yes. But shit, I'm not expecting him to be Godly. I made the guy a lightweight hoss.


:ph34r: Maybe the fans love a lightweight hoss???


Either that or his "Egomania" is winning him lots of heatness.


Seriously, I made him, but shit, he's carrying every fucking person he's with. I mean, I feuded him with Leo Branford my other guy, and Marcus is CARRYING him. I mean, Leo's not getting over unless Marcus is there to help him along.

I only asked because I didn't see him in my game.


I used to create characters all the time in the other versions. With all 100's for stats, just for S&G

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Guest Lightning Flik
Is Marcus Chavayada a created character?

...well, yes. But shit, I'm not expecting him to be Godly. I made the guy a lightweight hoss.


:ph34r: Maybe the fans love a lightweight hoss???


Either that or his "Egomania" is winning him lots of heatness.


Seriously, I made him, but shit, he's carrying every fucking person he's with. I mean, I feuded him with Leo Branford my other guy, and Marcus is CARRYING him. I mean, Leo's not getting over unless Marcus is there to help him along.

I only asked because I didn't see him in my game.


I used to create characters all the time in the other versions. With all 100's for stats, just for S&G

Thing is, he doesn't have 100 stats in ANY category. His speed and tech are normal, barely making 70 and his brawl and charisma are the only thing that are Godly.


Hence, it's the only thing I can think of as to why he's doing so good.

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Guest Lightning Flik

Curious, but if you do a Dusty Finish DQ, how does that end the match?


I'm thinking of doing it, but I wanna make sure I play it out right.

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Guest Kingpk

Guy cheats to win, another ref comes down and points out the cheating, guy gets DQed.

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Guest Lightning Flik

...I know, I know. I'm posting in this thread so much, I'm considered as such to be post whoring. But I've GOTTA let ya in on what's going down.


My latest show nabbed me an overall of 75! Damn straight skip~! I ROCK~!


And of course, MOTN honors goes to:


Leo Branford vs Marcus Chavayada.


Match Background: Leo and Marcus have been feuding for quite some time now. So far, Leo hasn't managed to get a pin or submission over Marcus since the feud started.


The Match: Spinning back kick from Leo Branford. Marcus blocks a punch. Marcus slams Leo Branford. The ref is bumped, as goes down after accidentally getting caught by an elbow to the face. Impaler DDT by Marcus Chavayada just SPIKES Leo Branford down! Cover, but there's no one to count for Marcus Chavayada! Leo Branford avoids a Marcus Chavayada avalanche by getting out of the damn way! Leo Branford hits a rolling kick on Marcus. Konnan has ruined any chance for me ever enjoying this maneuver again with his shitty execution of it. Lightning kick by Leo on Marcus. There's a two count on the pin. Slingshot senton by Leo, crushing the chest cavity of Marcus. Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! I would have bought that as the finish! Leo walks into a drop toe hold. Big piledriver on Leo. Pin, but Leo is out just before the three count. Leo blocks a kick from Marcus Chavayada. Marcus Chavayada gets whipped into the turnbuckles by Leo. Chimerian Rage! 1....2....3. Marcus is pounding the canvas with punches, shouting about how unfair everything is.


My Opinion: Consider yourself lucky, a ****1\4 is hard to get and it was earned every step of the way. Let's see if you can do better now.

Overall: 90, Heat: 87, Quality: 93


Damn. If only these two where just a little more over, they'd put on a five star match for me.

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Guest Lightning Flik
Guy cheats to win, another ref comes down and points out the cheating, guy gets DQed.

oh... Then it was a good thing I didn't plan that for my title Match.


Sure, it'd be my heel winning the title, but I digress that's not a good way to end a title match. At least not like that.




Just so I'm not post whoring, I'll edit this one.


I've been offered a job with Ring Of Honor. They currently are larger than me, but also are debt ridden. I'm so happy I'm not with them right now.


Second Edit:



Argh. I've got my advertisements up to 70 and I'm STILL not getting anywhere. Can someone help me out as to why?

Edited by Lightning Flik

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Guest fazzle
When people request matches they usually turn out awesome.

Except Rhyno/UT.


Damn 2 star match.

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