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Guest Memphis

EWR 4.0 Has Officially Been Set Free!

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Guest What_ever
Unless I'm missing somthing, the hack doesn't work if the trial has already expired.

You're not doing it right then.


5) Click Trial, put in whatever registry crap, and you're good to go.


Once the trial expires there is no trial button.

Did you download the latest patch? 1.5?


Adam disabled the trial with the latest patch... probably due to this crack being out.

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Guest Annoyed Grunt

The only patch I have is the one from the crack page.


Oh well, it's no big deal. I just wanted to see if it actually could be done after they bragged that it's uncrackable.

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I've NEVER had a ***** match from RVD, who's the best person to pair him with?

AJ Styles and Christian got me 5 stars with him before.

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Guest El Satanico
Juventud Guerrera vs The Amazing Red.


Match Background: Juvi and Red have been feuding recently. Neither has managed to get an in-ring victory in this feud. This match is for the WWE Cruiserweight title. Juventud Guerrera has been WWE Cruiserweight champion since 27 March 2005.


The Match: Dropkick connects to the BUTT of the jaw and Red goes down. The Amazing Red fights out of a grapple. Spinning back kick from The Amazing Red. The referee bumps after catching a wild right hand and is down. Back heel kick off the second rope, Juvi goes down. Hooks the leg, but the referee is still out! Juvi blocks the suplex attempt and is able to hit the suplex instead! Hard back suplex on Red. Come to think of it, that move had WAY too much power in No Mercy for N64. Lightning kick by Juvi on Red. Hooks the leg for a two count. DDT from the top rope by Juventud Guerrera. That looked KILLER! Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! I would have bought that as the finish! The Amazing Red elbows Juventud Guerrera in the face to break a hammerlock. Flying cross body off the top rope! Cover, ONE...TWO...NO! I honestly thought that match was going to end right then and there. Red charges into the corner but EATS BOOT. Juventud Guerrera moves in for the kill. Here it comes - Juvi Driver. 1....2...3, it's finished. The Amazing Red slides to the outside and grabs a chair, then climbs back into the ring. Juvi turns around...and gets planted with a huge chair shot to the head! He is left down and out on the canvas.


My Opinion: Absolutely mind blowing match! This is probably up there with my favorite match of all time, Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart from Wrestlemania X and is worthy of ALL its praise. *****


Overall Rating: 99

Crowd Reaction: 99

Match Quality: 100


That may be the closest you can get to perfect on this game. This was the first match between them too. The crowd being hot from the previous Austin vs. Rock Last Man Standing match, which will be Austin's last WWe match(contract), probably helped alot.

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But the above match that was picked, is as close as you can get to the


Perfect Match:


Overall Rating - 99

Crowd Rating - 100

Match Rating - 100


That's a perfect match.

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Guest Askewniverse
I've NEVER had a ***** match from RVD, who's the best person to pair him with?

I've had ***** matches from RVD against Christian, Shawn Michaels, Eddie Guerrero, and Brock Lesnar.

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Guest JacK
Can't you get an overall 100?

Apparently not in matchs. You can still do that in Interview/Angles; I think that's how you get a gimmick to unique, or at least that's what I think Flik told me. It'd make it a hell of a lot easier to get unique gimmicks with 100% match's for sure.


Wow, did any of you guys know that Helen's coloumn on grapplefanatics.com goes 'temporarily unavailable' when you sign almost all the female workers to open contracts?

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*laughs* That's hilarious. I didn't know that Helen's column goes "temporarily unavailable". Great stuff.


And yes, as I said, the only way to get Unique gimmicks, is to score a 100 on the segment rating scale. Which is a pain in the ass to do. Trust me, I've only done it three times. All times the person doing it had high charisma, were involved in a high rated feud, and were doing something to further that feud.


Once had two guys beating the living shit out of each other. The other was an interview.

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Can't you get an overall 100?

Apparently not in matchs. You can still do that in Interview/Angles; I think that's how you get a gimmick to unique, or at least that's what I think Flik told me. It'd make it a hell of a lot easier to get unique gimmicks with 100% match's for sure.


Wow, did any of you guys know that Helen's coloumn on grapplefanatics.com goes 'temporarily unavailable' when you sign almost all the female workers to open contracts?

100% matches straight across is possible. I've seen it once while booking Edge and Christian in a 1998 scenario after they'd both been in development for about a year. They came out with 100/98/100 stats or so, though, so it wasn't very surprising to me.


Unique gimmicks come about for me most often when I've changed a characters gimmick a couple of times in the game, but only if they talk well.

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100% matches straight across is possible.

No. It isn't. Adam Ryland even says he designed it so that you will never see 100 Overall, 100 Crowd Rating, and 100 Match Quality. Anything else is a falsehood.


You could have 100 everything for stats, but it'll never equal 100 across the board.

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Do "attack" angles further fueds?

All attacks further angles. Be it 1 on 1, 2 on 2, Handicapped, or even turning attacks angles.


As long as there is a feud and they are feuding, it should work.

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I'm doing a third because I really am up to freaking late, but how's this for a messed up world of 2005!


WWE - Global 100

TNA - Global 63

IWA:PR - National 74

HWA - National 14

DAVE - National 10

HCW - National 10

ROH - National 10

BCW - Cult 72

JPW - Cult 70

CMLL - Cult 22

ACW - Cult 15

WLW - Small 87

SW - Small 76

SDW - Small 63

YPW - Small 5

SWF - Backyard 78 <-me

NWA:CWF - Backyard 69


That's just insanely messed up. I'm terrified of trying to head to the top now. I don't know if I can possibly do it. However, I will of course try my best to go from nothing to the #1 fed in the World.

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That's just insanely messed up. I'm terrified of trying to head to the top now. I don't know if I can possibly do it. However, I will of course try my best to go from nothing to the #1 fed in the World.

Funny you should say that, i was just going to ask if anyone has started as a backyard and got to the number one slot, i'm currently 18th and at Cult status with mine, increasing all the time. Other question, has anyone ever bought WWE out?

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Sounds like his morale is in the crapper. Just keep using him, give him matches and whatnot that'll make him happy. He'll EVENTUALLY get out of it.


Although I notice the good workers will still put on decient matches.

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Well, i have The Amazing Red who is ALSO unhappy in a fued with Rey, but he's leaving next month and due to being unhappy, he wont sign a new contract, so i'm having Rey go at the moment 6-0 up in a feud, yet he STILL wont cheer up. It's because i had to have him job to M-Dogg (by cheating as well) earlier in the year to keep the fued fresh. I have the CW title on him as well, and he hasn't lost since said loss to M Dogg.

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Try hiring some of Rey's friends, that'll cheer him up, even if it does mean hiring someone like Konnan

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If all that fails, give Rey some time off as well. That's the last solution. Let him get some time off to be 100% condition wise and have some time with the family.


If all else fails, you can him. Because sadly, he soon becomes an evil cancer.

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How do you give them time off? Just dont use him in your shows?


And, trying to make the best of a situation, if i had to hire Konnan, would it still work if i didnt ever use him?

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Guest El Satanico

You could always make Konnan a manager. His charisma is about the only thing of worth.

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