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Archived Stats Thread

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Here is a place for everyone not actively involved in the thread (I count anyone whose characters actually appear as "actively involved", wrestling or not) since both of the older ones are unable to be editied since the crash. If no one posts stats here in the near future, I will just delete it and move on.

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12th August 2003: Moved to Archive Thread. Biography Edited.


Smarks Board Name: janusd

Wrestlers Name: Janus

Height: 7'2''

Weight: 350lbs

Hometown: Sydney, Australia

Age: 30

Face/Heel: Heel

Stable: None

Tag Team: Thoth

Ring Escort: None

Weapon(s): Anything that comes to hand. If there's no rules, he tends to bring the Equalizer (a black, barbed-wire cricket bat)

Quotes: "Confident. Cocky. Lazy. Dead."

"You WILL feel my Rage Unleashed!"



Looks - Ring Attire


Janus always wears a pair of black boots and long black leather pants. His body is proportinately muscled for his seven foot frame, and on his hands he also has a pair of black fingerless gloves. He has long, shoulder-length white hair, that occasionally gets in his face. His green eyes are covered now, apparently with a pair of bright red contacts, making his eyes appear to glow. A small goatee graces his face, and a trio of long scars slashing across his chest completes his appearance.


Looks - Backstage


While backstage, Janus wears his usual black pants and boots, but drops the gloves and goes barehanded. He wears a deep purple shirt, that has a picture of him Rage Unleashing someone on the front. It's usually covered by his latest clothing addition - an ankle length white trenchcoat that matches his hair. On occasion, he will tie his long hair back behind his head to give himself a more dignified, but still monsterous appearance.


Face Entrance


The lights go out, and a spotlight settles on the stage as the gentle opening riffs of "As Darkness Falls" plays across the arena. The Smarktron shows a solitary figure standing in a room, looking out the window - occasionally changing angle. As the gentle riff turns heavy, lightning strikes outside the window to reveal Janus' face, yelling soundlessly along with the "ALLLLLLLLLLLL RIIIIIIIIIIGHT!" of the song. He steps out into the spotlight and walks towards the ring as the Smarktron flashes his name in a deep green colour, then switches through some of the devastating moves he's done so far in his career. He climbs into the ring from the apron and lifts his arms in victory, then waits for the match to begin...


Heel Entrance


Suddenly, the arena is plunged into darkness, and the crowd alternates between cheers and whoos into the darkness as the Smarktron shows an image of a young man, with his hair recently dyed white. As the strains of Fear Factory's "Resurrection" echo through the arena, cracks slowly begin to weave through the image, and blue pyros start fountaining up on either side of the ramp. Before Funyon can speak, the voice of Burton C. Bell carries through the arena.


"Consumed with memories...

That preceded today...

Given a chance to bereave..

Life that's slipping AWAAAAAAAAAAAY!!"


As the heavy riffs roar out of the speakers, the crack-riddled image explodes into fragments, revealing the face of Janus as he is now, with a scowl on his face. His name flashes up in green text, and it proceeds to play clips of some of his more brutal spots - interspersed with flashes of his name and "Magnificent Seven", as the giant steps out onto the rampway, lit only by a spotlight as Funyon lifts up his microphone.


>Funyon Stuff<


Janus stalks down to the ring, each set of blue pyros going out as he walks past them. Flexing his muscles, he climbs up onto the ropes and looks around the darkened arena before climbing into the ring and thrusting his arms into the air....and with a loud explosion, a pillar of blue fire explodes from each turnbuckle simultaneously as the lights come back on.


Tag/Stable Entrance


The arena goes quiet as the Smarktron shows nothing but a pure white backdrop, with blood dripping down it into what looks like a mirror. The lights on the stage, in the rafters, everywhere, begin to increase in intensity, obscuring all but the Smarktron. A voice begins to sing in soft Japanese.


"Senketsu ni somaro mirai no toki

Hageshiku modaeru honnou..."


The blood almost completely fills the mirror on the Smarktron, and the beat of the song begins to pick up. Through the haze of blinding light, two silhouettes can be seen walking towards the ring - one small man dwarfed by a giant. Nothing but their black silhouettes can be seen, until the mirror on the Smarktron abruptly shatters.




And the lights return to normal except the ones around the ramp and ring, surrounding the forms of Janus and Thoth in a white haze as they stalked down the ramp side by side to the sound of Malice Mizer's "Beast of Blood". The Smarktron displays their most devastating moves and matches, as Funyon lifts his microphone.




Climbing up into the ring, still surrounded by the white haze, Janus and Thoth turn their heads to look around at the crowd, until finally the light dies down to something manageable and "Beast of Blood" fades out...





Strength: 9 (Can throw almost anyone around with terrifying ease. Get into his weight range and it's not that easy, but he can still do it)

Speed: 2 (He's no turbo-man. He relies on his power and resilience to see things through)

Vitality: 7 (Takes a licking and keeps on ticking. Hit him with all you have and he'll keep coming back. Especially if you let him rest)

Charisma: 2 (He's good looking, for a seven footer. Just not the most motivated speaker. Actions speak louder than words)





Signature Moves


Chokeslam (commonly leads right into a blatant choke)

"Eternal Twilight" - Implant DDT

Full Nelson Suplex

"Knuckle Bomb" - basically a full powered, not-faked, pissed off megapunch to the face or body. Knockout blow to the head, or serious muscle cramps if he goes for the body.

High-Angle Spinebuster

The Gore

"Hell Crush" - Arm-Capture Bearhug (He wraps his arms around their torso, pinning their arms by their sides, and attempts to just flat-out crush their ribcage)


Common Moves


Single Arm DDT

Inverted Atomic Drop

Pendulum Backbreaker

Big Boot

"Chaos Theory" - Gorilla Press Slam

Whirl Sideslam

Death Valley Driver

Full Nelson Drop

Shoulder Breaker (Laws of Janus Physics #1 - this move is always attempted as a crossbody/moonsault on standing Janus counter)

Standing Legdrop

Basic Head/Neck/Torso Submissions

Sit-Down Powerbomb (Laws of Janus Physics #2 - this move is always attempted as a hurricanrana counter)


Rare Moves


During a #1 Contender/Title match, or big feuds, these become a little more common.


Frog Splash


"Darkness Falls" - Tombstone Piledriver from the top rope

(After his European Title match, Janus noted that this move was very difficult to set up, and thus this has become a 'move of convienence', to be done if his opponent sits him on the top rope...you get the idea.)




"Rage Unleashed" - Vertical Suplex into Sit-Out Tombstone Piledriver

(Janus hoists them up into a vertical suplex, and then drops them into the Tombstone Piledriver, sitting out and pulverising their skull into the ground.)


"Dark Bomb" - High-Angle Last Ride Powerbomb. (Janus tucks their head between his legs, and signals by slashing both hands across his throat. He then lifts them up onto his shoulders, elevates them into the air ala the Last Ride, but when he slams them down, the impact is entirely on their head and neck.)




Silent and taciturn, when enraged Janus is a force to be reckoned with. Despite being seven feet tall and packed with muscle, the Hell Machine has a sharp mind, with a killer instinct to match. He's very smart, but unfortunately he has the worst thing an intelligent person could have - an incredible temper. He's prone to snapping at the least provocation.


All signature and rare moves can be match finishers if executed at the right time or onto something like a chair or concrete.




Janus had been on and off the wrestling scene several times in his career. Only the important points really stand out for him. A Sydney-born Australian, he learned soon enough that his size as he grew could be used to defend himself - not once did he ever bully people. He turned this into a skill, even learning some amateur wrestling during his high school days. He graduated and immediatley sought out a wrestling school, because the amateur stuff he had learned had whetted his interest - that and some part of him liked the concept of being a 'good guy' on TV.


While he'd shown impressive talent, Janus had never gotten around much. He only got into two feds, both which had gone under sometime after his arrival, although not due to his presence. In both, his concept of being a 'good guy' was taken away as he was made to act as a heel. He found it interesting, but still preferred to be a face. Something happened though, something Janus didn't tell anyone.


His tenure as a heel became more and more serious. He became more taciturn and aggressive in the ring. In his first fed, his career ended after he planted both the Dudleyz through tables with his stiff stiff stiff Dark Bomb. The second federation only egged on his aggressiveness and seemingly disturbed behaviour by putting him a "Ministry" type group. The federation saw it as a gimmick, but the group was very serious with their dark and gothic style. Something about it disturbed Janus, and after that fed went under, he left the wrestling scene for a while, although he did keep in touch for a short while with the "Ministry" leader.


Some time later, Janus resurfaced on the wrestling scene, and went through several small indy feds to get rid of his ring rust. The only change was that he made very clear his lack of desire to be a heel. Then the Smarks scouter found him, and his test match was deemed a success, and Janus joined the ranks of the SJL. The seven foot, silent 'good guy' made his impact by working his way through the ranks, even capturing the European title off the long-reigning champion Ejiro Fasaki. However, Fasaki reminded the giant that just because one is a bad guy, does not mean one is evil.


Following a loss to Ejiro and his Magnificent Seven partner Fugue, Janus received the respect of the champion, and his words that night seem to have struck something in the giant. This was proven on the show before the first SJL Pay-Per-View, as Janus stormed out after the Ejiro/Fugue and Johnny/Wildchild match to beat the hell out of the two WDN members, and thus showing his alignment with the Magnificent Seven. Janus has also broken fellow M-7 member Ejiro Fasaki's record for holding the European Title, before jobbing it to the up and coming Chris Card in order to continue his hunt for bigger and better things - the SJL World Title.


After losing in an upset to Mike Van Siclen at the climax of the former World Title Tournament - which turned into him versus Mike due to the slacking off of other superstars, Janus attacked his following matches with a vengeance, no-selling alcohol to win a Smirnoff Showdown with Crow, and beating the hell out of Dace to get another shot at the SJL World Title.


And on SJL Crimson, 27th February, Janus delivered a top-rope "Rage Unleashed" screwdriver to Mike Van Siclen in order to seal his victory and become the SJL World Champion. He lost the title to Mike in a "Caged Fury" Match two shows later, much to his chagrin.


On SJL Crimson, March 13th, Janus wrestled his final SJL match. After that, he was bumped to the SWF, slated to appear against Mike Van Siclen once more at From the Fire....and destroying his opponent in that match. He has since found his niche in wrestling as a partner with Fugue, in the Magnificent Seven tag team "Instruments of Destruction."


After an average win-loss record since being bumped, Janus made a mark on SWF Lockdown, April 9th, where he beat out Johnny Dangerous and Mike Van Siclen in a three-way match for the Hardcore Gamer's Championship, which had been vacated since Janus had assaulted the previous holder, the Wildchild.


Janus lost the title to the newcomer Beezel soon after. After a series of attempts to take his title back, which failed, the Hell Machine finally cornered Beezel in a steel cage match at the SWF Battleground PPV, absolutely brutalising his smaller opponent and walking out victorious. Right after this match he appeared to go insane, and a familiar figure to many stalled his assault - Nathaniel Kibagami.


In the aftermath of Battleground, Janus destroyed Dace Night while defending his HCG Title, but the High Priest of Horrorcore came back to haunt the giant by taking the HCG Title in a three-way match with Jaw Dawg. Robbed of his defending gold, Janus has turned his full attention to the problem of Nathaniel Kibagami.


What lies in the future for Janus is uncertain, but as far as he is concerned, the SWF is his home. He appears to have entirely walked off the brink of madness, becoming an almost psychotic force of power, with a deadly mind behind it. At 13th Hour, his ties to Kibagami and the Clan were revealed, and he along with Thoth destroyed the man formerly known as Silent before leaving together. Forming an alliance with Thoth, the Hell Machine then turned his eyes towards a threat from the past...


...a former friend, the Antichrist Superstar. After goading the monster by speaking his 'real name', Crow made Janus take up his challenge of a Best of Five match. With battles ranging from singles to hardcore, tag matches to the infamous Iron Australian Knockout Challenge, the two superstars brawled, and at the spectacle known as SWF Ground Zero, they faced off in a Hell In A Cell Match for their careers.


When it was all said and done, when the battle was over and the bell had been rung....


...The Hell Machine had been retired by the Antichrist Superstar. He left the fed that night in a rage, and when he attempted to consult his psychiatrist Dr. Frood, was finally prescribed as 'unsafe for the world' and taken into a mental hospital where his condition is being treated....

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Smarks Board Name: WrestlingDeacon

Wrestler’s Name: Frost (close friends may call him R.J., don't call him this unless I tell you you can. At this time only TNT and LDP are allowed.)

Nickname: The Iceman from Iceland, The Velvet Hammer

Height: 6 ft. 7 in.

Weight: 296 lbs.

Hometown: Reykjavik, Iceland

Age: 28

Face/Heel: ass kicking face

Stable: None

Partners: None (will only tag with TNT or LDP at this time)

Ring Escort: none

Weapon(s): a good pane of glass every now and then

Quote: “I warn you to be wary of the Touch of Frost or you shall face the consequences of an Early Winter.”

"You've got a one way ticket on the job train."

"I'm going to fold your ass sideways and cram you in the hurt locker."

Calls people he doesn't like "Face" in a derogatory fashion.

He'll never say it, but fans might have signs that read, "Frost is party!"


Looks: Frost is a very physically intimidating monster with a broad, chiseled physique. He has closely cropped snow-white hair and piercing blue eyes. Three thick, wide scars run diagonally from his right shoulder to just below his ribcage on his chest, the aftermath of a polar bear attack during one of his many runs in the desolate tundra outside of Reykjavik. He wears dark blue, full length wrestling tights with silver flecks and white, standard wrestling boots to the ring.


Ring Entrance: Silverish pyro explodes from the rafters as “Snowblind” by Black Sabbath starts on the sound system. A pale blue spotlight bathes the entrance stage and what appears to be snow flutters down from above onto the stage. Frost walks out from behind the curtain as the lyrics start to a huge pop. He’ll hold up one arm, fist clenched, to the crowd to signify the cheering and then starts a slow purposeful stride to the ring. He has a Frost Brand Cigar clenched in his teeth. Upon reaching the ring he’ll drop the cigar to the floor and grind it out with the heel of his boot. If he’s facing someone he really hates, he’ll flick the cigar at them while it’s still lit to pop the crowd again.




Strength: 8 (anyone up to 350 lbs. is not a problem for him to put power moves on, after that it starts getting a little tougher. If you weigh under 215 lbs., he's just going to toss you around like a rag doll)


Speed: 4 (he prefers a slow methodical pace in the ring, but has quick reflexes and is capable of quick bursts of speed. It's not unheard of for him to dodge a move or hit a move out of nowhere on a quick high flyer, but he's not doing it the whole match.)


Vitality: 5 (You will not be able to wear him out in under ten minutes, say 3500 words, and he won't be really winded and tired until around the 30 minute mark, say 6000 words. Could get through an iron match if need be and don't forget that this man trains in the Icelandic winter.)


Charisma: 3 (Monster face in the Kane mode. Fans react to him out of instinct and hatred for the men he’s facing. He will occaisonally play to crowds to get them riled up.)


Style: He is a pure power wrestler with some light technical skill he can use if he has too, but he usually chooses not too. Frost is methodical and calculating in the ring with occasional bursts of deceptive quickness and agility for his size. He has also incorporated a few other moves outside of his basic base of power wrestling (top rope clothesline, sharpshooter) to keep opponents off guard. He fares best against power wrestlers with lesser attributes than he possesses, mat based grapplers and those who are considered “all-around” wrestlers. Although it is rare for Frost to go up against someone who can match or better his size and strength, those who can are capable of beating Frost with a taste of his own medicine as Frost is too stubborn to alter his basic attack. Lighter, aerial based wrestlers can also trouble Frost with their speed and unorthodox style. He is a Goliath that can be slain.


Game Plan: Frost will use his strength to gain an early advantage in matches by hitting oppenents with big powers moves and stiff opening strikes (punches, clotheslines, whips, kicks, etc.) From their he generally likes to work on the neck and back of his opponents, but will take advantage of an existing injury or something he considers a weak point. Will move back to big power moves toward the end game of a match to fully wear his opponent out and set up the Early Winter. Will make a pin without resorting to the finisher, also consider the Snowblind and Snowplow as alternative finishers.


Signature moves: (in order of most likely use in a match, but can be done anytime)

1) Airplane spin slam (followed by a spinning legdrop)

2) Irish whip into inverted DDT: Frost whips his opponent into the turnbuckles or other barrier chest first. He catches them under the neck on the bounce out and drops them to the mat with an inverted DDT.

3) Icelandic Backbreaker (hanging body vice)

4) Rock ‘n Roll the Dice (aka roll the dice or test drive, swinging inverted neckbreaker, but with most of the bump being taken on the nape of the neck rather than flat on the back)

5) Touch of Frost (heart punch-setup for the Early Winter)

6) Snow Plow (aka northern lights bomb, a body slam side piledriver)

7) Snow Blind (face first wheelbarrow powerbomb)



Common moves:

1) Hands of Stone: Frost is a former amatuer boxer and knows how to throw a punch. Every punch is uber stiff and he will work a combo in if possible. Hooks, uppercuts, jabs and boxing footwork will be used early on to soften up opponents. Think 80's Mike Tyson.

2) Barrel Roll Slam (Razor Ramon’s modified fall away slam, most often used as a flying cross body counter)

3) Gorilla press slam

4) Face first drop to the turnbuckle (aka, Snake Eyes)

5) Tilt-a-whirl slam

6) Swinging neckbreaker

7) Gut wrench suplex

8) German suplex

9) Standing spinebuster

10) Brain buster suplex

11) Half Nelson bulldog

12) Slingshot suplex

13) Back breaker

14) Face breaker

15) Cobra clutch slam

16) Icelandic leg sweep (Face first Russian legsweep from Cobra clutch)

17) Hell Freezes Over: Back by popular demand. It's the stiffest fucking lariat you've ever seen. Would make Bradshaw say, "Damn, now that's a clothesline." Can be done straight, spinning, or short arm. 450 Marty Jannetty flip sell is appreciated.

18) Spinning Gordbuster (face first suplex)


Rare moves:

1) top rope clothesline

2) Hammer Jammer (sharpshooter)

3) tombstone piledriver

4) top rope superplex

5) TFDB-Tom Flesher is a Douche Bag: Double handed spinning chokeslam off the top rope. Only to be used in extreme, high profile situations. Like the blowoff match to a big feud on a ppv. Primarily to be used against Tom Flesher.



1) the Early Winter (Double underhook, sit down powerbomb where he holds on for the pin)

2) Cobra clutch

3) Choke Slam


Notes: Frost is a quiet loner with no need for a manager, partner or second at ring side. He has very few friends in life and likes it that way. He has a low, throaty speaking style that is both menacing and eloquent. He speaks fluent English with only a mild European accent. Frost realizes the power of words in psyching out his opponents and always chooses what he says carefully for maxim impact. He is intelligent and observant, but pride and egotism often makes him shortsighted both in and out of the squared circle. He fears no one and does not like mind games, although he is more than capable of playing them on others and will if he sees it to his advantage. With his recent face turn, Frost is more introspective and well mannered than he has been in the past. Sometimes coming off like a Zen master.


Extra Note: Frost has his own line of SWF sponsored cigars and Icelandic tacos. The line of Frost brand products grows by the hour.


Bio: Born Robert Jackson Frost on January 9th 1975, the coldest recorded day in Icelandic history at 47 degrees below zero. His father, a sailor, was lost at sea when Frost was 3 and the kind love of his mother was then tempered with the steely edge of his grandfather. His grandfather began training Frost for a boxing career that never reached fruition at the tender age of eight, focusing on an exercising and training regime centered on working in the frozen outdoors.


Frost took up amateur wrestling when he entered high school and used his size and strength to dominate the heavyweight division. He attended college at the prestigious University of Oslo in Norway. He was kicked off of the wrestling team there in his freshman year due to his increasingly brutal style that abandoned amateur technique for a more power based professional attack. He spent his remaining college years pursuing such diverse hobbies as chess, literature, weightlifting and taxidermy (Frost has said that the dead animals “speak” to him). His obvious intelligence and diligent work ethic allowed him to earn a masters degree in philosophy in only five years.


He returned to Iceland where he entered the professional scene there and quickly rose to the top of the sport. Then current Icelandic champion and living legend, Peter “Iceberg” Nordstrom, picked the rookie Frost to be his tag team partner in a feud with the Icelandic tag team champs, the Silver Eagles. The two were triumphant against the Eagles’ and took their titles. The Eagles’ valet, Falcon, was seen on numerous occasions talking to Frost after this. She convinced Frost that Nordstrom was holding him back from taking his rightful place as the heavyweight champion and Frost turned on his partner in a rematch with the Eagles.


This led to a match between Nordstrom and Frost. Frost not only beat Peter, but severely injured his back as well. Nordstrom was able to regain his title when he returned from his injury, but Frost won a second rematch and ended Nordstrom’s career by re-injuring the champ’s spinal column. Frost was then barred from Icelandic wrestling two months after this and stripped of his title due to malicious and conscious injury of other grapplers. While this sanctioning has seemingly calmed him in the ring, it is evident that his violent temper could resurface at any time.


Since joining SJL: Frost quickly established himself as the premiere big man in the league racking up impressive victories over most of the SJL low carders. He came out on the good end of feuds with the now departed Vanguard and T-Bone (the latter collimating in the SJL’s first Window Pain match that ended with T-Bone taking a tombstone piledriver from the top of the ladder to a pane of glass set up on the floor). From there, Frost was firmly entrenched in the mid-card and began a single minded, obsessive quest for the European title. He viewed the belt as his birthright and felt that he was the only person in the SJL worthy enough to hold it. He finally received his shot against Deathwish Danny Williams and won in a brutal match with a surprise Early Winter. Frost held onto the belt with an iron grip and his love of the title could only be matched with his new found feelings for Sydney Sky. After much romancing, Sky finally fell in love with the brute and the two have embarked on a relationship.


Since joining SWF: Charter member of the Magnificent 7. Formed a fairly succesful tag team with Mag 7 team member TNT known as Chilly Chilly Bang Bang. Participant in the first ever SWF War Games. Won the tag belts off of Edwin MacPhisto and Chris Raynor with TNT. Frost then entered into a feud with Ash Ketchum when he was determined to be the prime candidate for running him over with a car, but his first stab at redemption, a match in which Frost was handcuffed, ended with Ketchum being busted wide open with a set of industrial strength bolt cutters. After defeating the makeshift team of Xero and Danny Williams in a bomb shelter match at Apocalypse, Ash partnered with Xero in an attempt to wrestle the tag belts away from Chilly Chilly Bang Bang and continue his feud with the Icelandic Iceman. Although the team lost a tag match at Genesis, Ash did wrestle the Hardcore title away from Frost the following month at Dissention in the first (and hopefully last) Stash the Ash match. The team of Chilly Chilly Bang Bang lost the tag titles shortly before this to the Bermani Cross Wizards, followed by TNT taking a sabbatical from active duty. Frost then briefly feuded with CIA after he defeated Midnight Carnival stable leader, El Luchadore Magnifico, in a non-title match through interference from Sacred. Frost shot to the top of the SWF upon the new year, first winning the ICTV title from Orochi and then reclaiming the tag titles with Mag 7 leader Tom Flesher. Frost and Flesher were at odds for a long time with everything finally coming to a head at From the Fire when the pair lost the tag belts to stable mates Justice and Rule. Earlier in the night Frost lost the ICTV title to the returning Neilsen of the Jungle, but the grappler gave the belt back to Frost saying that he didn’t want it. These events led Frost to examine his life more closely and he decided to both vacate the ICTV title and quit the Mag 7, thereby turning face for the first time in the SWF. Frost then pursued revenge on Tom Flesher, being thwarted by him and the Mag 7 at every turn. After losing a triple threat against Flesher, which included TNT, at Battleground, Frost entered a deeply depressed funk. Commissioner Suicide King sent Longdogger Pete to Frost to help him regain his 'eye of the tiger' and they formed a loose tag team. After losing a title shot against Justice and Rule at 13th Hour, Frost returned to the singles ranks in the hopes of finally gaining revenge on Tom Flesher. Frost stooped to the Superior One's level in playing mind games to force him into a Windown Pain match at Ground Zero. Frost was victorious and his demons concerning his days as a member of the Mag 7 under Flesher's thumb laid to rest. Unfortunately, Frost's SWF contract expired and a new one could not be negotiated properly. Currently Frost is on an extensive tour of Japan, not knowing when and if he will return to the fed of his greatest triumphs.

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the Retired Edition. I'll leave the moveset for reference's sake. Also slight look change.




Smarks Board Name: Tod deKindes

Wrestlers Name: Tod deKindes

Nickname: none

Height: 6'2"

Weight: 225 lbs.

Hometown: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Age: 26

Status: retired

Face/Heel: originally heel, but left to a respectable ovation

Quote: nothing particular, but will often use " THANK YOU........ very much" in order to end a promo.


Looks: Now retired, he'll spend his time backstage as a road agent for JL shows. Gone is the long black hair, making way for a shorter Christian-style haircut, dyed a yellowish blond. He'll just wear casual hip clothes now.



Ring Entrance: A few bars from Carmina Burana - O Fortuna will fire up, leading right into Marilyn Manson's "Antichrist Superstar" (I have the mp3 of this if anyone's curious). As the guitars kick in, Tod paces out with a step matching the beat of the song, with a smartass smirk on his face. He rolls in under the bottom rope, paces a few circles in the ring, then climbs up to a second turnbuckle, quickly flashing the old reverse Guns To The Head symbol - the old signal for the Spirit Breaker; indifferent to whatever reaction the crowd has for him. (like the Hardy'z Guns hand symbol, though only done with the left hand, aimed at the temple and with the thumb pointing down). After that, the music fades out and then the opponent can enter. Or the match begins. Write accordingly.





Strength: 5 - While he won't win any strongman contests, he can do almost any of his moves to a guy like, say, Frost with a bit of effort. Obviously he works best with an opponent in HIS weight class.

Speed: 6 - Dropping a couple of pounds since his JL days has allowed him quicker, more crisp offense. He can be a fast lil fella, but his speed can easily be matched by guys lighter than him.

Vitality: 6 - After a break to get in better shape, he's found that he's increased his endurance and can go a bit longer in matches. And he's taking a few more risky bumps now.

Charisma: 5 - Same old sneaky cocky bastard.



Game Plan: Attend Maple Leafs games and follow the Avalanches.


Style: Tod's style is best described as technical high-flying, though he can adapt to brawling and hardcore as well. Also now trying to incorporate more submission holds. His preferred tactic is working the leg, when the context calls for it. As for covering method; when he's not doing a pinfall reversal sequence with the opponent (which is frequent in 75% of his matches), Tod will usually prefer a simple lateral press with the forearm grinding into the opponent's face. He rarely hooks the leg.


Signature moves:


- Cerebral Driver; modified neckbreaker starting from a suplex position. (former finisher, now more used as a signature move)


- Formula For Failure: spinning bodyslam into sitdown Rock Bottom (that move D-Lo Brown does, the Sudden Impact) Done on smaller or same size opponents, it'll usually be by countering a cross body attempt, shouting out a sure but intense "Aw HELL no!" then delivering the move.


- spear in the corner


- which is now followed up by a T-Bone suplex.


- Sunset powerbomb: Most likely done after suplexing the guy stomach first on the top rope. With the opponent hunched over (can also be on second rope), he runs the ropes and sails over the opponent in a sunset flip to the outside. If the opponent is willing, the move will end in a seated powerbomb; if not, Tod will simply yank out the struggling-to-hold-on opponent's legs from under him/ her, causing his/her face to smash onto the ring apron.


- snapmare w/dropkick to back of head

- Shawn Michaels top rope elbow

- DVD (sets up the HBK elbow, most of the time)

- german suplex (switches freely between bridged and overhead release version)

- Spirit Breaker. You know what this is.


Common moves:

- any basic forms of a superplex

- tornado DDT

- jumping piledriver

- floatover DDT

- springboard spinning heel kick

- reverse DDT; basic or Christian-style

- brainbuster

- tilt-a-whirl sideslam (from Irish whip)

- pescado to the outside

- sommersault flip to the outside

- spinebuster

- seated dropkick to the head with opponent layed stomach first over the top or second rope

- swinging neckbreaker, followed by throwing himself in the ropes and connecting with a kneedrop to the head

- press slam drop, into a gutbuster (done on guys smaller or of similar size)


Rare moves:

- backdrop driver (more of a face move, used once or twice as a desperation move. use only in big payoff match with fierce rival)

- Backdrop/stunner: lift the opponent in a backdrop suplex, only to backflip his body around in mid-air and catch him in a stunner. Never used due to the obvious risk of neck injury. PM me if you need a good reason to use it.

- Reverse figure four, or Jamie Noble's Trailer Hitch. The move of choice when Tod's been working on the leg.



- DVX: An inverted front facelock, with victim's near leg hooked with your own; swung backwards into a killer Russian Legsweep. This is MUCH more powerful than a mere Reverse DDT, folks. Try not to kick out of that one.

- Silent Scream: The submission finisher of choice; it's your basic Tazzmission. When both are standing while the move is on, the victim has a chance to fight it off and reach the ropes. But once the body scissors is locked in, good night Irene.


Brief Career Overview:


- After a slightly rough start in the JL, he embarks on a friendly rivalry with Taylor Nicholas Thompson.

- That rivalry turns into a partnership (T & TNT Connection) when TNT abandons mentor Danny Williams.

- Tod goes into a feud with Danny Williams, where he manages to win the European title from him.

- A week later, he loses it back to Williams as TNT turns on him.

- The feud is later settled in the epic Three Stages Of Hell Match, won by Tod.

- A few months pass as Tod remains a high profile figure, earning an almost spotless record.

- After his final JL match (a win in a Hardcore match over Mike Van Siclen), Tod is called up along with TNT, Williams, Frost, Z and Ced Ordonez.



- Another rough start, as he sees his shoulder pinned in a contender's match for the US title.

- He wanders alone for a few weeks, namely scoring a win over veteran Fallout in the process.

- Expressing his respect for XF9, he wishes to join but Longdogger Pete isn't immediately keen on the idea.

- After a series of matches, Tod defeats LDP to earn a membership in XF9.

- Another another series of tag matches with Pete, Tod makes his intentions known: the U.S. title.

- After a long chase of the title, he finally nabs it from Tom Flesher.

- Goes on to proudly defend it, until Annie Eclectic severs her ties with XF9, promptly going into a feud with Tod over the title.

- Annie and Tod embark on a grueling Best Of Five series for the U.S. title, which Tod won 3-1, in the process slowly turning his back on the fans.

- Annie reveals a scandal involving Tod and a woman, effectively turning the crowd on him. The double turn is complete.

- In a "last title shot EVER" match, Annie upsets Tod to take the title.

- Months pass as Tod scores an impressive list of wins and starts to set his sights on the ICTV title, of which a title shot never came.

- Later wins the right to choose his own entry number for Clusterfuck 2003, oddly picks #19.

- After an inconclusive brawl with Longdogger Pete, he's eliminated from the Clusterfuck match and takes a leave of absence.

- He returns a few months later and makes his intentions clear: Dispose of TNT.

- After months of mind games and sneak attacks, the two finally meet at 13th Hour in a Career Match; where TNT gets the upper hand, effectively sending Tod into retirement ...


Title history:

- SJL Euro (1) (from Danny Williams, lost it back to him)

- SWF U.S. (1) (from Tom Flesher, lost it to Annie Eclectic)

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Bump... I am planning on cleaning out the stats thread this weekend, so I am going to copy the old stats here. If anyone cares to move theirs on their own...


... you will be my new best friend...

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Guest Goodear

Smarks Board Name: Goodear

Wrestlers Name: Ejiro Fasaki

Height: 5'10"

Weight: 210 lbs.

Hometown: Sarasota, Florida

Age: 26

Face/Heel: Mega Super Heel

Stable: None

Tag Team: Justice and Rule (with Judge William Hearford III)

Ring Escort: None

Weapon(s): Ejiro has taken to packing a chain somewhere on his person recently in the classic Jerry Lawler style. He's also become much more adept at using the ring and the area around it for full effect by exposing turnbuckles, choking with tag ropes, and pulling back the padding on the floor to use the concrete underneath. If it's around the ring, its fair game.




"I'm better than you and I can prove it."


Looks: Ejiro is an Asian American of Japanese decent, with mid length black hair with some spare strands that fall down into his eyes on occasion. He is built for stamina without a great deal of muscle mass on display. He has a tattoo of a rising phoenix on his left shoulder blade. Most of the time, he'll come to the ring with a Justice and Rule football jersey either Red on Black, Black on Red, or Red on White with corresponding wrestling shorts with the word "Rule" crossing the entire thing from front to back. He also wears a heavy elbow pad on his right "screaming elbow" arm.


Ring Entrance:

Sleep Now in the Fire" by RATM plays while "JUSTICE" flashes on the SmarkTron, followed quickly by "RULE". The drumbeat sets in, and 3 second clips of them nailing tag moves, finishers, cheating, taunting the crowd, and being ass holes in general show on the SmarkTron. The guitars get heavy and....




... Red machine gun pyros shoot off on either sideo of the stage as the Ejiro enters wearing his traditional black (Main Color), red (# Color), and white (secondary color) Justice and Rule jersey with "Rule" on the back of his. Zach De La Roche's solliquoy comes on and Funyon speaks up.


*Funyon Stuff*





Strength: 4 - Ejiro isn't going to be able to match up in a power match up unless he's facing someone on the lower end of the strength scale. He's going to be sticking and moving and trying to wear down his opponents instead of charging them head on.


Speed: 5 - Fasaki is fast compared to larger men, but isn't going to be able to keep pace with the quickest of cruiserweights. He certainly can go to the top rope, but isn't going to be pulling out Dragonrana's anytime soon.


Vitality: 7 - Fasaki can get beaten pillar to post all night long and come back for more. He doesn't mind getting hit and actually revels in his ability to get dropped on his head and continue to fight his way back again and again and again.


Charisma: 4 - Having spent the last few months in front of the camera, Ejiro is slowly starting to develop a personality thats generally annoying towards the fan base and getting him a pretty healthy set of boos. For the most part, he's a guy who feels surperior to everyone but doesn't feel appreciated by the front office.



Fasaki has modified his style to reflect a more viscous attitude since tagging up with Hearford and having to change his game to be an effective partner. Now dealing a lot less with standard submission holds (since they can be broken up before they have a chance to be truly effective), Fasaki has taken on a bit more brawling to his game while using a great deal of heel tactics to wear an opponent down for extended periods. But Ejiro still seems to take quite the beating each and every night and spends a whole lot of time getting tossed around the ring taking bumps.


Signature moves:

1) Screaming Elbow (reverse roaring elbow - Ejiro also uses normal elbow strikes, but the screaming elbow is his primary knock out weapon if it comes to that)

2) Fasaki fuser (similar to the Marty Jannetty variation of the rocker dropper, Ejiro uses a wrist lock in order to throw a leg over his opponent, but instead of coming down on the head, Ejiro puts his leg over his foe's shoulder and drives it into the mat)

3) STF

4) Enziguri

5) Kick *WHAM* Stunner

6) Lionsault

7) Wild Ride Deluxe (aka The Widow's Peak or a Gory Special Neckbreaker... pull an opponent up into a crusifix powerbomb and then change the grip so Fasaki has his opponent by the chin and his opponent's legs hooked around his calfs. Ejiro falls to a seat and jams the neck against his shoulder in the process)

8) Reverse Fisherman's Suplex (Let me know if this one isn't clear. Basically its set up like a backdrop suplex but Ejiro folds the opponent up a lot more and links his hands together into a cradle before whipping the opponent back onto his head into a nasty pinning combination)


Common moves:

1) Fujiwara armbar

2) cross armbreaker

3) armbar slam

4) straddling armbar

5) knee drop (often before dropping the knee, Ejiro will pull down his kneepad to his shin in order to expose the bone and do a little more damage)

6) wrist lock (he uses this a lot in transition)

7) spin heel kick

8) reverse neckbreaker

9) bossman straddle

10) kicks to the arm

11) spinning neckbreaker

12) Hennig necksnap

13) snap suplex

14) side backbreaker

15) piledriver

16) dropkick


Rare moves:

1) Ejirocution (Silced Bread #2)

2) orange crush powerbomb (only for use against fellow lightweights under 235 pounds)



1) Ejirocation (a double arm piledriver ala Kid Kash's money maker)

2) Cobra crossface (using the basic position of the crippler crossface by grapevining an arm, Ejiro locks on a cobra clutch and leans back for the submission attempt)



Tag Team Moves (in Justice and Rule):

1) Rule of Law (A combination German Spider Suplex from the top from Judge and a flying driving elbow from Ejiro ... Tom Freakin Flesher didn't kick out of this.)

1) Overruled - Power Drill (With Judge Mental holding the opponent in position for a powerbomb, Ejiro snags the opponent in position for a reverse DDT. Then, as Judge tosses the legs of the opponent off to one side, Ejiro spins the man into mat with an elevated Testdrive/Last Rights/Roll of The Dice)

2) Gavel Bang - Problem Solver (Ejiro flapjack into a Judge DDT ... think the 3D except with a DDT)


Notes and Stuff:


Ejiro Fasaki should basically should be written personality complex as having a huge inferiority complex where he completely feels inadequite compared to those around him but acts like he's the second coming of Lou Thez. He's resentful towards those people that were born with bigger bodies, better physical tools, and even individuals that are more comfortable talking than Fasaki is. Basically this manifests as Ejiro trying to make it sound like mat wrestling the only pure way to actually wrestle since that is where Ejiro's strengths actually are. You might actually feel sorry for him if he wasn't such a pecker head.

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Board Name: Muzz

Wrestlers Name: Linchpin

Real Name/Alias: Vincent Torrio

Nickname(s): Public Enemy Number One

Hometown: Chicago, Illinois

Height: 6’3”

Weight: 245 lbs.

Age: 21

Face/Heel: Cool Face (Heel who’s a face… yeah)

Stable: None

Tag Partner: Ann(ie) Onita

Ring Escort: None

Weapon(s): Brass Knuckles

Quotes: “…”


Attire: An all 'round classy dresser, but isn't as stylish all day, every day.


Wears black dress pants and white high collared dress shirt, cut off at the bicep, to show his upper body strength. Wears black fingerless gloves, and on his right forearm, is a tattoo of an angel.


Black dress pants and heavy black shoes round out the ensemble. His shoes are particularly hard, and combined with his equally hard and stiff kicks, it makes for a deadly combination.


Looks: Smooth, but wavy and messy black hair. Years on the drink (Years 12 - 21) have altered his features. Piercing, deep-set brown eyes and hard nose, complete with scar just to the side of his right eye, which no gangster would be complete without. Lightly tanned skin, looks of Italian or Sicilian decsent, though it has not been confirmed.


Whatever it may be, he obviously trains hard, and has for quite some time. Well defined features, six pack, ripped biceps etc. Not bulging by any stretch of the imagination, but he is as hard as a rock, though some are put off by his almost 'lanky' appearance.


Ring Entrance:


“The Way You Like It" By Adema begins to play as the lights begin to pulse, flaring up with the beat. As the intro concludes, Linchpin walks out, nodding his head to be beat, only a slight hint of a smile as he looks around the arena, adjusting his gloves and moving his head from side to side.


Climbs the stairs to get into the ring, casually removing his jacket and placing it neatly on top of the ring post. He then climbs through the ropes and moves into the ring, awaiting Funyon’s announcement and/or his opponent.




Strength 5 Above Average strength for his height and weight, able to pick up opponents much heavier than him. Also throws a lot of power behind his kicks and punches.)


Speed 5 (Always the crafty and agile criminal, Linchpin is surprisingly speedy around the ring, not afraid to go to the top rope, though he often prefers to toss his opponent from there.)


Charisma 2 (Doesn’t rely on speaking skills, frankly, because he doesn’t talk much, only to friends, or enemies. Even then, he keeps things short and sweet.)


Vitality 8 (A fuggin strong son of a gun, will bleed like a stuck pig, but will keep on going. He’s taken many beatings in his time, and is ready to take some more.)


Style: High Flying Brawler. Can snap an opponent over in an ankle scissors, then pound him into the ground with hard stomps form every angle. Knows enough elementary holds to work a part of the body, but never relies on them too often. Imagine John Cena, with a little more spring in his step, but not as proficient with his rhymes, yo.


Has a history of street fighting, bar room brawls, that sort of thing, so can weild a weapon with skill, but never likes to use them. He mugh rathers his fists, or a loaded boot.


Signature Moves:


Diving Hip Toss

Ankle Scissors

Hard Lefts and rights including punches to the face, body, kidneys etc.

Mafia Kick - A powerful front kick to the face, full sole hitting the face, then pivoting around to land safely. Basically a Yazuka kick, but you know these Mafia types...

Flying Lariat

Flipping Heel Kick

Slap - A Disrespectful one, which just happens to hurt like hell.

Running Lyger Bomb

Snap Suplex (Sometimes Three in a Row)

Standard Piledriver

“Hangman’s Noose” Neckbreaker

Shooting Star Press (Rareish)


Common Moves


Flying Leg Lariat

Chops (Knife-edge, windpipe, backhand etc.)

Kitchen Sink (Plus assorted other knee strikes.)

Dropkick (Also Front Style)

Step up Enzui Heelkick (jumps on back of opps knee/thigh and leaps up with a spin, kicking them in the back of the head with their heel/leg)

Slow Release Brainbuster



Tope/Slingshot Bodypress

Slingshot Suplex


'Other' Moves


"Six Feet Under"


Styles Clash ‘03


Perhaps the most deadly move that Linchpin possesses in his arsenal. Think a standard Styles Clash setup, but instead of driving the victim face first, Linchpin losens his grip on his opponent, letting their head dangle only a few inches from the mat. Then, Linch dives forward, as his opponents head and neck compact against the mat.


See Here






Shining Wizard


Performed out of almost nowhere, but hit with lots of force, Linchpin doesn't hold back. When he starts on his run, nothing much will stop him, apart from his opponent’s head.


Saint Valentine’s Day Massacre


Double Powerbomb followed by a DVD (Death Valley Driver)


A brutal, brutal move, or rather, set of moves, able to hit on opponents up to 260 pounds, due to his height and vitality. Sometimes, a message needs to be sent, and sometimes, the Shining Wizard just won’t do…




Joined the SWF in the month of November, the year 2003. Little other information has been given to what this man has done the past 21 years of his life, but his rap sheet has been made public by unknown sources, of which includes Armed Robbery and Aggravated Assault.

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Update: Moved to Archive Thread. Added to Career Highlights.


Smarks Board Name: Crowe

Wrestlers Name: Crow

Nickname: Antichrist Superstar, Antichristian Phenomenon, Gothic Warrior, Gothic Avian

Real Name: Markus Cirillo

Height: 6'2"

Weight: 231 pounds



- Adelaide, Australia


- Anchorage, Alaska

Age: 23

Face/Heel: Face

Stable: None at the moment.

Tag Team: Soon...

Ring Escort: Jessica

Weapon(s): Cigarette, Cigarette Lighter, Glass Light Tubes, Singapore Cane

Quote: "Victim." "Victims... aren't we all?"






- Caucasian male.

- Very long black hair (reaches past his shoulders) and present are numerous streaks of red.

- A well-defined, muscular build - imagine a more properly proportioned Jerry Lynn build.

- Numerous scars all over body, particularly on his back – this is due to numerous hardcore encounters in the SJL and the best of five with Janus in the SWF.

- Large scale tattoo of a crow with its wings spread on upper back - ala, right wing spreads over to the right shoulder blade, and left wing spreads over to the left shoulder blade. Also present is a small tattoo of the Grim Reaper on right arm tricep and a small tattoo of an inverted cross on left breast.

- Fingernails are now long. Approximate length is 7mm long off the tip of the finger.


While Wrestling:

- Hair is always wet through and never ever tied up.

- Is topless in the ring, show casing the many scars and tattoos and not to mention the sexy physique for the ladies.

- Crow will on occasion wear a black button up/down shirt to the ring. This usually only occurs when wounds on back/chest/arms are not completely healed and/or stitches are present. The shirt acts as a security blanket, if you will.

- Wears normal full length black pants - no patterns or other colours present.

- If ever wearing a title belt, he will always sling it over the right shoulder. Wearing the belt around the waist just isn't Crow's style.


Promos, Instances Outside The Ring:

- Always wear a black button up/down shirt that can be made of any fabric, however, note that is never had any patterns or different colours on it.

- Wears the same normal black pants he wears whilst wrestling.

- On almost every occasion, he’s smoking a cigarette.



Ring Entrance:


A small collection of screams is heard as the lights fall and darkness overtakes the arena. Machine Head’s “Imperium” begins to play with its mellow strumming of the guitar. The intensity picks up progressively until it reaches boiling point...




The lights flicker in a brooding red light as screens at homes around the world become distorted with picture noise. The lights and noise stops as the darkness goes black again, and a spotlight appears in the middle of the stage. Standing amidst the light is Crow, the Antichrist Superstar with his wings spread and head cocked back. The crowd cheers wildly for their beloved superstar.


“Hear me now!

Words I vow!

No fucking regrets!”


Crow drops his arms and turns around to face the crowd. A cigarette is as always present, the BUTT resting gently between his lips. He reaches into his pocket, pulls out his zippo and smiles as he slashes the zippo back and forward across his pants.


”Fuck these chains!

No god damn slave!

I will be different!”


The Antichristian Phenomenon lights the cigarette in his mouth and proceeds to stride forward. After his second stride he throws the still lit zippo behind him onto the stage and an eruption of fire goes off! The crowd cheers wildly as the flames rise up to two metres in height!


I'll stand here defiantly!

My middle finger raised!

Fuck your prejudice!


Crow strides up the steel steps and enters the ring. He walks over to his corner and sits down, smoking, whilst waiting for his opponent.


(If second out, will BUTT the cigarette out on ring post.)





Strength: 4

Crow has good strength for his size and can surprise the bigger blokes on the occasion. A man of 275 pounds is the maximum weight he can lift up in the Natural Born Chaos suplex. He is, however, able to hit a basic snap suplex on opponents up to 285 pounds (and possibly a little more).


Speed: 5

A relatively fast mover in the ring, the Antichrist Superstar can run circles around larger 'victims' and can keep with the smaller 'victims' for a little while, but they will always out speed him. He is able to perform various modifications of the moonsault.


Vitality: 7

Crow is one tough motherfucker and he has the reputation to boot. His numerous hardcore encounters in ICW and in the SJL proved he is damn resilient and can take a ferocious beating, yet still kick out. He is a hard cunt and you better believe it now. He will never no sell, but he will keep getting up.


Charisma: 4

A great speaker as evidenced in the SJL, the Antichristian Phenomenon has the confidence and the 'look' that the crowd loves. He has sex appeal that gets the ladies’ tingling in certain areas, whilst somehow also managing to be chauvinistic in nature and thusly, appealing to the male audience.





Return: Thursday 11th December – Since taking time off, Crow has honed his skills in the ring and has worked on every aspect of his game. He’s a little sharper and is now ever harder than he was. It will be very hard to put this motherfucker down for the three.


It has been widely recognised that the Antichrist Superstar wrestles best in the hardcore environment and whilst inside the squared circle, he adheres to his reputation that the SJL had assisted him in gathering, as a gutsy fighter. This label though, does not mean Crow is a merely a brawler, on the contrary, in actuality he is accomplished in the sport of wrestling and showcases this by competing against opponents using his unique style. The style consists of an array of strikes (roundhouse kicks, knife-edge chops, thrusting claws etc) combined with semi-technical wrestling moves (dragon screw, judo moves, submissions etc), speedy/high flying moves (DDTs, moonsaults, dropkicks etc) and a variety of suplexes (German, Natural Born Chaos etc). Crow's matches tend to start off at a relatively fast pace, with strikes and moves like arm drags, hip tosses and dropkicks, amongst other moves being utilised. Though, on the occasion, if the opponent calls for it, he will participate in a fistfight, basic lock up or a test of strength. But all in all, it depends on his opponent. More often than not, tactics involving use of the ropes and/or hardcore tactics are soon employed to slow down his opponent, so high impact and high-risk moves can be performed. Depending on the circumstance, the Antichrist Superstar may also apply psychology to a various body part and work on it, thus allowing for a submission to be locked on. Please note that in any situation outside the ring, Crow is sure to excel or at least gain back the advantage unless the attack upon him is consistent.



Signature moves:


Evenflow Moonsault

Previously a finisher, but now shifted back to this area. Though, it still can finish a match, but if you need to kick out of a big move, do it to this one. The attacker climbs the turnbuckle so that he is looking out into the crowd. The attacker then jumps off the turnbuckle with arms in crucifix pose, performs a two hundred and seventy-degree back flip and lands stomach first on the lying victim. This move can also be performed onto a standing victim.


Figure Four Leg Lock

This is the secondary submission finisher and is used when psychology is applied to the leg and/or Crow is unable to perform the Sharpshooter. The victim is on their back, the attacker grabs one leg and bends it sideways behind one of the attacker's own legs and on top of the victim's other leg, forming a "4" with the victim's legs. The attacker holds the victim's straight leg, falls backwards to the mat and secures the victim's bent leg in place by placing their free leg on top of the ankle of the victim's bent leg.


Das Wunder Kick (Roundhouse Kick)

A stiff Tajiri-esque roundhouse kick. The attacker kicks with one leg while pivioting 90 degrees on the other. The attack can be directed at the knee, midsection or head and also it can be done to a sitting opponent to the back. The top of the attacker's foot is the contact point for this kick. Occasionally done repeatedly, and can be possible knock out if kick is direct and connects with the face.


German Suplex

The attacker stands behind the victim and applies a waistlock. The attacker lifts the victim up and falls backwards, dropping the victim on their shoulders/neck/upper back. If the attacker releases the victim at the height of their lift, this often becomes a "Release German Suplex". However, most times the attacker keeps the waistlock applied and bridges for the pin.


Murderous DDT

The attacker sits on the top turnbuckle and grabs the victim's head, applying a front face lock. From there, the attacker jumps off the buckles, swings around one side of the victim's body and drives the victim's head into the mat. Or, the attacker jumps off the ropes and then applies the swinging DDT. This variation can be performed off the apron to the outside as well.


Moonsault Variations

The attacker jumps onto the second/third ring rope, performs a 270 degree back flip with arms spread in the crucifix position and lands stomach first on the lying victim. This move can also be performed onto a standing victim. Crow can perform any variation of this move, for example... Asai Moonsault, Quebrada Moonsault, Twisting Corkscrew Moonsault etc.


Top Rope Somersault Senton

The attacker climbs the turnbuckle so that his back is facing the crowd. He then jumps off the turnbuckle, performs a 270 degree front flip over the victim and lands back first on them. This move can also be performed onto a standing victim and can be performed in a number of ways, for example... whilst running, via springboard, from the apron... basically anything you can think of.


Claw Swipe

Ever seen Iori swipe the fuck out of opponent’s in King Of Fighters? Well, Crow does the same thing. The attacker forms a claw with his hand and lashes out at his opponent’s face/head/chest/back/arms/legs - scratching them and usually drawing blood. This can be performed in either a downward, upward or sideward thrust.


Knife Edged Chop

Crow prefers to use the knife edged chop over punching, he still uses the punch however. The attacker strikes the victim with the outer part of their hand, the pinky finger side. This attack can be done to a variety of locations on the victim's body.



Common moves:


Arm Drag

Chin Breaker


Drop Toe Hold

Dropkick (Performed while standing, running and from top rope.)

Dragon Screw Leg Whip

Hip Toss

La Majistral Cradle

Leg Drop (Performed while standing, running and from top rope.)

Leg Related Psych Moves

Northern Lights Suplex (With bridge or without.)


Russian Leg Sweep (Can be performed onto railing.)

Shin Breaker

Snap Suplex

Various Body Presses (Performed while running, from top rope, from apron, etc...)


This section is tedious, so any basic wrestling move.



Rare moves:


Wing And A Prayer Suplex

The attacker stands behind the victim. The attacker grabs one of the victim's arms and bends it behind the victim's back and places their hand so it at the top of the victim's shoulder. The attacker uses their other free arm to reach around the victim's face so their forearm is across their nose/face. The attacker locks their hands together. From there, the attacker lifts the victim up and falls backwards, dropping the victim on their head/neck/shoulders. This is Crow's rarest signature move and is not pulled out very often.


My Last Serenade (Rider Kick)

The victim is on the outside, whilst the attacker is in the ring. The attacker ascends to the top turnbuckle, then jumps in the air, and kicks the victim with both their feet. The attack can be focuses on the victim's head, chest, stomach, back or legs. This move only happens once in a blue moon, more specifically, it’s only used in big matches... ala Number One Contendership/Title matches.


Spider German Suplex (Top Rope German Suplex)

The attacker locks their legs on the ropes and hangs onto the buckles as they do the move. The attacker stands behind the victim and applies a waistlock. The attacker lifts the victim up and falls backwards, dropping the victim on their shoulders/neck/upper back. If the attacker releases the victim at the height of their lift, this often becomes a "Release German Suplex". However, most times the attacker keeps the waistlock applied and bridges for the pin. Only used when the opportunity presents itself, i.e. not very often.





Natural Born Chaos (Jumping Brainbuster Suplex)

This is the finishing move. No one will, ever, ever, EVER kick out of this move unless I clear such thing first. Only one person has kicked out of it and that was the immortal Sean Atlas, maximum respect, yo. The attacker applies a front face lock on the victim and throws the victim's near arm across their shoulders. The attacker grabs the victim's tights and lifts them straight up in the air so they are upside down. The attacker then jumps in the air, kicks his legs out and falls onto his back, causing the victim to fall straight down on their head at a neck-breaking angle. Preferred finisher.




Failure to comply will result in death and loss of penis.



The sharpshooter. The deadly dangerous submission move that has made one of the SWF's giants submit... twice... in a row. :D This is Bret Hart level move of death. The victim is on their back. The attacker holds up the victim's legs and steps in between them. The attacker crosses the victim's legs around the leg that they put through, and holds them in place with their arms. The attacker then steps over, turning the victim over on their stomach. The attacker leans/crouches back to apply pressure.





Update 11th December 2003 – Will use more of his speed ability in matches now, more moonsaults etc.


Just a few small ‘nitpicky’ things that I’d like you all to keep in mind when writing Crow in a match or promo. Firstly, he will never, under any circumstances, be scared of his opponent or try to back down/beg off wrestlers, no matter how bigger or stronger they may be. Secondly, the Antichristian Phenomenon is an instinctive wrestler and does whatever is needed to win. This can be using psychology on a specific limb, focussing on an opponent’s weak spot or even cheating. With a heel history at the beginning of his SJL career, he is by no means above cheating or messing with his opponent’s mind, even though he is an extremely over babyface. Crow will play and taunt to the crowd on the occasion during his matches (usually during a time of known advantage), but he is not overly concerned with them, he still concentrates on winning the match. Finally, Crow has developed a reputation for bumping one hell of a lot, even willingly taking huge bumps that could hurt him badly. He loves to bleed and when the circumstance calls for it, he will bleed a copious amount... and of course, let’s not forget that the former SJL World Champion has an ardour for glass bumps.





Born in the Flinders Public Hospital in Adelaide, Australia on the 27th of October 1980, Markus Adam Cirillo, more commonly known as Crow, had a very normal upbringing. He was born into a very casual family of nuclear structure, meaning he had a mother and a father, plus a brother. Up until the age of thirteen, when puberty hit, Markus was a well behaved and polite young boy, who was nice to all and loved by many. This all changed when the desire for sex kicked in, it was at this point Crow abandoned the ‘good boy’ image and became a ‘bad boy’, an image which he still holds onto until this day. Markus was expelled from five different schools during his secondary education, four of which were related to drug possession and being under the influence of drugs in class. The other was for hospitalising four peers during a school yard brawl. And you know what? Whilst a lot of the guys disliked him, the women absolutely adored him and did almost anything to get his affection. However, his parents were not so fond of him (you know, cause they’re his parents!) and regularly grounded him and scolded him for his drug taking ways, but this of course, did not stop Crow, as he always managed to sneak out to go party.


At the age of sixteen, Markus found a new passion in his life, other than drugs, and this was the sport of professional wrestling. Becoming an avid fan of such federations like the WWF, WCW and ECW, he could no longer sit down and just watch this sport... he had to become a part of it. It was at this point, on his seventeenth birthday, his life changed forever. For the first time in his life, Crow stepped into a professional wrestling ring and participated in a group training session. The second the session ended, his mind was made up and it could not be changed, this is what he wanted to do with his life. He wanted to be a professional wrestler. Everyday from then onwards, he put himself through intense physical training and once a week, he would go to wrestling training. Mark Adam was a prodigy, and his trainer, Australian wrestling legend Christopher Basso, realised this and began working with him exclusively twice a week. The training went very well and as time passed, Crow began to grasp that he possessed an uncanny ability to absorb copious amounts of punishment and still be able to retain his senses. Soon, Christopher Basso offered Mark a contract for his wrestling federation, the Australian Wrestling Syndicate (AWS), without a second thought, it was signed.


From there on in, Crow began to wrestle shows bi-weekly and this helped in the effort to tone down his attitude and behavioural problems. Basso saw the recklessness in the young man and taught him some valuable lessons about life, which Markus at the time thought were harsh, but in the end, he benefited greatly from them. However, Chris Basso could not get his student away from drugs, and this problem stuck with Crow and it eventually became a problem, as will be revealed later on. For trivia buffs, it was during his stay at the AWS that Markus got dubbed the nickname ‘The Antichrist Superstar’, due to his strong Anti-Christian beliefs. After a few months with the federation, he met two foreign wrestlers that he would become great friends with, and these two men were ‘Ad Van Dam’ Adam Livingston and ‘Dante Crane’ Dante Lucretia. It was with these two that the Antichrist Superstar would become closest with, especially with Adam, and after a year in the AWS, the three decided to begin their own wrestling federation. The problem was though, they did not have the adequate funds to support such a business venture, and thus, they stayed with the AWS and each got part time jobs.


Three years had passed and Crow was now twenty, and combined together, the three men had enough money to start their own wrestling organisation. And so, Interactive Championship Wrestling (ICW) was born and held its first shows. There was a medium size roster of twenty workers, but despite the small size, the organisation always managed to leave the fans happy, providing good storylines and some fantastic wrestling matches. The popularity of the product grew larger with each show and even garnered some of the IGNWF’s talent, El Luchadore Magnifico and Jamie Drazon, for numerous shows. Eventually, the first Pay Per View event was held in Sydney, Australia. It was a successful show which saw the tag team titles initiated in an epic match between the team of Ad Van Dam and Crow defeat the team of Inferno and Dead Pool. The International title was also initiated in a great match between Dante Crane and Dark Lightning. But two weeks later, a tragedy occurred, Adam Livingston was found murdered in his flat. He was found by Mark Adam, and after this it was revealed that both Mark and Adam were heroin addicts. Crow’s drug problem had reached its peak and unfortunately it took Adam with it. This discovery led to Dante Crane quitting ICW and shunning Crow, vowing to never forgive him for what he did. Interactive Championship Wrestling eventually died, the workload was far too much for the Antichrist Superstar to handle alone and wrestlers were leaving left and right. Markus Cirillo abandoned his love for wrestling and went into hiding...


A year passed and Crow emerged from the shadows and with the help and encouragement of Magnifico and Drazon, he started wrestling again. The IGNWF had changed its name and moved home base, now calling itself the SWF. With the new management of The Suicide King at the reins and after many talks, Drazon finally landed the Antichrist Superstar an ‘audition’ with SWF. The dark match was against a fellow audition wrestler ‘Technical Perfection’ Christopher Card, and was wrestled before the airing of a SJL Crimson. Needless to say, Crow impressed the SJL bookers and most importantly Grand Slam Mark Stevens, he was then, immediately signed. Markus Cirillo’s career in the SWF officially started on the 9th of January, 2003 on SJL Crimson where he debuted against the man he wrestled in the dark match prior. It was a loss, but fortunately, losses are not what Crow had many of in his SJL career, as he was booked for success, and before being bumped, he could lay claim to being the (arguably) Greatest SJL World Champion in history after holding it for 52 days and defending it successfully six times.


Prior to his bumping to the big leagues, the SWF, Crow received a phone call from someone he had not heard from for a very long time. This was Dante Crane, ringing and asking to make amends, for he was in a bit of strife. Old friends will never stay enemies, and the two men forgave one another, more importantly Dante forgave Markus for the whole heroin episode. Crow was officially bumped on the 22nd of June, 2003 and debuted in Fatal Fiveway at the 13th Hour Pay Per View event. Dante Crane is now Crow’s right hand man and escorts him to the ring regularly, but his full potential and his in-ring skills are yet to be seen...


Ground Zero has just passed and it signalled the end of the best of five match series between Crow and Janus. The Antichrist Superstar, after taking a brutal, brutal beating in every single match, managed to reign supreme, defeating Janus one on one, arm over chest in the middle of the ring. He suffered many injuries as a result of repeated battles with the stiff-as-all-hell seven foot Janus, particularly his ribs, back and left shoulder. Also occurring on the Ground Zero event was the debut of Dante Crane. The high-flying gothic cruiserweight impressed in his debut match, but unfortunately came out on the losing end... nevertheless; there is definitely gold coming Dante's way. Same could be said about Crow, only the future will tell...



Career Highlights:


1x SJL World Heavyweight Champion - 52 days (24/04/03 - 15/06/03)

2x SJL Superstar Of The Month - January and April 2003


2003 Winner of...


The Cyclone Comet Memorial Trophy - JL Wrestler Of The Year

The HVT Thugg Passion Award - Best JL World Champion (52 Days)

The Eddy Mac Award - Best JL Promo Writer

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Smarkboards Name: TheBostonStrangler

Wrestlers Name: The Boston Strangler

Height: 6'9"

Weight: 303 lbs.

Hometown: Boston, MA

Age: 31

Face/Heel: Face

Stable: None

Ring Escort: None

Weapon(s): Metal Chain, Chair, anything handy

Quote: “Strangler…has…spoken!” (rarely used. Just write his as a fairly crude-sounding guy who gets kinds into whatever's got him wound up)


Looks: Strangler wears a pair of blue jeans and a black tank top with the letters “TBS” in white on the shirt. His arms are scarred heavily, and he has a tattoo of two hands clutching a neck on his right shoulder. He wears a big pair of black boots with the letters “TBS” down the side in white. His hair is black, stringy, and shoulder-length, looking pretty ratty. He has scars all over his face as well. He generally wears sunglasses to the ring.


Ring Entrance: The arena goes dim as the opening chords of “Godzilla” by Blue Oyster Cult start to play. As the song launches into the opening guitar riff, the SmarkTron™ lights up with the name “STRANGLER” in big white letters as a massive burst of white pyro explodes from the stage. As the pyro begins to die down, Strangler emerges from the pyro. He raises one fist into the air as he looks out onto the crowd, then slowly begins to walk down the ramp. He slides into the ring, and climbs to the second turnbuckle. He raises both arms into the air, fists closed, and then walks into the center of the ring and waits for the match to start.




Strength: 8

Speed: 2

Vitality: 8

Charisma: 2


Style: Brawler, power wrestler. Lots of punches and power moves. Against bigger men (over 300), he relies almost exclusively on punches, kicks, etc, and looks for one or two big power moves to end it. Against small men, he loves the high-impact, ground-based power moves, but will usually try something a little crazy, often ending with an unfavorable result. Also, he isn’t exactly a smart, technical type of wrestler, and usually will try nothing but power stuff, only going to submissions in matches calling for it, although he will mix in the occasional sleeper/choke hold, to weaken up the opponent’s neck for the Boston Massacre. Strangler’s biggest problem is controlling his emotions in the ring. He tends to get too caught up in the moment, and will make some big mistakes. Sometimes he’ll explode on his opponent, but then almost seem like he’s guilty about what he did, and back down. Sometimes he’ll act without thinking, like taking out the referee and then trying to pin, or drilling his opponent with a chair directly in front of the ref. Strangler isn’t the cheat he used to be, but whenever he gets ticked off enough, the rules go out the window. Basically, he’s a psychological mess, but if he’s on top of his game that day, you’re gonna have a REAL hard time taking him out, since he’s as strong as they come.



Signature moves (The order in which they are in is order of how frequently they are used, from most to least)


The Plunge (Chokeslam)

Lights Out (Double-Armed DDT) (After he hits this, he usually looks for the Boston Massacre)

Release German suplex (will occasionally do something crazy against a rather small guy, like throwing him across the entire ring, the 360-degree German suplex, etc.)

Lobotomy (Essentially a reverse Final Cut/Eye of the Hurricane. Front facelock, then Strangler twists around and brings his elbow down against the back of the opponent’s skull)

Standing spinebuster (Strangler’s most common desperation/transition move)

Full nelson atomic drop (Bubba Bomb)

Guilty Conscience (Strangler puts the opponent in a double underhook, lifts him into a Canadian backbreaker, then slams him face-first on the mat. Similar to Faarooq’s old Dominator)

Sleeper drop (Standing rear sleeper, then dropping him to the mat. Jericho does it.)


Common moves:


Short-arm clothesline (Strangler grabs the opponent by their wrist and pulls him into a clothesline)

Flap Jack

Big boot

Falling neckbreaker

Fallaway Slam (if caught near the ropes, Strangler will occasionally toss the opponent over the top rope)

Samoan Drop

Stomach crusher (fireman’s carry, then slammed onto Strangler’s knee)

Double Axe Handle (can be off second rope too)

Hammer punch (to upper back)

Body punches in corner


Hangman’s neckbreaker

Tilt-a-whirl backbreaker

Knife-edge chop (usually just one or two as a transistion)

Mudhole stomping



Bearhug…….OF DOOM~!



Rare moves:

1. Last Breath (a reverse DDT drop. Set up like the Scorpion Death Drop, then used like an Implant DDT, can be done from the top rope/ring apron as well. Strangler’s former finisher.)

2. Vault over top rope to the outside (a la Undertaker)

3. Guillotine leg drop (usually a hardcore move, to the outside, through a table, etc.)




MAIN: The Boston Massacre (Impact): This move starts out of almost anywhere, as Strangler lifts his opponent into a gorilla press slam. He then starts to fall to the ground as he drops his opponent onto his shoulders before slamming him head-first with a Death Valley Driver. This move is BIG. Better be a ref bump or a World Title match if it’s gonna get kicked out of. Ask if you want to.


ALTERNATE: Southie Slam (Top Rope Impact): Strangler puts the opponent in a sitting position on the top turnbuckle. Strangler walks into the corner, with his back to the opponent. He takes ahold of the opponent’s upper arms, and flips him over his head to the mat, where he lands on his back/neck. A wicked-looking move that gets a big “OOOOH!” from the crowd. If you absolutely need to kick out of a finisher, this is the one you should use.



Bio: Strangler was born in Boston, Massachusetts, in a crappy apartment in Southie. His parents disappeared one day when he was 15, leaving him to fend for himself on the rough streets of Southie. He had no money, so he lived on the street, where he scavenged for food. One day, when he was 19, he wandered into an abandoned warehouse, where he saw lots of other homeless people fighting each other in a tournament. Strangler entered himself into the tournament, and destroyed everyone in his path. In the final, he actually choked out his opponent, killing him. He won the tournament, and joined up with the host of the tournament, a man named Scarface. Strangler and Scarface traveled around the city, and entered all the tournaments they could find. Strangler almost nearly won, and usually took out one or two of his opponents. Soon, people started calling him the Boston Strangler, and his reputation grew to a level nearly equal to the real Boston Strangler’s reputation. He started entering UFC matches, and was doing fairly well there too. He started to grow wealthy, and had his own apartment in the Back Bay. In fact, Scarface and Strangler became so close that they got matching tattoos on their left forearms: a picture of two hands clasped together.


However, when Strangler was about 23, he suffered a brutal knee injury at the hands of the brother of one of his murdered opponents. The damage done with the crowbar fractured his kneecap, and put him in the hospital for months. Over this time, he and Scarface started to grow apart, and when he got out of the hospital, Scarface had found a new talent to manage, who called himself Lucifer. Strangler wasn’t particularly happy about this, so Scarface arranged for a brawl between the two to determine which man would be able to retain his services. Strangler had Lucifer pinned to the mat, and was in the process of choking him out when Scarface attacked him from behind with a bat to the head. Scarface and Lucifer took out Strangler badly, and inflicted major damage with a pair of boxcutters they had handy. Strangler was left for dead in a warehouse, his face and arms cut up with wounds from the boxcutter. Scarface had even bladed a giant X over the tattoo Strangler had gotten to symbolize their friendship.


Strangler disappeared for about three years after that. He was rumored to be working in a small indy federation in Oklahoma for a while, but disappeared after the OWF World Champion, Moose McGowan, turned up dead from strangulation. Strangler’s next reported sighting was in Florida, but after another death, Strangler disappeared from there as well. Finally, in late 1998, Strangler, under the name of the Mad Professor, started wrestling in AVW (Appalachian Valley Wrestling). He tore through the league, and went on to have a 6-month run at the top as AVW Champion. However, every challenger he was scheduled to have ended up in the hospital before their match, so Strangler was thrown out of the federation in June of 2000. Strangler bounced around for a few months after that, wrestling the odd job here and there until the next summer, when he finally got tired of screwing around. He heard about the IGNJL, and continually showed up until someone gave him a chance. He destroyed his opponents, and was allowed to enter the JL.


The IGNJL had no clue about Strangler’s past, and Strangler intended to keep it that way. Throughout his tenure in the JL, he managed to keep his legendary temper in check, and focused his energy purely on the titles. He soon became JL TV Champion, and had the longest reign with that title as of yet. He was a member of the Alley, and managed to bring the stable a good deal of recognition. However, Strangler dropped the TV Title, and disappeared a week later. He returned at Code Red, and promptly won the #1 Contendership to the World Title. He took advantage, and won the title for the 1st time. During this time, Strangler lashed out at the stables of the JL, and vowed to destroy them all. Strangler defeated the Clan, and then destroyed Red Storm Rising and the Red Storm Reich, which culminated with his 2nd title win.


Strangler soon dropped the JL Title, and left for the new challenge of the IGNWF. He debuted at the IGNWF No Sells Christmas! PPV in December 2001, and soon afterwards joined up with the group he had destroyed in the JL, the Clan. Strangler justified his place in the Clan by quickly capturing the IGNWF Hardcore Title. Strangler had a feud where he defended his belt against Munich, but then got into trouble with the Clan. After some open conflict between himself and the Clan leaders, Spider Nekura and Thoth, Strangler simply disappeared one day. No one seemed to know where he went to, why he left, but he was simply forgotten…


However, Chris Wilson remembered the big man, and brought him in as part of his new stable, the Magnificent 7. However, soon after his return, he started to drift away from the Magnificent 7 as he engaged in one of the SWF’s most memorable feuds against Erek Taylor of X Force 9. The two men fought with each other for almost the entire summer. At Ground Zero, Erek beat Strangler in a memorable street fight, which included Strangler no-selling being hit by a car, as well as being arrested, and ended with Erek hitting a corkscrew moonsault off the SmarkTron™ onto Strangler for the win. This loss sent Strangler spiraling into a deep psychological funk. He became paranoid, convinced that Erek Taylor wanted to drive him out of the league and separate him from his “friend” Chris Wilson. He challenged Taylor to a retirement match at Apocalypse, which he won. Taylor was banned from the SWF, and Strangler thought he would finally be happy.


However, during this period, Strangler had begun using steroids. His stablemates discovered the problem, and turned him in. Strangler appealed to Wilson for help, but only received a chairshot for his troubles. Strangler was fired from the SWF, and sent to a rehab facility in September 2002. However, toward the end of 2002, Strangler broke out of the rehab facility and went on a mission to get back into the league. He appealed to Grand Slam Mark Stevens, who signed him behind the back of the subsequently-fired Commissioner McWeed. Strangler then disappeared into Boston to train, where he disappeared. Strangler’s whereabouts were unknown until recently, when he appeared as King's mystery partner, only to turn on the SWF Commish before setting his sights on Tom Flesher. Strangler and Flesher had a heated battle, which culminated in a Flesher win in 2 out of 3 falls match for the SWF World Title.


Strangler wasn’t sure where to turn next, and started to team with TNT, when suddenly, Thoth managed to defeat Tom Flesher for the SWF World Title. It surprised the entire league, and due to a win Strangler had picked up earlier, he was named #1 contender to Thoth’s belt. Strangler went in as a heavy underdog, but somehow emerged victorious, and became the SWF World Champion. Thoth, his longtime adversary, wasn’t done yet, however. He came back and challenged Strangler to a rematch. Strangler accepted, and for the second year in a row, Strangler competed in a Street Fight match at Ground Zero. The match was absolutely brutal, and ended with Strangler defeating Thoth to retain his belt. As we move toward Genesis IV, the greatest PPV in wrestling history, what will Strangler face next? Who knows…


This post has been edited by TheBostonStrangler on Oct 20 2003, 07:05 PM

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Smarks Board Name: Atlas

Wrestlers Name: Spike, Sean Atlas.

Full Name:

- Born: Michael Sean Spaster.

- Changed to: Sean Atlas

Nickname: None. He's got enough names to keep track of.

Height: 6'3"

Weight: 240

Hometown: Brooklyn, New York (Check the Bio for why Chicago was listed here before)

Age: 23

Face/Heel: After unmasking, mostly a face.

Stable: Magnificent Seven, more or less.

Ring Escort: None

Weapon(s): He's used ladders, tack filled light bulb tubes, a bat with nails driven through it, and a chainsaw... Go wild.

Quote: "It must make life unbearable for a man, to think as I did."


Looks: The important thing now is that Sean has lost his mask. Revealed to be the original, former World Champion Spike, he now looks the same way he did as Atlas, minus the mask. Check the sig for pictures. He's got on white pants, usually with some kind of design on them. Shirtless on top, but he's got a few scars on his back from previous matches. There's also a tattoo on his left shoulder of the letters "MS" creatively drawn, impaled with a dagger, all over an outline of the globe. White wrist tape and black boots with white laces accessorize the rest.



Ring Entrance: In a darkened arena filled with the anxious murmurs of a hostile crowd, a sudden gunshot fires, breaking the generally calm aura. Instantly, the heavy guitar riffs of Metallica's "No Leaf Clover" hammer through the arena, taking the most nostalgic of fans back to the good old days of the IGNWF. Walking out to an elaborate display of lights, centered on the ramp and stage, Spike emerges from behind the curtain, recieving the cheers that he's missed hearing ever so much. As he begins walking down the ramp, Funyon introduces himto the spectators.


"Making his way to the ring, hailing from Brooklyn, New York, weighin in at 240 pounds... please welcome... SPIKE!"


As he reaches the ring, the camera caches a display of laser lighs on the surface of the ring, displaying the outline of Atkas, the figure of greek mythology, holding a globe. Then, in the kind of animation that laser projection provides, Atlas takes the globe, tosses it in the air, and with a Spiked dagger produced from his waist, punctures the planet, breaking through it surface, inner mass, and core, pulvarising it to pieces. It's at this moment that Spike enters the ring, standing over the laser projected image.


Continue as needed.




Strength: 7 (Well built, very storng. Has found a nice equilibrium as far as conditioning. Think Benoit with a bit of O'Haire thrown in.)

Speed: 5 (Very quick and agile, can often evade attacks from all but the speediest of opponents.)

Vitality: 5 (Good enough for ironman or clusterfuck, but needs a bit of luck to actually win one)

Charisma: 3 (Not overly charismatic, but speaks well enough to convey emotion believably.)


Style: Spike's wrestling is more of a technical style than any other. He uses plenty of stylised Suplexes, in addition to some striking moves, concentrating on the legs. Unless it makes sense to, he'll usually stay away from working a certain body part, choosing instead to pummel the opponent with high impact suplexes. He has proven himself more than capable in a hardcore environment, as demostrated in his late SJL days and original IGNWF run. Tends to work well with others, showing an ability to wrestle in tag team matches, but prefers to work on his own, relying on no one but himself.


Signature moves:

- Leg Capture Suplex (Done after catching opponent's leg after a kick. While holding the leg, Atlas puts on a face lock and flips over into a Suplex)

- Katahajime Suplex (Taz-Plex; Often done during or just before the victim escapes the Katahajime Choke)

- Wheelbarrow Suplex (Sometimes flips opponent over onto face ala flipover German)

- Tequila Sunrise (Belly to Back Half Nelson and Chicken Wing Suplex)

- Straightjacket Suplex (Belly to Back Crossed Arms Suplex)

- Texas Cloverleaf (Sean debuted the move at 13th Hour, then decided to keep it as a regular.

- Immaculate Neckbreaker (Arm Trap Shoulder Neck Breaker)

- Triple "S" - Originally the Spike Spine Stinger. A Boston Crab with one foot or knee forced into the nook of the opponent's back)

- Stepover Legdrop (Opponent is doubled over, their arm stretched out to the side. Atlas steps over it, arm between his legs, facing away from the body. He flips forward, catching the opponent with his legs on the way, carrying them over onto their back. A pin can follow.)

- Cruise Kick (Performed when opponent catches Sean's leg after a kick. Instead of an Enzuguri, Atlas jumps and does a backflip, kicking the opponent in the face. Done rarely, and Sean will not always land back on his feet, especially if it's late in the match)



Common moves:

- German Suplex (Release, Rolling, Bridged, Flipover)

- Overhead Belly-to-Belly Suplex

- Stretch Suplex (Pumphandle Suplex)

- Sweep Spinebuster (ala The Rock)

- Russian Leg Sweep

- Full Nelson Forward Russian Leg Sweep

- DDT (Normal, Reverse, Single Arm)

- Chops

- Leapfrog

- Thesz Press

- Spear (To the gut, back, legs, etc)

- Superkick

- Dragon Screw Legwhip

- Side Leg Trip (STO)

- Unreleased Irish Whip

- Rear Leg Takedown (the thing Angle does when he pulls your feet out from behind you)

- Baseball Slide (Often after recieving an Irish Whip)

- Kicks (Specifically to the knees, sometimes the midsection.)

- Jacknife Hold (Bridging Double Leg Pickup Pin)

- School Boy/Inside Cradle


Rare moves:

- Spinal Tap(Backdrop/Vertebreaker. When placed in a standing headlock, double arm DDT or other similar maneuver, Atlas typically counters out, hitting something between your regular back body drop and a vertebreaker. Thus, the Spinal Tap)

- Short Fuse (3/4 Facelock Bulldog into Inverted Facelock DDT. Pops the crowd huge. Atlas lands on his chest for the Inverted DDT. Often covers right after. Used very rarely.)

- Sharpshooter (Used as an alternate to the Katahajime when working the back/legs instead of the neck.)

- Angel's Punishment (Cruifix Powerbomb DDT. Starts from a Crucifix position like the Razor's Edge, then flips the opponent forward and turns it into a DDT. Vertical position of opponent upon landing changes based on size. Used very sparingly and WILL finish off a match.)- Nail In The Coffin (Used only for flair, and on the rarest of occasions. Dates back to his IGNWF days. Standing on the top turnbuckle, Sean turns to the side and dashes across the top rope, balancing himself for as many as four steps before leaping off and driving an elbow into the chest of his opponent. Very old school and gets an incredible reaction from the crowd)




- The Saint's Demise (Jumping Death Valley Driver)

- Katahajime Choke (Modified Tazzmission, applied with either arm.)

- Spiker (The Original finisher. A Sambo Suplex, or as it was originally described, a 180-degree Rock Bottom. Not as effective as it was in the past, but still a big crowd starter and can get the three count when needed.)



Notes: To be Added after the next show.


Bio: (To Be updated after next show. You'll see why.)


Sean Atlas started out as a prick when he first came into the SJL. He was a bastard heel, and berated people for their religious beliefs. He even refused to speak to Ben Hardy until Ben took his cross off when interviewing him. Soon after, however, segments started airing about his past. One in new York, where he was distraught after recieving a poor crowd reacion, and one in Chicago that revealed his time spend at a mental institution.


Many of his promos out of the ring and out of the arena are done without the mask, but his face is never shown. He benefits from this, because fans never come up to him, asking for an autograph or anything. It allows him total anonymity out of the ring, even to fellow wrestlers. To hide his face and identity, he books his own flights and hotel rooms, so that even management doesn't find out. Hearing some of the sacreligios speeches he often makes, hiding his face benefits him greatly. Though he is identifiable by the tattoo of "MS" on his shoulder, he makes sure to hide it when not wearing the mask.


The main reason he's wrestling isn't known, but one can deduce, from past promos, that he's here because no other venue provides him with such a great audience on such a regular basis. He can spread his message to a great amount of people more efficiently. It helps that he is incredibly fit, physically. He also talks about a wrestling past, with a different organization, and mentions underachieving there. This is becoming a more prominent part of his character. Many factors seem to act as motivation for Sean Atlas.


This post has been edited by realitycheck on Sep 28 2003, 01:52 PM

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Smarks Board Name: Astro101

Wrestlers Name: Xcalibur

Height: 6’0”

Weight: 236 2/5 lbs.

Hometown: Houston, TX

Age: 24

Face/Heel: Heel, but with a cult following

Weapon: Louisville Slugger, but only in extreme cases and special events. Other than that, he’ll just use a steel chair or whatever’s around for an equalizer.

Quote: “You are staring at the magnificence that is I, the man who reigns supreme in the ring, the one and only, yours truly...Xcaliber!"


Looks: Outside the ring, he’s a handsome Vietnamese guy who usually gels his hair. He wears some sort of expensive suit, Armani with silk tie usually, to show off his wealth. In the ring, he has his choice of gear. One is short black tights with gold trim and a large white X on the sides. The other is long loose white tights with “Xcalibur” written in gray down the sides. Either way, he will come down in some type of Houston sports jersey on supporting his town. He then throws it into the crowd and smiles at the way people are racing to get his jersey, enjoying his popularity.


Ring Entrance:“Stupid Girl” by Cold plays up as a gold shower of pyro falls down from the ceiling. Xcalibur walks through it and just heads towards the ring. He only smirks when he thinks he's outsmarted someone. Other than that, he's focused in the ring.









Style: A technical guy that isn’t afraid to do high risk maneuvers when needed. Ok on the brawling side if he matches up, but can equalize with a few weapons if he needs help. He really sucks at hardcore matches, so he’ll try to get his opponent in the ring and execute some wrestling moves.


Signature moves:


1. Houston Hurricane: Randy Orton’s Overdrive (Sometimes the setup to Xcaliber’s Revenge. See Finishers)


2. 450BS or 450 Backward Splash: From the top of the turnbuckle, back facing the ring, Xcalibur hits a 450 splash going backwards.


3. The Triple Crown: 3 snap suplexes in a row


4. The Sword’s Plunge: A slingshot 450 leg drop


5. Sitdown Side Gutwrench Powerbomb


6. Running dropkick to an opponent while he’s trapped in the corner


Common moves:


1. Powerbomb to backbreaker

2. Moonsault

3. Reverse neckbreaker

4. Vertical suplex

5. Spear

6. Fisherman’s suplex

7. Chops

8. Dropkick to the knees

9. Enziguri

10. Hurricanrana

11. Sleeperhold

12. Headscissors

13. Hangman's Noose Neckbreaker

14. Leg Sweep

15. Catapult


Rare moves:


1. Chokeslam

2. Bearhug

3. Body Press




Air: Xcalibur’s Revenge (Shooting Star Legdrop) (Uses Houston Hurricane as setup sometimes)

Impact: Rated X (Spinning sit down Pedigree/Christopher Daniel’s “Angel’s Wings”)

Submission: Untimely Xecution (Dragon Sleeper with the leg hooked around the opponent's near leg so he can't move anywhere) (Rarely used)


Notes: He is smart enough to know when odds against him and backs down when necessary but tries to be cool about it with a smile. His demeanor is dark (not Raven dark, but Sean O’Haire pre-Piper dark) and is fluent on the mic. Very cocky.

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Wrestlers Name: Silent

Nicknames: The Silent One, The Slaughterer

Height: 6’5”

Weight: 268 lbs.

Hometown: Phoenix, Arizona

Age: 31

Face/Heel: Heel

Stable: None

Ring Escort: None

Weapon(s): The steel-tipped cane, of course.


Looks: Kibagami’s hair is bleached blond, almost white – it reaches just below his shoulders, and is usually tied back in a ponytail to keep it out of his eyes. He’s frighteningly well-muscled – whether he’s using steroids or not is anyone’s guess. He comes to the ring shirtless, proudly displaying his numerous tattoos, the newest of which is his ing name, “Silent”, inked in gothic lettering just above his breastbone. There is an ankh on his right forearm, a number of Chinese characters on either side of his neck, and across his shoulder blades are the words, “No Salvation” – a reminder of his days with the Clan. Silent’s wrists are taped, and he wears white full-length tights with black ankhs printed on either side, as well as a pair of generic white wrestling boots. Backstage, he can be found wearing very plain white clothes, his hair tied back. He’s usually watching tapes or getting ready for a match.


Ring Entrance: Fog begins to billow up from unseen holes in the entrance ramp as the first haunting notes of Nevermore’s “The River Dragon Has Come” echo through the arena. The SmarksTron shows Kibagami, back facing the camera, in a simple wooden chair, just as the audience is lulled into a false sense of security by the soothing music…




Every light in the arena – the house lights, the spotlights near the entrance ramp, even the picture on the SmarksTron – suddenly flares, blinding white, as the distortion kicks in and the music begins to pound through the speakers. The picture on the SmarksTron is replaced with the familiar burning ankh…


Today, the warning came in the flood…


The man himself comes through the curtains and the fog as the vocals begin, and the lights are finally reduced to their usual level. The Silent One briskly makes his way to the ring, ignoring the fans’ cheers completely as the music surges forward. He slides into the ring, rolls to his feet, and walks to the nearest turnbuckle. Silent climbs to the top rope and poses in the crucifix position until the music dies down, at which point he hops back off the top rope and turns to face his opponent or await his entrance.



Strength: 6 (Frighteningly strong for a man his size, Silent is comfortable suplexing a 300 lb. opponent. His kicks, though not utilized as often as they once were, are potential knockout blows if correctly placed.)

Speed: 3 (He takes it slow and steady in the ring, but his reaction time is excellent. A few aerial moves are possible, but rarely attempted – opponents that threaten Silent to this extent are few and far between.)

Vitality: 10 (Neck bumps? Easy. Submissions? Don’t even think about it. Your finisher? No-sold. Yes, your finisher. The Silent One is back and in top form; you’re going to need more than a sheer-drop something or other to put him down for the three-count.)

Charisma: 1 (Silent's name is somewhat misleading - he does talk from time to time, and he's actually quite good at it. However, after Genesis IV, the fans have totally turned on him - Silent is one step away from X-Pac heat. No matter what he says or does, the crowd can't stand the sight of him. )


Style: Silent is primarily a technical wrestler in the North American sense - he'll work a body part in the most logical way possible, but he won't shy away from punching you in the jaw if it seems necessary. He has the ability to work a slower, more power-oriented style if the match permits.

Game Plan: Silent prefers to work the arm of an opponent, which eventually gives him an opening to wear his opponent down with a variety of high-impact maneuvers and finish them off with the Fall From Grace; the arm work can result in a submission, though, if it’s appropriate to the match or if the opponent consistently evades or counters the Fall From Grace. However, if he’s in a match against an opponent who has a distinct advantage of some kind, he’ll go right for the throat from the start – trying to either work the neck and prep the opponent for the Demonstar or cinch in the triangle choke for a quick victory.




-Downshifter Suplex: Neck Crank Suplex

-Dragon DDT: A reverse DDT with a Dragon Sleeper applied. The Dragon Sleeper is sometimes maintained.

-Cradle Suplex

-Hammerlock Backdrop


-Double spinning back chop: Silent hits a spinning back chop, then spins back towards his opponent to deliver a second.

- Hammerlock DDT

-Arm wrench/hook kick

-Triangle Choke Hold (Silent’s primary submission hold, and a legitimate one at that.)

-Burning Lariat



Common moves:


Knee strikes: Silent will usually pepper his opponent with knee strikes in any sort of lockup.

Gutwrench suplex


Kick combos: Silent will string together three or four kicks to swing the momentum of a match back in his direction if the opponent takes control for too long.

Russian leg sweep

Fujiwara Armbar

Sambo suplex: often used as a desperation counter.

Ippon Seionage (An over-the-shoulder judo throw. A sheer-drop variant is possible, and finisher strength when used, but it’s almost as rare as the Firebird Splash.)

Single-arm DDT

Basic takedowns: Fireman’s carry/Fireman’s carry cradle, single-leg takedown to half-crab, arm drag to armbar, headlock takedown, arm screw to short-arm scissors.


Rare moves:


Year of the Dragon: Firebird Splash. The rarest of the rare.

Chasing the Dragon: rolling Dragon suplexes (2-4).

Riot of the Blood: Thoth’s cradle tombstone piledriver.


Finishers: (appearing in order of frequency)


Fall From Grace: High-angle crucifix powerbomb.


New finishers will be introduced eventually. Once I’ve thought of them.



Notes and Bio: Coming soon.



This post has been edited by Kibagami on Oct 7 2003, 02:15 PM

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Smarks Board Name: D. Lucretia

Wrestlers Name: Dante Crane

Nickname: Sick Boy

Real Name: Dante Lucretia

Height: 6’1”

Weight: 210

Hometown: Shawinigan, Quebec

Age: 25

Alignment: Face

Stable: N/A

Ring Escort: Crow

Quote: “You make me sick.”


Ring Entrance:

All lights illuminating the [insert arena name here] dim and darkness now falls upon the crowd. A dim blue lighting raises as Marilyn Manson’s ‘Great Big White World’ starts to play, already at forty-six seconds into the song where M.W. Gacy provides soft presses of the keyboard before the vocals kick back in...


“I'm not attached to your world, nothing heals, nothing grows... I’m not attached to your world, nothing heals... nothing grows!”


An explosion of white and blue pyrotechnics goes off on the staging as the song breaks into its chorus!


“...cause it’s a great big white world! And we are drained of our colours! We used to love ourselves! We used to love one another!”


Walking out from the entrance curtain and through the smoke left behind by the pyrotechnics is ‘Sick Boy’ Dante Crane, wearing his full-length leather trenchcoat.


“All my stiches itch, my prescription is low, I wish you were queen... just for today. In a world so white, what else could I say?”


Amidst the cheers from the crowd, Dante continues walking down the aisle and does not take the time to acknowledge the fans. His mind is set only on one thing, beating his opponent.


“Coming down the aisle, weighing in at two hundred and forty two pounds, please welcome... ‘Sick Boy’ DDAANNNTTTTEEEE CCCRRRRAAAAANNNNNEEEE!”


Crane slides into the ring and disrobes his trenchcoat, handing it to the referee. He backs into his corner and leans against the turnbuckles, awaiting the arrival of his opponent...



A man of average height; but thin, athletic build, Dante has a very mild complexion, pale blue eyes and stringy, disorganized, bleached blond hair that falls a little below his ears. His in-ring attire consists of black, leather pants with bell-bottmy… bottoms, and a twin row of silver studs going up either side. He wears standard black wrestling boots, and a long, tight black or white see-through, button down shirt. He also wears white face paint, with black highlighting the eyes and lips. Outside of the ring, he’s usually comfortable in a black vest/shirt/pants ensemble, with a loose, purple and black divided tie. Without the face paint and with trench overtop, of course.




Dante Crane is very reserved. He's not one to raise his voice and rarely swears, you could say he speaks in a proper and formal manner. Intelligent, occasionally poetic and rather sentimental, Dante is still usually recessed when addressing friends or foes alike. Although, sarcasm is his main source of wit, and uses it often to mock others, and they usually don't see it coming. Regardless; Crane is not one to waste words. In wrestling mode, Sick Boy is calm, cool and collected. It’s highly unusual for him to showboat, as he has a high sense of honor. He's a strong willed individual who will not back down from a challenge, and even in defeat, he'll take it with grace.




Strength: 3

A respectably strong small guy. He can lift guys up to 250 for normal suplexes and slams—275 at max.


Speed: 8

A very capable flyer, can move around the ring well and run circles around larger opponents. He uses it well, firing off lightning quick kicks and scoring with high risk maneuvers.


Vitality: 5

A resilient wrestler, but will go down to a finisher unless specified otherwise. Also, although he’s get below-average strength for a wrestler, his higher endurance than most cruisers means he can complete a few more slams/suplexes on large(er) wrestlers without exhausting himself.


Charisma: 4

Dante has a cult following due to his gothic good looks and his great wrestling ability. Can speak well and promos are not a problem, but as noted, he’s more the strong, silent type.




Dante Crane wrestles at his finest in the squared circle and has a reputation on the independent circuits as a small yet deceptively strong worker. Although, mostly, he fights with speed, agility, and grace; using his experience in martial arts to his advantage. ‘Sick Boy’ has respectable mat skills, but is basically a striker/lightweight. The bulk of his early offense are kicks, wearing down opponents with precision shots or flurries, and then using his speed and agility to finish the job. Outside of a few of his signature moves, Crane doesn’t use suplexes/slams very often, and even then, he usually has to have momentum to pull them off. Worth nothing also is that despite his kicking prowess, Dante is a poor arm striker, and is also bad at submissions overall.


Signature moves:


Damnation DDT

Crane astands behind his opponent, placing both his arms under their arms and locks them behind their neck. He lifts the opponent in the air, and upon reaching the apex, Dante releases the half of the hold with his right arm and with the other still on the opponents neck, he turns them and into a front face lock, dropping into a DDT Dante will attempt this move every match, although it would take a few of these to get a pinfall


Crane Kick (Whipback Kick)

Dante flips backward, catching his opponent under the chin with the shin/toe/top of his boot.



Any martial art kick you can think of Dante will use and he will often string them into combos. Roundhouse kick, crescent kick, spinning back kick, hook kick, superkick, sweep, etc, etc, etc. Be creative with these.


Fell Swoop

Dante does a slingshot senton splash onto a lying opponent from the apron, rolls to his feet, and immediately executes a Lionsault for the rebound.


From the Cradle To the Enslave

A rolling prawn hold from the top rope, which becomes more of a ‘driver,’ compressing the opponent’s neck into the ground from 4 ½ feet up. Held for a pin, obviously.


Kingdom Gone

Set-up like a Burning Hammer (Reverse Death Valley Driver), except instead of dropping his opponent sheer on their neck, Dante runs forward and rolls, crushing his opponent chest first into the canvas.



With the opponent on the top rope, facing toward the ring, Crane stands underneath, turns his back to them, grabs their arms and slams them down. More often than not, he’ll nock his opponent senseless with a spinning uppercut beforehand. Shouting of “Shoryuken!” not recommended. Often used to set up The Cure.


Flying Headscissors

Dante can conjure up this move under almost ANY circumstance. If he can find a way to wind his legs around his opponent’s neck, he’ll try for a headscissors attack. Occasionally, even if a larger, stronger wrestler tosses away his legs before he can cinch them in, he’ll maintain his grip, spin around their back, and attempt it again!


Triangle Lock

Poor at submission wrestling overall, this is the only hold Crane will use outside of basic arm/head/leg locks. Although generally used as a wear-down hold, Dante knows how to shift the pressure to target the neck, shoulder or arm at large. He’s also skilled enough to cinch the hold in with the opponent still standing!


Common moves:


*Where noted, moves can be done off the top rope.


*Spinning Wheel Kick – Much like fellow SWF cruiser Wildchild, Dante Crane will ALWAYS use the Spinning Wheel Kick instead of a clothesline.

Snapmare – w/ or w/o the Hennig neck-snap following it.

*Arm Drag


Asai Moonsault


*Vertical Suplex

Slingshot Suplex

German Suplex

Tope/Slingshot Bodypress

Senton Bomb—To standing or laying opponents

*Tornado DDT


Slingshot Press—Dante climbs to the second rope, grabs onto the top with both hands, and slings himself back and onto a laying opponent.

Twisting Press—Usually a counter to being Irish Whipped, Crane jumps on the second rope and twists backward into a bodypress.

Drop Toe Hold

Fisherman’s Suplex

Powerslam—these last two are rather uncommon.


Rare moves:


Dante’s Inferno

A spinning roundhouse kick off the top rope. Outside of the spin, almost identical to Crow’s “Das Wunder Kick” in form, except… more refined. Practiced. Dante DID teach Cirillo the move, after all. Considering Dante’s prowess with this, and the added force from the spin/top-rope, this is an indefinite knockout blow. However, Dante only uses it an anger or desperation, so it’s highly, highly unlikely to see him break this out. But once he’s gone this far, it’s likely he’ll go one more step to assure victory… (ie: tossing his opponent a chair, tying them up in the ropes beforehand.)


Iron Butterfly

Quite simply, a springboard 450 Splash. Only saved for heated, heated feud blowoff matches. If nothing else will, THIS can finish the job.




Ethereal Suplex (Dragon Suplex)

The attacker applies a full nelson on the victim, the attacker lifts the victim up and falls backwards dropping them on the back of their neck. Always bridged for pin. Dante may roll into two or three of these if the opponent is being really, REALLY stubborn. Never otherwise.


The Cure (Suicide Headbutt; preferred)

Diving headbutt ala Chris Benoit—targetted dead at the heart, in other words. Dante will always clasp his arms in prayer and bow his head before taking flight for this. Also, he’s easily capable of going clear across the ring, and not afraid of doing this to the outside.




As pointed out earlier, Dante is a very honourable person, and will not resort to cheating before his opponent. Also, if he’s escorting Crow for a match, the same thing applies—unless Crow’s opponents are blatantly manipulating the rules, he won’t interfere. Dante doesn’t play up to the fans very often—any of the high flying moves he does that get pops are “just business” to him, using the ability he’s got to win the match. Crane is also very difficult to annoy or anger while wrestling—he’s an experienced wrestler, and has his ways of out-maneuvering pests.

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Updated 10/23/03...new entrance and finisher name


Smarks Board Name: HvilleThugg

Wrestlers Name: Bastion

Real Name: Brandon "The Beast" McKinney

Height: 7’ 0”

Weight: 385lbs

Hometown: Washington, DC

Age: 18

Face/Heel: He just hurts people!

Stable: None

Ring Escort: None

Weapon(s): Please...

Quote: None


Looks: Bastion has a similar look and build to his brother, the Hville Thugg. He’s got massive arms and hands, a huge chest, and…well, let’s just say everything on him is big. The big difference for Bastion is that, unlike his brother, he is absolutely ripped! He’s got a chiseled physique, without an ounce of fat anywhere to be seen. He’s got dark skin like Thugg (duh, he’s black), and he wears his hair half in cornrows and half long and wild. This helps sell his gimmick, which will be explained below. To the ring he wears very baggy cargo pants (either black or camouflage color). He wrestles with no shirt, which shows his enormous tattoo on his back (think Brock Lesnar’s tattoo). The tattoo is of a skull and crossbones, and underneath read the letters “R.I.P.”.


Ring Entrance:


Darkness falls over the arena, bringing silence from the crowd along with it. The clink of a jail cell closing breaks the awkward silence, followed by…






Red spotlights begin to slowly make their way from the far end of the arena towards the stage, and reach there just as the speakers bellow…


“So I'm outside of da club and you think I'm a puuuuuuuunk!!”

”So I go to my loaded tech 9 that's off in the truuuuuuuunk!!”


“I told you muthafuckas…I ain’t never scared!”

“I ain't never scared (eastside!)”

”I ain't never scared (westside!)”

”I ain't never scared (southside!)”

”I ain't never scared (northside!)”

”I ain't never scared (southside!)”

”I ain't never scared (eastside!)”

”I ain't never scared (westside!)”


And as the remix of “Never Scared” by Bone Crusher pounds into the heads of all in attendence, Bastion walks confidently onto the stage to a chorus of boos from the crowd.


{Insert Funyon}


Bastion dives under the bottom rope as quickly as possible and pops to his feet. Once standing, he immediately charges his opponent and starts beating the living hell out of them. If Bastion is the first person in the ring, he will pace the ring frantically waiting for someone to beat up.




Strength: 8

Speed: 1

Vitality: 10

Charisma: 1


Style: In the ring, Bastion is a wild man. He’s more of a brawler, if you want to classify him. He does know some wrestling moves, so he will use them, especially when he’s in control of the match. But, when all else fails, Bastion will result to punches, chokes, kicks, etc. If you wanna put him into a category, I would say a mix between brawler and power wrestler.


** Please note: I do not give any names to moves other than finishers. Please don’t try to have commentators name my moves…just describe them.


Signature moves:


1) Wild Punches – Bastion loves this (either to start a match, get out of a jam, or he is really ticked off). Bastion, with his opponent usually in the corner, just wails on his opponent with huge, wild punches from all angles. He does use a closed fist, so the ref will probably make him stop, and usually Bastion will shove the ref away, and come back with a different, more legal move.


2) Powerslam from Hell – Usually as a counter maneuver, Bastion will catch either a running or flying opponent, whip them over, and slam them to the canvas (or other) with the most amazingly hard powerslam you’ve ever seen. He REALLY puts his weight behind it, driving his own body into his opponent with everything he’s got. A pin should ensue.


3) Untamed Chokeslam – This is the only move that can be named because it’s one of Thugg’s old finishers. Bastion will slap on a one handed choke, lift his opponent into the air with one hand, hold them there (depending on their size), spin in a circle, and chokeslam them to hell! This is a finisher strength move, therefore, it COULD end a match.


4) Open-hand slap – In lieu of a chop, Bastion uses open handed slaps (think Big Show or Bubba Ray Dudley)


5) Shoulder Charge in the Corner – With his opponent in the corner, Bastion will gain a full head of steam and then drive his shoulder into his opponent’s abdomen (likes to use this to weaken opponents for finisher).


6) Big Boot – Favorite counter to a charging opponent.


7) Stalling Suplex – Bastion holds his opponent in the air as long as possible before dropping him with a suplex.


8) Torture Rack – Bastion gets opponent up with a standing fireman’s carry, and then Bastion bends him around his own back and shoulders. Think Lex Luger’s Torture Rack without the jumping up and down.



Common moves: {any power move is applicable}


1) Choke Toss


2) Splash into corner


3) Short-arm clothesline


4) Shoulder Block


5) Rib Breaker


6) Back Breaker


7) Full Nelson Slam


8) Front Press Drop


9) DDT


10) Belly to Belly Suplex


11) Neckbreaker


12) High Angle Backdrop


13) Sidewalk Slam


14) Tilt-a-whirl Slam (and backbreaker)



Rare moves:


1) Last Stand (Front Press Driver) – HVT’s old finisher; Lifts opponent up with a military press and holds them in the air. He quickly turns them so their head is facing forward while they remain horizontal above his head, and then when Bastion sits out, he drives their head to the canvas between his legs like with a Michinochu(sp?) Driver.


2) Thugg Passion (Inverted Last Ride) – HVT’s old, old finisher (banned from use); places opponent in a gutwrench position with their front facing upwards. He flips his opponent up such that their back is against his chest, at which point, he quickly grips the waist of their pants or shorts, thrusts them into the air, and brings them down hard on their face!





1) The Third Offense (Double Powerbomb to Jacknife Powerbomb) – Bastion starts with a boot to his opponent’s stomach, doubling them over. He thrusts their head into a standing head scissors. He flips them up and slams them down with a powerbomb, but instead of leaving them on the mat, he maintains his hand position and drags them back up…for a second powerbomb! He’s not quite done yet…Bastion then raises them up one last time, and then folds them up with a huge Jacknife powerbomb!


2) The B-Line (Goldberg Style Spear) - Think of the Goldberg spear, and the imagine it done by a near 400 pound man who's got a full head of steam. The farther away he is, the more devastating the B-Line. Bastion ALWAYS follows the B-Line up with The Third Offense, except in rare instances (like if he's taking out someone backstage or an intruder in his match).



Notes: Bastion is certifiably insane…criminally insane even. There is nothing he is scared of, and has extremely short fuse. In the ring, he’s not dumb, but he’s more susceptible to deception, especially when he’s in a rage. He does not talk…he lets his actions speak for him. If someone calls him out he WILL COME OUT…but he will not listen…he will attack and try to beat the out of you. He does not care about faces and heels or any kind of politics like that…and the only person out of bounds for an ass whoopin, is his brother, the Hville Thugg.


Bio: Bastion has spent the past few years in a detention center for criminally insane children. Recently, he has to be released due to the fact that he turned 18. Their mother didn’t want him to go to prison, but she couldn’t take him in and keep him out of trouble. Thugg volunteered to look after his younger brother, and he brought him to the WF.


This post has been edited by HVilleThugg on Oct 23 2003, 09:37 PM

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Erek Taylor

Smarks name: ErekT2k3 (because I lost the old account)

Height: 6'2

Weight: 180 lbs

Hometown: Anaheim, California

Age: 21

Face/Heel: Heel

Stable: None

Tag Partner: None

Ring Escort: None

Weapons: Any weapon that will turn the tables towards his favor.

Quote: "Craaaaazzzzzyyyyyyy..."


Looks: Erek is a handsome caucasian male who has a medium built body. He has grown his hair since the last time he stepped foot inside a SWF ring, now sporting long blonde hair. His sides are shaven down (think Jeff Hardy's hairstyle) and his ring attire consists of navy blue cargo pants and any jersey he can find.


Ring Entrance:


The arena grows weary of anticipation and the atmosphere is electric, whether good or bad, it's still there. The opening notes to Linkin Park's "Numb" begins to play over the speakers, the slow yet meaningful melody echoing and pounding into the hearts of the people who came that night. The lights in the are dim and the mood has changed as white strobe lights begin to make their prescence known, shining at the far corners of the center before focusing in on the top of the entrance way. There, Erek Taylor steps out from the back, instantly entering the field of competition to a long wave of boos. His eyes burn with a fire and he absorbs the hatred thrown at him before walking down the ramp and entering the ring.





Strength: 2

Speed: 8

Vitality: 2

Charisma: 8


Style: Technical/High-Flying


Signature Moves


1.) Diving Spinebuster

2.) Flying Morale (Usually used when Erek is whipped to the ropes. Erek runs in and jumps up on his opponent's chest, placing his right hand around the opponent's neck and choking him while his weight pushes the opponent down. When down, Erek uses his right hand to choke his opponent while his left hand starts punching in a frenzy.)

3.) Evenflow DDT aka Flowing DDT

4.) Submission Holds (armbars, sleepers, the basic kinds)

5.) Diving Adelphia (Erek bounces off the ropes and runs in, gets in a hop and runs his forearm across his opponent's forehead so hard, it flip-flops the opponent around before crashing down to the mat)

6.) Execution (Erek locks in a sharpshooter and holds it with one hand and with the other, he bends down to the opponent's face and locks in in the sleeper hold)

7.) Stalling Brainbuster on smaller opponents

8.) Wolf DDT (Usually done when opponent attempts a back body drop. This is done in a flowing motion, nobody knows it's coming until it's done. The opponent goes for a back body drop but Erek when falling, quickly circles his hand around the opponent's head and as he falls, completes a diving reverse ddt.)

9.) Stomach Tackle (weak spear)

10.) Missile Dropkick (from rope, turnbuckle, almost anywhere)


Uncommon moves:


1.) Scissor Sweep into a leg submission (Does a scissor sweep and then locks in one of his submissions aimed at the leg)

2.) Falling Suplex

3.) One hand bulldog (Erek lands on his knees instead falling on his back)

4.) Wolf's Frenzy (While opponent is at turnbuckle, Erek runs at his victim, running up and kicking the opponent's chin as he backflips and lands on the ground. The victim usually staggers forward, allowing Erek to put in a 3 kick combination. Usually a kick to the left, then to the right, and finally a superkick to the face.)

5.) German Suplex

6.) Pumphandle Slam


Rare Moves:


1.) Full Nelson Slam

2.) Death Valley Driver

3.) Underhook Piledriver





1.) Fame and Fury [preferably used most] (a reverse stunner) Erek kicks the opponent in the gut and pulls his head into the setup for a DDT. Now here's the hard part: Erek gets to it like a Twist of Fate but instead of just him spinning, he spins the opponent as well until their backs face each other. Then Erek just falls down and nails a reverse Stunner.


2.) Fame and Fury X - Corkscrew moonsault to swanton (done only from a high platform)


Notes: A Erek Taylor with a new attitude. The jokes have been scrapped, the insults are still the same. However, this Erek Taylor has no intention of making friends, instead doing whatever is needed to get where he wants to be. His temper has grown to an uncontrollable level, and he will snap even at the littlest things. His sarcasm is still there, but with a more sadistic taste. His arrogance has grown and he's still the daredevil he was before he got booted out of the federation, but there's just no more love.


Bio: Somebody make this up.

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There's probably still a few errors in this, but it should do for now. I'll edit it up at my soonest opportunity.


Smarks Board Name: Drew_K

Wrestlers Name: 'C.I.A.', Canadian Intelligence Agent

Height: 6'4"

Weight: 245

Hometown: Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Age: 27

Face/Heel: Face

Stable: Midnight Carnival (Sole Remaining Member)

Ring Escort: National Pride

Weapon(s): Hockey Stick, Curling Stone


LOOKS: Standing a few inches above 6 feet tall, C.I.A is clearly in impeccable shape, looking to have gained just a bit of weight while he was away, and possibly a slight increase in strength, as well. C.I.A. comes to the ring wearing a full bodysuit, half white, half black, split up the middle. Positioned right on his lower chest is the image of a maple leaf, colored bright red on the white side of his outfit, solid white on the black half. The arms of the outfit are also colored to match the maple leaf.. He dons a mask as well, a maple leaf wrapping around the front of his face, coloured to match the rest of his outfit, and succesfully hiding his identity, while still allowing allowing his shoulder length blond hair and short cropped facial hair to be seen. Finally, outside of the ring, and on his way down the entrance ramp, C.I.A. will always wear an open front team Canada hoodie, much like the Team Angle ones, only pattermed just like the Team Canada jackets from the last winter games.


TAG/STABLE OUTFIT: If CIA is wrestling for some carnie related reason (Highly unlikely at this point), he will wear a 'Midnight Carnival: The Rollercoaster still rides' T-shirt over his bodysuit instead of a hoodie, shirt designed with pictures of former Carnies all over the front and back.


RING ENTRANCE: The lights in the arena fade to almost nothing, and the intro to the Red Hot Chili Peppers' "Can't stop" begin to issue forth from the speakers. As the beat climbs, small strobes of light begin flashing at various point along the stage in time with the drum backbeat. These strobes slowly get brighter, until they suddenly are replaced by very small bursts of pyro along the stage, also in time with the backbeat. These pyro get bigger, as the beat approaches a crescendo, finally culminating in two large explosions of pyro that occur right around center stage, just as the guitar riff shifts in to replace the drums. CIA rises up from below the stage at this point, coming up into the center of a small cloud of smoke that has been formed between the two explosions of pyro,raising both arms and pointing out towards the fans as he begins to make his way down the aisle, Smarktron displaying CIA's face in front of a waving Canadian flag, as well as various shots of CIA smirking in the direction of the camera, and one or two clips of CIA's greatest in ring moments.


(If you just need to pop a crowd, or want CIA's appearance to be very sudden, just start the song at the first line, 'Can't stop, addicted to the shindig', cut the pyro, and have CIA rush out from wherever.)


TAG/STABLE ENTRANCE: The arena lights fade into blackness as a soft female voice whispers, "Midnight Carnival." The SmarkTron flashes blazing white in time with the opening beats of the Red Hot Chili Peppers' "Love Rollercoaster" as the Carnival's anthem pumps through the arena, revealing with each flash thin black lettering that reads "Step Right Up." As the guitar part drops in, three blue laser lights trace the arena, all stemming from the same point in the middle of the entrance ramp. As the words "rollercoaster of love" echo through the arena for the first time, the laser lights flare out into a blue haze across the entrance ramp as the members of the Midnight Carnival step out from behind the curtain. As the refrain arrives for the first time, the arena plunges back into darkness just as purple strobe lights tear through the house and the blue laser lights spiral wildly, illuminating the members of the Midnight Carnival in funky, staccato bursts. The SmarkTron video plays, flashing half-second clips of classic maneuvers from the Carnival's members. They make their way to the ring, and get down to the business at hand.




Strength: 4 Strong enough to do most moves that aren't big power, but not exceptionally strong in any way.

Speed: 4 Can move around the ring,and do the occasional top rope move. No tope suicida's from C.I.A.

Vitality: 6 C.I.A.'s time away fromt he ring seems to have done nothing to take away from his ability to take a pounding in the ring. If anything, he's gotten better at it. Will take a brutal beating, on occasion, and will even kick out of a finisher, once in a while.

Charisma: 6 C.I.A. Talks a good deal less, but he still knows how to draw a crowd into his match, and work the mic for maximum effect, if he wants. Will occasionally go back into his ways of having as much fun on the mic as possible, but usually focuses on entertaining IN the ring, now.


STYLE: Crowd Pleaser/North American Middleweight. What should I put to help you out here? Well, hmm..... Watch an match from Davey Boy Smith, back when he was tagging with Dynamite, then watch a Chris Kanyon match, and C.I.A.'s somewhere in between. But feel free to adapt the style slightly if it helps out your match. I'm willing to take criticism, and would prefer you write the best match possible before getting your characterization of my character JUST right.


GAME PLAN: C.I.A. will use his speed to outrun the slowest of opponents, and his strength to overpower the weakest. Just about anyone else, CIA will use his ability to take a beating, and use all his opportunities to focus upon some body part of his opponent, both to disable their offense, and to set up for his final, big moves. Having a good knowledge of maneuvers, this can be any body part, as is neccessary, but will usually be the chest and neck, to set up for either of his primary finishers.


Signature moves:

Release German Suplex - C.I.A. Will use this maneuver to set up his 'Air Canada' finisher.

Slingshot senton Atomico - When coming in from the outside to attack a downed opponent, C.I.A. will launch himself up over the ropes using this maneuver, flipping forward and crashing down on his foe.

Front Facelock/Jumping DDT - CIA will lock his opponents in a front facelock in an attempt to stretch the neck, head and shoulders, wrenching up hard on the hold. If it seems like an opponent is ready to break free, or C.I.A. wants to transition to a new move, he will make a quick half hearted leap, throwing his weight back and driving his opponent's head into the canvas.

Bionic Elbow - This move will cap off C.I.A.'s popular 'Dance, Drink, and Drop' routine, popularized during his JL run against Mak Francis. When an opponent is stunned, C.I.A. will do a bit of silly dancing, then tip his arm and head back, as if guzzling an imaginary bottle of beer. Finally, CIA will swing his elbow down on the forehead of his opponent. Huge showboat move.

Roaring Elbow - Setting up the powerful elbow to the face with two swift strikes to the cheek or jaw area, C.I.A. Will often use this maneuver out of a lockup, or to break a front hold.

Release Belly to Back Suplex - C.I.A. will snap this on quickly, and execute crisply, if he should ever find himself behind his opponent, and not running.

Michinoku Driver - C.I.A. will use this maneuver for swift damage, and to follow up his dragon sleeper, hoisting his opponent into the air as if for a suplex, and, holding them for just a few seconds, will spin halfway around and drop them down right on the top of their head.


Common moves:

Knee to the Midsection

Dragon Sleeper

Hard Corner Whip




Sunset Flip

Forearm Shots



Low Dropkick

Spinning heel kick

Second Rope Knee To The Face

Spinning Gutbuster

Crucifix Pin



Rare moves:

Pumphandle Slam - C.I.A. Will only use this move against a smaller opponent, to take advantage of his size.

Running Powerbomb - Out of desperation, C.I.A. MAY use this move to counter an opponent, pulling them forth off the top rope. Even then, he'll usually use something else instead. Will occasionally set this move up, if he needs to take the energy out of a large, or physically dominant opponent.



Air Canada-Beginning as a moonsault, C.I.A. performs a quarter twist in mid flight, landing on his opponent with a Macho Man Elbow. One of the very few high flying moves the Canadian ever uses, but to compensate, he executes it almost perfectly.


Via Rail - The execution of this move has changed slightly, CIA now using a full nelson setup, just like Chris Wilson's Platinum Nightmare. This move could be on tap almost anytime in a match, and C.I.A. will use all his strength and weight to power the maneuver, only using it if he feels he needs lots of damage, quick. This move won't always close out a match, but it certainly is capable of doing so.



Bio: C.I.A. made his SJL debut to much hype, quickly wowing crowds with his impressive interview skills and crisp, effective in ring manner.Quickly rising through the ranks of the SJL, the quirky Canadian misstepped somewhat in the midcards, finally settling into his game as he reached the SJL's peak, capturing the SJL world heavyweight title in most impressive fashion. This kicked off a long period of dominance and a remarkably memorable fued with Mak Francis and the SWO, culmninating in a series of matchups most critics feel maintained a struggling SJL for months, never failing to entertain the crowds at any show around the country. Looking prepped and ready, C.I.A. finally got his big shot, ascending to the SWF with a brutal 2/3 falls matchup against his long time rival, Mak Francis, which he ended up losing, but not before claiming both a pinfall and an uncounted submission over the man he had, to this point, failed to cleanly defeat in the center of the ring. Coming off this impressive showing, C.I.A. was granted membership int he then failing Midnight Carnival, and would go on to be responsible for a number of highly enjoyed developments in the long standing stable.


Unfortunately, none of these developments involved winning matches, as CIA seemed to settle right back into his SJL midcard ways, netting constant victories in matches where nothing was on the line, and even the occasional big win over an important opponent in an unexpected situation, but failing to capture a title, or deliver in any of his big match/title opportunities even though many felt he was a viable contender for almost any title in the league when he was on his game. As this continued, the Canadian Superstar seemed to settle into a slow malaise, losing more, and entertaining less, rarely bringing the goods in the ring, and seeming to collapse professionally along with the Midnight Carnival, which at this point sunk in membership and victories till he became the proverbial last man standing. Most notably before leaving, C.I.A. fueded with Frost, achieving a few victories in his old impressive fashion, before dropping the final match-ups to the iceman and fading from the SWF entirely, taking the Midnight Carnival name with him.


Until now, the rollercoaster of love has sat silent, the pranks have gone unsprung, and the days when fans could eagerly anticipate the fun-loving ways and awe inspiring promos of the Carnies have been nothing but memories. But C.I.A. is back, he's fired up, and he's ready to bring himself back to the ring, for the fans, and let the Carnival begin again, with one very unique Canadian manning the controls. Will he find success in his next run in the SWF, perhaps even finally net himself a title? Will the Carnival ride strong once more under his leadership?


Let's find out......

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Smark Boards Name: Thoth

Height: 6'3"

Weight: 245 lbs.

Hometown: Aechiba, Japan

Age: 25

Face/Heel: Heel

Stable: None

Tag Partner: Ced Ordonez

Ring Escort: None

Weapon: None, but if he uses one, preferably the kendo stick.


Looks: Thoth has changed his looks to be a little more American. His ring attire is the same, but in interviews and backstage, he wears a sharp business suit. His hair is a little neater, too. In any case: He has red hair, and wrestlers shirtless. No arm or wristbands. He has red strap-pants like Iori Yagami, that is to say, they are connected by a cloth strap at the knees. He’s a little more chiseled than he used to be.


Ring Entrance: “B4U by Naoki”


Quotes: None that aren’t cliche


Strength: 5

Speed: 4

Vitality: 5

Charisma: 6


Style: Thoth is back to his old style, albeit with a bit more charisma. He knows how to work the crowd a bit better, and can get them into a match better than he used to be able to.


Signature Moves:

Knee to the back of the head: Running off the ropes, Thoth drives his knee in the back of a sitting opponent’s head. Often uses the Snap Mare to get the opponent in a sitting position

Flipping Arm Drag: His opponent off the ropes, Thoth hooks his foe's arm in his own and arm drags him with such force that Thoth ends up on the mat, stomach-first.

Northern Lights Suplex

Downward Spiral

Knee Drop off the Top Rope

Pump-Handle Suplex: Starts as a Pump-Handle slam, but Thoth lets his opponent go past his shoulder and turns it into an inverted suplex.

Guillotine Face Driver (aka Fameasser)

Double-Arm DDT

High Leg Clothesline

Float-over Snap Suplex

Reverse Enzuigiri


Uncommon Moves:

Thrust Uppercut: Thoth blocks his opponent's punch, and thrusts his other hand under the opponent's chin.

Over-the-shoulder Back Body Drop

Snap Mare

Drop Toe Hold into Front Chancery (also drop toe hold into ring ropes)Grab the opponent and throw him under the bottom rope into the ring post: This has no name, and it’s performed like it sounds. Lance Storm did this to Edge (or Christian, hell, I can’t remember) at InVasion.

Flying Cross Body (Done off of an Irish Whip)

Running Front Knee in the Corner (Opponent dazed in corner. Thoth runs straight, hops, and sticks a knee out. Oof!)


Rare Moves:

Frog Splash

Reverse Ace Crusher: Thoth faces his opponent when his shoulder meets his foe's face.

Roundhouse Kick to the face

Mexican Surfboard into Dragon Sleeper: Thoth doesn’t normally use submission holds, but if he’s placed in a position where they are necessary (Submissions-only match, Iron-man match), this is the hold he will use. Locks the guy in a Mexican Surfboard, lets go of the arms, and locks on the Dragon Sleeper. Looks like it hurts.





(Primary)Riot of the Blood (Cradle Tombstone Piledriver)

(Secondary)Scum Gale: Thoth can now use the Scum Gale from other positions, suck as Springboard... and... well, be creative! Here’s the old description I ued when it was top rope only, you can apply this to other situations (You’ll see why Springboard is a logical choice):


His opponent dazed, facing the center of the ring, and Thoth on that same corner on the turnbuckle, facing the crowd. In other words, both men are facing away from each other. He flips over, grabs his opponent’s head while upside-down, and drives it into the mat with a sit-down facebuster (ala X-Factor). Will only use on people he cannot connect Piercing Light with on due to size... however, I once used the Scum Gale in a match on two people at once: Be creative.


Notes: Thoth also knows a limited amount of a style of Karate called Kyokugen. If using Kyokugen Karate, which he will probably only use against another martial artist, he usually assumes Tiger Stance. In this stance, Thoth brings his right arm close to his body, palm facing upward, while his left arm is extended as far as it can go, palm facing downward. Usually he will only use Kyokugen against another martial artist.


Bio: Well, Thoth came back. Surprise, surprise. He came back... aww hell, read the damn promo on 13th hour. It explains everything.

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Last Update: 5.Oct.2003



Wrestler's Name: Ced Ordonez

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 192 lbs.

Hometown: Sacramento, CA

Age: 22

Face/Heel: Face

Stable: Bemani Cross Wizards

Weapon(s): Won't use them unless they're legal.

Quote: None


Physical Looks: Ced has tanned skin and a fairly cut physique. He has short and spiky hair that is naturally black but currently dyed brown.



- Long black tights with "BCW" and "CED" written vertically in light blue on the left and right side, respectively. On the backside is the familiar DDR four arrow design in white.

- Black boots and light light blue kneepads.

- Black forearm bands with single DDR arrows.

- And to top it all off, a DDR themed mask with an open mouth and open top.


Singles Entrance Theme: "Night of Fire" - niko (A high-energy Eurobeat theme)


Tag Entrance Theme: "B4U"


Singles Ring Entrance: The lights go out as the "Night of Fire" hits the PA system. Its beat gets the crowd psyched up and as the song's female singers yell "Fire!", a quick burst of flames lights up the darkened entrance and Ced appears behind them. He gives the fans a quick pose before making his way down to the ring rather quickly. He hops onto the apron and dashes to the corner, perching himself on the turnbuckle to pose again for the crowd before hopping into the ring and warming up in the corner.




Strength: 4

Speed: 6

Vitality: 6

Charisma: 4




Game plan: Generally starts working the legs early to make it easier for him to use his primary arsenal of impact and submission moves on his grounded opponent. Opponents around Ced's height will feel the effects of the head kicks (gamengiri and enzuigiri) more often because he will use them whenever the opportunity arrives.


Signature moves:

- Roundhouse Kicks

- Dragon Screw Legwhip

- Gamengiri

- Enzuigiri

- Dropkick to the Leg (can be modified for a seated dropkick to the chest/face)

- S.T.O.: Similar to the Rock Bottom/Uranage except instead of lifting the opponent, Ced legsweeps his opponent and falls forward as hard as he can.


Common moves:

- Armdrag Takedown

- Drop Toehold

- Snapmare

- Handspring Back Elbow

- Running High Knee

- Repeated Senton Splashes

- Second-Rope Senton

- Jumping Double Knee Drop

- Rolling Kneebar (primarily as a belly-to-back counter)

- Kick to the lower back

- Figure-Four Leg Choke

- Spinning Toehold

- Backdrop Suplex (w/ or w/o bridging pin)


Rare moves:

- Bridging Tiger Suplex



- Cross Lightning: Nagata Lock/Reverse Figure-Four Leglock.

- Drop the Bomb: Top rope double stomp.

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Stryke’s Stats Template V9.2


Smarks Board Name: Cuban_Linx

Wrestlers Name: Stryke

Height: 6’3”

Weight: 230lbs

Hometown: Sydney, Australia. Now resides in San Diego, California, but unless the show happens to be in SD he'll just be announced as being from Sydney.

Age: 25

Face/Heel: Heel, though not to the asshole-ish extents of the past. He’s still not particularly liked, though he’ll be cheered ahead of most other heels.

Weapon(s): Anything within arms reach.




Stryke is of decent build, having added a bit of muscle definition over recent months, but he’s hardly huge or anything. Similar to Edge in size I guess. He still maintains his tanned skin and shaggy brown hair, and in the ring wears shiny silver ‘Hardy Boys’ style baggy pants, with black edging. And though it’s not too noticeable, he also has a scar on the right side of his face after a particularly nasty Stairway to Hell match with Low Brass from back in the day. Barbed Wire + Face does not mix.


Ring Entrance


The arena is silent except for the murmuring of the crowd, but that quickly changes a a massive wall of blue and silver pyrotechnics fires up all across the stage, Cypress Hill's "How I Could Just Kill A Man" kicking into action as Stryke steps out onto the stage! The crowd rise to their feet in boos, Stryke quickly heading down the ramp to the beat and climbing up onto the ring apron. The Australian pauses to look out into the crowd, and as the chorus hits Stryke steps tp the second turnbuckle, raising his arms to the crowd as Funyon commences the introductions.


* Funyon stuff here *


Stryke hops over the top rope and into the ring, casually leaning back on the ropes as he either focuses his attention on his opponent or waits for them to arrive.




Strength: 5 [Decent strength, enough to lift most opponents, though he’s still going to have a hard time with the larger opponents he’ll face. His improved strength has given a little extra impact to his strikes]

Speed: 5 [speed and high-flying is no longer the focus of Stryke’s attack, though he’s still quick on his feet and will fly on occasion, Stryke still has a few big aerial moves left up his sleeve]

Vitality: 7 [Can take his fair-share of punishment, but will go down eventually. The high vitality is more representative of his improved endurance levels rather than his ability to go around no-selling or kicking out of finishers, which won’t be happening anytime soon]

Charisma: 3 [Doesn’t get on the mic very much, though he’s capable when he does. Stryke doesn’t radiate charisma like some others in the SWF, though he does have a certain presence in the ring, he prefers his action to do the talking]




Stryke wrestles a far more grounded style than he used to, taking his time to wear the opponent down instead of relying on high-risk moves to get the job done. This isn’t to say he won’t go up to the top rope, his ability to fly is still an important part of his offence, he’ll just use more caution and pick his spots better than before.


A lot of the focus of his attack is the head/neck region of the opponent, many of his signature moves targeting that region, and after wearing the opponent down with strikes and smaller moves he’ll try and put the opponent down for good with a big head-drop or two.


This is just a general outline of what Stryke’s match strategy usually is, depending on factors like the opponent, the type of match, what’s one the line etc he can change his approach as necessary. Really, you can write Stryke however the hell you like, i don't particularly care.


Signature moves


* Double Underhook Brainbuster: With the opponent doubled over in front of him Stryke underhooks both arms, lifting them vertical and swiftly dropping down, the opponent drilled into the canvas in a Brainbuster-esque maneuver, landing on their shoulder/upper back region. Not a throwaway move, you’ll be hurting after this.

* Backslide Neckbreaker: Stryke hooks the opponent for a standard backslide, but instead of pulling them over into a pin he drops down, snapping them to the mat with a modified neckbreaker.

* Sleeper Drop: Stryke locks on a sleeper hold, before dropping down, slamming the opponent back/head first to the mat.

* Spinning Backdrop Suplex: Stryke lifts the opponent for a standard backdrop suplex, but spins around as he’s executing the move before swiftly dropping down, the opponent crashing back first to the mat.

* Running Neckbreaker: Stryke doubles the opponent over in the middle of the ring, before running at the ropes and rebounding back, taking the opponent's head and snapping them down with a very fast spinning neckbreaker, Stryke's momentum adding to the torque on the victim's neck.

* Facewash: A running dropkick to the face with the opponent seated against the turnbuckles. With an opponent sitting in the ring corner, Stryke moves to the opposite corner, stomping his foot a few times as he lines the victim up. Stryke then charges in full pelt, dropkicking the opponent right in the face. Nothing flashy, but this will definately leave you hurting, Stryke holds nothing back on this and will likely have to scrape the opponents face off the bottom of his shoes.

* Broken Arrow: Press Slam to Samoan Drop. With an opponent coming off the ropes Stryke presses them into the air, before dropping them down onto his shoulders, falling back and slamming the opponent to the mat with a Samoan Drop.

* Fireman’s Carry to Facebuster: With the opponent on Stryke’s shoulders, Stryke swings them out, dropping to one knee and dropping the opponent face-first across his extended knee.

* Top Rope Elbow Drop: With the opponent down in the ring, Stryke scales the ropes and leaps from the top, flying across the ring and buries his elbow right into the opponent’s chest, driving the air right out of them.


Common moves


* Various strikes. Your basic punches, stiff forearm shots, knees, European Uppercuts, whatever. Stryke won’t often go toe-to-toe in a striking battle with an opponent unless he’s sure he has the advantage, against expert strikers, counter-wrestlers or just plain powerful opponents he’ll use more caution in his attack.

* DDT: Pretty much any way a DDT can be done, Stryke will do it. Standard, double arm, reverse, inverted, tornado, Stryke can adapt to whatever situation he’s in to drive the opponents head into the mat.

* Sit-out Scoop Slam

* Bulldog

* Neckbreaker

* Dropkick: Regular, springboard, missile, whatever the occasion calls for.

* Superkick

* Sit-out Front Suplex, sometimes dropping the opponent stomach-first across the top rope.

* Vertical Suplex

* Overhead Release Belly to Belly Suplex

* German Suplex, almost always bridged.

* T-Bone Suplex

* Superplex

* Senton Backsplash

* Hurricanrana

* Suicide Dive. Not as often as in the past, but Stryke still has no qualms about putting his body on the line.

* Any other basic moves or holds, leg drops, headlocks, sleepers, powerslams, basic matwork etc. Any moves you want to include really, whatever makes writing your match and dealing with my shitty disjointed moveset easier.


Hardcore Moves


* One-Man Conchairto: With a chair in each hand, Stryke brings them together, sandwiching the opponents head between them. It’ll only turn up in hardcore or no-DQ situations obviously.


Rare moves


* Sit-out Powerbomb: Used exclusively on smaller wrestlers, often as a counter to a hurricanrana or similar moves. If Stryke's feeling really mean, he could powerbomb the opponent into the turnbuckle, but that'll be saved for opponents Stryke really hates or for really big situations.

* Cradle Piledriver: From a standing headscissors Stryke lifts the opponent vertical, reaching one arm between the victim's legs and hooking it with his other, before sitting out and spiking the victim's head right into the canvas. Capable of finishing a match, but can be kicked out of and used as near-fall material if you'd like.

* All Time High: A Frogsplash, a former finisher and Stryke’s big aerial move. Gets impressive air and hits hard, this will usually be brought out if the opponent is too large to hit with the Low End Theory and is too tough to submit with the Event Horizon.

* Supercharger: Jody Fleisch's 720 DDT. Stryke's biggest aerial move, and also the most powerful of his collection of DDT's. Stryke stands on the apron facing a standing opponent in the ring, before slingshotting up onto the top rope, doing a 180 degree turn so he lands facing out towards the crowd. From there he springs back towards the opponent, doing another 180 turn as he catches the opponent around the head for the DDT. Holding the opponent he uses the momentum of the spring to spin around a full 360 degrees before spiking the opponent head first into the mat with a vicious tornado-style DDT. 180 + 180 + 360 = 720.


The move is done pretty much in one motion executing it very quickly, Stryke using the momentum he picks up to really snap the opponent into the mat with maximum force. Performing this takes alot out of Stryke, so should he fuck it up he'll be ripe for the picking by his opponent. The rarest move in Stryke's current moveset, this really won't be brought out except for really big situations where Stryke needs an all-or-nothing, ace in the hole move to win.




* Low End Theory: Pumphandle Piledriver. As the name indicates, Stryke sets the opponent in a pumphandle position before lifting them up, holding them upside down as shoulder-height before sitting out, crunching the opponent’s skull into the canvas.

* Event Horizon: Alex Shelley's Border City Stretch. Essentially picture Chris Benoit's Crippler Crossface, but instead of putting the victim's arm between his legs Stryke places it over his shoulder so the arm is behind his head. He then pulls back on the oponents head with the crossface with all the force he can muster, until either the opponent taps or escapes.




Stryke's past is irrelevant. All that matters is that on the January 12 edition of SWF Smarkdown, Stryke staked his career on winning the Clusterfuck Battle Royale. It's all about the present now for the Australian Superstar, either he reaches his potential now or he leaves the SWF behind forever. Don't think he's worried for a second though, he IS winning, the sooner you accept that fact the better.


Stryke lost, so as promised he's gone.

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