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Guest Stennick

Racism and the double standard

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Guest Stennick

People say racism is a big thing in the United States. African Americans...wait no no no lets start there, there is no Mexican-Americans, Spanish-Americans, Indian-Americans, Europeon-Americans, hell we're not even the ONLY Americans, there is TWO HUGE pieces of land with the name American, the sooner people get that through their thick skull the better. We are all citizens of the United States of America Thats all we are. They call it the United States for TWO main reasons, obviously their are all these states that are united by land. The OTHER reason is also obvious, this ENTIRE country has always been made up of people from other lands. As far back as you want to go, Indians aren't even "native" to this land, it has been proven that they WALKED over here from Russia. Now that I got that out of the way let me continue.....


I was going to go into this long rant on why racism is such bullshit on both sides, but frankly I'm too tired. I also know though that if I don't post this now, I'll go to sleep, wake up and forget the thoughts entered my mind. That would then mean that I wouldn't be able to waste this valuable 5 mins of your time. So here is my exact point.


Darker skinned citizens of the united states want to SCREAM racism about everything. They get breaks in their taxes, in their jobs, in their education, in their goverment, hell SOME of them even get breaks in the justice system. On top of all THAT they get magazines, television stations, radio stations, ALL of these things FLAT OUT say BLACK ENTERTAINMENT TELEVISION, in their music they use the word "nigger" or "nigga's". These things DON'T bother me, if a person can't afford to go to school lets help them, if a group of people have a high enough demand for their own form of entertainment, lets give it to them. Here is were my problem lays though.


If there is a movie that is made with ALL white guys in it, then its racism for not including a black guy, if we have a television station called WHITE ENTERTAINMENT, can you IMAGINE the backlash that would happen. In "rap" songs, you can call a white boy a "cracka", you can call a black man a "nigger" or "nigga" BUT if a white boy even thinks about calling a black man a "nigger" or "nigga" then he's the scum of the earth.


So if there is someone that explain to me why black men are the ones persecuted when WHITE guys get less chances now then BLACK guys, I'd really appreciate it. Why can we have all the double standards? Can somone tell me why its not ok for "white" guys to do all these things, but its OK for "black" guys to do all these things.


Overall: I'm not racist at all, infact I have many "black" friends, I love hip hop, I even watch *gasp*Black Entertainment Television*, but I was at the mall the other day and I was sitting down next to two "black men" they were speaking about something that I really had no interest in UNTIL he leaned over to his "black friend" and told him loud enough that I could hear him these exact words. "I'll holla at you anotha time, see this boy over here he's gonna try and peep on what I'm spill'n to ya, that ain't straight, ya dig? This shit I got to let you in on right here? This shit is straight brutha shit". Now how in the hell am I supposed to take this? What because I'm white I can't hear what their trying to say? That really pissed me off and made me realize that what he was saying was straight bullshit.


Sorry for the mindless post I'm sure you all can get the jest of it though, please get back at me and someone help explain this to me.


Lata All,



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Guest The Old Me

well who shit in your cornflakes this morning?



Honestly, I see things like this all the time. I believe whites will be the minority, if not already and we'll justhave to deal with shit like that.



The end of the world is coming anyway, so who cares.

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Prepare to be told the bs that all other networks are white entertainment.


Other ones that bother me:


National Association for the Advancement of Colored People


United Negro College Fund

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Darker skinned citizens of the united states want to SCREAM racism about everything.


This I'll partly agree with - it seems to me that there's a number of black people who, as soon as anything bad happens to them, it's because they're black, and that's the only reason.


I've seen black customers at Wal-Mart throw a hissy fit because the greeter wanted to look at their reciept when they set off the alarm. In their eyes apparantly, the only reason THEY were stopped is because they were black. Nevermind the fact that scores of white people are stopped at the same doors every day when they set off the alarms - when some black people do it, it's because they're black, period.


This irks me. I think in a lot of cases, these people should sit down and think "Why am I being treated this way?" I won't deny that in some instances they are right - some people DO treat them differently because of their color, but not everyone. And I think once everyone realizes that, this world would be at least slightly better off.


Also, as far as black people using the term nigger...I'm white, so I can't be sure, but isn't the rationale that if they use the term for their friends, then it takes away the "hurt" of the word? I mean, it's kinda hard to insult someone with a phrase that their friends use. That's what I had been told, anyway - can someone clarify?

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Guest Stennick

Yeah I think that is the rationale, but you can also here them calling us "cracka's" all over the place, thats supposed to be the "white" term for "nigger" if thats the case then they can't get pissed off when we call them "nigger's" oh wait then they have the whole, we're doing it to you guys know so you know what it feels like to have a phrase to hurt us with for years upon years.


I also agree we're going to be in the minority soon but I seriously doubt we will ever have a black or any minority president for the next five presidents, we're atleast forty years away from something like that IMHO.


Another theory I have is that some black people don't want to be educated, if you go to an ivy league school and start making 100,000 a year, the whole urge to do a drive by shooting kind of dies off in there somewhere. I think that in a way they like being who they are. Violent, intimidating, etc. The only problem is they are no more violent or intimidating than a group of rednecks who ties one of them to the back of a truck for a few miles.


Get my point?


Lata All,



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Ok...first on the "nigga" and "cracka" issue...I've always had a problem with people saying the word "nigga", not so much because it's a double standard (and it is, no matter what anyone says), I was raised that that word is flat out disrespectful to our race and our culture, so that's a word you'll rarely, if ever, hear me say. Personally, I'm bothered more by black folks calling one another "nigga" than any kinda epithet a white person could throw at me...sadly, others don't feel the same way. And as for black people calling white people "cracka" all over the place...I know it's dropped from time to time in rap songs, but I don't know too many people who go around using that word on a regular basis...at least not around my way anyway.


Now for the whole BET thing, honestly, I don't know why some of you are so bothered by it. First off, It's BLACK ENTERTAINMENT TELEVISION...period. If they were calling it the "Niggaz Only Network: No Crackaz allowed", I could see you having a problem with it, but it's simply entertainment geared towards black people. Now I've got a feeling this might trigger a debate that I REALLY don't wanna get into, but whoever it was that said (paraphrased) "there's no black America or white America, we're all Americans" told you wrong. There are issues African Americans deal with that whites can't necessarily relate to, and vice versa. The thing is, with whites being the majority in the US, the majority of programming on TV is geared towards their interests. Networks like BET exist to give African Americans an outlet to focus on issues and interests that pertain to them that are often overlooked by a CBS or an ABC...and you can debate about some of the content the network puts out, but saying it's wrong to have a network geared towards a particular ethnicity is like saying it's wrong for your 10 o'clock news show to focus primarily on local news rather national news.

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Another theory I have is that some black people don't want to be educated, if you go to an ivy league school and start making 100,000 a year, the whole urge to do a drive by shooting kind of dies off in there somewhere. I think that in a way they like being who they are. Violent, intimidating, etc. The only problem is they are no more violent or intimidating than a group of rednecks who ties one of them to the back of a truck for a few miles.

I had no problem with what you had to say til this last paragragh.


As far as I'm concerned, there are just people, PERIOD, that don't want to be educated. There are people in all races that choose to stay ignorant because that's just how they are. Sure, it's stupid, but at the same time, if they don't want to change themselves, what can you do?


And with the "group of rednecks tying them up and dragging them a few miles shit", that's just fucking wrong and I really should ban your ass for such a tasteless comment. We as a people are by no means perfect and while I don't condone gangbanging and all, comparing that to what those sick Texas fucks did is just disgusting.

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Guest El Satanico

Throughout the History of TV, the majority of network programming was aimed at be white people. It has improved alot since the 70's, but a majority of network TV is still aimed at "white surburbia".


When you look at the history of television, It's just silly to get upset over a channel like BET.


Cable made it possible for certian groups to get channels designed for them. It would be difficult for anyone to come up with a good reason to explain why white people should have a channel like BET.

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When you look at the history of television, It's just silly to get upset over a channel like BET.

Can I get upset that BET perpetuates stereotypes and completely misrepresents black people on the whole?

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There are white rappers who say "nigga" without incident, and white people who use it in everyday conversation, in the so called positive context. It's not as prevalent, but I thought I'd point out that it does happen.

Nigger is a very complex word, with a lot of history. I'm not sure what to make of it exactly.

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Um something like 79% of America is white.


Networks/Record companies/etc. assume people will associate with and accept those that they look like. Thus we get the all white Sienfeld and Friends and all. Thus we get Eminem owning rap.


Frankly everyone is sick of "Angry Black Man/Woman" syndrome. White people are sick of everything being a race thing. Black people are sick of other stupid black people making them look stupid. Do you know why it's ok for white power people and the south in general to be the BUTT of every joke? Because everyone, including white people, are sick of that ignorance. I just wish black people would treat their own ignorance the same way.


And you know what? It's not like racism is even totally gone. Of course it still exists. The problem is, I really don't care. I live in The DC/Metro area. There are NO white power people here. No one here cares if you're white, black, latino, asian, indian, middle eastern, or FRENCH! It doesn't matter! The city is so diverse that guess what: in my life I have nothing to cause me to be racist. I don't have any ignorance about black people any more than I have about white people.


However, in most of non-urban America, most people still only see black people on TV. There I am sure, people are still taught by their parents the kind of racism that has persisted in this country for years. But the fact is: I am sick of dealing with people complaining about me being racist, or a black thing. The only thing I dislike about any sort of black culture is ghetto rap misogyny (sp). It's ignorant bullshit, not a culture. Ghetto people inflict stupidity on themselves, and are no better than redneck trash. (I don't mean nice rednecks, I mean trash. AND I am including white, latino, and asian ghetto people as well) But just because I think 50 cent and Biggie rapping about drugs is bad doens't mean I dislike black people. I just think wallowing in ghetto lifestyle is self-defeating.

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Guest Stennick

Always Pissed OFF,


Hey man I wasn't saying what they did was right. If you looked at my posts man I said I have MANY "black" friends. I don't see what the difference is between what those Texas Fuck Rednecks did, and what SOME "black" people have done to "white people".


I was just stating that the only reason ANYONE fears a "black" man more than "white" man is because usually they travel in groups. I was trying to say that if a black man see's a bunch of white men walking by being loud, they might get a little bit intimidated too.


I apologize to anyone that took offense to my last post. I know starting a post like this is a very controversial thing, some of the things in our United States culture just strike me as weird or strange. This is one of them. I think I could dive further into the "double standard" if I wanted to. For instance in my opinion it seems to me the media condemns white on black crimes, WAY more than they do black on white crimes.


Thats it thats all I'm saying about it. Again I'm truly sorry for any problems I might have caused anyone that took my posts the wrong way. Maybe its just me and other people see things a different way. Again I apologize and I meant no harm and I didn't mean to piss anyone off, I was just striking up a converstation, and my words got a little bit mixed, or I didn't type it up the right way and for that I apologize.

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Guest Stennick

By the way IDRM, I haven't ever heard Eminem or Bubba Sparx, hell even the BUTT of all white rapper jokes himself Vanilla Ice, Whitey Ford..., even if you go to metal/rap, Kid Rock, Fred Durst, I haven't heard any of these men say the word "nigga". I was just wondering what white rappers have you heard say "nigga" because unless I'm forgetting someone that about sums up all the white rappers I've came into contact with in my life.

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I agree with most of the stuff said here, but this is a very deep complex topic that could get me in a lot of shit on the board...*sigh*, but here comes THEE two cents.


I think the double standard is horrible, many african Americas feel that the world owes them something. I'm not saying all, but many do use the "it's because I'm black isn't it?" thing. They use it to get out of many situations where they actually did something wrong or to get attention when they haven't.

Blacks can use rasicm towards whites constantly and alot of whites will not bat an eye. But if we say one thing about black people as a whole, whites get in a ton of shit. Sterotypes are made this way, but still, the regular joe black guy will take HUGE offence if you say one thing about the black race as a whole. Where if they said the same sort of thing about whites, nothing would happen.

My school is very multicultural and I have friends of all races, but it's like walking on egg shells around my black friends. Say something about basketball and he'll take it as something against the black race and how they aren't allowed to play other sports but only football and basketball.

It's very annoying and even intimidating, but you can't get past it.

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I was just stating that the only reason ANYONE fears a "black" man more than "white" man is because usually they travel in groups. I was trying to say that if a black man see's a bunch of white men walking by being loud, they might get a little bit intimidated too.


Actually you're partly right.


Black people have much smaller areas of uncomfortablity than white people do. In other words, most white people like to be able to extend their arms and spin without touching someone, especially a stranger. Black people aren't as likely to be like that. Their greetings are more physical, and they're more likely to use physical contact as communication such as mock wrestling and such. It's just culture. White people are, on the other hand, not like this. They don't usually like to pass as close to a black person as a black person is willing to pass to them.


It's also true that black people tend to be more outspoken. It's more of a positive trait for black people than it is for white people, especially when it comes to females. The propegates the stereotype of a physical, boisterous black person. Especially when interacting with each other, they ARE louder. This certainly puts off people who are not used to this at all.


But actually they don't "travel in groups" any more than white people do. They just get noticed more when they're in groups by people who are made uncomfortable by it.


In regards to your ignorance comments, I agree that there are people that revel in stupidity and violence, I think I've made that clear. And I agree that people who shoot other people are no better than people who drag other people. They're just killing people. I think if more people got an ounce of sense and stopped listening to gangsta rap glorifying drugs and violence, they'd be better off. Stop telling it like it is and tell it how it should be.

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By the way IDRM, I haven't ever heard Eminem or Bubba Sparx, hell even the BUTT of all white rapper jokes himself Vanilla Ice, Whitey Ford..., even if you go to metal/rap, Kid Rock, Fred Durst, I haven't heard any of these men say the word "nigga". I was just wondering what white rappers have you heard say "nigga" because unless I'm forgetting someone that about sums up all the white rappers I've came into contact with in my life.

Twiztid has said it, Halfbreed (a black guy and a white guy), mostly underground acts like that. It doesn't really happen in the mainstream, I guess for obvious reasons.

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Blacks can use rasicm towards whites constantly and alot of whites will not bat an eye. But if we say one thing about black people as a whole, whites get in a ton of shit.


Actually that's not true. I give black people tons of shit when they call me cracker. They're fucking ignorant. If anyone deserves to be called a nigger it's someone who would call me cracker. I don't say that, I just give them shit about being stupid. Either they learn something or they don't.


I think it's funny when shows like the Chapelle show do skits like "The Mad Real World." Like, oh haha, a white person lives in a house with six black people, haha he gets his girlfriend stolen by ex-cons and his dad shanked by the same. haha black women are irritable and go crazy when you look at them, oh and look, that black person is doing drugs.


If black arts were so being so called uncle toms back in the day, then today a lot of black actors are being anti-toms. They propagate negative stereotypes in order to entertain people, entertain white people.


I mean why have a white person wear blackface and put on a minstrel show to make black people look bad when you can just pay a black person to do it for you.


The chapelle show is funny, but kind of sad too.

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Always Pissed OFF,


Hey man I wasn't saying what they did was right. If you looked at my posts man I said I have MANY "black" friends. I don't see what the difference is between what those Texas Fuck Rednecks did, and what SOME "black" people have done to "white people".


I was just stating that the only reason ANYONE fears a "black" man more than "white" man is because usually they travel in groups. I was trying to say that if a black man see's a bunch of white men walking by being loud, they might get a little bit intimidated too.


I apologize to anyone that took offense to my last post. I know starting a post like this is a very controversial thing, some of the things in our United States culture just strike me as weird or strange. This is one of them. I think I could dive further into the "double standard" if I wanted to. For instance in my opinion it seems to me the media condemns white on black crimes, WAY more than they do black on white crimes.


Thats it thats all I'm saying about it. Again I'm truly sorry for any problems I might have caused anyone that took my posts the wrong way. Maybe its just me and other people see things a different way. Again I apologize and I meant no harm and I didn't mean to piss anyone off, I was just striking up a converstation, and my words got a little bit mixed, or I didn't type it up the right way and for that I apologize.

To clarify things:


I never said that you thought it was right, but I can't recall an incident where a group of black people in this country has EVER done what those sick bastards did in Texas. That is where I had the problem with what you said in that last post. Everything before that I had no problem with and even agreed with you a bit. Now, if you were comparing black guys who rape women to white guys who rape women, there's A LOT of common ground, because it happens all the time, sadly. I just take issue with something like black gangs being compared to something so horrible as an innocent man(regardless of skin color) being tied to the back of a pick-up and dragging his corpse.


Also, not to use myself as a test case or anything, but I'm a black guy in the South who walks by groups of white people everyday when I go out and I honestly can't recall the last time I was ever intimidated by them, if I ever was. I've never gotten why people should be afraid of a group just because of their skin. Now, if it was a bunch of Crips and you were wearing their colors, then yes, there's quite the possibility of danger. The same with being black and running into a group of white men wear "Kill Niggers!" on their shirts(yes, I've seen them before).

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My thoughts:


Apathy is the best defense to anything. Think of that as you may.


Oh, and IDRM, Twiztid is very good. But isn't it true that the entire Psychopathic Family grew up with blacks? I know ICP are "tight" with Esham (isn't Esham on their label?), and they mostly do rap as a joke (much like they do everything else, hence my love for them), but I've always been confused about things.


You know what are good movies? Bamboozled, as it parodies the way blacks are portrayed in the media to near perfection, and Undercover Brother, which is so dead-on in its satire of blaxploitation movies (and how damn stupid they are/were) you have to love it.

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I am not a racist.

I hate everybody equally, regardless of other issues.


Serriuosly though, racisim will always be a problem, here or anywhere, as long as there is some schmuck who thinks he's better than the next guy.

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I was just stating that the only reason ANYONE fears a "black" man more than "white" man is because usually they travel in groups. I was trying to say that if a black man see's a bunch of white men walking by being loud, they might get a little bit intimidated too.


Sorry dude, but if you're going to start this kind of crap, you had BEST be prepared to take some.


Think back to oh, 1986-87. Howard Beach, NYC. There were mobs of angry white guys roaming the streets looking for blacks to prey upon, and they found a few, thats for sure.


It has nothing to do with intimidation in that fashion. Some of what has been said I agree with (such as black people tired of the ignorance that some other blacks carry on with, Chris Rock had a great comedy routine about it, and truer words were never spoken), but if you;re going to spark a racial debate, you had best believe there are a few people here that are going to jump your ass for what you say.


I am a black male in my 30s. I have subjected to *both* sides of racism, from something as subtle as a white woman locking her car door as I walk past, which eternally saddens me, to spoiled rotten white kids pulling childish pranks on me and constantly fighting with them in private school, to ignorant blacks giving me static about me liking rock and heavy metal, to getting jumped by several of them, because I wouldn't help their asses in a fight that they probably started anyway.


There are a few things I have learned. Ignorance and stupidity are color blind. Words mean little, compared to actions. But even so, though i understand where you might be coming from, it shows your ignorance.


It has been said before about television. There have few precious few television series that have established MINORITY actors (not just black) on them which portrays them in a positive light. This has slowly gotten better over the years, but true equality in this (or any other) issue still is years, maybe even decades away.


Stereotypes are abound in this society, about where people of race "should" be, rather where they COULD be.


You want to talk about the ghetto? I've lived there through most of my childhood, right on the fringe. I consider myself lucky, because I saw how other kids lived growing up. Its a hard life, and getting out of it is even harder. So many things and people will try and drag you back down into it, even as you struggle to get out of it. Then when you are making headway and are on the right track, there will be those trying to push you back INTO it as well. I've seen it with my friends and members of my family.


Faced with that, I can understand how some people can become bitter, even though being bitter is a way of giving up, sinking into your anger at your situation instead of trying to rise above it.


I am waiting for the true "content of character" days that Martin Luther King spoke of back in the 60s, and though there has been progress over the last 40 plus years, those days will probably come long after I am dead. But I do know they are coming, and I do my best, in being the best human being I can be every day, to ensure those days DO arrive for a future generation.


Nuff Said.

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Guest Scuba Steve

I don't have much to add, except that the "lame white person trying to be black" movies are getting old.

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Poor, repressed White Anglo-Saxon Protestants? I fail to see how that's relevant....


But anyway, as far as someone saying that the whites will be the minority, it's coming sooner than you think. Arizona is going to be more than 50% hispanic by the year 2007. My question is this: once that happens, are white children going to get minority scholarships? It's only fair. Or are Hispanics still going to continue to get the money for the sole fact that they're Hispanic?

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Guest Stennick

Before I start this post I try to have "blacks" and "whites" in quotes as often as I can remember to. Thats because in real life I do not look at them as "blacks and whites" but for the ease of posting on the net thats what I will refer to them as.


My ignorance? Man I'm not sure if you were trying to diss me on purpose there or not but I did take that as an insult. Maybe I'm off base with MOST of the United States but I seriously doubt it. I wasn't being racist and I'm saying that "whites" are just to blame as "blacks". The problem is real simple. If you ask most white people if they feel weird towards a group of black men their going to say yes. Me myself? No I'm not uncomfortable because half of my group are black.


NOBODY forgives or forgets, nobody, if you have something truly awful happen to you. No matter how many times you say your over it, no matter how many times you say your ok with it. Nobody is ever OK with it. They just put up with it. Perfect expample.


Bret Hart: Everyone wanted him to stop whining about the McMahon issue? That was like a second fucking father to him and he was basically told to get the fuck outta the family. That will stick with him for the rest of his life.


My point is that "white" people were extremely horrible towards "black" people in this nation for 200+ years. Even though any middle aged black man now (I mean 35-45) was either very young or not even born when the REALLY bad racism was occuring. So those men that stand up and say this nation owes them something I dissagree with. Hell I'd be willing to bet growing up less than 35% of "black" men were "taught" to hate white men. I bet they were more concerned with staying alive, trying to keep their head on, and helping out there family. Those were everyday struggles for ALOT more black men then white men. (Not saying some white men didn't face the same things) just not to the degree or the the amount that black men do.


However I think MORE white people are taught to not like/fear black men. I know the higher class you get, a lot of the times the more disrespectful you get of "blacks" I know my parents refer to them as the "nigger's". I don't think we're ever going to over come black/white/hispanic racism, although I do think that this generation the 30 and under generation is A LOT less racist than the 31 and up group. Or however you want to put it.


In closing remember Only fifty years ago this country was COMPLETLY racist, so although I do have SEVERAL problems with the way blacks AND whites are viewed and treated in this nation by the other. The last thing I want to talk about is something I was told that doesn't have any real facts to back it up although I was told its widely known.


I was told that although "blacks" are very angry at "white america" for using them as slaves and abusing them for 200+ years. I was told that it was OTHER "blacks" that sold them to the Europe "whites" for all those years. So if their made at "whites" shouldn't they also be mad at the nation they wish to bear their name from "African Americans". Again I don't know this for fact, it was brought up to me by a black friend who shares SOME of the same views as me.

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Guest Crucifixio Jones

I would respond to Stennick's initial post but it's so filled with half-truths, stereotypes and generalizations it almost makes him sound like a racist himself. Living (or having lived) in the DC/Metro area, I agree most with EricMM.


But the bottom line is, all people are different. Racial profiling and stereotyping people is just the wrong thing to do and nothing pisses people off more than to be put in a box that doesn't truly define them. People are becoming more and more educated, so yes, they are angry when someone expects them and their entire race to ALL act and behave the same way.


But racism is very much alive in these UNITED STATES of America that Stennick trumpets...mostly in your backwoods, redneck territories where they raise their kids to hate "niggers" despite probably never seeing one live in the flesh or marrying someone further down the line than a cousin. Get outta the outhouse, middle America and diversify with the rest of us and you'll see that despite being somewhat different, we're all human beings, basically the same and you won't catch cooties if you sit on the same toilet seat as a hispanic or black person.

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You've got to be kidding me.


I would wager a LOT of money that if you go by percentage, just as large a section of the black population teaches their kids to fear cops, blame white people, and so on. Seriously, I've been called racist comments by like a six year old on a metro, where the fuck do you think she learned that?


It's laughable to say that white people are any more racist than black people. There are much MORE white racists because of how many white people there are. But damn, black people sure get mad for something that hasn't happened to them.

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Oh, and IDRM, Twiztid is very good. But isn't it true that the entire Psychopathic Family grew up with blacks? I know ICP are "tight" with Esham (isn't Esham on their label?), and they mostly do rap as a joke (much like they do everything else, hence my love for them), but I've always been confused about things.

Well, ICP grew up in the suburbs, so I wouldn't really call it with blacks, or with whites. The Detroit rap scene is fairly mixed, as far as race goes. The biggest names when they were coming up were Esham and Kid Rock, so there you go. They both appeared on ICP's first record, which helped them out. Eminem was there, although he hadn't really gotten started yet. But now I'm straying into music discussion.

And Esham isn't on their label, although they collaborate fairly often. Esham owns his own label, I believe.

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