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Video game hall of fame

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Pretend they were opening a video game hall of fame. What games do you think are worthy of being inducted?


Some requirements:

Must be at least 15 years since date of release.

Overwhelming pop-culture impact

Still thought of fondly today


Great graphics (for its timespan)


Let's discuss...


I'd nominate



Donkey Kong



and Space Invaders


as the first class.

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How so? Mario's been the face of Nintendo since SMB was released. DK was big early, but pretty much died out when Mario came along.


If DK stays in class 1, then Pitfall should be taken out. Pitfall shouldn't even make the 1st couple classes.

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Dig Dug



River City Randson

Dig Dug and Centipede are essentials.... What is

Galaga... the name sounds familiar, but I can picture it...


What about Frogger or Q*Bert for the "Beta" Class w/

Zelda, SMB and Punch-Out.

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Question: Are we going by console/platform category or bunching everything in as one? My first wave would be from the arcade family and the "fab five" would be...


Pong, of course.


Space Invaders.

Donkey Kong.

Galaga (I was going to put in something else *Centipede*, but Tyler made me remember this little gem)...

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Final Fantasy VII - Say what you will about it (the love or the hate), but this WAS the game that got RPGs mainstream and that's why I say it deserves a spot in the gaming hall of fame.


Yes, I know it's not 15 years yet, but I'd still think it would be a good canidate regardless.


Oh, and I think Might And Magic the original should get a nod.

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Guest Vitamin X

Another one that hasn't hit 15 games yet, but revolutionized just about every first action shooter into making it ESSENTIAL that it have a multiplayer mode and that it be good was Goldeneye for the N64.


TRY debating that wasn't important.

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How so? Mario's been the face of Nintendo since SMB was released. DK was big early, but pretty much died out when Mario came along.


If DK stays in class 1, then Pitfall should be taken out. Pitfall shouldn't even make the 1st couple classes.

Without DK, Miyamoto would have likely never had Super Mario Brothers. DK helped rescue the arcade industry and helped resurrect the console industry.

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I would think that one title should cover an entire incarnation of consoles/platforms (ie Pac-Man covers its arcade/Atari/Coleco versions)


BUT Pac-Man is different than its sequels (Ms. Jr. Super, etc)

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It's a really old arcade game where you have a little space ship that you can move from left to right and shoot at alien-type thingies... they stack up and more start coming in, etc, and they can use a tractor beam to turn your ship against you.



Galaga took the basic concept of what Space Invaders established and updated it. You basically move left or right shooting at the aliens that were at the top of the screen. The alien enemies did not suddenly appear in block formation like Space Invader but entered the screen from the bottom in a single formation to make the block at the top. What made this game special is that you could get one of your ships captured and rescue it for double fire power!


Other games of the time period with similiar game play were Galaxian, Gyruss, Phoenix.

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We should actually set up a video game hall of fame here just for fun. With new nominations, voting and entries every few weeks. Maybe get it pinned. Of course we would have to set out some actual credentials then.


Maybe we could even have categories. Like System, Game, Periphal, etc.

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How so?  Mario's been the face of Nintendo since SMB was released.  DK was big early, but pretty much died out when Mario came along.


If DK stays in class 1, then Pitfall should be taken out.  Pitfall shouldn't even make the 1st couple classes.

Without DK, Miyamoto would have likely never had Super Mario Brothers. DK helped rescue the arcade industry and helped resurrect the console industry.

OK, I see your point. DK stays, but Pitfall gets taken out.

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Robbie the Robot from the old NES should get a special mention on the ballot ;)


But seriously, I'd stick with the list I submitted in the first post... how can you argue with Pitfall???

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Pitfall sucks ass compared to Jungle Hunt.


I love River Raid, but it would probably be far down the ballot.


What about Combat? That was a great two player game for Atari.


I used to have this game, but I can't remember what it was called for the 2600. You're a tank and you pivot around in a circle and shoot other tanks, biplanes and stuff as they pop up on your radar. Fun as hell and really good graphics for the period.


Kangaroo and Popeye were neat for the time period, although they did follow the same basic framework as Donkey Kong.

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Mr. Deacon, that's COMBAT you are talking about. That was the game that came with the system. Yeah, that's a possibility, but I dunno about First Ballot entry.


Contra deserves a special place in history because it was the first game to thrive on the "Konami Code"


Anyone still remember that? :lol:

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