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Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

Cornette Rules it once again

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Posted on the Wrestlingclassics board by a person who got it from the OVW site.


As OVW Matchmaker, I want to take this opportunity to dispel a malicious rumor recently circulated on the internet concerning OVW's relationship with the WWE. The rumor stated that the WWE was terminating its business relations with OVW and establishing a developmental program elsewhere.


This is totally, absolutely FALSE. The WWE website, WWE.com, is planning an article on OVW to coincide with our one year anniversary in the new Davis Arena, partly to help further quash these stories, and I have already contacted the WWE legal department and am in the process of discussing further legal remedies to this situation with our private legal counsel.


Unlike so many unfounded, baseless rumors that circulate on the internet, we know exactly where this one came from. There is an individual names Wade Keller who lives in Minnesota and operates a cheaply-produced, poorly written wrestling newsletter and website, and who has taken every opportunity over the last ten years to spread malicious rumors about me and any business I am involved with. The heat between us stems from this very same type of thing: printing fictitious stories and outright lies presented as fact, and my subsequently telling him to go to Hell because of it. Since then, he has constantly taken written shots at me. Most people know he is an idiot, but with the rise of internet wrestling "news" sites, many newcomers do not know his reputation and repeated this story as fact on their sites, which is exactly what he hoped would happen.


Why do this now? Because about 10 days ago, one of his "reporters" asked me for comments on a story, and I told the guy that I would never comment for any publication of Wade Keller's because, and I quote, he is a "lying sack of **** ." Mr. Keller evidently took offense at this accurate description of his character and decided to try to harm OVW's business and reputation the only way he can, they only way he ever does anything, by lying. It's a shame the way the internet makes it possible for these cretins to print lies as fact and upset OVW's fans, but on a slow news week everybody wants to be out there with "The Big Story", even where none exists.


I am all for freedom of the press, but with freedom comes responsibility, to check facts, to check sources, to establish a reputation as an honest and credible source of news. All of this is beyond Wade Keller because of his desire to leech a living off of the wrestling industry and his lack of concern over who may be harmed or slandered by his drivel, as well as a complete lack of any moral character and honesty on his part.


I would have no problem saying any of this to his face, but since he lives a thousand miles away, never attends shows in person or, if he does, conceals his presence because others feel about him the way I do, I can't. I would enjoy the opportunity to see which one of us would walk out of a closed room (don't bet the farm on him because if you rolled his balls toward a drinking straw it would look like two kernels of corn in a storm drain), but that's not possible either, so we are investigating the legal route. But allow me to do what Keller never does, and that's tell the truth.


Wade Keller is not just a poor journalist, or incompetent, he's a liar. A malicious, pathological liar who tries to malign other people for the purpose of making a few extra dollars on subscriptions. A pathetic jock-sniffer who is frustrated because he can't BE somebody, only print lies about people who are. A gutless, sniveling coward who hides behind his keyboard and is a laughing stock among reporters in this industry who really DO try to report the truth and know when they read his writings and ramblings that he's doing "another Wade". Well, maybe I put it best when I just said he was a lying sack of **** , because that sums it up and I could have saved time.


If it sounds like I'm trying to pick a fight, well, you're right. I would consider it Christmas morning if the ******* was standing in front of me, but alas, that burden is on him since I'm ready to go and he's hiding behind a computer screen. So I apologize to fans of OVW for the inconvenience, everyone has learned once again not to believe everything they read, and I, in closing, raise a hearty middle finger to Mr. Keller and say as I have so many times before, "Guess what, pal, you're wrong again."


Thanks to everyone for their time


pwned and such.

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No doubt about it, Cornette is the fucking man. This man has such an incredible way with words that it amazes me every time. And he's so honest he refuses to ever be diplomatic in one of his tirades.

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If he sued Keller, couldn't Keller couter with libel or something based on that letter?


Theres no way any legal action takes place...er, well this is America so it probably will but it shouldn't.

"Your Honor...they're bigger than kernels."

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All he said was that he was a liar, and since that's pretty much proven, I don't see how he could be sued for libel. By the way, that was an awesome rant. I'd love to see Keller's face when he reads that.

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Cornette has no suit. It is very hard to win a lawsuit against journalists, Woody Paige has been sued over 11 times for what he has printed and has never lost. You have to prove malicious intent and the journalist can still hide behind "sources". The one thing they have drilled through our heads in journalism classes is don't worry about being sued.

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Cornette doesn't have a case legally, as has been mentioned, but if Keller was working for any major publication, he'd have likely been fired for violating their codes of ethics by now.


Besides, how many people still read the Torch anyway? What would Cornette win, 50 bucks and a free subscription?

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I've sent Cornette an apology over repeating Keller's BS.


As for Cornette and Synn, Cornette used to be married a long time ago but has since divorced. The actual tape of the interview shows both Cornette and Synn on camera and includes various comments that could lead one to the logical conclusion, including Cornette apologizing to Synn whenever he mentiones his wife in his stories.


It also helped that, since the tape was released, Kenny Bolin of OVW made some public comments about how Cornette may have given Synn a ring but would never get married again and, in addition, Cornette and Synn appeared as a couple at the function on the Wrestleroast 2002 tape.

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Forget gold, that was platinum.


I always thought Cornette was a prick until recently... he speaks his mind, and sometimes that gets him into trouble, but I can respect that.


That rant was Awesome baby, with a capital A.

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Guest Choken One

Cornette always owned.


His jesus status increased even more so.


I want Cornette to tear SK apart

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Guest Choken One

Yeah and Keith hasn't done anything as stupid to get Cornette's wrath...


Unless you count allowing a camera within 50 yards of himself...

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Forget gold, that was platinum.


I always thought Cornette was a prick until recently... he speaks his mind, and sometimes that gets him into trouble, but I can respect that.


That rant was Awesome baby, with a capital A.

He's still a prick. He's just an awesome prick. Keller pissed me off when he was the one writing negative stuff about Jericho.

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Here's Keller's brief response posted on the Torch VIP forum:


Here is what was written last week in the Torch Newsletter:


"Jim Cornette’s philosophical differences with Vince McMahon’s vision for pro wrestling may finally lead to the end of Ohio Valley Wrestling (see “Backtrack,” pg. 4 for details). The rumors are heating up that OVW will be shut down and the developmental system for WWE will be relocated to the New England area, closer to WWE’s office personnel who evaluate talent."


We stand by our story as written. There were rumors, according to our sources, and since then we've been told from those with knowledge of the situation that officials in Stamford have talked about moving the training center, but the cost would be around $2 million to start a new training center and not everyone is crazy about that kind of expense at this point.

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Guest Choken One

Indeed he does...I also love how he throws it out all the time...


"LISTEN TO ME GUYS! I'VE SUED 11 TIMES! I KNOW THIS!" When the question was like "Which Cookie is better Oreo or Chocolate chip?"

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Guest BionicRedneck

Cornette = an awesome manager, commentator, booker and interview. A legend in wrestling.


Keller = Nobody.


Could somebody find that rant Cornette went on about Russo? That was gold. Or the one about the nWo where he describes Nash as: "The biggest no talent in the biz"?

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Cornette = an awesome manager, commentator, booker and interview. A legend in wrestling.


Keller = Nobody.


Could somebody find that rant Cornette went on about Russo? That was gold. Or the one about the nWo where he describes Nash as: "The biggest no talent in the biz"?

This is Jim Cornette, and the views that I'm about to express are not necessarily those of anybody else but me. But they oughta be. And as a matter of fact, they probably are.


You know, alot of things in the wrestling world make me cranky these days. Especially the way some talent is treated and some talent is looked at by, not only the promoters, but some wrestling fans as well.


For example, a man like Arn Anderson who just had to retire from this sport, after giving it his entire life, because of some injury he suffered. A guy like "Nature Boy" Ric Flair, who in my opinion, is one of the greatest talents in the history of this business. Guys like Mankind, Cactus Jack, Dude Love, whatever you want to call him. Great talents in the WWF or WCW.


But who gets alot of the attention, from the wrestling fans especially? Guys like the NWO, the New World Order. You know, all the fans think these guys are so cool and so sweeeeet, and so funny. Well, as far as I'm concerned, the NWO is like a bunch of guys meeting out in the backyard in a clubhouse in a tree. They're guys who, all they have to do... They go the easiest job in the world... All they have to do is go out there and be themselves. Childish, obnoxious, adolescent guys with a case of severe arrested emotional develpoment, and a fixation on trying to act macho.


You got a guy like Kevin Nash, 40 years-old, trying to act like a teenager. Far as I'm concerned, the biggest "no-talent" in the business. He's got six moves, no mobility, and enough timing to cover-up for some of it. But what he does is he goes around and manipulates. Kevin Nash had a multi-million dollar promotional company, the WWF, push him to the moon to make him a star, and what does he do? He leaves... After he gives his word he's staying, so by the way, he's a liar too... He leaves and he goes to WCW for a big contract. Why? More on that later.


You got a guy like Scott Hall, who's a good wrestler, but "good" is about it. He's the best of the bunch. But he had the same million dollar promotional company make him a star, after being in the business 10 years without putting 3 asses in a seat. And what does he do? He goes to WCW for a big contract. Why? More on that later.


And then you got a guy... Syxx, 1-2-3 Kid, his name's Sean Waltman. Whatever you want to call him. As far as I'm concerned, the only reason he's employed is because the other guys think he's funny when he gets drunk and throws up on himself. He has the distinction, in case you haven't noticed, of being the only guy since this "wrestling war" got started, that was released from a valid contract from one company to go to the other side, which shows you how valuable he is.


You know why they're all employed? Why they're all in the spot they are today? Because of Eric Bischoff. The boss of WCW, not the NWO. Look at the credits on the PPV if you can get one for free. The idiot's name is on it. He's the boss of WCW. He works for Ted Turner. And he throws a billionaire's money around, just like water, so he can have guys that he likes to hang out with.


Because, even more than being a mark... Yeah, for his own face and his own voice... Eric Bischoff is a guy who's a big fan of hanging around studly guys with long hair and beards, that smoke cigars, and ride Harley's. So that some of that can rub off on his little pansy-ass frame. So he takes that billionaire's money, and he throws that around like water to buy guys that he can hang around, to prove that his "johnson" is bigger than everybody else's.


And that's the sole reason the NWO guys are employed. I think, me personally, that it's about time that the wrestling fans and the promoters, all of them in this business, start recognizing guys like "Nature Boy" Ric Flair, like Arn Anderson, like Cactus Jack. Guys who bust their ass. Who work hard, and have ability and talent to get where they are. Instead of a bunch of guys that get to their spot by hanging around with the boss and sucking-up.


I'm Jim Cornette, and that's my opinion.

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Guest BionicRedneck

Thank you, sir. :cheers:


As far as I'm concerned, the only reason he's employed is because the other guys think he's funny when he gets drunk and throws up on himself.




You got a guy like Kevin Nash, 40 years-old, trying to act like a teenager. Far as I'm concerned, the biggest "no-talent" in the business. He's got six moves, no mobility, and enough timing to cover-up for some of it.




Jim Cornette = Pure. Fucking. Gold

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teke184 Posted on Aug 14 2003, 11:17 PM


I've sent Cornette an apology over repeating Keller's BS.


That's pretty classy, although I doubt that he'd have too much vitriol towards people who re-report for other sites or posts.

I've already gotten a response from the OVW webmasters praising me for having more balls than Keller and so forth by at least being honest.


The last line of the response I've gotten:


"Anyway, thanks for the nice letter and info and for showing some actual class and maturity - something the likes of Keller and such could do well to learn."



I'll admit that my doing this is at least partially motivated by my reverence for Mr. Cornette, as I've been a big fan of his since I was young. Lord knows I wouldn't have been as forthcoming about anything involving Paul Orndorff or several other choice individuals.

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And he was right about every single bit of it. There wasn't anything about Nash that used to excite me back in those days, and he does even less for me now.


I used to like Scott Hall until the bastard no-sold my friendly greeting in a Circle K when I lived in Orlando. Seriously, how much effort does it take to say hello when someone says it to you first?


and we're just finding out just how much of a scumbag Waltman is, with this situation with Chyna, jokes from my boys at Between The Ropes notwithstanding.

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I just got to disagree with one thing. Scott Hall drew 4 people in his ten years. What can I say my family loved the pornstar mustache in AWA.

Who didn't love the pornstar mustache?

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