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Guest Mr.Negativity

Orlando Jordan

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Guest Mr.Negativity

Do you think this guy is any good? I didn't think that he was too bad in his smackdown matches. He looks like he's in good shape too. I haven't seen any of his OVW work though.


Has anyone seen this guy wrestle in a match longer than 4 minutes and if so, is he any good.


For the people like me whom have only seen his Smackdown work, what do you think of him?

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Well I've seen his OVW work, and lets just say, he isn't ready yet. The look is there but the mic skills and in ring work are pretty green. If you would have asked me, I'd have said that he would've been the least likely to be called up.

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Guest Fook

As I said in another thread which I'm too lazy to dig up, he's just too bland for me to care about anything he does.

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Guest Choken One

got the "Look" but aside from being a PNCWNDP...He has nothing to offer other then being a proverbial backstage extra at the moment..

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Guest Choken One



Last week with Spanky

Before that with Lesnar being laid out


Next week I'm sure he'll have a segment with APA...

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Guest BobbyWhioux

They really haven't done anything to differentiate him from every other OVW "hungry young rookie" call up.


I mean, he's about the same height as Jindrak, O'Haire, Orton, Batista et al.


He's got the same basic black trunks and boots look that has become mandatory since Post-Austin Fundamentalism became the law of the WWF/E land.


So basically, he's just like all the others so far. No real gimmick or "hook" no real indivdual personality, and he seems to have the same WWE style moveset.


There's nothing unique about him. (Yet.)


In fact, the only reason I can tell him apart from Jindrak, Batista, Orton, etc is that he happens to be black (and I *DON'T* want that to be his "differentiation point" from the others, given the track record of "black" gimmicks for Vince, WWE, and actually pro-wrestling in general).

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No...please....no moonlighters.

Hehhe--it's debatable. Cena was positively gag-worthy when they shoved his vanilla, gay-trunks wearing ass down the fans' throats. However, he found a persona that fit him and he's going to be just fine. At least the stupid moonlighter gimmicks gave guys something to start with.


I think if they start 'em off as vanillas (I still think O.J.'s a vanilla face even if he is black), and let them take up a persona that fits them later on, all's cool. However, don't try to push them too heavily as vanillas.


And PLEASE enough of all these guys looking alike. I couldn't tell Cena and Orton apart at one time.

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I really don't care about Orlando Jordan. The few matches I've seen have just been generic. I hate the constant boxing jabs he.


He's just another hack with no direction. Maybe if he was a disgruntled NBA star with 72 prior arrests for random illegal activity from drugs to possession of handguns. THEN I might care about Orland Jordan.

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I really don't care about Orlando Jordan. The few matches I've seen have just been generic. I hate the constant boxing jabs he.


He's just another hack with no direction. Maybe if he was a disgruntled NBA star with 72 prior arrests for random illegal activity from drugs to possession of handguns. THEN I might care about Orland Jordan.

Could say he got kicked out of the league for attacking one of his teamates durring a game or something.

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(I still think O.J.'s a vanilla face even if he is black)

Hey! You got it! O.J.! Give him an O.J. Simpson gimmick! That'll be sure to get him over!


Ah, I need to get this Russo-ology out of my head!


Seriously, I don't mind some kind of gimmick to at least add a little life. I mean, there is nothing wrong with the vanilla babyface, but that's what it is, you can't expect growth or money being made out of it. If they gave John Cena a t-shirt in his old days after his big win, but still no real gimmick, it wouldn't have sold many. They give him one now with the twitch added in of "White Rapper", I think it would the potential to be a top seller, because he is so over now. A little something would be good. The basketball player (which was actually Jindrak's first WCW gimmick briefly on Saturday Night) is a little much. For some reason, I don't see the rapper as gimmicky as the mid-90's career era. Even the convict (which was used up on Nathan Jones) isn't too bad. It depends on what Jordan is comfortable with and the WWE is comfortable with putting on him. It seems that's where most thrive. Take some little thing out of real life. I think if when Cena was first coming in, people said he would be a rapper, most would laugh and shun it, but he's really gotten over with a lot of crowds now because of that.

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I think its too early to pass comment.


Take the contrast between Cena and O'haire for example.


When Cena first appeared, he looked very bland and showed little promise. O'haire on the other hand was crazy over before he even stepped into the ring.


A few months down the line and Cena is becoming a very good heel whereas O'haire has little to no heat at all.


Who knows where Jordan will be in a few months time?

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Question: Would he be better off instead of being a generic spunky up-and-comer if he were a....VIOLENT BASKETBALL PLAYER?! ?

The male Slam Dunk? That was the chick's name from WOW, right?


Anyway, Jordan = boring. Going over both Knoble and Kanyon didn't help in my eyes, either.

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(I still think O.J.'s a vanilla face even if he is black)

Hey! You got it! O.J.! Give him an O.J. Simpson gimmick! That'll be sure to get him over!


Ah, I need to get this Russo-ology out of my head!

Not your fault--I noticed his initials as I was typing that...I was going to add a comment, but thought better of it. ;)

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Guest TonyJaymzV1

Orlando Jordan is pretty good, based on his indy work. He isn't flashy or nothing, but he is sound in-ring psych wise, and he is pretty decent on the mic. Solid but Unspectactular. He can sell like a motherfucker. Put him in the ring with someone like Bill DeMott or another good heavyweight, and he will play a damn good black ricky morton.

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This green guy gets to pull SD / Velocity duty, while Ultimo Dragon and Kanyon barely get to even work Velocity. Fuck him!

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He was alright in Pulp Fiction. He should use some of his lines from that in WWE, like when someone starts trash talking him he could say ENGLISH MOTHERFUCKER! DO YOU SPEAK IT?!

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Question:  Would he be better off instead of being a generic spunky up-and-comer if he were a....VIOLENT BASKETBALL PLAYER?! ?

The male Slam Dunk? That was the chick's name from WOW, right?

No, more like the black Mark Jindrak, who debuted in 1999 in WCW with the gimmick of a college basketball player so violent, the NCAA declared him ineligible. Now four years later, we've got basketball players killing their teammates. Life imitates art, this time.

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Guest webmasterofwrestlegame

Well I am sick and tired of being told he is an ex-boxer in his matches, I know that much.


He just bores me with his in-ring work.

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