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The One and Only Smackdown! HCTP Thread

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Ok, I'm at the Stable Wars part. My team is Thuganomics, consisting of Cena, Taker, Shelton with Sable as the Manager. Vince debuted his Corporation. He's got Kurt Angle, Rey Mysterio, and......



....You're not going to believe it







Hillbilly Jim!

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Do you have control over who you pick to be in the Stables? Cause so far, EVERYBODY's stables sound really wack.



you pick the first member

Then pick a female a join

Then someone asks to join (you can either accept or refuse them, If you refuse them you get to pick the next member yourself)



As for Vince's stable, It's pretty random and can lead to some odd pairings.

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Do you get to actually name them yourself, or is that something people here have been doing?

No, as far as I know, you can only pick from pre set Generic Stable names (Like DX, nWo, MFers, New Age Outlaws, Rulers of the Ring, Big Ticket) etc.

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Had an interesting Survivor Series.


As Benoit, I finally got that first shot at the WWE Title. The Undertaker defending against Eddy Guerrero, Edge, Rey Mysterio...


...and Val Venis?


Must be because I didn't put George Steele into this season or something.

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Do all of the characters have alternate attires, or is it just those you see in the ShopZone? Cause there's only like 18 or 19 in there, and I assumed everyone would have at least one alternate.

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Two notes of interest...


I spoke with HHH backstage

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My choices of conversation were "I'm just checking on you" or "You look a lot smaller than the last time I saw you". I found the 2nd one funny, but I picked the first. He explained that he is, in fact, The Game and is in great shape, and maybe I (The Undertaker) would be if I hit the gym


And, as for my 2nd year faction

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I liked that since I picked a heel, JR became confused and thought we were enemies. I told him I was planning a turn (2nd option - Matt Hardy would be turning face) and JR was excited to hear this news. I had to wrestle Hardy, and I guess I could have thrown the match but I decided to win the money. He then walked off... but he saved me from a beating the next week. I was forced to make Sable the next member, and I told Volkoff to go fuck off (or as the game puts it, "Decide Later").


It would seem only those who are listed in ShopZone as having alternate outfits have them, despite earlier shots of WGTT in their old Team Angle outfits. Oh well, what can you do. I absolutely LOVE how you get a description of the outfit before you chose it.

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Guest TheHulkster

I just picked this game up today and I can't stop playing it. The animation is un-fucking-real. With the use of sweat and shading mixed with crowd noise/chants and true to life camera angles and matrixy styled effects on big moves, Yukes have created a wrestling game that has come closest to reflecting the high quality production of the WWE. The new body attack system, the counter system, the submission meter, and selling so fucking lifelike that it will freak you out only sweeten the pot. The amount of matches are ridiculous and the variations on those matches add even more. It still has probably the best CAW of any wrestling game. The collision detection is almost perfect and making transitions seamless. Every wrestling cliche is in there from the hot tag to the heel cheating late in the match.


My experience so far in season mode has been a weird one. I really dig the unlockables and the RPG experience point system.

Spoiler (Highlight to Read):

I'm giving my Matt Hardy 10 strength so he finally doesn't get squashed by Rikishi. That was my first match in season mode. Matt couldn't utilize his decent weird ass suplex game. I brought him back to his Hardy roots and made that fucker fly. Rikishi's Smackdown meter charged quickly though, as he samoan dropped me several times to counter my pretty boy tag team offense. After crushing me into the corner, stinkfacing me, then crushing me into the opposite corner, the big Kish appeared ready for the Banzai drop. I felt the real Matt Hardy's pain as I got squashed and humiliated by the 400lb thong wearing samoan. The next night I fought Mysterio for the CW belt. He busted out some fucked up lucha. I feared for my life as Rey flew through the skies. V-1 used his newfound Memphis style trickery and fucked him up with well timed restholds and legsweep variations. One counter to Mysterio into the Twist of Fate and V-1 takes his shit back. I just got done with a bomb ass series with Eddie Guerrero. The matches kept getting fucking better and better as we fought each other. In the 2nd match, after 20 minutes had gone by and we had survived each other's finishers, the bastard counters my attack and hooks me with a suprise roll up with a fucking handfull of tights. I was fucking tensed, but I escaped that shit with the grace of god. When I fought Eddie for the US belt, he had 2 full SD meters at the start of the match. I hustled like a bastard and still managed to win. BTW, Matt's entrance is choice. Most of the entrances are really lifelike. The match after ours was Lesnar Vs Angle for the strap. I decided to watch it just for the hell of it, and i'll be damned if it wasn't better than their Summerslam match. The AI in this game is incredible for a wrestling game. Main eventers can be Fire Pro Secret Character psychotic (I have bad memories of trying to get a great old school All Japan style match out Dory Funk Jr...with Chris Jericho in FPA). Our final bout, I tear through Eddie with a completely Memphis style that catches his lucha and NJ Junior Heavyweight upbringing off guard. The last 1 on 1 was set up because fucking Vince said I showed too much Ruthless Agression to Eddie the week prior. Well fuck you too Vince. I make it to Judgement Day and Bischoff is hanging out in the arena lot. He starts talking shit so I challenge him to a match. He puts me in a handicapped match with Eddie and Chavo. It was the damndest handicapped match I've ever seen. I busted my ass to lose to Los Guerreros. Now I'm getting hounded by Jerry Lawler to team with Edge and I have told Tazz that I'd work the Insurrection show because England needs a little Mattitude. The season mode is so engrossing, I want to see what happens when he jumps to Raw. Because Eddie cut some nice promos on me. One of them was the promo he cut on the Rock. I was marking out. I want to feud with the Hurricane damn it.

I want to go though season with everyone. This is probably the best wrestling game i've ever played, and i've played a lot of them folks. Don't forget the legends. I'm finally going to make it happen: World Heavyweight Champion Roddy Piper with his wild ass punch finisher, the eye poke, and and a bomb ass sleeper.


If you like wrestling: Get this game


If you like video games: Get this game


If you've heard of video games: Get this game


It's worth every penny.

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Oh, man. I want this game SO badly.


I can't wait to work psychology into matches.


And season mode sounds amazing.


Please, people, continue with your stories. They're really interesting.


And I'm undecided on who to go through season with. I'm thinking Haas, Benoit or Flair (Flair is in season mode, right?)

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Guest The Old Me

Okay I'm in my second season, and Mysterio keeps beating the shit out of Goldberg and Brock. WTF??


And old school taker OWNS current Taker.

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This game...is hard damnit.

Nah, I thought so at first too. But after a few hours, you get pretty comfortable. Then, and only then, will you LOVE this game more than you'll love your first born.



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Man, does anyone know how to do a Show Transfer? I go into the GM Room, and ask Bischoff for a transfer, he babbles on, and then says ok, fine or whatever. But then I go back to the Locker Screen, and nothing is changed. It's the same as before. Still on RAW, not SmackDown! like I thought I requested.





EDIT: Ah yes, you have to wait until the current month is over.

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Guest The Old Me

I just lost to Bischoff in a cage match. Fucker climbed right out after 4 RKO's.

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This game...is hard damnit.

Nah, I thought so at first too. But after a few hours, you get pretty comfortable. Then, and only then, will you LOVE this game more than you'll love your first born.



What if this game is your first born?


What? Don't you tell me it's not possible.



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Guest cpac

I have the best stable ever. Eddie G, Benoit and Angle. I love how in the game when benoit does the crippler crossface to an opponent to close to the ropes, he will kick off the ropes and hold the move a little bit longer before letting go to ropebreak. Also, Angle has to be by far the best wrestler in the game. I manhandled Lesner and the Big Show with him.



I do have on question. How do I do rvd's split when you toss the the to the ropes, do the split and then when the guy is running back you put your feet up in the air and the guy goes over. I know it is like a rebound attack or something. I just cant figure it out. Thanks

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Latest storyline I've come across..


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As Matt Hardy, feuding with Vince. He ends up firing me after I beat him in a match. Then for some reason Steph shows up on Raw and announces that the Board has suspended Vince as chairman and then announces me as the new chairman. From there you get to book Vince in some matches and even make him drive your limo. Funny stuff.

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!
I do have on question. How do I do rvd's split when you toss the the to the ropes, do the split and then when the guy is running back you put your feet up in the air and the guy goes over.

It's one of those "in the ropes" moves.


back a guy up to the ropes and then punch the shit out of him untill you see him fall back and lean on the ropes to stay up. Then just grapple.

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Holy Moly, its 6am and I'm still playing this game today. I, like a lot of peeps, have been playing this game for the most part of a day.


Pathetic? No Way!

This game is worse than nicotine!

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When did you start playing, Bif? You've been playing all morning?

Off and on ALL day. As in Friday. I never had class, so I started playing around 11:00am, til around 5:00pm. Had supper, played some more after that til around 8:00pm. Then my gf came over and forced me to stop playing for a few hours. (I know, I know) Then I started again after she went home, around 11:30pm. So, I just stopped, and its 6:47am.


Oh man, I havent played a game so much in my life.



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That's an admirable effort.


In a weeks time when I have this game, I'll literally disappear from the face of the planet for at least 7 days.


SYM almost killed my social life, HCTP will not only kill it, but spit on it afterwards.



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Guest Ghettoman

Got the game last night, and damn.


Love the changes with moves, the sick germans and back suplexes are awesome, love the new DDT's and powerbombs.


EC was a fun match, I was Goldberg and took out Trish, Steph, Torrie, Bisch and Iron Shiek in quick fashion. The two level grappling is gonna taker a bit to get used to, and for some reason every move that I would consider a submission I did(wasn't a lot) didn't become any kind of power struggle so I'm guessing they were more of wear down moves.


I haven't touched season mode yet, I usually run through the exhiition modes first then check it out Still gotta get the graple system down.


And so far my favorite thing about the game is....Special Back Drop being a regular back move, insane.

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Damn it, I should be studying. But I'm back at it again!


Anyways, who's everyone's favorite character so far? I've only really played with Goldberg for a long period of time. Other than that, I like Matt, Angle and Jericho.

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Well...I played with Brock the first time through just because he was the strongest character and I had to learn how to grapple this time.


After that I went on to Shelton Benjamin, but dumped out of it to build up stats on a plain CAW. In theory I should be able to copy that plain CAW into all the other slots and have the attribute points available to assign to every CAW I make (as long as you don't apply them in season mode) In theory.

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