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Guest godofdeadlydeath


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It's like this.


HHH is always injured.


He is not over.


He is stale and stagnant, and is not drawing them money.


Goldberg, on the other hand, is in relatively good health, if occasionally moody backstage.


After initial bad booking, he IS becoming over - at the least, as over as one can be on RAW.


Goldberg has not had time yet to get stale, and if booked correctly - as a monster - it is PROVEN that he is a draw, at least on a level that, right now, eclipses HHH.


So, what's the better decision? Keep the title on HHH or bite the bullet and put it on Goldie?


The answer is clear.


If the Goldberg title run didn't work, they have a viable alternative RIGHT THERE in Kane.


Continuing to keep the belt on HHH's waist is just foolhardy at this point.

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I'm thinking of boycotting the WWE because I heard Benoit lost at the PPV! I can't believe it! Screw Triple H for holding Benoit down. I know he's coming to Smackdown soon to beat Benoit cleanly.


The roster split was created to keep Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit from having ***** matches together.


Next Smackdown, I see Stephanie going over Benoit cleanly. I hate Vince now. Why did you let your daughter go over Benoit cleanly? grrr...

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Guest The Real Nosferatu

Ya! lets sign another boycott where 90% of the people watch anyway. God knows the ratings went UP the week it happend.

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But people here are not being upset that the big bad heel HHH is keeping the title and darn him from stealing it away from good guy goldberg, they are mad that the worker HHH isn't putting over _anyone_ and the only guy who could credibly beat him (goldberg) and win the title got BEATEN. It's completely separated from the storylines. I am hearing people cry "rip off" on the radio, and these people are far from smarks.

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But people here are not being upset that the big bad heel HHH is keeping the title and darn him from stealing it away from good guy goldberg, they are mad that the worker HHH isn't putting over _anyone_ and the only guy who could credibly beat him (goldberg) and win the title got BEATEN. It's completely separated from the storylines. I am hearing people cry "rip off" on the radio, and these people are far from smarks.

Anger here is totally different from anger from casual smarks.

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Guest The Real Nosferatu

I was trying to be sarcastic, and failed. Ratings were piss poor already by then anyway, so there really wasn't that much change in them.

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Guest CronoT
I HATE Goldberg but even I was marking out liek crazy when he KILLED HBK & Jericho and then destroyed the glass.


That was the WWE giving the fans a big "FUCK YOU".

It's the "WCW Treatment."


Vince didn't create Goldberg, so Goldberg is "inferior" to anything he creates.


Wake up, Vince. You suck, your business is starting to suck, and everything you touch slowly starts to suck.

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Guest Anglesault
Goldberg has not had time yet to get stale, and if booked correctly - as a monster - it is PROVEN that he is a draw, at least on a level that, right now, eclipses HHH.

The same could be said for Hogan.


That Hogan title reign worked out damn well, donchaknow.


I didn't want FGB to win, but at the same time, find it hilarious that HHH wouldn't job.

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OK, before I go off on this tirade, let's get one thing clear - I'm not a big HHH fan, and am anxious for the moment to come that he loses his beloved title.


That being said . . . . . .


You guys need to chill out A WHOLE DAMNED LOT. I honestly think it's a breath of fresh air that the title hasn't been changing hands at every PPV - I don't know how you guys acted (or for you young whipper-snappers - would have acted) when Hogan was champ for 4 years with a thimble full of the talent HHH has possessed over his career. Yes, HHH isn't nearly the wrestler he was two or three years ago, but c'mon - this is the SAME GUY that worked his ass off night in and night out back in '99 and '00 putting on four-plus star matches on almost every PPV - the SAME GUY that, no matter how you want to look at it, at least hasn't left to go do a bunch of damned movies and TV shows - the SAME GUY that everyone was SO anxious to see when he returned from his quad tear, then crucified him when he wasn't as good as he was before the injury.


I think we all need to realize that to 95% of fans, HHH winning will NOT affect their ability to sleep tonight, unlike some of you who will probably still be living in the basement of your parents' house at 40 years old. And if you're blaming HHH on ratings decreases over the last year or so, I think you need to take a long, hard look at how the economy, increased ticket prices, the complete lack of competition, and the usual "roller-coaster" ride that wrestling always takes has played a large role in where the product is today. Yes, it's got it's problems - yes, there's too many McMahons on TV, and not enough Jericho, Benoit, and the guys we really love to see perform. But overall, I still love to watch this crazy stuff - good times and bad - and realize that overall, in the course of my lifetime, HHH still having the title doesn't affect me ONE BIT.


Take some valium and calm the hell down about it. And if it upsets you THAT BADLY that HHH is still champ, then all I can recommend is to just quit watching . . . period. No more RAW, no more PPV's, nothing. If I were you, I wouldn't even come into this forum, after all - it seems that HHH is turning you guys into angry, bitter, ever-complaining souls, and your hatred of him seems to rival that of people that actually DESERVE your distaste. Wishing someone would DIE or become permanently disabled just because you didn't want him to win? That's a little harsh, don't ya think?

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Guest The Real Nosferatu
OK, before I go off on this tirade, let's get one thing clear - I'm not a big HHH fan, and am anxious for the moment to come that he loses his beloved title.


That being said . . . . . .


You guys need to chill out A WHOLE DAMNED LOT. I honestly think it's a breath of fresh air that the title hasn't been changing hands at every PPV - I don't know how you guys acted (or for you young whipper-snappers - would have acted) when Hogan was champ for 4 years with a thimble full of the talent HHH has possessed over his career. Yes, HHH isn't nearly the wrestler he was two or three years ago, but c'mon - this is the SAME GUY that worked his ass off night in and night out back in '99 and '00 putting on four-plus star matches on almost every PPV - the SAME GUY that, no matter how you want to look at it, at least hasn't left to go do a bunch of damned movies and TV shows - the SAME GUY that everyone was SO anxious to see when he returned from his quad tear, then crucified him when he wasn't as good as he was before the injury.


I think we all need to realize that to 95% of fans, HHH winning will NOT affect their ability to sleep tonight, unlike some of you who will probably still be living in the basement of your parents' house at 40 years old. And if you're blaming HHH on ratings decreases over the last year or so, I think you need to take a long, hard look at how the economy, increased ticket prices, the complete lack of competition, and the usual "roller-coaster" ride that wrestling always takes has played a large role in where the product is today. Yes, it's got it's problems - yes, there's too many McMahons on TV, and not enough Jericho, Benoit, and the guys we really love to see perform. But overall, I still love to watch this crazy stuff - good times and bad - and realize that overall, in the course of my lifetime, HHH still having the title doesn't affect me ONE BIT.


Take some valium and calm the hell down about it. And if it upsets you THAT BADLY that HHH is still champ, then all I can recommend is to just quit watching . . . period. No more RAW, no more PPV's, nothing. If I were you, I wouldn't even come into this forum, after all - it seems that HHH is turning you guys into angry, bitter, ever-complaining souls, and your hatred of him seems to rival that of people that actually DESERVE your distaste. Wishing someone would DIE or become permanently disabled just because you didn't want him to win? That's a little harsh, don't ya think?


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OK, before I go off on this tirade, let's get one thing clear - I'm not a big HHH fan, and am anxious for the moment to come that he loses his beloved title.


That being said . . . . . .


You guys need to chill out A WHOLE DAMNED LOT. I honestly think it's a breath of fresh air that the title hasn't been changing hands at every PPV - I don't know how you guys acted (or for you young whipper-snappers - would have acted) when Hogan was champ for 4 years with a thimble full of the talent HHH has possessed over his career. Yes, HHH isn't nearly the wrestler he was two or three years ago, but c'mon - this is the SAME GUY that worked his ass off night in and night out back in '99 and '00 putting on four-plus star matches on almost every PPV - the SAME GUY that, no matter how you want to look at it, at least hasn't left to go do a bunch of damned movies and TV shows - the SAME GUY that everyone was SO anxious to see when he returned from his quad tear, then crucified him when he wasn't as good as he was before the injury.


I think we all need to realize that to 95% of fans, HHH winning will NOT affect their ability to sleep tonight, unlike some of you who will probably still be living in the basement of your parents' house at 40 years old. And if you're blaming HHH on ratings decreases over the last year or so, I think you need to take a long, hard look at how the economy, increased ticket prices, the complete lack of competition, and the usual "roller-coaster" ride that wrestling always takes has played a large role in where the product is today. Yes, it's got it's problems - yes, there's too many McMahons on TV, and not enough Jericho, Benoit, and the guys we really love to see perform. But overall, I still love to watch this crazy stuff - good times and bad - and realize that overall, in the course of my lifetime, HHH still having the title doesn't affect me ONE BIT.


Take some valium and calm the hell down about it. And if it upsets you THAT BADLY that HHH is still champ, then all I can recommend is to just quit watching . . . period. No more RAW, no more PPV's, nothing. If I were you, I wouldn't even come into this forum, after all - it seems that HHH is turning you guys into angry, bitter, ever-complaining souls, and your hatred of him seems to rival that of people that actually DESERVE your distaste. Wishing someone would DIE or become permanently disabled just because you didn't want him to win? That's a little harsh, don't ya think?

Waits patiently for someone to say don't tell me do.

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I don't want anyone to die, but IT'S TIME HHH LOST THE FUCKING BELT.


To someone.




Preferably, someone who is healthy enough to wrestle every Raw and do house shows.


I didn't see the show, but it sounds to me like Goldberg finally had some momentum from the crowd.


Gee, maybe a belt around his waist would have cemented him as a WWE Superstar for good?


Now he looks like yet another guy who just can't get the job done against HHH.


In the main event scene, we literally have nothing to look forward too. If Goldberg had taken the belt, we'd at least have some new possibilities.


Now we have the same old same old.

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Guest Breetai

Point one; who is left? Are there any credible contenders?


Point two; how, with the benefit of 20/20 hindsight did Vinnie Mac think that GB jobbing was a GOOd thing?

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Guest OnlyMe

honestly think it's a breath of fresh air that the title hasn't been changing hands at every PPV


It's changed hands like, twice in a year, with one guy holding it for nearly all that time. There's a big difference between that and changing hands at EVERY PPV.

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Guest Anglesault
You guys need to chill out A WHOLE DAMNED LOT. I honestly think it's a breath of fresh air that the title hasn't been changing hands at every PPV - I don't know how you guys acted (or for you young whipper-snappers - would have acted) when Hogan was champ for 4 years with a thimble full of the talent HHH has possessed over his career

Well, Hogan was a face. HHH is a heel. The heel run is supposed to be used to put over a face. Hunter had now defeated every face on Raw. That poses a problem.


- this is the SAME GUY that worked his ass off night in and night out back in '99 and '00 putting on four-plus star matches on almost every PPV


And then he stopped. So what's your point?


the SAME GUY that everyone was SO anxious to see when he returned from his quad tear, then crucified him when he wasn't as good as he was before the injury.


Let's be honest. We all expected the HHH of old. Not the 30 pounds heavier mess that we got. And don't blame it all on the injury. Guys like Angle and Benoit came back from injuries that were much, much worse and haven't performed as badly as HHH has.


Preferably, someone who is healthy enough to wrestle every Raw and do house shows


That eliminate Goldberg.

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Guest Breetai

Tomorrow night on RAW: HHH comes out and proclaims that he's done it all and accomplished all that he can in the industry, and that he's retiring for good with the belt.


I'd love for that to happen, just to hear the collective thumping sound as every smark in the world had a massive stress-induced stroke and fell to the ground dead.

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Guest godofdeadlydeath
Tomorrow night on RAW: HHH comes out and proclaims that he's done it all and accomplished all that he can in the industry, and that he's retiring for good with the belt.


I'd love for that to happen, just to hear the collective thumping sound as every smark in the world had a massive stress-induced stroke and fell to the ground dead.

I wouldn't give a shit, as long as he retired.

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Tomorrow night on RAW: HHH comes out and proclaims that he's done it all and accomplished all that he can in the industry, and that he's retiring for good with the belt.


I'd love for that to happen, just to hear the collective thumping sound as every smark in the world had a massive stress-induced stroke and fell to the ground dead.

I'd mark out like a little bitch.

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Guest Anglesault
Tomorrow night on RAW: HHH comes out and proclaims that he's done it all and accomplished all that he can in the industry, and that he's retiring for good with the belt.


I'd love for that to happen, just to hear the collective thumping sound as every smark in the world had a massive stress-induced stroke and fell to the ground dead.

I've realized that HHH's reign will never end, so I've just decided to see the humor in the lunacy of all this, and that would be hilarious.

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Guest JaKyL25

Random HHH Factoid--


Assuming he makes it to Unforgiven as the champ, he will eclipse Yokozuna (and that's no small task) as the second-longest-reigning Heel World Champ in WWE history, second only to Superstar Graham in the pre-PPV era.


If he makes it to Survivor Series, he's the all-time #1.


I'm not a fan of monthly title changes, but this is a damn long heel reign. Fans are supposed to pay to see heels LOSE, not set new records in dominance over the entire roster.

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Anger here is totally different from anger from casual smarks.


Feeling ripped off is feeling ripped off. I have heard from many "casual" people, even people who are HHH fans, that they were ripped off tonight because HHH didn't drop the the belt. The fans after the Booker match at WM DEFLATED when HHH won. It wasn't "GRRR DARN THAT HHH" heat, it was "*sigh*". This isn't _just_ smark reaction. I'm listening to the radio right now and I'm hearign the same thing over and over and over again - people want HHH to drop the title now and want someone new. This is not the kind of good heat.


You guys need to chill out A WHOLE DAMNED LOT. I honestly think it's a breath of fresh air that the title hasn't been changing hands at every PPV - I don't know how you guys acted (or for you young whipper-snappers - would have acted) when Hogan was champ for 4 years with a thimble full of the talent HHH has possessed over his career. Yes, HHH isn't nearly the wrestler he was two or three years ago, but c'mon - this is the SAME GUY that worked his ass off night in and night out back in '99 and '00 putting on four-plus star matches on almost every PPV - the SAME GUY that, no matter how you want to look at it, at least hasn't left to go do a bunch of damned movies and TV shows - the SAME GUY that everyone was SO anxious to see when he returned from his quad tear, then crucified him when he wasn't as good as he was before the injury.


Hogan drew money with his title run thus justifying his run on top. There is no justification for HHH holding the title right now. He physically isn't able to hold it and he isn't making money for the company even after a full YEAR LONG PUSH over all the faces on the Raw side. This is a year long with about 12 ppvs and wrestling on every monday night.


I think we all need to realize that to 95% of fans, HHH winning will NOT affect their ability to sleep tonight, unlike some of you who will probably still be living in the basement of your parents' house at 40 years old. And if you're blaming HHH on ratings decreases over the last year or so, I think you need to take a long, hard look at how the economy, increased ticket prices, the complete lack of competition, and the usual "roller-coaster" ride that wrestling always takes has played a large role in where the product is today. Yes, it's got it's problems - yes, there's too many McMahons on TV, and not enough Jericho, Benoit, and the guys we really love to see perform. But overall, I still love to watch this crazy stuff - good times and bad - and realize that overall, in the course of my lifetime, HHH still having the title doesn't affect me ONE BIT.


The Video gaming industry is as big as it ever was - the economy hasn't effected that one bit. It's the same demographic that the WWE panders to; people are willing to spend money, they don't see any reason to spend it on the WWE. The focus has been HHH for the past year and they posted a loss - he isn't helping even with the monsterous mcmahon machine behind him. There is nothing justifying keeping the title on him except for the fact that there is no one who could do better... and do you know why no one could do better? Cause HHH is keeping them all down! You don't think HHH having the title doesn't effect you one bit? Consider all the time spent on building up guys just to have them lose, all the time you spent watching HHH go over, and what that time could have been used for instead. It effects you.


Those who think HHH holding the title is a good thing consider what a heel is supposed to do... PUT OVER A FACE. Who has HHH put over? No one. The last guy he could have was Goldberg..

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I've realized that HHH's reign will never end


Yes, HHH will be World champ for the next 1000 years, surpassing great title reigns of Sammartino, Backlund, Hogan, Thesz, Gagne, and also past stars such as Abraham, Moses, and Methuselah himself.


Get a grip, people, he's gonna lose the belt eventually. And I'm sure, when he does, you'll find something else to complain about then too . . .wishing death and misery on whomever the next champ is, and moaning that you'll never watch WWE again, and FUCK VINCE! Seriously, quit watching if you don't like it.


I want HHH to lose soon too, but I just don't have the bitter hatred and loathing for him that most of you seem to have, that's all.

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Guest Anglesault
It's be even better if he gave Randy Orton a fake title out of a briefcase and he became recognized as the new World Champion.

At that point, all actual interest have in Raw will be killed, and it will be full "staring at a car crash" mode. I know it's stupid, but the situation will be so absurd that I couldn't bring myself to stop watching.

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HHH is pushing the fine line between the extreme heel heat he is receiving now to the next level of heat that would actually be detrimental. That's not even heat, that's fan apathy.


For now though, they need to let HHH become the longest heel champion of all time and play that up. By this time the fans will be in a frenzy for him to lose the belt. By the time someone finally beats him, they will be over huge because SOMEONE, ANYONE, beat HHH. In fact, they need to start playing this up now.

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