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Guest godofdeadlydeath


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Guest Super Pissed Smark
The "a heel reign is only good to put a face over" thing doesn't hold much water for me . . . what about some of Flair's title reigns? Some of those were pushing a year before he lost to someone else


That was fifteen years ago without monthly pay per views and so many hours a week of TV.


Things were totally different back then too, Flair would tour all over the place, facing the top guy in each of the various territories, put on a great match, get the fans hot, make it look like their guy was going to win, then move on and repeat the process the next night. Triple-H just keeps putting himself over the same guys over and over again.


And he sure doesn't wrestle like Flair did fifteen years ago either.

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Guest CronoT

The "a heel reign is only good to put a face over" thing doesn't hold much water for me . . . what about some of Flair's title reigns? Some of those were pushing a year before he lost to someone else


That was fifteen years ago without monthly pay per views and so many hours a week of TV.


Things were totally different back then too, Flair would tour all over the place, facing the top guy in each of the various territories, put on a great match, get the fans hot, make it look like their guy was going to win, then move on and repeat the process the next night. Triple-H just keeps putting himself over the same guys over and over again.


And he sure doesn't wrestle like Flair did fifteen years ago either.

Hell, Flair probably wrestles better than Triple H does now.

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Guest godofdeadlydeath

The "a heel reign is only good to put a face over" thing doesn't hold much water for me . . . what about some of Flair's title reigns? Some of those were pushing a year before he lost to someone else


That was fifteen years ago without monthly pay per views and so many hours a week of TV.


Things were totally different back then too, Flair would tour all over the place, facing the top guy in each of the various territories, put on a great match, get the fans hot, make it look like their guy was going to win, then move on and repeat the process the next night. Triple-H just keeps putting himself over the same guys over and over again.


And he sure doesn't wrestle like Flair did fifteen years ago either.

Raven is more like Flair in that respect, HHH is more like... Hogan only without all the fans/popularity/heat. Flair can STILL wrestle and could kick ass at that stage, HHH had 4 good years (fuck off, I thought he was good in 98) and that was it. His time is done. Pass the fucking torch. I've calmed down about htis match tonight a little bit now, and I'm a little drunk too, but still, fuck HHH and Vince. They don't know what they're doing. But if they do, feel free to prove me wrong.

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It's not often I get completely duped on a PPV and tonight, it happened TWICE.


- The thing with the Coach surprised me. Yeah, with the way he's been treated, I could understand it after it happened, but coming into tonight, I was not saying "Well, Coachman is going to turn heel in that match." It just came out of nowhere.


(Side note: They need to do a better job of explaining that turn on Raw. It was presented really poorly on the PPV).


- The Goldberg loss. I really don't like the guy too much, I'll admit. I've never been a Goldberg fan. But tonight, that was something else. You could just FEEL the energy and the anticipation of the people, waiting for Goldberg to come out. Finally he does and he just beats the shit out of three guys.


The part with HHH locking himself in the cage with Flair helping was priceless. Goldberg breaking through the glass was AWESOME (as was the spear on Jericho). I was thinking, "Holy fuck. He's going to win. This is it.... and even stranger, I'm completely unopposed to this."


And then, that bullshit ending. After HHH had done NOTHING the entire match, he pins Goldberg. Just out of nowhere.




If they want Goldberg to be the guy to finally win the belt, I understand what they're doing. The massive heel beatdown (which was pretty impressive) after the match will probably lead to more of the same for the next month after which, Goldberg will finally win at the PPV.


It won't work.


Tonight was the night. Sometimes, you just need to seize the moment. Goldberg winning next month will seem completely anti-climatic. And after getting beat down for a month, his heat could get flushed down the toilet too, making things even worse.


Of course, having said all that, I could very easily see HHH pulling another one of his schemes where he pushes his title loss back a month (The Stall), gets his ass beat on the last Raw before the next PPV to look vulnerable (The Setup), then miraculously gets the PPV finish switched to keep his belt (The Escape).


He's done this with Van Dam, Steiner, Booker and (in an ironic twist), who's next?



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Well, I didn't see the PPV, (and I'm pissed of as hell about it,) but the one thing that kind of struck me during this thread is how much legit heel heat HHH has. He doesn't have X-Pac "get off my TV" heat, he doesn't have A-Train "shave your back" heat, he doesn't even have Jericho "he just made fun of my town" heat. He has "I'd pay good money to see that son of a bitch lose" heat.


How rare is it for someone to have the same heat from the casual and internet fans just by his storyline without actually becomnig boring or annoying?

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How the hell do you gather that?


I have heard MANY PEOPLE tonight on the radio say "HHH holding the title is bad for the WWE" "I felt ripped off" "The WWE is going down the drain if HHH stays champ"...



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Guest Breetai
Well, I didn't see the PPV, (and I'm pissed of as hell about it,) but the one thing that kind of struck me during this thread is how much legit heel heat HHH has. He doesn't have X-Pac "get off my TV" heat, he doesn't have A-Train "shave your back" heat, he doesn't even have Jericho "he just made fun of my town" heat. He has "I'd pay good money to see that son of a bitch lose" heat.


How rare is it for someone to have the same heat from the casual and internet fans just by his storyline without actually becomnig boring or annoying?

Even if that were true, the amount of heat he has is insignificant when compared to the amount of heat he destroys for other wrestlers by constantly going over and over and over.

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Do you really think that Goldberg lost his heat by the cheap pin HHH got on him at Summerslam? I almost guarantee you we'll get louder Goldberg chants on Raw this week than we have in quite a while.

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Really, when I read the results, I feel indifference. I saw HHH winning from a mile away. I wasn't irate when I saw it, or happy. Just indifferent. On the other hand, I was happy to see Angle keep the title. Hell, I was more interested in who was winning the US Title match than who won the World Title. To tell the truth, even if I saw that Goldberg won it, I would feel the same. Maybe it's because I haven't seen the match and felt the energy of the match, but if I read the results and it said that Goldberg won, I would feel indifference again. The only way I would care about the result is if Jericho won. 1) Because I like him. 2) Because I would actually be shocked, and in a good way, for me at least.

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Guest HHH123007
I almost guarantee you we'll get louder Goldberg chants on Raw this week than we have in quite a while.

Me too....due to the fact that Raw is being taped 2 hours away from the location of SS.... ;)

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I almost guarantee you we'll get louder Goldberg chants on Raw this week than we have in quite a while.

Me too....due to the fact that Raw is being taped 2 hours away from the location of SS.... ;)

your username makes me want to kill you

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Guest BionicRedneck

How can a guy who doesn't have good matches, isn't THAT over, isn't overly good on the mic, doesn't do the ratings much good and has been injured at least three times (during his title reign) have been World Champion for so long?


SummerSlam confirmed one thing for me: Vince McMahon is a fucking moron.

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Guest Dynamite Kido
There was no excuse for HHH going over. First of all, there should have been no EC to begin with. It should have been Goldberg/HHH one on one. If HHH can't go then Goldberg squashes him in five minutes.


I despise Goldberg, but you have to see if there is any value in him. They have already ruined that however. His first title shot he should have won and been given a chance to run with it. Now you run into the Jericho/Flair situation where Goldberg will win the second match but by that point noone will care.


They need to run an injury angle now with Goldberg. Bring him off of TV for a couple of months and bring him back as an ass kicker.


Of course whatever face wins the title is eventually losing it to Orton so it really doesn't matter.

I totally agree, why even bother having Goldberg if you are just gonna use him as a HHH burial? Is there a point? Oh yea, just to fucking have another name on RAW that HHH has totally beaten into the ground. I also think Goldberg is mediocre, but the EC should have been set up for him to win. Granted I wanted Jericho to win, but god forbid if he ever sees the title again. From a money aspect Goldberg is the only one that made sense, and they fucked it up again.

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