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Guest JMA

Rob Conway's anti-American promo

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Guest The Real Nosferatu

Devil Pinto: (after Pinto won't rape his date) you Homo!!!


Just playing around. Super Mario Bros rules of course, but seeing a naked chick uncensored hmmmm, that REALLY IS A TOUGH ONE.

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Rob Conway's promo isn't unsettling. You wanna see unsettling watch Bowling for Columbine. That's unsettling. Especially the part where it shows how many people Americans have killed over the years.

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What is really unsettling is having our big face patriot be Bubba Ray dudley basically saying "We're American, everyyone sucks and the French are all fags".


Instead of firing back, we are supposed to cheer the scapegoating views of Scott Steiner and the Dudleyz on-air personas. Mind boggling.

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Read my above post. My parents are exactly as you just described Dan. Oh and there's nothing wrong with strong partiotism...however there is a lot wrong with *BLIND* Patriotism.

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We are definitely on the right page there. My father exemplifies a lot of this, and it has become quite apparent that many people are.


Speaking of Conway, I think he has apretty good look to him with the knee brace and different than usual colors (not just some damned black trunks). He may do very well.

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Yeah but I was wondering about him and La Resistance...why are they so jacked!? I mean these guys are huge! When did it be a requirement that you have to be a roid monkey to get called up?????

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Guest Anglesault
but seeing a naked chick uncensored hmmmm, that REALLY IS A TOUGH ONE.

Are dates that hard to come by for you?

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That's the big trend. I still drop my jaw all the time when I consider that I am the same age as Dupree and he outclasses me so much in build. I have many friends including myself that are big gym rats, and while a few have impressive physiques, none of us are in that league. It's ridiculous.

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Guest The Real Nosferatu
but seeing a naked chick uncensored hmmmm, that REALLY IS A TOUGH ONE.

Are dates that hard to come by for you?

Kinda...plus I'm trying not to start an argument with anyone. I really DO like Mario Bros though. Damn..

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Guest JMA
And who's really had the last laugh? Japan is the most technologically advanced country in the world and half the things that are taboo in American society earn an "eh, whatever" from them 'cause they're above it all.

Death Angel has it right. Japan rules. It's probably my favorite country in the world.

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Guest JMA
What is really unsettling is having our big face patriot be Bubba Ray dudley basically saying "We're American, everyyone sucks and the French are all fags".


Instead of firing back, we are supposed to cheer the scapegoating views of Scott Steiner and the Dudleyz on-air personas. Mind boggling.

Thank you, Dan. I'm glad someone said it.

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Guest Ascalon
And who's really had the last laugh? Japan is the most technologically advanced country in the world and half the things that are taboo in American society earn an "eh, whatever" from them 'cause they're above it all.


Japan: light years ahead technogically, pathetically behind socially. They treat their women like shit.

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Guest JMA
Japan: light years ahead technogically, pathetically behind socially. They treat their women like shit.

Based on what?

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Guest Ascalon

Hmmm, I would first look at the corporate workforce in Japan. Isn't it dominated by men? Even more so than the United States? Socially, one doesn't have to look far to see how women are demeaned in hentai, AV's, and such? Only now is the female sex starting to gain equality in Japan. BTW, I'm not saying US citizens are angels either when it comes to that shit.


Back to doing laundry...BTW, u see the new EVA remasters yet?

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Guest JMA
Hmmm, I would first look at the corporate workforce in Japan. Isn't it dominated by men? Even more so than the United States? Socially, one doesn't have to look far to see how women are demeaned in hentai, AV's, and such? Only now is the female sex starting to gain equality in Japan. BTW, I'm not saying US citizens are angels either when it comes to that shit.


Back to doing laundry...BTW, u see the new EVA remasters yet?

First, I don't consider hentai to be demeaning. Second, you are right about there not be too much job options for women. I believe that this will change soon, though. Even the most beautifully cut diamond has its flaws.

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Guest Ascalon
Even the most beautifully cut diamond has its flaws.
















And hentai is a god-send....:)

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I haven't seen the Conway promo since I didn't watch Raw (thank god), but nationalistic heels are nothing new, especially anti-american ones. Besides, they're often very stereotypical, like Alex Wright (sp?) playing a cocky German heel, or Tajiri spraying his face opponents with green mist.

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Speaking of the promo, who else thinks it was pretty good?


I don't agree with the content, but I actually liked his delivery of it. He's also got a "wrestling promo" voice.


I think that if he had another minute or so to continue the promo (It just seemed to die off), it would have really good?

I agree. He seemed very comfortable on the mic for his first time out there. My only suggestion to him would be to pause a little bit every few sentences to let the crowd react.

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Guest JMA
JMA is just a French apologist.


I think we should rename him Frenchy.

I don't apologize for anyone, Rant.

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Rob Conway was speaking the truth.

Sir, if you keep up this conduct, I will have to report you to the moderators. I am not joking and not being sarcastic.

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All this Americans are terrorists talk is silly- Take it to Current Events.




I still don't see what the big deal is. Rob Conway made a remark to get heel heat. He got heel heat.


Do we really need a thread about this?




Were you upset when the Un-Americans did the same thing?

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Cheap heat IS cheap heat - I understand the writer's determination to establish it for the heels, but what lines should the WWE stray away from? If not for the respect of those who are directly connected to such events, but to people who have to WATCH (and listen) to anti-American stables garner cheap heat.


The writers have to understand that the WWE is part of a larger community - the world, as determined by current events. If they choose to ignore that and use such ploys, they'll risk losing increments of their fanbase (which in this case, is the one thing the WWE should be worried about most).


This isn't the WWF in 1997 (see Hart Foundation) - there's a different type of responsibility attached to nationalistic figures and how they are portrayed.

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It would be better if they writers didn't get their political views from the backs of cereal boxes.


It's almost universally accepted that even though some people were against the war, it's necessary to keep troops there during the rebuilding or else Iraq would be left worse than it was and another would-be dicatator would seize power, making it all for naught.


Would mad Conway sound like an idiot since he wanted to leave a war-devasted country without apparently doing a single thing to fix it any longer.


I think that was supposed to be intentional, to make them look bad ("straw man" arguments), but considering what they did with Steiner/Nowinski, it's a little unlikely.

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Why is JMA so obsessed with this La Resistance angle???

You haven't spent any time in the Current Events folder, have you.


GOD FORBID the WWE poke a little fun at the French.


Still not allowed to show pubic hair, though. And, in the end, wouldn't you rather see a nice twat with a little bush than play Super Mario?


Please, show me some Japanese porn that a) actually shows the genitals as opposed to pixelated or blacked out splotches or b) doesn't involve tentacles fucking someone in ever hole but the ear.


Spare me this "Japan is so above it all" bullshit.


And I actually LIKE Japan.


I don't apologize for anyone, Rant.


Quiet, Frenchy.

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Japan: light years ahead technogically, pathetically behind socially. They treat their women like shit.

Based on what?

Women in Japan are conditioned to be socially immature, submissive, giggling idiots--in addition to the aforementioned inequality in jobs.

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