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Guest Eddie

Bret Hart or HBK who would you pick?

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I perfer HBK myself, because I was always kinda indifferent to Bret. He always just seemed to be there, which is odd when you consider that I'm a Canadian and he's our hero, or something.


It gets odder when you consider that I HATED HBK with an unbridled passion in my mark days. He ALWAYS came off as a jerk to me for some reason.


However, the guy was a wrestling superball, which was good - I hated him, and could then watch him bump off everything the Undertaker (My mark favourite) did to him.


Man, one of the reasons Hell in a Cell I is my favourite match is because it involves HBK getting the EVER-LOVING SHIT beat out of him by the Undertaker. Just GOLD.


So I perfer HBK to Bret, though Bret was better technically.

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As a better wrestler, I would pick Bret.


If this was heyday, and it was to say, start a promotion, I may lean more towards HBK. I've always been a huge fan of both and one of the few that did not side after the screwjob (mainly cause I had fallen out of wrestling for a little while during that fiasco). I say HBK because they are both good in the ring, but I lean a little more toward HBK on the mic. Bret wasn't horrid on the mic, I just prefer HBK. Same with playing face/heel, Shawn is easily convincing as both. Bret can be a convincing heel, but he is always one of those guys you see as a face. Starting a company HBK (minus politics).

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Guest Mindless_Aggression

Bret. Better wrestler, IMO a better mic worker (if you've heard one HBK promo, you've pretty much heard all of them) and is in general more likeable. I'm still convinced that the reason HBK never has nor will draw on the main event level is because he just never seems very likeable. Even as a face, he just seems like the type of guy you wanna slap. I've also always considered his actual wrestling to be very over rated. Hell of a bumper and great at timing comebacks but his overall moveset is weak as can be.

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Guest JMA

Bret. But Shawn was still fucking amazing in the ring. If only he didn't do so much bad stuff OUT of it.

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Well, I'd obviously take HBK, because he's the best all-around performer in recent memory, but he'd be a lot better if you could slap the Christ out of him. Seriously, every time he cuts a promo, I think he's gonna ask if we've all accepted Jesus Christ as our personal savior. Someone needs to tell him he's playing a wrestling character, not giving a sermon.

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You just slap them hard enough that they come to their senses and say "Oh wearing strings of crosses across my bare chest looks really fucking gay. What was I thinking."

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As far as talent goes, Bret Hart was much better than Shawn Michaels both in terms of work and charisma. He was also a much bigger draw than Michaels.


Bret/Bulldog, Bret/Diesel, Bret/Owen & Bret/Austin were all much better than Shawn's matches with those same guys. Shawn wasn't even that good until late 1994. Before then he had good matches with the likes of Jannetty & Razor, but he was very hit or miss.


Longevity is important to me too. Bret was great from 1991 when the Hart Foundation broke up until 1997 at Survivor Series. A declining Hart even managed to pull out the 1999 MOTY. Shawn was really only at the top of his game from 1995-1996. After that he was a shell of his former self. Bret was delivering ****+ matches on a regular basis for years, the vast majority of HBK's top matches come from those two years. Shawn hasn't even come close to **** since 1997.


HBK was more athletic, but Bret was the smarter (and better) worker by far.

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As far as talent goes, Bret Hart was much better than Shawn Michaels both in terms of work and charisma. He was also a much bigger draw than Michaels.

I agree with most of that, but how, in your opinion, is Bret more charismatic than Shawn?

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As far as talent goes, Bret Hart was much better than Shawn Michaels both in terms of work and charisma. He was also a much bigger draw than Michaels.

I agree with most of that, but how, in your opinion, is Bret more charismatic than Shawn?

Bret has this aura about him that just draws you to him whenever he speaks, wrestles, or just shows up and stands around. No matter how stupid and/or crazy he may be these days, people still pay attention when he does something. Shawn Michaels is just sort of there. Michaels attachment was his athleticism. It never had anything to do with his charm. Bret was one of the most charismatic wrestlers of the last 20 years, along with the likes of Flair, Hogan & The Rock.


Bret had better mic skills too. He was always able to tell a story better than Michaels, and can always get a reaction out of the crowd. Many of Shawn's promos (such as when he joined the NWO or when he was struggling as a face in late 96) kill the crowd. Bret never did that, whether he was insulting the US or arguing with Jerry Lawler's evil dentist. Bret was really underrated as a mic worker. He wasn't as good as Flair or Foley, but he was at the top of the next level.

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Michaels attachment was his athleticism. It never had anything to do with his charm.

I don't know about that. When I mention Shawn to marks and casual fans that were around during his prime (specifically 95 and early to mid 96), they tend to remember his personality and on-screen character above anything else. One of my favorite things about HBK was his ability to get his character across to fans either through promos or ring work.


As far as mic skills...I dunno. It really all depends on how you look at it. I'd give storytelling to Bret, but in terms of getting his character over and in entertainment value I'd give the edge to Shawn (keep in mind that I'm talking about pre-comeback Shawn...damn near all of the promos he's cut since returning have been weak). Bret's a lot better than people give him credit for, but to me his promos seem kind of generic when compared to Shawn. Shawn's got a distinct style that makes his personality shine through and stand out, and that's something you really can't say about Bret's mic work.

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As far as talent goes, Bret Hart was much better than Shawn Michaels both in terms of work and charisma. He was also a much bigger draw than Michaels.

I agree with most of that, but how, in your opinion, is Bret more charismatic than Shawn?

Bret has this aura about him that just draws you to him whenever he speaks, wrestles, or just shows up and stands around. No matter how stupid and/or crazy he may be these days, people still pay attention when he does something. Shawn Michaels is just sort of there. Michaels attachment was his athleticism. It never had anything to do with his charm. Bret was one of the most charismatic wrestlers of the last 20 years, along with the likes of Flair, Hogan & The Rock.


Bret had better mic skills too. He was always able to tell a story better than Michaels, and can always get a reaction out of the crowd. Many of Shawn's promos (such as when he joined the NWO or when he was struggling as a face in late 96) kill the crowd. Bret never did that, whether he was insulting the US or arguing with Jerry Lawler's evil dentist. Bret was really underrated as a mic worker. He wasn't as good as Flair or Foley, but he was at the top of the next level.

Yeah, uh, what he said.

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That interview Bret did at the beginning of Attitude after the Bret/Sid Cage Match opened my eyes. I knew he had good mic skills, even when he carried Niedhart promo wise. But never anything like that. HBK's promos are good too, but he couldn't carry the promos for the Rockers the same way Bret could for the Hart Foundation.


Who was more over at their prime? It's close, but I'd guess Shawn...did you ever see any fat chicks in the crowd dressed like Bret?


Actually...that's not a bad thing I guess.

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