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WWE Notes From The 9/8 Observer

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-Lesnar is doing so many jobs, because his regaining of the world title is imminent. This is the old mentality that the guy about to win the title should do a few jobs, thus setting up challengers when he wins it.


-There is talk of Rock being the main star of Predator 3. The writer of the script, which will most likely be used, said he would be perfect.


-Rikishi still hasn't signed his contract, which is why he isn't back.


-Goldust blew out his elbow and will need to take 6 weeks off or possibly longer if he needs surgery.


-Spike TV is in very serious negotiations to steal the NHL away from ABC and ESPN. This would take alot of money and could affect WWE renewal in 2005. It wouldn't affect Spike wanting to renew, but would probably be for alot less money.


-They are planning on introducing Ernest Miller as a full time wrestler.


-Lita is scheduled to start back this month.


-After trying out the Mortis gimmick at weekend house shows, there is already thought to dropping it.

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I cant wait for the replys on the idea of Spike TV getting NHL hockey games.


For the love of the game of the hockey (which I enjoy somewhat, but not as much as Football or Baseball), I hope they don't. But with ratings as low as they are for NHL games, Im not sure if Disney (ESPN/ABC) would throw a ton of money at it, especially since they just got the NBA.


Oh, and it doesn't surprise me that the Mortis character will probably get scrapped.

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They FINALLY do something with Goldust and he goes and gets injured- I feel so bad for him

And what exactly have they been doing with Goldust???? I haven't seen the guy on RAw other than stupid unfunny, corny ass skits with Lance Storm. When's the last time he actually had a mtach or even stepped in the ring......they havent done shit with him in god knows how long

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Well they were going to do something with him but I assume the plans may have been derailed with Goldie's injury.


I believe he last wrestled in early August defeating Steven Richards on HEAT

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Well they were going to do something with him but I assume the plans may have been derailed with Goldie's injury.


I believe he last wrestled in early August defeating Steven Richards on HEAT

Really?.......shit then that does suck! Do you have any idea what they were planinng on doing with him.


The guy hasnt been on Raw in what seems to me like 4 freakin months....it's absurd cause he could be a serious contender for the IC title in a heartbeat.

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Well he was training Storm to be not boring so I'm sure a tag team was in the works- They got great reviews at house shows.


In June they gave Goldust a non-title win over Christian but then promptly forgot about it and sent him down to HEAT.


The guy's over, he can work-



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Well he was training Storm to be not boring so I'm sure a tag team was in the works- They got great reviews at house shows.


In June they gave Goldust a non-title win over Christian but then promptly forgot about it and sent him down to HEAT.


The guy's over, he can work-



I remember that win over Christian he had.....but it was kinda awkward cause he beat him with a generic powerslam off the ropes. Anyway, the guy can work a crowd, is a decent worker, and has a unique look........but he's not a generic OVW worker so he gets no love.

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The powerslam is actually his finisher- He was actually getting it over a while back.


Only Dustin could be given a Tourette's gimmick and not have it kill his heat

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They never should have dropped the title to Angle in the first place if they were just gonna shoot it back to Lesnar in 2 months. Angle gets the worst possible title reigns I've seen.

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And now, my thoughts. It's late, I'm tired, so this is all you get...


"-Lesnar is doing so many jobs, because his regaining of the world title is imminent. This is the old mentality that the guy about to win the title should do a few jobs, thus setting up challengers when he wins it."


Exactly what I thought.



"-There is talk of Rock being the main star of Predator 3. The writer of the script, which will most likely be used, said he would be perfect."


Could be interesting.




"-Rikishi still hasn't signed his contract, which is why he isn't back."


Don't sign please.



"-Goldust blew out his elbow and will need to take 6 weeks off or possibly longer if he needs surgery."





"-Spike TV is in very serious negotiations to steal the NHL away from ABC and ESPN. This would take alot of money and could affect WWE renewal in 2005. It wouldn't affect Spike wanting to renew, but would probably be for alot less money."


I could care less, even though I WANT to care about the sport.



"-They are planning on introducing Ernest Miller as a full time wrestler."


Somebody call my mama, woohoo!



"-Lita is scheduled to start back this month."


Damnit pt. II



"-After trying out the Mortis gimmick at weekend house shows, there is already thought to dropping it."


Damnit pt. III.

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Guest Mulatto Heat
They never should have dropped the title to Angle in the first place if they were just gonna shoot it back to Lesnar in 2 months. Angle gets the worst possible title reigns I've seen.

So you'd rather not have Angle win the title(s) at all because they're not 'long enough' for you?


I mean, Ric Flair and the Rock both had several short title reigns, but they're announced as 16- and 7-time champions, respectively, and it sounds more impressive than a smaller number.

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Jesus Christ, could they even ATTEMPT to get the Mortis gimmick over by putting it at least on Velocity or something?


If i never see Rikishi again in a WWE i will be a happy man....If he does come back, then be the athletic big man, who take his business serious like when he first debuted as Rikishi...not this stupid, fun loving dancing prick.


You can't blame Spike for trying to get NHL.....they may be seen as a serious network with a professional major sport. NHL ratings have been bombing for years though.


I remember when everyone liked Lita in the beginning.....and then we saw her actual In ring work and now we DON'T wanna see her back in the ring.....But one thing she DOES have is tremendous charisma and she'll give the womens division a big boost.

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Jesus Christ, could they even ATTEMPT to get the Mortis gimmick over by putting it at least on Velocity or something?

I agree, it's totally pointless to not even give it a chance. Of course, I'd rather them never put it on TV in the first place, if they have their minds made up to start with that they wont go the long haul with it.


If i never see Rikishi again in a WWE i will be a happy man....If he does come back, then be the athletic big man, who take his business serious like when he first debuted as Rikishi...not this stupid, fun loving dancing prick.


Don't get too excited. Rikishi will be back, as the "fun loving dancing prick", with a returning Scotty 2 Hotty pretty soon, heh.


I remember when everyone liked Lita in the beginning.....and then we saw her actual In ring work and now we DON'T wanna see her back in the ring.....But one thing she DOES have is tremendous charisma and she'll give the womens division a big boost.


Lita is ONLY eye candy, and only a MANAGER/VALET. Hell, some could make an argument against her even being eye candy. She's horrible in the ring, horrible, horrible, horrible. She never looks like she knows what in the hell she's going to do, she's totally sloppy, and she has no business being in there.


Let's keep our womens division as it is, without having this piece of shit worker involved.

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Not that i really care, but at least Lita coming back means there'll be another female face, instead of just Trish with everyone else a heel like it is now.

You forgot about the mega-over Ivory who tries so hard lookin like a cheerleader trying to get some cheers while all the fans sit on their hands when her music plays....or even Jackie who may be the MOST unover performer i've ever seen in my whole life...im not kidding about that either.


BTW, what the hell happened to the best female worker ont he roster anyway, Jazz....is she injured AGAIN or they're just not using her now?

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!

give me 2 years in the NHL bankruptcy pool.


I loved Lita when she had the awesome gimmick "Hot chick who randomly comes screaming off the turnbuckles at people with no regard for her own safety".


unfortunatly someone noticed she could do 2 moves and it was "OMG legitimate athlete girl power!!1" and she got 10 minute PPV matches. that's probably what she'll come back as and I'm less than thrilled.


as for the rest of the news, Kanyon and Goldust are lost causes, Rikishi and The Cat can go fuck off, and I can't be the only one who wonders why jobbing someone out before winning the #1 belt in the company is a good idea.

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as for the rest of the news, Kanyon and Goldust are lost causes, Rikishi and The Cat can go fuck off, and I can't be the only one who wonders why jobbing someone out before winning the #1 belt in the company is a good idea.


Kanyon and Goldust always seem to find a way to start getting over before getting their legs cut out from underneath them.


We're agreed on Rikishi and The Cat.


Unless we're counting the DQ losses to Spanky and Zach Gowen as legitimate jobs, I still fail to see how Brock's jobbing is possibly killing his heat for another World Title reign.

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-Lesnar is doing so many jobs, because his regaining of the world title is imminent. This is the old mentality that the guy about to win the title should do a few jobs, thus setting up challengers when he wins it.


So its going to be

Spoiler (Highlight to Read):

Lesnar Vs. Undertaker for the WWE Championship Part III @ No Mercy


-There is talk of Rock being the main star of Predator 3. The writer of the script, which will most likely be used, said he would be perfect.


As much as I like the Rock, he should skip on this one. I'm more interested in him filming King Kameamea (sp?) and Spy Hunter.


-Goldust blew out his elbow and will need to take 6 weeks off or possibly longer if he needs surgery.


Damn it.


-They are planning on introducing Ernest Miller as a full time wrestler.


"I'm a three time, three time, three time World Karate Champion! Somebody call my mama!"


-Lita is scheduled to start back this month.




-After trying out the Mortis gimmick at weekend house shows, there is already thought to dropping it.


Just when WWE does something good, they tend on fucking it up! Don't drop this, fuckers!

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Guest nikowwf

Hockey does abysmal ratings. Why would hockey affect getting WWE? NETWORK hockey doesn't get what WWE gets on cable.



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Guest Retro Rob

Wasn't Meltz supposed to cover the Tajiri-Rhyno incident from the Long Island house show this week?

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Too bad about Mortis; I was hoping that he'd at least be given a shot on TV; AFAIC, he's kind of a "can't miss" character, but then, I thought the same thing about the Ultimo Dragon.


And, uh, it's "Kamehameha."

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Guest Trivia247
-There is talk of Rock being the main star of Predator 3. The writer of the script, which will most likely be used, said he would be perfect.

Heh maybe he will convince the script writers to write in cousin Jamal and other Samoan Relatives like he did in Scorpion King.




a Overly Fat Predator scary...

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The Rhyno/Tajiri thing was talked about, but there wasn't anything new in it. Basically it just said they were told to slow down and work a chin lock for a long time until the fans started cheering for a come back. They didn't. Vince came out and did it. Backstage Tajiri acted like he wasn't affected by it, but Rhyno was acting really embarassed and hurt by it. The heat was put on Rhyno and the agents and Vince both came and talked to him.

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