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Guest Trivia247

Goldberg vs HHH

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Guest Trivia247

here comes that dilema, that paradox, that question that traps many in a abyssal plane of doubt where we speculate in circles as to what shall happen to wrestling in the next 12 days


who do we want to Win ...HHH vs Goldberg


the short term effects of either's winning is unnerving


if HHH retains... then Goldberg leaves..(Which of course I don't see as such a bad thing) But also represents a very disgusting point that HHH Had beaten every Established or nearly established Main eventer on the Raw roster..and that he is untouchable.


If Goldberg wins...we potentially gets the WCW Goldberg run all over again (with the exception of him actually getting pinned so his winning streak isn't a issue). What we get is similar to HHH but without the true wrestling background and political connections. Goldberg is truly a hyped marketed character and demanded to be that way since day one.


So...who the hell do we root for?


Outside of the HBK winning the title, HHH has held the belt for a full year. it stayed within the confines of the Kliq. HHH makes it a point to take down any would be contender in such a way that forces them to go into low to mid card status for months afterwards.... Kane, RVD, Steiner, Jericho, Booker T. it gotten to the point of it taking a Goldberg myth to defeat him... and why? its not as if this is the early 90's and HHH has a supernatural gimmick that makes him unstopable.....nor is he overly popular and the constant goodguy (alla Hulkamania) He isn't even a underdog snyde Heel whom always manages to win (Alla NWA's Ric Flair) He makes himself Dominant and if all else fails uses a sledgehammer.


Goldberg got everything handed to him. a contract in WCW that just ignored his limitations as a performer...and caused every other wrestler he took on to be required to make him look as good as possible....from Hugh Morris onward.

few instances of him actually losing come only from overwhelming situations...Tazers, triple teams, sledgehammers etc etc etc. His performance level is never put to task and everyone who faces him must sell like they were hit by a Mack truck.



so what are the positive things here?


HHH comes from wrestling.....as Terra Ryzin in the Indi circuit in new england before becoming a WCW blue blood and later in WWF. He paid his dues to be there, he just stays at the top with underhanded methods and have too much control over other wrestler's careers


Goldberg still got a fanatical Fanbase from old WCW..and has the ability to attract more nonsmark casual wrestling fans. like it or not he does have a sweet gig for himself. doesn't have to do much wrestling and doesn't really have to lose all that often.


the WWE is gonna do whatever they want, often times at the expense of the smark community they despise but enjoy taking their money from.


what is the lesser of two evils?


if HHH wins, then Goldberg doesn't get the title and maybe the stip is true and he wanders off to either TNA or a crappy movie career... But its doubtful he would even go to TNA or any wrestling organization.....because the fact remains is that Goldberg doesn't look to wrestling the same way as Real wrestlers do. To him its a great way to make millions just running around in their underwear .


if Goldberg wins, we at last get the belt off of HHH and get someone fresh to defend it....but we may get a similar situation of Goldberg with his opponents to what we were subjected to with HHH as champ.


you decide whom you want to win..

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Guest webmasterofwrestlegame



Worth the risk at this point. And I can't deny it - he has been getting good pops recently.

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Guest Salacious Crumb

It doesn't matter b/c no matter what Trips will have the belt when next year rolls around.

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Guest wwF1587




fuck i hate myself now



i changed my mind .. Goldberg







FUCK i hate myself even more.. and my stomach hurts now too







Ok fine my final decision is






the mother fucker better not let me down...

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Guest CronoT

At this point, I don't care if they give Goldberg a "Klique Handshake Reign," or if they give him an actual title reign. I just want that damn title off Triple H.


...and if we're all lucky, maybe Goldberg will give Triple H another quad tear......


We can dream, can't we?

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Guest wwF1587

im just saying HHH because i do believe his ego is that big that he wants to be the man that retired foley and goldberg...

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Guest Mulatto Heat
Is anyone else amazed Nash didn't get it?



And to answer the question in the title of this thread: Ignore it. Duh.

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It's not even a question for me. My HHHate is THAT complete.


I would rather have "World Champion Shane McMahon" than HHH.


Fuck, I'd rather have "World Champion DAVID ARQUETTE!" than HHH.

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I honestly say that HHH should win. Unlike Goldberg, he can occassionally put out **+ matches.


Of course, Goldberg will win.

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Guest JMA

Triple H. Because IF he wins, 'Berg will be gone forever. Although, I sincerly doubt Goldberg is losing.

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Is anyone else amazed Nash didn't get it?


I was. I'd figured HHH was going to hook up with his other best buddy too.

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How the hell are either of these men going to actually have a wrestling contest? HHH *CANNOT MOVE* due to his injury and Goldberg is hardly Ric Flair circa 1980's, so don't count on him carrying anything.


This match has the potential to be SO BAD that I'm guessing they'll pull SOMETHING to make it watchable.


One can hope.

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Guest I Fear Hogans Air Guitair

I have to go with Trip's as much as I hate him Goldberg as that much worse.

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Guest Coffey

I'm going to be rooting for Goldberg. I don't hate either man, at least not nearly as much as the majority of IWC smarks do.


Triple H has had the belt long enough and is in worse physical condition than Goldberg. Goldberg would be something fresh, and that is what the WWE desperately needs. I mean fresh as in new to the WWE World Title scene.


On top of that, Goldberg is the babyface, and I have a feeling that in order for me to enjoy Unforgiven, I'm going to have to be in a "mark" type of mood.


Besides, I don't want Goldberg to leave the WWE. I still think that he can help the company.

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That fucking Sledgehammer gets more on-air time then Stevie Richards. With the big push it's gotten from WWE, it's only a matter of time before it gets its own entrance music and video.

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Guest Coffey

The Sledgehammer doesn't have anything on Al Snow's "Head," Saturn's "Moppy," Chavo Guerrero Jr.'s "Pepe" or Al Snow's "Pepper."

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Guest Ray

Goldberg is FAR FAR FAR less stale and less annoying than Triple H.


Goldberg is more over than Triple H.


The choice is obviously Goldberg.




And it matters not that he can't wrestle. Titles aren't given out based on wrestling ability. Goldberg is over and Goldberg was, and could be again, a draw.

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Well, i'm a Bret Hart and HHH fan so guess....

Do you guys realize something, here? If HHH beats Goldturd at the RAW PPV, then HHH will be greater than Foley, Goldberg, and BRET HART!!!!! :ph34r:

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Well, i'm a Bret Hart and HHH fan so guess....

Do you guys realize something, here? If HHH beats Goldturd at the RAW PPV, then HHH will be greater than Foley, Goldberg, and BRET HART!!!!! :ph34r:

Not really, since didn't Bret go 2 and 0 against Goldberg in TWO straight nights???

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HHH has political clout but nobody's actually seen him sit and refuse to job to guys, only assume it.


Goldberg has Creative Control and has only started selling now that Steroidia is his opponent.


HHH usually looks weak until the night of the PPV.


Goldberg never looks weak unless the numbers are drastically uneven.


Neither guy is over without substantial help like Ric Flair or piped chants.


Goldberg can't help getting the fuck booed out of him at every big match.


HHH is a shitty worker.


Goldberg has actually ended careers.


I predict a third man runs in and costs HHH the belt, so we can have this go on to Survivor Series.

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Goldberg isn't HHH. Give Trips some time off to let the injuries heal, have fun with his new wife, and bring him back heading into the Royal Rumble or something (we all know he'll win that and get his belt back at WM XX, but it gets us a few months with fresh stuff). Then do a Goldberg vs. Kane feud or something.

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