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It's official: HHH on HHHiatus

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It appears that this past Monday's RAW was the last appearance Triple H will make for awhile. He has decided to take time off from WWE to film his role in Blade: Trinity and prepare for his wedding with Stephanie McMahon.


Interestingly enough, Triple H is advertised for many upcoming house shows, meaning WWE will likely have to pull the man they have built up for so long as RAW's biggest star.

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Hey, no injury angle, and no putting anybody over (other than Goldberg).

Not to mention him telling people they can't live without him and that they need his sorry sack of shit pressence on the show, which was a clear sign IMHO that HHH isn't too happy with his hiatus and knows that everyone will be living it up until the day he comes back and fucks everything up again like he did in Jan 2002....

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I wish the title had read HHH on DeatHHHbed.


For all you sensitive types out there who might be outraged at anyone wishing death on someone, relax. I don't mean it.




For the rest of you, yes, I do mean it. ;)

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It appears that this past Monday's RAW was the last appearance Triple H will make for awhile. He has decided to take time off from WWE to film his role in Blade: Trinity and prepare for his wedding with Stephanie McMahon.


Interestingly enough, Triple H is advertised for many upcoming house shows, meaning WWE will likely have to pull the man they have built up for so long as RAW's biggest star.

He's gone!






....for now, I know.

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Amazing grace, how sweet the sound

That saved a wretch like me

I once was lost but now am found

Was blind but now I see


'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear

And grace my fears relieved

How precious did that grace appear

The hour I first believed


Through many dangers, toils and snares

I have already come

'Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far

And grace will lead me home


How sweet the name of Jesus sounds

In a believer's ear

It soothes his sorrows, heals his wounds

And drives away his fear


Must Jesus bear the cross alone

And all the world go free?

No, there's a cross for ev'ryone

And there's a cross for me

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Guest Anglesault
Interestingly enough, Triple H is advertised for many upcoming house shows, meaning WWE will likely have to pull the man they have built up for so long as RAW's biggest star.

That's what happens when h top star refuses to make any new stars.


Except, of course, for the guy who refuses to do house shows.

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Guest Anglesault
Interestingly enough, Triple H is advertised for many upcoming house shows, meaning WWE will likely have to pull the man they have built up for so long as RAW's biggest star.

That's what happens when h top star refuses to make any new stars.


Except, of course, for the guy who refuses to do house shows.

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HHH leaves RAW, after killing all the potential main eventer's heat, without putting anyone over except for Goldberg: a part time wrestler(not a real threat to his spot) that won't be in WWE by next year since his contract expires and Vince isn't too fuckin' dumb (i hope not) to renew it. I just wish he would never come back, let Steph waste all of daddy Warbucks' money on making a movie just for HHHomo, hell, let her buy him an oscar for biggest nose in showbiz.

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Guest nikowwf

HHH didn't make Goldberg a new star. He took the whole damn match on offense, worked a match that made Goldberg look weak, and then announced on monday night it was all a fluke and Goldberg was just a placeholder champ.



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Shit, what a waste of HHH's last appearance to make him look like a freakin jobber against Cade, Jindrak, and Maven. They should have centered his leaving on either his injuries, or his being distraught about losing the World Title.

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Guest webmasterofwrestlegame

We need to start a HHH-Watch - where has he been seen, and who is he holding down?


Together, we can stop him.


*stares in camera*

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Guest wrestlingbs

Notice how the WWE tells people to never listen to the internet, but the three people Evolution put over before HHH left were the three people that were rumored to get huge pushes with Evolution.


Building talent my ass. More like they push who they want to.

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Guest TripleHater

Yes no more boring Triple H Promos on Raw for a while,I hope he stays gone for ever but that wont happen.

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Shit, what a waste of HHH's last appearance to make him look like a freakin jobber against Cade, Jindrak, and Maven. They should have centered his leaving on either his injuries, or his being distraught about losing the World Title.

HHH looked the strongest. He's the one that Pedigree'd Maven, saving the day for his team.

Edited by Spaceman Spiff

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Well, basically all of Evolution looked like jobbers. Can you imagine if Nash, HBK, and Goldberg had got their asses kicked by La Resistance before pulling off a fluke victory? It's bullshit the way they have to castrate all the heels.

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HHH leaves RAW, after killing all the potential main eventer's heat, without putting anyone over except for Goldberg: a part time wrestler(not a real threat to his spot) that won't be in WWE by next year since his contract expires and Vince isn't too fuckin' dumb (i hope not) to renew it..

Hooray and I can't wait for him to come back to he can do it all over again! You people get so worked up over something you can't control. Why don't you just let it the fuck go?

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Guest TripleHater

We dont diss HHH all day,everyday now just after monday and ppvs and we usually respond to some older threads.

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Guest RollingSambos

He is the most insecure man walking the face of the earth. He knows that he is not half as entertaining or charismatic as a Jericho or a Rock or as good in the ring as an Angle so he bashes these guys every chance that he gets.


Kurt Angle doesn't need to ram it down our throats that he is the greatest professional wrestler today, because his matches speak for themselves. HHH goes out and does ** matches on pay-per-view and then comes out on RAW the next night and basically whacks himself off in the ring for 10 minutes so that people will pay attention to him. He's got the personality of a 5-year-old child: "Look at me! Look at me! No, don't look at him, look at me!" Steph is exactly the same way, so it's no wonder that they are a couple.


The sad part is that HHH KNOWS that he isn't the best...that's why he's got to play his political trump card (Steph) and run down people that aren't even on his show every chance that he gets.

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What is there to look forward to on Raw? Will it be teh Al & Coach show now? There is no way Randy Ortan can do anything remotely entertaining in the main event.


Will the Peeps champion be able to do something else other than say EXCUSE ME EXCUSE ME I deserve to be on Raw this week?


When Austin out pops the face champion, WWE has problems.


Why could'nt Raven get a title shot?

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