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Guest Jay Z. Hollywood

Attn: Indy folder/Tape Trading People

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And seriously, what's with flaming Jingus? He did his job, and he says he had other sources. The guys been a good mod for years here, and he's not going to act unless he feels its just.


Considering the board has been around for less then two years- how has Jingus been a good mod for years?


And anyone can say they have secret sources.

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Guest BionicRedneck

Tim was just Coey-lite anyway. He added nothing and he won't be missed. Now he can spend more time over at Spider Twist~! licking out Chris Co-Ed's asshole complaining about how stupid every other message board is, while he registers at them. Good luck to him.


Sorry for the spelling mistake Timmy. I am sure you spotted it ;)


Aw man...he did spot it! I see Coey Jr. is pretty upset at his banning. He is bitching to himself. :lol:


Chill, dude. Go and watch some ROH or something.

Edited by BionicRedneck

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Trust me, the other source of information exists. But I haven't talked to him myself, it's been through other parties, so I don't want to name him right now until I get the okay. No, he's not affiliated with this website; yes, he is someone you've heard of. (And no, it's not Bob Barnett, though he was asked for advice in this matter.)

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Guest Jay Z. Hollywood

-Just so you guys know, Patrick McGovern at ichibanpuroresu.com is the other guy backing this up. I'd heard it from Pat first, who heard it from a tape dealer (who I can't name for obvious reasons.)


Besides this IM thing, and the fact that Tim did nothing to defend himself when he read certain threads, is what made me so sure.


Jingus should have a post saying the same thing soon.

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-Just so you guys know, Patrick McGovern at ichibanpuroresu.com is the other guy backing this up.


Jingus should have a post saying the same thing soon.

Yeah, what he said.

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Guest OSIcon

For the record, I told Tim about 5 o'clock this evening that there was an NHB post about him. He went to go post and was banned, which at that point he sent me a message to post for him.


So this "not answering the accusations" thing is, for lack of a better word, bullshit. Hard to answer accusations when you are banned (even though he did through my first post in NHB).


Patrick McGovern...that's a good one. This kid has flamed Tim everywhere (for no reason I know of). He's about as credible of an information source on this matter as ShooterJay is at indentifying wrestlers with charisma (ie. Somoa Joe).


Got to love this: "Patrick McGovern heard it from a tape trader who heard it from (presumably) RF Video." Yea, that's believable evidence right there. For this to work, we are to assume that for some reason RF would tell another tape trader who stooged them off. Then this tape trader would tell Patrick McGovern (who seems to have some deep hatred for Tim) who passes it along to ShooterJay who passes it along to Jingus.


You all got yourself an airtight case there (Once again, that was indeed sarcasm).




Judge Snyder: Do you have any real evidence Mr. Hutz?

Lionel Hutz: We have lots of hersey and conjecture. Those are kinds of evidence, your honor.

Edited by OSIcon

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OSIcon, although the information did travel through a couple of people to get here, we've got it on pretty good authority that Tim emailed not only RF but a couple of other people as well about the matter.

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Guest DonWestMark03

I think a couple of you guys owe Jay an apology. Since it turns out he was working off of more than one source (one in particular being one he trusted), so either way, the blame shouldn't fall on him. Either way, this convo should die, because Tim's not coming back, and he'll be plenty happy at the other two dozen boards he's on.


Now let's just drop it, and get back to who the best TV detective is?


What about those people from Law and Order? Vinny D'Onofrio is cool on the newest one.

Edited by DonWestMark03

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Bob, why are you being so stubborn about this? Tim caused problems he shouldn't have caused, going way beyond flaming or offensive messages or anything else that usually gets people banned. What's wrong with giving him the axe? Hell, considering how little he'd posted here over the past few months, all that really did was free up a few minutes a week of his time.


As for rules, I direct to you the following quote from Dames's Official TSM Rules and Regulations:


Moderators are fully authorized to use their own discretion when dealing with any situation they encounter, and to mete out any penalties they see fit.

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Guest OSIcon

Naw, this is too interesting to just drop.


Let's see some emails Jingus. Seriously, if you are going to ban someone, it should be because you have first source information that you have seen with your own eyes. Not "Well, we got some emails that Tim sent to a bunch of tape traders about this." Let's see those emails Tim sent. If people are tipping you off left and right (don't you love how the number of people with evidence grows with every post) that Tim sent these emails, I would asusme you have or would be able to obtain an email Tim sent to a tape trader. Let's see that.


I am 100 percent, swear on my life and my families life, that Tim didn't send any emails. That's why I keep bringing this up. Let's get to the truth Jingus. Really, what do you have to lose? Nothing if you are right with your sources. Let's see some emails from these sources. Name these other tape traders and how they found out about it. Name this tape trader that contact Patrick McGovern and lets see an email that this tape trader sent McGovern. Hell, let's hear a reason why some random tape trader would contact Patrick McGovern of all people about this. Let's see an email that this tape trader got from RF about Tim being the source. Give a reason why Tim emailed "other people" about the situation and again, let's see some evidence.


Really, you claim to have this evidence but you show nothing and we are supposed to believe its all true? Let's see some emails. I would post some evidence, but there is no evidence for something that never happened.


I know this may seem trivel to some, but it is an issue of someone's integrity being falsely comprised, so it is important. Plus I love a good detective case.



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Bob, why are you being so stubborn about this?


Because I think Tim's banning is a load of shit.


Tim caused problems he shouldn't have caused


What he did was kind of scummy but he all did was point out to Rob that there unauthorised people selling ROH tapes.


going way beyond flaming or offensive messages or anything else that usually gets people banned.


So instead of attacking Jay on the board for what he did- he informed the owner of the company that's getting screwed by this.


What's wrong with giving him the axe?


Because he did nothing wrong. I didn't know informing tape owners that someone was bootlegging their tapes is a bannable offence.


Moderators are fully authorized to use their own discretion when dealing with any situation they encounter, and to mete out any penalties they see fit.


Tim never broke one of the official rules and regulations- you just used one of the rules at the end

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Guest Black Tiger

Why do I feel like one of those defense lawyers on L&O right now? I'd like to be Shambala Green (where did she ever go off to?)


Moderators are fully authorized to use their own discretion when dealing with any situation they encounter, and to mete out any penalties they see fit.


The situation was that Doring put that plug in a post that thousands of people have access to. The board here at TSM has about 3,500 users and god only knows how many just read the columns and don't post.


How can you be so sure it was Tim when there are at least 3,499 others who could have done that? Maybe someone figured RF would thank them by giving them a free tape or something. (Of course that would mean they've never heard of RF Video and their eternall cheapskate-ness)


Didn't Jay post some not so flattering comments about Gabe in there? Hey maybe GABE read them and got mad so he reported to Rob about Jay plugging his buddy.

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Moderators are fully authorized to use their own discretion when dealing with any situation they encounter, and to mete out any penalties they see fit.

Seems to me like you just banned him because you don't like him.

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Guest DonWestMark03

Some of you people need lives- seriously.


Jingus, you're a mod, you don't have to justify shit to a couple of losers with too much free time and no sense of perpective. I mean, come on, it's a fucking WRESTLING MESSAGE BOARD. Close this fucking thread.

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Guest RickyChosyu
Tim was just Coey-lite anyway. He added nothing and he won't be missed. Now he can spend more time over at Spider Twist~! licking out Chris Co-Ed's asshole complaining about how stupid every other message board is, while he registers at them. Good luck to him.

In all of your disliking for Tim, can you come up with one reason why he should have been banned? Last I checked, "I don't like him," isn't enough grounds for banning someone.


It's strange that you occused Tim of not contributing enough, because all you seem capable of attacking people who can't post here to defend themselves. Is this supposed to demonstrate what Tim should have been doing?


This entire situation is a joke, but posts like yours don't help, do they?

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Some of you people need lives- seriously.


Jingus, you're a mod, you don't have to justify shit to a couple of losers with too much free time and no sense of perpective. Close this fucking thread.

I'm just playing devil's advocate, for the most part. I don't really like Tim, but I really think that his banning (for this reason, at least) is complete bullshit.

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Some of you people need lives- seriously.


This coming from someone who said they were leaving the thread a long time back. Guess you have such a great life as well.

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Guest OSIcon
Some of you people need lives- seriously.


Jingus, you're a mod, you don't have to justify shit to a couple of losers with too much free time and no sense of perpective. Close this fucking thread.


Yea, that's good. Drag someones name falsely through the mud so that tape traders may not want to do business with him because of fear that they may get "ratted out". For a wrestling fan whose credibility does come into play with watning to buy tapes, I think that's a pretty important issue.


Though the "You're in charge, do what you want" is a 5-star argument. Just call him Jingus-McMahon. Or even better Adolf Jingus :)

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Guest RickyChosyu

And while I'm at it, is there anything in the rules and regulations that prohibits what Tim did?


If not, you're basically saying "We don't have to adhere to those rules," which pretty much makes them worthless, which pretty much undermines any credibility this website could wish to obtain (not that a website with a folder *devoted* to "flaming" could have that much credibility to begin with).


Why bother with rules? Why not ban anyone you dislike? It worked with Coey, didn't it?

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