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More people watched Coach/JR than RVD/Xian

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In a rating that illustrates if you treat someone like a mid-card wrestler, they draw like a mid-card wrestler, the Rob Van Dam vs. Christian ladder match on Raw on Monday came 0.3 short of matching the rating for the Jim Ross vs. Coach match in Q5.


The peak Neilsen Media Research rating of Raw came for the 3.9 rating, whereas the ladder match opened with a 3.3 rating in Q8 and grew only to a 3.6 rating in the overrun, one of the lowest overruns in a long time.


The overall Raw rating was 3.4, a drop from the 3.6 rating the week before, which was a drop from the 3.7 rating the week before that.


The real damage in the Raw rating seemed to be for Kane vs. Hurricane, where the rating dropped from the 3.9 for the announcers match to a 3.4. It grew only to a 3.5 for the Goldberg & Shawn Michaels vs. Ric Flair & Randy Orton match, and then actually dropped 0.2 for Q8 containing the beginning of the ladder match.


Meanwhile, on Monday Night Football, the Green Bay Packers were blowing out the Chicago Bears, so an "overly attractive or competitive football game" cannot be the blame for the ratings drop.


-- Wade Keller, www.PWTorch.com

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Guest MikeSC
RVD gets blamed, jobs to Steiner at the next Raw PPV.

They were the ME.


ME gets blamed.


Rob isn't that big a draw.


ECW learned that.


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Apparently an old white man whipping a black man with a strap is good watching.

....I suddenly feel sad to be a wrestling fan.

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Guest wildpegasus

This was my first Raw watched in weeks. I thought they did a better job than the last time I saw RAW. The one thing I noticed is that they were calling the tag match the main event. I had forgotten all about the ladder bout and the only reason I remembered it was because my friend reminded me.

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RVD gets blamed, jobs to Steiner at the next Raw PPV.

They were the ME.


ME gets blamed.


Rob isn't that big a draw.


ECW learned that.


with that line of thinking, Coach and JR are the biggest draws on raw and should ME every show from now on.

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Guest Rob Edwards
RVD gets blamed, jobs to Steiner at the next Raw PPV.

They were the ME.


ME gets blamed.


Rob isn't that big a draw.


ECW learned that.


with that line of thinking, Coach and JR are the biggest draws on raw and should ME every show from now on.

would that actually surprise anyone?

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They were the ME.


ME gets blamed.


Rob isn't that big a draw.


ECW learned that


Or maybe the TV folks saw the Coach/JR match and said "This sucks" and changed the channel cause you notice the ratings goes down after the match so I guessing it turned off many folks.

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Guest JericholicEdgeHead

And the sad thing is that WWE wants to cater to those 0.3-5 of the rating points of "casual viewers" rather than the 3.0 strong loyal fans that will watch the show throughout.


Vince should realize by now that those "casual fans" that tune in for a few minutes here or there during an over the top skit, most likely will NOT order the PPV's or go to the live shows.

But the sad thing is Vince wants to make those "casual fans that flip back and forth during the show" happy instead of keeping the core audience happy :(

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Guest Trivia247

what a sick sad world.


starts contemplating sending my wages to TNA to help them go national

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Guest JumpinJackFlash

Maybe its because everyone thought Rob Van Dam would win. I mean, he's had chances for the title in Singles matches, and Christian sneaks out of losing the title. When he puts the title on the line in a no DQ ladder match, where to take your belt away, you have to climb a ladder, people probably think think Rob Van Dam would win. So, they decide to not watch it and watch the football game instead, where a winner has yet to be determined.

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If anything people would tune in if they knew the title was changing hands. Reference Foley winning the belt for the first time. Tony Chiovanne announced it on Nitro and a shitload of people changed the channel. I know the world title is a lot different but for the most part this would be similar.

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It this simple, the ratings tell a simple story.


People watched that part of that coach/JR crap, and turned the channel. The ratings took a plummit. RVD/CHristian ALMOST got the all back but didn't.


THey ran a crappy show, annoucned another match for the ME and RVD/Christian still brought back good ratings. I think this is more of a case of people forgetting to turn back after being turned away by so much crap.

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I think you're right there Ripper.

I mean the ratings plummeted after that Strap match and slowly went up. Which would lead one to think that everyone quit watching because of that BS but then came back to see what was happening and a good fraction of that returned for the ladder match.

So RVD and Christian can't really be blamed for this. But JR/Coach can as they killed the ratings for the rest of the show.

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And now I officially hate everyone.

Me too.




I think it could be explained that people tuned in for the Ross/Coach match, saw that it sucked, and lost all desire to see anything else happen.

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Yeah they mentioned the ladder match once and it was never spoken of again. Then Ross called the next match the main event. What's to make anyone from thinking "Oh boy here comes a crappy interview...the main event just ended 20 minutes early...."

I know when I was watching it I was wondering what could be next after the Main event then I saw the IC belt being strung up after the commercial break and was like "Oh yeah....forgot about that......"

So...once again RVD/Christian can't be blamed.

Plus it's as everyone says. They build these two up as a mid card act and then expect them to draw? Not likely. Hell it should've been the hour one main and had JR/Coach as the main...then we'd see what story those ratings would be. I gurantee you JR/Coach would be the lowest rated segment on the show if it was placed in the ME spot.

Once again you can't blame RVD/Christian.

It think it's a testament that RVD/Christian were even able to bring ANY viewers back after that crap.

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Guest Deviant

Good god how big is the ass on that Williams sister in Ripper's sig?!?


Meanwhile, those ratings are just depressing, no matter how you interpret or justify them.

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That's why as fans we shouldn't give a rats ass about ratings. Sure, their fun to rip apart and blame the low ratings on this one and that one, but even if the shows did 6.0 ratings we would still rip them apart. Bet your ass, if this board was around in 99/2000 we would had bitched about the shows then as well.

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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist

So, do we finally accept RVD is NOT a draw???


And before the RVD Freaks jump on me, hear me out, if he was a draw, and the saviour of the WWE, and at all talented, people, casuals and fans alike would have sat through the JR/Coach match and said...Man, RVD is coming up.


RVD not a draw.

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So, do we finally accept RVD is NOT a draw???


And before the RVD Freaks jump on me, hear me out, if he was a draw, and the saviour of the WWE, and at all talented, people, casuals and fans alike would have sat through the JR/Coach match and said...Man, RVD is coming up.


RVD not a draw.

No one expected him to be.


The man hasn't been pushed in almost TWO YEARS.


He just got done jobbing in every feud he's been in this year.

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