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ABC News article:


Arnold’s New Battle

Schwarzenegger: ‘I Cannot Remember’ Expressing Admiration for Hitler


S A N D I E G O, Calif., Oct. 3— Arnold Schwarzenegger was ready to put his California gubernatorial campaign into high gear with five days left before the election, but after facing allegations of sexual harassment he is now trying to explain claims that he praised Adolf Hitler.


ABCNEWS obtained a copy of an unpublished book proposal with quotes from what was called a "verbatim transcript" of an interview Schwarzenegger gave in 1975 while making the film Pumping Iron.


Asked who his heroes are, he is quoted as saying, "I admired Hitler, for instance, because he came from being a little man with almost no formal education, up to power. I admire him for being such a good public speaker and for what he did with it."


He is also quoted as saying he wished he could have an experience, "like Hitler in the Nuremberg stadium. And have all those people scream at you and just being total agreement whatever you say."


The story broke just as Schwarzenegger was kicking off his bus tour of California — an event that was supposed to be the crescendo of his campaign.


The author of the book proposal, Pumping Iron's director, George Butler, told ABCNEWS that the quotes needed to be seen in the context of Schwarzenegger's admiration of powerful men, and that he never said anything anti-Semitic.


In an interview with ABCNEWS, Schwarzenegger said he didn't recall making the remarks, but said he has no admiration for Hitler or the Nazis.


"I cannot remember any of this, all I can tell you is that I despise anything that Hitler stood for," he said. "I despise anything what the Nazis stood for … anything that the Third Reich stood for. Anything that they've done, the atrocities that they've created … and this is why for many many years I've been fighting against prejudice.


He said he has given "millions of dollars" to the Simon Wiesenthal Center, and called Wiesenthal "one of my heroes … because he always preaches justice."


Later Thursday evening, at a news conference with wife Maria Shriver at his side, he repeated the denial.


"I don't remember any of those comments because I always despise everything that Hitler stood for," Schwarzenegger said, calling the Nazi leader a "disgusting villain."


This is not the first time Schwarzenegger has had apparently pro-Nazi remarks come back to haunt him. Last week he was reminded of a toast he gave to Austrian President Kurt Waldheim at his wedding. At the time Schwarzenegger gave the toast, it had just been exposed that Waldheim had committed Nazi war crimes.


"That was a mistake, and I know but we can grow and it's always easy to be smart in hindsight," the actor-turned-candidate said.


Sexual Indiscretions


There have also been a growing number of allegations about Schwarzenegger mistreating women.


A front-page story in Thursday's Los Angeles Times, California's largest newspaper, quoted six women who claim Schwarzenegger groped or made sexually offensive remarks to them. One woman told ABCNEWS she encountered Schwarzenegger in the 1970s when he was a bodybuilder.


"The gym was quite full and Arnold was there and I remember him passing by me and groping my breast," Elaine Stockon told ABCNEWS. "And I was just in sheer shock."


Of the six women who spoke to the newspaper, four would not give their names. One claimed that 20 years ago, Schwarzenegger "grabbed and squeezed" her left breast. She told the Los Angeles Times she "just started crying and crying." She said he did not rape her, but he humiliated her.


The Los Angeles Times also quoted a woman, who asked not to be named, and worked on the movie Terminator 2, who claimed Schwarzenegger "would pin me against the corner of the elevator" and try to pull off the straps of her bathing suit.


He confronted the allegations directly Thursday. "I have done things that at the time I thought then was playful but now I recognize that I have offended people. And those people that I have offended, I want to say to them I am deeply sorry about that and I apologize."


Gov. Gray Davis, the man Schwarzenegger is hoping to replace as governor, told ABCNEWS he did not feel comfortable commenting on the allegations against Schwarzenegger of sexual misconduct that have appeared in the media because they have not been substantiated, but he said that the former bodybuilder's remarks about Hitler shocked him.


"I don't see how anyone can admire Adolf Hitler. Any decent American has to be offended by that phrase," Davis said. "I am prepared to say that anyone who says they admire Hitler shocks the public conscience, because there's nothing about Hitler that warrants admiration, nothing at all."



ABCNEWS' Linda Douglass and Brian Rooney contributed to this report.

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I think this one will actually bounce off quite easily. Schwarznegger has raised large amounts of money for the Simon Weisenthal center, and a leading rabbi and center founder has already done a news interview with CNN defending Arnorld and saying that he has helped more than any other actor to raise public awareness about the Holocaust.

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Why the fuck was anyone wearing bathing suits on the set of T2?


Yeah, thats the comment that I took away from that whole article.

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Guest Salacious Crumb

Well these continued stories just kill the credibility of the other damaging ones.

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I think this one will actually bounce off quite easily. Schwarznegger has raised large amounts of money for the Simon Weisenthal center, and a leading rabbi and center founder has already done a news interview with CNN defending Arnorld and saying that he has helped more than any other actor to raise public awareness about the Holocaust.

Agreed. These late-breaking attacks are pinpricks, if that.

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A great LA Times op-ed from one of my University's most commy law prof's:



A Deplorable October Surprise

By Susan Estrich


October 3, 2003


So this is the October surprise? The Los Angeles Times headline that Arnold Schwarzenegger groped and humiliated women?


None of the six women interviewed by The Times filed legal charges. Four of the six were quoted anonymously. Of the two who were named, one, a British television hostess, had told her story to Premiere magazine years ago, and it has been widely known and largely ignored. The other recounts an alleged incident of fondling at Gold's Gym nearly 30 years ago.


The anonymous incidents occurred on movie sets and consist of touching a woman's breast in the elevator, whispering vulgarities and pulling a woman onto his lap. Though emphasizing that not everything in the stories was accurate, the candidate responded Thursday with an apology: "Yes, it is true that I was on rowdy movie sets and I have done things that were not right which I thought then was playful, but now I recognize that I offended people." And he pledged to treat women with respect if elected.


As a professor of sex discrimination law for two decades and an expert on sexual harassment, I certainly don't condone the unwanted touching of women that was apparently involved here. But these acts do not appear to constitute any crime, such as rape or sodomy or even assault or battery. As for civil law, sexual harassment requires more than a single case of unwelcome touching; there must be either a threat or promise of sex in exchange for a job benefit or demotion, or the hostile environment must be severe and pervasive.


But none of these women, as The Times emphasizes, ever came forward to complain. The newspaper went looking for them, and then waited until five days before the election to tell the fragments of the story.


What this story accomplishes is less an attack on Schwarzenegger than a smear on the press. It reaffirms everything that's wrong with the political process. Anonymous charges from years ago made in the closing days of a campaign undermine fair politics.


Facing these charges, a candidate has two choices. If he denies them, the story keeps building and overshadows everything else he does. Schwarzenegger's bold apology is a gamble to make the story go away. It may or may not work.


But here's my prediction, as a Californian: It's too late for the Los Angeles Times' charges to have much impact. People have made up their minds. This attack, coming as late as it does, from a newspaper that has been acting more like a cheerleader for Gray Davis than an objective source of information, will be dismissed by most people as more Davis-like dirty politics. Is this the worst they could come up with? Ho-hum. After what we've been through?


To his credit, Schwarzenegger apologized for "behaving badly." So should the Los Angeles Times.

_ _ _



Susan Estrich, a professor of law and political science at USC, is the author of "Sex and Power" (Riverside Press, 2001). She was national campaign manager for Democratic presidential nominee Michael Dukakis in 1987-88.



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A great LA Times op-ed from one of my University's most commy law prof's:

Man, I was watching Hannity and Colmes last night while on the treadmill (OMG FAUX NEWS CHANNEL LOL 2003!) and man did Susan E. go OFF on this subject. Colmes said some harsh things as well, but he doesn't count as a liberal because Al Franken said so.


I don't think I have ever seen Susan that pissed off before, and I remember her during Clinton's impeachment. (I normally don't watch H/C unless they have someone one I want to hear from *Kelsey Grammer for example* but they were doing a live show from Philly and I just love hearing from partisan crowds no matter what side they are on because it's funny as hell.


Anyway, when watching this show I heard about the "Hitler" story when FAUX NEWS LOL 2003 did the bottom-of-the-hour-headline-update. I swear I nearly fell off my workout device from laughing so hard.


So I thought about it what was to admire about Hitler for a few seconds.


1) He was neat.

2) He had great organizational and multi-tasking skills.

3) He didn't eat meat.


All were admirable traits. Sure there was that whole "Master Race" idea, but let's not nitpick.


Please, please, please "South Park" do an episode on this whole mess...

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Hey, Drudge is reporting this too.




Though I won't defend the L.A. Times. Hell, I read the SF Chron, one of the oldest Hearst papers, and while I've noticed the editorializing in the frontpage news go down drastically over the past year, the L.A. Times is so biased that I could never bring myself to read it.

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Guest MD2020

George Will predicted this on 9/4/2003


Ken Khachigian, a veteran Republican strategist, warns that [Arnold] Schwarzenegger should brace himself for what has become the Democrats' trademark tactic. In football it is penalized as a "late hit," but in politics it is often rewarded with success. George W. Bush received such a hit in the final weekend of the 2000 campaign--the revelation of his drunk driving arrest 24 years earlier. That probably contributed to an unusual development: Late-deciding voters, who usually break against the incumbent party, broke for Vice President Gore in 2000.


California Republicans have experienced late hits three times in the past 11 years. In 1992 Bruce Herschensohn narrowly lost a Senate race against Barbara Boxer when it was revealed on the Friday before the election that he and his girlfriend and another couple had visited a strip club. In 1994 Michael Huffington narrowly lost a Senate race against Feinstein when, a few days before the election, it was revealed that he had hired an illegal immigrant as a nanny. In 1998 Darrell Issa--he is now a congressmen; his $1.6 million funding of the recall petition drive produced this recall election--lost a Senate primary when it was revealed that he had embellished his military record.


A late hit by the Davis campaign against Schwarzenegger cannot come so late that there is no time for another such hit, one against Davis's other problem, Bustamante. This could get even uglier.


Found at www.opinionjournal.com/best (Yesterday's addition)

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Speaking of Will, a few years back he made a scathing Juanita Broaddrick reference when talking about Bill Clinton and the LA Times edited that passage from his column. (For the record, I thought that whole situation was B.S., but you don't edit out a syndicated columnist's work unless you are in a serious crunch for space. You let them say what they have to say and let the readers decide.)


Funny how the LA Times thinks 4 anonymous accusers, with some accusations dating back to when I was in diapers and when some of you were just itches in your daddy’s pants, deserves front-page coverage several days before an election...

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I'll refrain from speculating as to the possible bias of ABC, but anyone who doesn't think the LA Times is just ridiculous has a serious problem.


They're really trying their hardest to find any piece of dirt they have on Arnold. If this is the best they can come up with, though, it's pretty sad, given the effort they're putting forward.

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Guest MikeSC
I'll refrain from speculating as to the possible bias of ABC, but anyone who doesn't think the LA Times is just ridiculous has a serious problem.


They're really trying their hardest to find any piece of dirt they have on Arnold. If this is the best they can come up with, though, it's pretty sad, given the effort they're putting forward.

Heck, the women didn't even come forward.


The Times approached them.


And they sat on the story for a while.


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Funniest part was a republican strategist calling this a "democratic tactic" yah sure, azif both sides don't pounce on these situations alike.

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And they sat on the story for a while.

Grow up, Mike. You and your right-wing paranoia can get downright laughable at times.


It just so happens the Times simply wanted to get the facts straight.


And it just so happens that the facts got straightened out right before the weekend leading up to an election where is just so happens to look like the Times' preferred choice of governor, Davis, is in danger of losing his position.


And the story just so happened to break late in the week (but not at 5 p.m. on Friday, which is when most places that want to slide bad new under the radar make their announcements), which just so happens to give the Times ample "time" to write a bunch of follow-up stories about all of this in its more widely read Sunday edition.


And you think all this is not a coincidence.


Yeah, and I bet you hide under your bed at night just waiting for the U.N. to invade your living quarters...

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Guest SideFXs

Every one-half hour news break, on the radio, its Arnold's sexploits, 30 YEARS AGO, from very credible sources B-) . WMD's where are they?, as if that is the primary reason for going there? And allegations of Rush Limbaugh seeking OxyContin and his true comments about media bias towards minorities.


Get the man that is energizing the conservative movement, in California, get the President, and get the conservative spokesman.


Is there any other news happening in the world?


I find myself laughing at the liberals last gasp......


I was five, when the hippie movement started and I thank the Lord, we are seeing the last of these scoundrels and their Stalinist tactics.

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Every one-half hour news break, on the radio, its Arnold's sexploits, 30 YEARS AGO, from very credible sources B-)


Get the man that is energizing the conservative movement, in California, get the President, and get the conservative spokesman. 


Is there any other news happening in the world?


I find myself laughing at the liberals last gasp......


I was five, when the hippie movement started and I thank the Lord, we are seeing the last of these scoundrels and their Stalinist tactics.


Do you have any idea what you're talking about?


If the hippies (Hippies?) were using "Stalinist" tactics, Rush Limbaugh would be laying in a shallow grave in Pennsylvania, with a hole in his head.



And allegations of Rush Limbaugh seeking OxyContin and his true comments about media bias towards minorities.


You're a silly old man.


WMD's where are they?, as if that is the primary reason for going there?

That's funny. I could have sworn that this was Bushies "primary" reason(or should I say his third primary reason?) for going to war

Edited by B-X

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Guest SideFXs

You are right B-X. Stalin did shoot his enemies in the head. No one person or group has attained ultimate power and control, for that to happen yet.


But in Communist Russia, Stalin also controlled the masses:


by using the media


by replacing a faith in god, with a dependence on government,


by using words and political correctness to destroy enemies


by taking away the individuals right to defend themselves


I think its pathetic what the media is doing. I think it will only serve to seal their fate. Try as they might most people in America see what is going on here. This is an orchestrated attempt to destroy a conservative movement, that is reclaiming America. What news? There is no news reporting anymore.

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Guest JMA

Oh God, it's Rob Stone... :lol:


Anyway, there is no conservative movement that's going to "take back" America. America has always been divided by both liberal and conservative thought. That's one of the great things about this country. You seem to VERY paranoid and afraid of liberals, SideFXs. Why is that? What do you hate about liberals so much? Do you think we're all God-hating commies who want to secularize America? Our society has gradually changed into a socially liberal one. And I, for one, couldn't be happier.

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I think if your going to do that you need a little change in the words.


Fox news = Faux news.


Hmmmm, it's 5 a.m. and my creative juices aren't what they normally are, which isn't saying much.


How about -- OMG LA SLIMES LOL 2003! -- It's not much but it will have to do for now.


One thing I forgot to mention admist all the recent current events talk -- take note because I'm going to go against my Lord Bill O' Reilly.


The other night when the Arnold and Rush stories were unloaded onto the public (the Sexist Arnold story, not the Hitler-Lovin' Arnold story mind you) O'Reilly devoted the first half of his show to these two events.


Then he says at the bottom of the hours when pimping his next segment: Stay tuned for our most important story of the evening. It dealt with WMD's.


The most important story of the evening -- something that actually could affect Americans -- gets pushed back for Rush and Arnold.


Tsk, tsk, tsk...

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And allegations of Rush Limbaugh seeking OxyContin and his true comments about media bias towards minorities.

Right, because the Drudge Report (who were the first I saw carrying this story) is a bastion of the conservative-bashing liberal media. :rolleyes:

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