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Have two job interviews Tuesday

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I've never been on a job interview before. I've either worked for my dad or people I've know my entire life. So I have an idea what to say, but it anyone has any pointers lemme hear them.


I have Target at 9:15am Tuesday and Best Buy at 11:00am Tuesday. When I filled out both aps I put stocking as what I wanted to do.

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Just don't accept their challenge to a spelling bee. Because the second you spell "hear" as "here", you'll be out the door. :P

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Even though it goes against my personal philosophy, it never hurts to kiss some ass. In most interviews I've gone to, the interviewer ended up having ME ask THEM questions. They told me "Your application/resume tells us about you" so they asked what I wanted to know about working for them. I've found that in such a situation, the ability to shoot the shit with them should leave a favorable impression.


Otherwise, don't say anything offensive. If you aren't sure, don't say it. And absolutely, positively do NOT give just one-word answers (unless it is quite obviously a one-word answer).


Oh, and dress nice. That means tuck your shirt in and have your tie straight.

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It's Target and Best Buy. You don't need to wear a tie.


I worked at Target for a few years and they'll just put you wherever. Depending on how old you are you might get stuck pushing carts, working at the food place, living on a register, or running electronics. You will get hired, though, as long as you have some indication of being a competent human being. You don't need to suck up too much; just be confident. Target and Best Buy are good places to get started...just hope you don't end up there for too long, cause it can get pretty damn monotonous after a couple years.

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I worked at Target a year and a half ago for some extra income (in addition to my 40 hour job at a software company). What they want to hear from you in the interview is about being a team player. They ask questions about what you would do if a customer comes up to you while you are heading out to lunch, what you would do if it was your time to go home and the person on the next shift is running late, how you would deal with coworkers who suck, steal, etc. Keep your answers PC and the job is yours.

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Guest stardust

Be friendly and honest. And odds are, they'll throw you some questions that you won't be expecting, some of which are random, some of which are ethical, some of which are just about you. I know that when I was interviewed for Old Navy, I was asked what my long-term goals were, why I wanted to work at Old Navy, and what the most important thing about working retail was. They also asked me questions about my previous jobs, too, and my classes and stuff, so, yeah.

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At least you people don't get the psychological bullshit questions I get.





That among other bullshit questions.

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Get a haircut, remove what ever piercings you might have on your face, hide whatever tatoos you have, speak english is all you need and always be confident.

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At least you people don't get the psychological bullshit questions I get.





That among other bullshit questions.

I got asked what kind of car that I would be at a job interview.


I was like, "Uh, could you repeat that, please?"

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

My job asked me, in about fifty different wordings, if I've ever stolen anything. The thievery in that warehouse is INSANE. There's people in the back that make out with a 500 dollar candy display over the course of a week or two.


There's also perscription medicine and cigarettes in there.

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yeah CVS is all about being a team player. Hell there you take a few classes and they let you touch the drugs. Hell I knew more about the different medications than people who had worked there for 10 years

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At least you people don't get the psychological bullshit questions I get.




That among other bullshit questions.

Heh. I interviewed for Comcast twice. Once was back in 1997, and once was last year. I thought I was interviewing for a different position last year, but it turned out to be the same one as in 1997. And the really depressing thing was that they hadn't changed the starting salary. The recruiter tried to mention the savings from the free cable and internet, but I still just chuckled and shook my head.


Anyway, I got asked that question during my first series of interviews with Comcast, in '97.


Them: If you could be any animal, what animal would you be?

Me: (thinking, and repressing the strong desire to roll my eyes) A tiger.

Them: Why?

Me: Because then I could maul people who ask me questions as stupid and insulting as that one.


No, I didn't get hired then...

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Wow, all I do is just get asked if I would have a problem working in an all-female department. (Wonder if the United Way would ask a similar question to a person with a religion/skin color/etc. different from the rest of his/her co-workers?)


And Rant, what kind of animal would YOU be?...

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Wow, all I do is just get asked if I would have a problem working in an all-female department. (Wonder if the United Way would ask a similar question to a person with a religion/skin color/etc. different from the rest of his/her co-workers?)


And Rant, what kind of animal would YOU be?...

I don't remember. I think I said a cheetah because I react quickly and get stuff done faster than others or some politically correct bullshit that you need to get the job.

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I nailed the Target one. They said they were offering me a job and calling me back next Monday.


Best Buy I think I bombed...I was in a shitty mood cause they told me to be there at 11am, I was. The guy told me to walk around the store till they called me up. 2 hours later I asked them about it and they said it was taking a while cause they lost my application. I eventually got in but I think I had a little attitude for them wasting my morning. I had to take a 4 hour trip later in the day to help my brother move from upstate to here.


I dunno...maybe I came off ok. They're going through the names again tomorrow and deciding who they want to call back.

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