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Kurt and Bret Meet about Mania XX

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From 1wrestling.


In today's Calgary Sun column, Bret Hart gave his answer concerning Kurt Angle's WM XX challenge. Bret Hart said that he spoke with Kurt Angle on Thursday and they had nothing but good things to say about each other. Unfortunately, Bret Hart said that it's impossible for him to ever wrestle again, which we can all understand. Here is the quote:


"If I was going to have one more great match, it would likely be with Angle but he was disappointed to hear me say it's impossible for me to ever wrestle again."


In the column, Bret Hart talks about Kurt Angle's favorite match, Bret Hart vs. Shawn Michaels from WrestleMania XII, which is also one of Bret's favorites.


To read the column in its entirety, head over to Slam! Wrestling http://slam.canoe.ca/Slam/Wrestling/2003/1.../04/217372.html

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I'm glad to see Bret is taking health over wrestling one more time. It sucks how his career went down but it would be worse to see him try to do something that could endanger his life.

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Reality bites, but we can still dream.


Lets just hope he decides to show up at MSG.

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Guest Fook
In the column, Bret Hart talks about Kurt Angle's favorite match, Bret Hart vs. Shawn Michaels from WrestleMania XII, which is also one of Bret's favorites.

I'm surprised this is one of Bret's favourites.


He's had many matches that were better. And with people he actually got along with.

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Maybe it's all just a big swerve!

Folks, this notion needs to get out of your heads right now.


Bret suffered a serious stroke where he could've died. He has just recently learned to walk within the last 8 months and is slowly learning to do things like ride a bike and drive a car. He isn't going to wrestle at WMXX. Dream about it all you want, it ain't happening.


If you want to dream about Angle vs Bret, take it to the fantasy booking forums, please.

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Unfortunately, Bret Hart said that it's impossible for him to ever wrestle again, which we can all understand


Thank fuck.


I'd rather remember the great Bret Hart for what he was, rather than a handicapped version (which is really sad for me to say) in any type of competive match, be it with Angle or anyone.

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I'm not trying to keep hope alive, because quite frankly I honestly don't believe Bret will ever return, but still...


...I never dismiss anything when it comes to Pro. Wrestling. The fact, is that not a single one of US know the facts.

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Well since Meltzer and Bret himself have said that he won't wrestle ever again, that is good enough for me.


The best any of you can hope for is a Bret appearance at WMXX, perhaps a promo. But that fool ain't getting in the ring. Ever.

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Unfortunately, Bret Hart said that it's impossible for him to ever wrestle again, which we can all understand


Well, thanks to the new WWF style, he won't even have to actually wrestle... or do anything... he and Angle can just get into the ring and look menacing at each other


Ironman Standoff!

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When Mick Foley said he was retiring I only half believed him, as it seemed he still loved the business and would probably return for a special event like WM, but when Bret Hart said he was through I believed him, considering his stroke, the death of Owen, his family troubles, etc. I don't want him to come back, I like to look back with nostalgia at the greatness that he was, and not to have it forever tarnished by a very frail shell of a shell of the man he once was.

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I think we all need to see Bret Hart at least in a farewell speech, if not a farewell match before he goes (I hate the fact his last match was a cage match vs. Nash on Nitro that no one remembers). It's just a must for the career he had. But, he needs to put his health over anything else because god forbid something else bad happen to him.


Angle vs. Bret would be still the greatest thing ever, though...even if the match sucked.

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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist

Dreams about Angle-Benoit at WM XX, with Bret presenting the belt to the winner

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Guest T0rrent

Well, it seems Bret and WWE are on at least a professional basis, moving past the infamous screw job. I myself wouldn't want to see him in a ring again due to the huge risk, but I would love to see him give a farewell speech, and in a perfect world, have it coincide with a double disk or maybe even a 3 disk set covering all of Bret's highlights from his career.

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The only way this could happen now is if Bret and Angle are booked on opposite sides of a legends tag match, with one active and one legend wrestler on each team. If booked well, it could serve its purpose with Bret and Kurt each getting to hit their signature spots while Bret wouldn't have to carry the match.

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...What horrible taste in matches.

What, the love of Hart vs. Michaels? I'm surprised Bret in particular would consider that one of his favorites, especially given that he had to job to Shawn, and level of unprofessionalism displayed by both men.

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Guest Anglesault
...I never dismiss anything when it comes to Pro. Wrestling. The fact, is that not a single one of US know the facts.



Bret had a stroke that really fucked him up.


Is he swerving us all with this stroke business?


Another match I would have loved to have seen is Bret Hart vs. The Rock.


They fought on a RAW in 1997


Call me crazy, but I think he meant, you know, the Rock, as opposed to Shitty-Afro Puff Maivia.

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Guest Anglesault
Bret probably only likes it cause he went 60 mins, Kurt probably only likes it cause he's clueless... that still doesn't really excuse it, though.

Bret's brain looks like mashed potatoes. He probably forgot that he hates Shawn when he told this to Angle.

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