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I was going to put this in the sports page, but I didn't think flaming the Yankees was appropriate in the sports thread.


Any Yankee hate can go in here and Red Sox love can go in here too.

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Guest El Satanico

I have a better plan...



FUCK BASEBALL...but goooo Brew Crew goooo

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Um....I'll pass. Hatred of sports teams and other nit-wittiness are what talk radio shows and the Whiner Line were created for.

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Guest El Satanico






Screw the Cubs and the Red Sox...the Brew Crew is way overdue for post season greatness.

Edited by El Satanico

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
I was going to put this in the sports page, but I didn't think flaming the Yankees was appropriate in the sports thread.


Any Yankee hate can go in here and Red Sox love can go in here too.

I am rapidly beginning to hate you again.


Fuck the Sox, wait till the Yanks rip apart their pitching. Pedro? He's ok...then what? Exactly.


For once I'll be begging the Yanks to rip someone apart.

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Guest TheGame2705



There was a riot with fires and overturned cars over a fucking baseball game at my ex-man's school. People need to stop caring about this stuff so much. It's guys running around in cock-strangling pants hitting a ball with a bat and running around in a square. Not a terrorist attack, a new law going into effect, or a medical epidemic.

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I was going to put this in the sports page, but I didn't think flaming the Yankees was appropriate in the sports thread.


Any Yankee hate can go in here and Red Sox love can go in here too.

I am rapidly beginning to hate you again.


Fuck the Sox, wait till the Yanks rip apart their pitching. Pedro? He's ok...then what? Exactly.


For once I'll be begging the Yanks to rip someone apart.

Just because of baseball?


Damn, I don't even like baseball. I just want to piss off all of the Yankee fans. The Yankees have won way too much -- either the Sox, Marlins or Cubs should win the series. I could honestly care less, as long as the Yankees don't win.


But if you're going to hate me, then hate away.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

The Cubs are going to beat the fucking shit out of the Yanks in the series.

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Banky - get some Monistat 7 for that sore pussy of yours. I'd say that Miggy might have some left over, but he has a big sore pussy. He probably needs three bottles. And has little to spare...


Game- no one cares about you. Baseball is religion. If people are willing to kill others because they pray a different way, a few flipped over cars is nothing. Go eat some ass.


Barron- why do you even post, you gangly zit-faced piece o' crap. you look like you have spina bifida or something. Very awkward looking. Your self-important drivel would put

even a hyperactive speed freak to sleep. Just shut up.

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Guest The Old Me

Fuck the Marlins.



Fuck everyone who wants to see the Yankees get fucked. NY at its best is better than most.

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Well, I now hate you Mole.


Look at what I'm wearing in the sig, baby.


...and I'm from The Bronx.



Bring the hate then.

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As a New Yorker AND a Mets fan, I must say:






Jeez, if they ever lost the series against the Red Sox, I would run out and buy a Sox jersey that night, and proceed to walk into school as the only kid there wearing a Red Sox jersey. I would probably get my ass kicked afterwards, but it would have been worth it.



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Hey Barron, care to tell me how the Marlins are a disgrace to baseball? I will not argue with you if you say the 97 Marlins are, but this team is not that team, and this team is anything but a disgrace.


I know a team that plays the game the right way and doesn't rely on a 3 run HR is a disgrace. I know a team with a payroll of only 48 million sending home teams with twice that is certainly a disgrace. I know a team that plays the game with the enthiusasm and unbridled passion of a little league team is certainly a disgrace.


I challenge you, Bob Barron to tell me how the Florida Marlins are a disgrace, and the words 97 and fire sale are not to be used because they don't pertain to this team.


I don't think you can do it without a whole lot of bullshit.

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Well, I'm not Barron, but any team remotely associated with that piece of shit Jeffrey Loria is automatically a disgrace to anything, let alone baseball.

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Ok no one from Canada with personal ties is allowed to answer that either. Everyone hates someone for something shitty they did at one point or another, but that has nothing to do with the TEAM.

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You people need to realize Boston NEEDS to lose. It's part of their legacy. It's what their known for, it's their gimmick! People love the "curse." If Boston ever goes to the World Series and win, it's over. They become just another bland team.


The Yankees kicking your ass is doing you a favor.

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Hey Barron, care to tell me how the Marlins are a disgrace to baseball?


Jeff Loria- the person who owns the team.


and this team is anything but a disgrace.


Are they owned by Jeff Loria? Then they're a disgrace.



I challenge you, Bob Barron to tell me how the Florida Marlins are a disgrace, and the words 97 and fire sale are not to be used because they don't pertain to this team.


I don't think you can do it without a whole lot of bullshit.


I just did it with two words: Jeff Loria.


Ok no one from Canada with personal ties is allowed to answer that either. Everyone hates someone for something shitty they did at one point or another, but that has nothing to do with the TEAM.


I'm not from Canada yet I still find what Loria did to be downright "disgraceful" and I refuse to support any team that he endorses

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He pretty much let all the guys who gave the Marlins their first championship in 1995 go for very little in return.


EDIT: He even dumped the manager, right?

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No, Loria was the owner of the Expos. He bought them in either 1999 or 2000 (I'm not entirely sure) and promised that he'd build a new stadium, acquire talent, and pretty much be everything that the old owners weren't. I'll give him credit, he did at least attempt to get talent, but most of them didn't pan out (Hideki Irabu and Fernando Tatis being the 2 prominent and glaring ones). However, it became apparent that he wasn't committed to Montreal when he let the lease on the plot of land that the team was looking at building their new ballpark on expire.


Then, after the 2001 season, Bud Selig decided that he needed to contract 2 teams in order to fix all the problems that baseball had. He basically worked out a deal where Loria would become the new owner of the Marlins, while the Marlins owner would move into the Red Sox ownership picture. The Expos, meanwhile, would be bought by MLB and, without any owners in place, would be free to be blown off the face of the baseball universe.


So, basically, I despise the man and his new team because of the way he came into Montreal, promising to save baseball (which was very saveable at that point, but probably not so much now), and then skipping out of town the moment something nicer came up. It makes me sick to see the success that piece of shit is having with his new team.


And, normally, I'd probably be rooting for an underdog team like the Marlins, just like I was cheering for the Angels in last year's playoffs.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent

mole - am fucking with you. Don't take everything so literal.


I can't cheer for the Marlins because they have ugly uniforms, and I just can't choose them over great franchises that have been around for decades. It all may seem petty, but unfortunately, it comes into play when I choose my teams.


And as chave says, fuck them all, the A's are tha bomb----diggggity.

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Guest The Old Me
You people need to realize Boston NEEDS to lose. It's part of their legacy. It's what their known for, it's their gimmick! People love the "curse." If Boston ever goes to the World Series and win, it's over. They become just another bland team.


The Yankees kicking your ass is doing you a favor.

This man is right. Boston will be shit without the curse.

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