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EVIL~! alkeiper

The ONE and ONLY World Series Thread

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You should like him, he was an Expo.

Yeah, but he didn't do much of anything in Montreal and since he was traded for Pedro, he should have been able to walk on water, or something.

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Guest Flyboy

Wait. How the hell did the Yankees score 2 runs? This is way you should never stop watching a baseball game.

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Guest Choken One

The yankees proved why they are the best team in the game, A solid base of clutch hitters that have a never say die attitude...

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Down goes Soriano.


And I love Chad Fox as a reliever, but every time I look at him, most notably his sunken eyes I get a terrorist vibe. For whatever reason.

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Guest Flyboy
Man, Jeter is the most clutch player in October.

And, he's soooo dreamy.... :wub:




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Guest Choken One

People can suck ARod's dick, Cream for Nomah and Swoon for Tejada all they want but the fact of the matter is this, No one can touch Jeter in the ability to produce runs at the right time.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
Pierre in scoring position for Pudge and Cabrera. Here we go.

Man, you must have a healthy thirst for disappointment.

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