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Guest Choken One

Chris and Trish sitting in a tree...

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Guest Choken One

althought Stacy would physically work better...



Does Molly pay robust Busy Phillips?

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My head is starting to hurt...so according to the booking sheet, Lita is going to give in to being a whore and bang Nowinski at the Evolution Mansion...and then become friends with Jindrak, helping him overcome his green-ness and love for Cade...


Hey, as long as they're not in the ring.

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Well, after Christian made that smirk after turning away from Lita tonight, its been bugging me, what is he conjuring up in that mind of his? Some foul plan he has in store maybe?


As for Jericho, it seems his character is genuinely in love with Trish. I'm so digging it. Remember back when he was the Undisputed Champion in Feb-March, and when he would come out, being the gentleman, he would call out Stephanie to join him?


Well, I'm kinda hoping to see that again, but instead its Trish he's having come down with him except, sadly, no gold on him.

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Trish and Jericho make a cute on-camera couple.


...I still wonder what their kids would look like though...

They'd be the best damn looking kids...well ever.

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I hope what it turns out to be is that it started as a joke (like Xtain/Lita) but Chris really is falling for her and thusly is either


a) slowly turning

b) playing supertweener




c) when he finally beats the shit out of Austin he'll get the biggest cheer ever AND get to have a girl.

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Jericho and Trish is one of those angles that ALL logic, common sense, and laws of reason tells you SHOULD suck complete ass...


but as we know, logic and common sense do not exist in WWE land...


I'm digging it too, and I can't expalin why. Probably just Jericho's natural entertaining persona. But I'm not enjoying Christian and Lita half as much. Or at all really.

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^ Sadly that's what WWE will give us...


Although it would REALLY create a new dilemea for a heel...


Does he continue his evil ways and trying to get a man fired or does he set his soul free and let his love carry him?


Whoever booked the damn love triangle should write this one...

That's good stuff. TOO good for the WWE writing sadly.


btw his name was Chris Kreski I believe, the head booker in 2000.

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Jericho shouln't have to turn AT ALL. He's found himself a nice little niche as RAW's top shit disturber, moreso than even Evolution. Just because he's falling for a girl, maybe, doesn't mean he can't still be a heel. Hey, they need love and sex too. And I think Jericho has some sort of huge plan in the works, but that's just me.

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I see Jericho likes Trish but when X betrays Lita, Trish thinks it was all a set-up by Jericho and doesn't believe him when he says it isn't. Jericho gets the taste slapped out of his mouth, Jericho and X don't get along in the AUSTIN/BISCHOFF match and so they lose the match allowing Austin to keep his job.


There, that is the point of the angle.

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Well I heard that Matt Hardy is possibly being traded to Raw sometime soon....could this Christian/Lita thing end up as a Christian/Matt feud over Lita?


In all honesty I have no idea where the Jericho/Trish thing is going. I'd like them to surprise me by having Jericho NOT use this as just another heel tactic.

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Um, yeah. I don't exactly think Jericho's a 35 yr. old virgin.

True, but I mean, it IS Trish Stratus.


On another note, there do have an undeniable chemistry. I will tune into Raw now just to see how this ends up. Does Chris go face for the new love of his life? Or does he screw her over somehow and become an even bigger super prick heel then he was before?

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Guest drunkenscarredangel

Too bad there was no footage from their date. Jericho laying on the charm when he was with Trish, but as soon as she's out of earshot, starts acting like a dick to the waiter/waitress/anyone else who approaches, before reverting back to charm when Trish comes back.


Or maybe something slightly *less* predictable.


I love this Trish/Jericho angle, one of the high points of RAW for me :D

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Guest Choken One

All right?


I'd say she's pretty bang worthy.



What are they laughing at and why does she only have gloves on ONE hand?

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All right?


I'd say she's pretty bang worthy.



What are they laughing at and why does she only have gloves on ONE hand?

Her left hand isn't a virgin?


Or maybe she tossed the left glove up into the air or something.

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Guest Choken One
I remember Jericho saying his wife is loaded too. She's suppose to be the heirness(sp?) of Firestone tires.

Didn't The son of the Firestone Empire or whatever have his own Bachelor show as well?


Wow. Dad must be DAMN proud...


A Son who looks for his wife on a reality tv show and a daughter who hooked up with a Wrestler/Part time rock star...

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Guest HardcoreMF'nHolly

I really believe that the Jericho/Trish angle will/should play out this way...it is all an excellent way to turn Jericho face.


Since Jericho was granted a favor by Bischoff to be used anytime he wants, I believe he will use it to get Austin reinstated.




Well, as stupid as WWE have been dropping angles and failing to follow through with them in the past, we all know that bringing back Austin is something that they really must have put alot of thought into already. Knowing Austin, he wouldn't have his comeback any other way without putting thought into it.


I believe that Trish will be going back and forth in her "love" and trust for Jericho because of his constant re-occuring heel tactics. She will also be led to believe that Jericho's friend Christian is just setting up her friend Lita because of backstage promos, talks with Jericho, etc. Trish goes to Jericho and confronts him about Christian. Jericho defends Christian. Eventually Christian does prove somehow that he isn't sincerely interested in Lita (perhaps all a setup by Matt Hardy), which makes Trish upset even more since Lita is her friend. Now Jericho is pissed at Christian for doing whatever he did to Lita that upset Trish so much. Christian could pussy out of having a feud with Jericho by blaming it on Hardy. Trish thinks Jericho lied to her and was on Christian's side or whatever. She might think that Jericho knew that Christian was in on some kind of plan to ruin Lita. Trish will probably at one point "break up" with Jericho making him wonder what it would take to get her back and prove his love to her.


Jericho thinks of a way to use his favor that Bischoff granted him. He knows Trish hates Bischoff. So, like the Survivor Series match he suggested, he ends up suggesting another match that involves getting Austin reinstated or simply using his favor to reinstate Austin somehow. I don't believe Bischoff will be so willing to allow this favor to happen but Jericho finds a way to blackmail him, piss Bischoff off (making Bischoff hate Jericho) or trick him forcing Bischoff to grant him Austin's reintstatement. Why would he do any of this? As we all know, Bischoff is against Lita and is all for getting back at her. Jericho knows that reinstating Austin would help prevent Bischoff, Christian, Hardy, or anyone else allowing something bad happening to Lita or getting her fired again.


Jericho could also suggest to Bischoff a retirement/reinstatement match. Bischoff would grant this match if Jericho has turned face and has pissed off Bischoff who would want him out of the company! If Bischoff threatens to just fire Jericho, someone like Linda could always overrule it because she believes in Jericho or whatever.


Jericho vs. Christian (or Matt Hardy) - If Jericho wins, Austin gets reinstated. If Hardy or Christian win, Jericho must retire or be fired. Jericho is willing to give up his career for Trish's love.


A face Jericho vs. Christian or Matt Hardy at WMXX.


Why else would they have this "love" angle? To make Jericho more of a heel than he already is? I really don't think so. What good will that do? Jericho has pretty much done everything possible as a heel already. Now, I don't want Jericho to turn face. I always felt that he's at his best and most entertaining as a heel! But like I said, since he's done pretty much everything he can do as a heel, and they really need top faces on RAW, I believe they will turn Jericho in time for Wrestlemania XX.


Like it or not, it would be a very interesting and shocking twist, turning Jericho face (a very HUGE face) by reinstating Austin (the man he helped to get fired)!

Of course he got Austin fired in the first place, but if Austin is really in WWE now to help get talent over, this would be a huge way to get one of their most talented guys (Chris Jericho) over as a huge babyface. Jericho "forced" to reinstate Austin. Hesitating at first, but knowing that he'll win Trish over in the end. The buildup would be very entertaining, especially with Jericho in this role.


Jericho's relationship with Trish + getting Austin reinstated + going from an extreme heel to an extreme face = ratings. Big time ratings, probably not, but it would get people talking. This Jericho/Trish angle has got people talking already.


Hey, since this whole Jericho/Trish angle is a hot topic here, and everyone has their suggestions or ideas, I just wanted to share mine. If it actually plays out this way, it will surprise the hell out of me, but I do believe they have a really good match, story, and build up to WM XX if they do this.

Edited by HardcoreMF'nHolly

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