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Shaq vs. Kobe

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from ESPN.com



L SEGUNDO, Calif. -- The Los Angeles Lakers will open the season Tuesday night at home with all four of their future Hall of Famers starting against the Dallas Mavericks ... but nothing even close to total harmony.


That's because Shaquille O'Neal and Kobe Bryant are feuding anew, out in the open, after a long thaw in their historically icy relationship.


O'Neal and Bryant seemed to be interacting comfortably Sunday on the practice floor, sharing the ball freely during an afternoon workout. Then they traded nasty verbal jabs after the session -- arguably their harshest comments since L.A.'s second championship season -- all stemming from O'Neal's suggestion Friday night in Las Vegas that Bryant "should probably look to be more of a passer until he gets his legs strong."


Bryant, recovering from offseason knee and shoulder surgeries, didn't welcome the suggestion, saying: "I definitely don't need advice on how to play my game."


Not even advice from O'Neal?


"Definitely not," Bryant continued. "I know how to play my guard spot. He can worry about the low post, and I'll worry about the [perimeter]."


When apprised of Bryant's reaction, O'Neal lashed out harder.


"As we start this new season, we want [expletive] done right," Shaq said. "If you don't like it, then you can opt out next year. As long as it's my team, then I'll voice my opinion. If you don't like it, then opt out."


That was a reference to Bryant's plan to exercise an option in his contract at season's end and test the free-agent market next summer, a stance Bryant has said he won't change in the wake of his felony sexual assault charge in Colorado.


Asked to clarify his "my team" remark, O'Neal added: "Everybody knows that. You [media] guys may give it to [bryant] like you've given him everything else his whole lifetime, but this is the Diesel's ship. So ... if you ain't right [physically], don't be trying to go out there and get right on our expense. Use the people out there, then when you get right you [can] do what you do."


Not since the middle of the 2001-02 season -- the second of L.A.'s three consecutive championships -- have O'Neal and Bryant sparred in the press like this. Their relationship seemed to blossom into friendship during the third championship and also appeared to survive last season's 11-19 start and subsequent crash out of the playoffs with a second-round loss to San Antonio.


Throughout this first month back to work, however, there have been thinly veiled hints from O'Neal that problems have resurfaced, starting from the veterans' first day of training camp in Hawaii. Bryant did not fly on the Lakers' team charter and reported to camp a day late. O'Neal said at the time that "the full team is here," leading some to speculate that he preferred to play this season without the distractions attached to Bryant's court case.


Days later, explaining why he was sitting out an exhibition game with a sore left heel, O'Neal said: "I want to be right [in the regular season] for Derek, Karl and Gary.'' He was referring to Derek Fisher and new teammates Karl Malone and Gary Payton -- and O'Neal ommitted Bryant's name from the conversation more than once.


Malone and Payton, by contrast, have publicly supported Bryant as strongly as anyone in Lakers circles. But even Payton has urged Bryant to ease his way back into the team flow, after Bryant fatigued quickly and shot poorly in the second half of the Lakers' final two exhibition games.


Eyebrows were also raised when Bryant, for Thursday's exhibition in Anaheim against the Clippers, rode his motorcycle to and from the game instead of riding on the team bus.


Yet O'Neal, when pressed, insisted that the Lakers can play through any problems he's having with Bryant.


"I don't really worry about that," O'Neal said when asked about the state of the relationship. "I'm here to do a job. ... If he's open, I'm going to give it to him. If I'm open, I expect him to give it to me. I don't care about [expletive] else he does, and I know he don't care [expletive] else I do."


What's clear is that Lakers coach Phil Jackson, who spoke to reporters before his stars started volleying barbs, has his first real challenge of the season, less than 48 hours before the season opener. And it's right in his own locker room, not in a Colorado court room.


Asked about how he plans to play against the Mavericks on Tuesday night, Bryant said: "No change in my game whatsoever."


Said O'Neal: "Just ask Karl and Gary why they came here. One person, not two. One. Period. ... I'm not telling [bryant] how to play his position. I'm telling him how to play team ball."

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Guest Polish_Rifle

I don't believe it. I think it is an elaborate plan by Phillip to draw attention away from the alleged rapist and his legal problems. I won't start enjoying this "feud" until the Lakers get eliminated from the playoffs and Kobe opts out of his contract.

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Guest Redhawk
Reason #451 Why OaO threads suck.


Thank you. I wonder why the WWE forum doesn't get broken down into OaO threads for each wrestler but the Sports forum is always a bunch of OaO threads.

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Guest Polish_Rifle

^ I agree. We should only have oao threads for the playoffs or the all-star game.

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Kobe is ripping into Shaq on Sportscenter right now! (Via phone interview conducted by Jim Gray) Saying Shaq's toe injury was fake, etc. Shaq was the only one who never called him...etc.


Wow. This team is finished.

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I saw the Jim Grey phone in but have to wonder now if that was fake like the Bartman call in. Anyway I have to agree with the Kobe statements in that Shaq is just an overgrown child who is jealous of him.

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Guest Just J

Kobe does need to take a less of a role right now. He's not 100% and he is going to miss some time because of the trial. He should become less of a shooter and more a passer.

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Well Kobe said that he has worked with injuries more painful than a mere sore big toe such as back, knee, broken teeth, shoulder injuries. Nearly everyone including Shaq's uncle called to support him when the trial became big news. Kobe said he does not care whose team it is and does not need to be the leader. Some statements about Shaq bitching about a contract extention for a large sum of money even though he was not in shape last season.

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Yes, but to suggest Shaq can't win without Kobe is silly. Twist the question around. Can Kobe win without Shaq? Kobe's no better than T-Mac, and the Magic usually sit on the fringe of playoff contention.

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What did Shaq win before Kobe was a Laker?

absolutely nothing


what was that thing he always said use to say " I won at every level except High School. College and NBA"


Most Dominant my ass, the Most Dominate player in the NBA is Tim Duncan

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What did Tim Duncan win without David Robinson?


The question, in itself, is nonsense. You can't prove anything this way.

Actually David Robinson was past his prime when Tim Duncan joined the Spurs.

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Guest FrigidSoul
So who's the first Laker this season to bitch about their number of touches? Anyone?

Rick Fox....but since nobody cares about him he's just ignored

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