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Ric Flair: Greatest worker, wrestler...

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Guest Rob Edwards
This part wasn't about whether Austin was better than RVD, it was about whether or not RVD was a good wrestler.


Well Austin was certainly a better wrestler than RVD's ever been, hell if your defenition of a good wrestler is a repetitive flipboy then why not petition WWE to build the fed around RVD, Styles, Red, Skipper and co?


He was holding his arm and screaming in pain a lot. Do you remember where he did the shoulderblock and fell down because his shoulder was hurting him so much?


and then proceeded to totally no sell it 90% of the time, hell stop start selling's even worse, is he hurt or isn't he? god knows what he was supposed to be in that match and I must have missed the screaming, hell I must have missed RVD EVER screaming, he might occasionally moan a little bit but thats all you get from the guy.


It annoyed me because Chris looked ON that night, had he been with Eddie he'd probably have worked a ****1/2 classic, but we got ledt with a *1/2 match (and thats being generous)


Funny, that doesn't seem to stop people from chanting RVD in every match. He's a draw now according to the breakdown of the ratings. Just not a huge one. And you don't think he would be huge if they did something with him? Okay, then.


Yep that ladder match where Coach and JR outdrew him sure showed everyone what a massive draw he is!


Look I don't mind RVD the potential draw, he's just not a potential super draw, as a high midcarder I have no problem with him because on look and connection with the fanbase he deserves to be there, but a run on top would expose him BIG time. Think back to 2000. Rikishi is a massive star and people chant his name, he has a cool gimmick which gets him over with the crowd, but he can't really work long matches and hold them together and he can't talk very well thus he can't carry his end of a main event feud, even against Steve Austin, Rob's the same, why do you think they threw Angle in there at No Mercy? make no mistake the buyrate wouldn't have been helped if Rob was there on his own against Steve and the match would have been bumped down the card to leave Rock/Jericho as the main event (and rightfully so)


and can you really see RVD cutting a heartfelt Flair/Foley/Austin/Rock/Jericho style money promo that makes the mainstream crowd want to see a match on it's own?


A 20-30 minute RVD/HBK match would be bad?? Was that a joke? Fans have only been wanting to see that one since about 1996.


By "fans" you mean "a small section of ECW marks"


And that couldn't be because everyone was losing interest, could it? I mean, let's take a look and see what would happen if we did the same thing to other names. The month where they pushed Jericho and Benoit to the moon was close to the worst month for ratings of the year.... That night where Jericho and Benoit won the tag team titles brought the ratings down from a 4.5 to a 4.2. This was coming off of a PPV and the week before had Austin/HHH vs Kane. And it was built throughout the night. The week after, with Benoit vs Austin, meaning after the TLC match, RAW got ANOTHER 4.2. Angle vs Benoit made it go down even lower to a 4.1. Was that their fault too? Does that mean that Benoit and Jericho can't and won't ever draw?


I fucking love Benoit but no he'll never be a draw, look at other figures of Jericho ME's in 2000,2001,2002 for evidence that he has what it takes, he's WWE's best total package when Rock's not around and they utterly waste him, there's not a facet of the business Chris doesn't outshine Rob in


Dude, that's exactly what I said. It's nothing to do with Hogan's in ring skills. It's everything else. You're just rephrasing it in a different way.


Yes..cheering for what people are doing in the ring and the timing and structure of their comebacks has NOTHING whatsoever to do with ringwork

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I openly admit to being an "ECW mark" BUT I do not want to see another HBK/RVD match. It would've been AMAZING in say 1997. But right now, nope.

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Guest MikeSC
So they wasted a huge chunk of time?


No, they were trying to tell a story that you and Ray didn't like.


Considering that neither guy sold any pain after the resthold-a-thon in the first half of the match, I think we're a little closer to the truth here.


Because he recognizes that the booking was due to Bret and Shawn being dicks and nothing else.


Maybe we recognize that the booking of HHH and Rock was due to them being lazy and not being able to hold anyone's attention with one fall for 60 minutes. How do you like that?


Umm, judging by crowd reaction and overall critical acclaim, Hart v HBK didn't exactly enthrall anybody.


Ironman matches aren't meant to have one fall. Rock and HHH simply put on a much, much better match.


Hmm, the announcers called Steiner v Hunter at Rumble physically intense and a good match.


I guess it was now.


Not the same thing. It's the announcers job to oversell a match. It's also the announcers job to explain what's happening in the ring.


But when the GUYS AREN'T SELLING IT, it's just them pulling crap out of their butts.


No different then inventing psychology that wasn't there.


Do you think they just forgot what to do in the last 40 minutes? :huh:


I think they simply chose to not sell ANYTHING from the first half of the match.


Their "shitty-looking" holds blew the restholds from WM12 out of the water. Again, I never openly noticed the restholds in Rock v HHH. You couldn't help but notice them with Shawn v Bret.


All I noticed was two restholds, the only two that lasted for over a minute. After Shawn hit the timekeeper and right before the final 10 minutes.


Then you must have dozed off.


Don't blame you. I did too.


Kurt said that Shane had the hardest punches in the business.


Shane flies like a butterfly and stings like a bee!


Kurt was, allegedly, serious.


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