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More Hollywood imports headed to WWE...


- WWE has brought in two "storyline consultants" from Hollywood to analyze the current WWE product and tell Vince and Stephanie McMahon what can be done to improve things. As expected, the consultants have no previous experience in the wrestling business. Both consultants were at RAW and Smackdown this week, getting an idea for the product.



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Guest cpac

I have an absurd idea. Why doesn't the WWE just bring in die hard wresting fans. This would be like a major league baseball team asking a 2 year old to consult their team. What the fuck does a person from hollywood without any wresting experience know about the product. I am so sick of this shit. I am sick of hearing that the WWE hires writers from Saturday Night Live and

Madtv. There are very big reasons why those 2 shows suck.

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Guest Fook
More Hollywood imports headed to WWE...


- WWE has brought in two "storyline consultants" from Hollywood to analyze the current WWE product and tell Vince and Stephanie McMahon what can be done to improve things. As expected, the consultants have no previous experience in the wrestling business. Both consultants were at RAW and Smackdown this week, getting an idea for the product.



That's just what we need on a wrestling show: more unfunny sitcom stuff

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This baffles my mind. They know they're in trouble and need someone to lead them and they have both Paul Heyman and Jim Cornette on the payroll, one doing nothing besides on screen and the other being wasted in the minor leagues. I mean, for goodness sake, they are like poler opposites in booking but both are considered the best minds in wrestling, why the hell doesn't WWE turn to THEM instead of Hollywood writers who don't know a wristlock from a wristwatch!? Is it pride? Vince can't admit that anyone else can do wrestling better than him? Thats kind of what he's doing by hiring more consultants anyway, that are just going to make things worse! I mean, Jesus, even Eric Bischoff is on the payroll. For all his past mistakes, the man was in charge of the most succesfull wrestling company in history for 2 years! It's like between Heyman, Cornette and Bischoff, all of whom you're paying anyway mostly just so other promotions like TNA can't take them and you can't add even use one of them to make your own shows better?! 3 people who have spent their very life in wrestling... I just don't get it...

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Guest Goodear

Please, the wrestling part is easy. The creating and managing numerous storylines every week and effectively recreating the product every few months is the hard part.

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Please, the wrestling part is easy. The creating and managing numerous storylines every week and effectively recreating the product every few months is the hard part.

HELLO!?! Heyman in ECW, and WWF Smackdown for most of last year!?! His downfall was he couldn't handle the business end, he knows how to create compelling characters and stoylines! Jim Cornette?!?! Booking what Im told is some of the best storylines out there in OVW with nothing less than green jobbers! The man practically created Southern Wrestling! And even Bischoff was a creative spark but the business end and contracts bogged him down. You're telling me that none of these guys who THEYRE ALREADY PAYING BASICALLY TO DO NOTHING wouldn't be better than an assistant writer on Dharma and Greg or whoever the hell they find/!?!!?

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The problem is Vince and Steph are on air characters. They want so badly to be the main focus of the shows, and since they don't wrestle on the regular they need "good" storylines to keep them active on the shows.


If they take themselves off air and let the writing team, Bischoff, Heyman, Cornette and other wrestlers on the roster write and book some of the shows and Vince and Steph over looking all the idea's they like and dislike the shows would be better. They wouldn't be so concern on how THEY can make the shows better by being "non-wrestlers." They could concern themselves with the actual wrestlers being the main focus of the storylines where the wrestlers could tell a story not only through the storyline itself, but in the ring.


Strip this product down and get back to basics.

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Guest Goodear

Cornette is wayyyyy too old school from what I've seen of his booking in Smokey Mountain and Heyman (while GREAT at hiding weaknesses) isn't great at paying off storylines. But that's neither here nor there since thats not what I'm trying to say.


The point of the matter is that the harder part of the wrestling business is not the part that happens in between the ropes. What the WWE needs is a push in making sure their characters and storylines don't become a tangled mess of wallah wallah. An actually talented television consultant would work wonders for WWE right now as they continually twist for ways of getting people interested in their stories and main events. THATS where WWE's principle weakness is.

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Storyline consultants doesn't necessarily mean that they're going to be writers. The idea I get from this is that they're people who will tell Vince/Steph whether or not storylines make sense and have the correct continuity [you don't need to be a wrestling fan to understand that]. Two things which this company sorely needs.

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This baffles my mind. They know they're in trouble and need someone to lead them and they have both Paul Heyman and Jim Cornette on the payroll, one doing nothing besides on screen and the other being wasted in the minor leagues. I mean, for goodness sake, they are like poler opposites in booking but both are considered the best minds in wrestling, why the hell doesn't WWE turn to THEM instead of Hollywood writers who don't know a wristlock from a wristwatch!? Is it pride? Vince can't admit that anyone else can do wrestling better than him? Thats kind of what he's doing by hiring more consultants anyway, that are just going to make things worse! I mean, Jesus, even Eric Bischoff is on the payroll. For all his past mistakes, the man was in charge of the most succesfull wrestling company in history for 2 years! It's like between Heyman, Cornette and Bischoff, all of whom you're paying anyway mostly just so other promotions like TNA can't take them and you can't add even use one of them to make your own shows better?! 3 people who have spent their very life in wrestling... I just don't get it...

The reasons why Vince and Steph will never allow Heyman, Cornette, and Bischoff to help out with booking/writing of WWE shows:


• Vince would never allow any of them to do so because of his ego. Hell, he spent the majority of the last ten years trying to put Bischoff out of business. They're just kept around so they can't be useful to anyone else who is trying to start/run a promotion. If this is the case, it's rightfully so since he's the only one in business today. However, he is propably paying them very well and should definitely try to find a better use for them to justify keeping them on WWE's payroll.


• Steph doesn't want anything to do with them because it's quiet obvious that they obvoiusly understand the nuances of booking a wrestling promotion more than she does. Bringing them in would propably make her look foolish (or make others question her ideas, at worst), and as the head of WWE's creative team she would be looked down on, especially if any of the three came up with any ideas that actually drew. Not only would Steph look less important in the WWE machine, but she would certainly look foolish to her father because of all the ratings losses during her time in command.

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Storyline consultants doesn't necessarily mean that they're going to be writers. The idea I get from this is that they're people who will tell Vince/Steph whether or not storylines make sense and have the correct continuity [you don't need to be a wrestling fan to understand that]. Two things which this company sorely needs.

Consultants are a great idea. Most television series have them just to make sure that the show makes sense from week to week. Hiring them isn't necessarily a knock against the current writers. It can only help create better programming.

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The problem is Vince and Steph are on air characters. They want so badly to be the main focus of the shows, and since they don't wrestle on the regular they need "good" storylines to keep them active on the shows

So true but you forgot about Shane and the bump from the heavens that he does twice a month.

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Storyline consultants doesn't necessarily mean that they're going to be writers. The idea I get from this is that they're people who will tell Vince/Steph whether or not storylines make sense and have the correct continuity [you don't need to be a wrestling fan to understand that]. Two things which this company sorely needs.

I disagree. It would help a ton if they were wrestling fans and knew their history. That is the problem with a lot of the storylines. They ignore the past and act like it never happen. Some storylines would be better if they worked off past feuds and storylines.


These writers, consultants, whatever, don't know these guys characters past and present so that will screw up the future.

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Guest wildpegasus

WWE. Oh, how I laugh at thee.


McMahon loves soap operas . That combined with the fact that I believe he always wanted to be a wrestler but wasn't is the reason why we have the horrable storylines we do. With the other McMahons loving the spotlight as well, I don't know if we'll ever get out of this mess.

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Guest Goodear

And when exactly was a Jim Cornette production a rousing success? Because as far as I remember, his federation was built around The Armstrongs, The Rock 'n' Roll Express and Tony Anthony.


Oh, tell me the one again how the Demon that rose from THE OHIO RIVER was a good gimmick again.

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Guest BionicRedneck

Right now Cornette is managing to book a more compelling, intelligent and entertaining product.


Oh, and SMW used to own~!

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I'd like to say one thing


Hollywood does not view WWE as a step up. If you have to get a job working for the WWE, you have officially hit rock bottom in terms of Hollywood. Meaning, the WWE hired people who thought they had brillant ideas to make the Jeff Foxworthy show better.

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Storyline consultants doesn't necessarily mean that they're going to be writers. The idea I get from this is that they're people who will tell Vince/Steph whether or not storylines make sense and have the correct continuity [you don't need to be a wrestling fan to understand that]. Two things which this company sorely needs.

I disagree. It would help a ton if they were wrestling fans and knew their history. That is the problem with a lot of the storylines. They ignore the past and act like it never happen. Some storylines would be better if they worked off past feuds and storylines.


These writers, consultants, whatever, don't know these guys characters past and present so that will screw up the future.

Well, then you'd have to have a compromise and hire consultants who are wrestling fans at the same time. Those are few and far between. Most die hard wrestling fans [obviously] don't have the qualifications to be a consultant for a television program, regardless of how much they know about the product.


I'd rather have consultants that have no wrestling background and keep us from seeing crap like Kane showing up at a hostpital in his ring gear to beat up Shane McMahon, than someone who's claim to the job is knowing how many times The Rock has been a heel or a face.

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Despite his faults, Eric Bischoff completely reinvented sports entertainment by going live each and every Monday night and taking on a stale WWF product at the time. Granted, much of Bischoff's success came from having Ted Turner's money but I find it difficult to believe that he has nothing to offer creatively with Vince McMahon's money to play with this time. He's a wrestling fan. He was instrumental in establishing the cruiserweight division, taking successful concepts from Japan, introducing the AAA lucha libras to American audiences and contributing to the biggest merchandising concept pre Stone Cold - the NWO. The man came damn near close to running Vince McMahon out of business. What is even sadder than the fact that he is just an on screen character at the moment is the fact that WWE "creative" have done nothing really to play on the legitimate back story of Bischoff and McMahon. Nor a storyline that could say that Shane McMahon bought WCW out from under Bischoff. Hell, even in the Austin/Bischoff feud, references to Bischoff firing Stone Cold from WCW and thinking he was nothing but a mid card wrestler have been few and far between.


Paul Heyman creatively led the company that Vince McMahon and WWF Attitude Era tried the most to emulate. WWE pretty much pursued him upon ECW's financial decline for his creativity and knowledge of the business. Remember JR's references to drinking the "Kool aid"? Think of what this guy on creative could do with a roster like Angle, Benoit, Cena, Lesnar, Paul London, Spanky, World's Greatest Tag Team, Eddie Guerrerro, etc?


Heyman's demotion was bullshit, plain and simple. He disagreed with McMahon and was negative towards the product. The same problem they reportedly had with Tommy Dreamer and Edge. Maybe there is a reason to be negative about the product but let's wait and watch the ratings, buy rates and attendence to decline even further before we start listening to these voices. Imagine where WWE would be if McMahon didn't listen to Vince Russo's negativity towards the product in 97? It wouldn't exist right now.


You have wrestling minds on the pay roll from Heyman, Bischoff, Cornette, Dreamer, etc. I don't disagree that a Hollywood type consultant is a bad thing. Just in a consultant type role. It's time to give up on the Stephanie McMahon Experiment however. I understand that she's daddy's little girl and she needs to learn the business that will eventually be in her inheritance. You know what, Linda McMahon knows quite a bit about WWE business but she never had reigns on creative. Let Stephanie sit in the office with her and learn how to manage the books and finances. She's had her time to learn creative and it's time to move on to more capable wrestling minds.


In twenty years of watching wrestling, I have rarely turned the station and I do that more and more as of late with WWE television. And it's not because the talent poll is boring.

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