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Is Nathan Jones the worst wrestler ever?

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Guest Salacious Crumb

He'd have the guy on the ground and then proceed to Stomp each part of the body. It would take like 5 minutes to do and the premise I never really understood.

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He'd have the guy on the ground and then proceed to Stomp each part of the body. It would take like 5 minutes to do and the premise I never really understood.

The Garvin Stomp was the greatest finisher EVER~

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
Ahmed Johnson. Worst. Wrestler. Ever.

I agree. I'd rather wrestle a guy who just truly SUCKS, then a guy who is not quite as bad but injures everyone.

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Guest wildpegasus

Don't want to diss any wrestlers here but I've seen worse wrestlers than anyone mentioned here. You young pups don't know how lucky you have it these days.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
There are 2 types of people on Earth:


People that mark out for the Garvin Stomp.


People that secretly mark out for the Garvin Stomp.


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Guest BionicRedneck
Ahmed Johnson. Worst. Wrestler. Ever.

But he was so entertaining on the mic!

Well, his promo about his momma was pretty good. It went:


"mmuhuhmmmammmmam, momma, washuhseretismuruhiam *grunt* minimum wage"

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You know, seeing that Nathan Jones had disappeared since April, I assumed he was out training or something. Why do I get the feeling he just sat around his house, maybe lifted some weights, and one day got a call from Vince who was desperate for a new hoss.

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There are 2 types of people on Earth:


People that mark out for the Garvin Stomp.


People that secretly mark out for the Garvin Stomp.


A double team Garvin Stomp on the Tree of Whoa and a Spike Dudley stomp off of the ropes would be the Greatest Spot in the History of Pro Wrestling.


Oh the pain, the horror, the pschology~

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Nathan Jones is NOT the WORST.


Close to the worst, but not the worst.


At least he knows one wrestling move (more than New Jack)


My pick for the worst...Zeus as mentioned...maybe Warlord...or Berzerker.






Oh, one more: Jeep "Bane" Swanson.

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Guest Hass of Pain

Zeus was hands down worse than Nathan Jones and for my money the worst wrestler to ever work a major promotion. If you saw anything Jones did in WWA you know he has at least eight moves under his belt, he even used to do a crazy Foley elbow to the floor from the apron. He still sucks worse than anyone in World Wrestling Entertainment by far, but at least he has worked some 10 minute one-on-one matches at about 1/4*. Zeus on the other hand had THREE moves --a bearhug, a nerve hold and that double club-- and even in those slow paced times when they would put ANYONE with Hogan, they aborted plans for his world title match at WMV and only stuck him in a few tag matches before dumping him because he was that atrocious in the ring.

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Guest Super Pissed Smark

Oh, c'mon, Zeus, Gonzales, even Big John Studd?


Sure, they were all really bad, but at least they were different, Studd was way bigger than just about anyone back then and made to look credible against Andre. Zeus was freaky huge and made out to be unstoppable (while Savage wrestled the match) and they got two PPV main events against Hogan out of him. Gonzales was taller than anyone who's ever wrestled and that furry outfit he wore was hilarious. Um, where was I going with this, yeah, yeah, they sucked, but they all stood out in some way. Jones is just another fairly big roid boy in a sea of fairly big roid boys. He brings absolutely nothing to the table and he'll never main event against Hulk Hogan (we hope). He is by far the worst, most undeserving, most pointless, most useless guy. And you can milk him like a cow. The guy is the functional equivalent of livestock.

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Jones looks awful, but my "top" 3 is still Giant Gonzalez, New Jack, and Mongo McMichael.

I agree with everyone there but McMichael. I know he's fucking AWFUL, but at least he could do one reletively interesting move (his 'tombstone', if you'd call it that).


With Jones, the excitement stops at a shoulder block.



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Come now.


Was Tiny "Zeus" Lister ever really a true wrestler? Or just an actor temporarily working as a wrestler for a nice paycheck?

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Guest Choken One

Zeus wrestled like 2 Matches People...He was just a extension of Hogan's Movie.


Jones, is actually supposed to be a Wrestler.


Ahmed Johnson might be the worst simply for the fact he couldn't go a match without injuring himself or someone else in the process.


Giant Gonzlaez might have been good for Comic relief but that doesn't explain EL GIGANTE does it? Where Turner (wanting to make SOMETHING outta his disapointing draft pick sent him to WCW because he figgered "He's Tall and funny looking...Send him to my rasslin company") and WCW actually tried to make this guy the #3 face behind Sting and the Steiners.

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Did Nathan Jones play Suge Knight in a shitty made for TV movie about MC Hammer's career filled with actors on par with Tony "Big T" Norris?


Don't think so.


Seriously though, how low does it get when Ahmed Johnson is one of the main characters in a movie? He doesn't even have any star power so the only reason left would be....acting ability.

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Guest Choken One

Ahmed Johnson=TV movie playing as Suge Knight


Giant Gonzlez-Baywatch


Zeus-No Holds Barred


Jones-Brad Pitt movie...


Well, Jones MAY or MAY not be the worst wrestler but he damn well has the best agent of the bunch.

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Guest Boo_Bradley

You realize the Ronnie Garvin you guys are judging was pushing 50 at that point... none of you (probably) saw him in the 70's when he was fueding w/ Savage and Andre.... his good ole ICW days

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