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Guest Choken One

What "cena" thing do you like most

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Guest Choken One

One of the most important things to have when trying to get over is a "HOOK" and that could be a Catchphase, A Signal or some sort thing that sets you apart from others...



Austin had his Middle Finger and a Wide Assortment of Catchphases from Hell Yeah, Bottom Line and What and that made him over for a long time.



Rock Had his COUNTLESS amount of Catchphases.


Hogan had his stuff too...


RVD has his THUMB POINTY thing...


The point of this meaningless ramble is this...


What is your favorite "cena" thing or what have you noticed others doing recently?


A). Word Life Hand Signal

B). The OOOKAY Shoulder rub thing

C). You Can't see me

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Guest Anglesault

Well, I don't understand what any of it's supposed to mean.


Although i heard the Word Life is supposed to be a "U" for "Untouchables"


The other two I don't understand at all, so I pick choice a.

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Guest ToddRoyal

In at least one interview, Cena said the "word life" sign was ripped from a bumper sticker he saw, with that sign and the phrase "Too metal for one hand"


So its essentially the "death metal" signal that Jerry Lynn used all the time, but w/ two hands.

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Guest Choken One

Yep it is indeed...That's another great thing about Cena...Like The Rock, He keeps doing new things that the FANS can imitate in their lives...


All RVD (Mr. Over Boy) does is when not crying and running his comic Book store is point at himself...while it works...shows he doesn't care to create new stuff...

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Yep it is indeed...That's another great thing about Cena...Like The Rock, He keeps doing new things that the FANS can imitate in their lives...


All RVD (Mr. Over Boy) does is when not crying and running his comic Book store is point at himself...while it works...shows he doesn't care to create new stuff...

Well, that was random. That RVD thing came out of nowhere...


Anyways, yeah, it's pretty cool that Cena constantly comes up with those things. You know why? BEcause I can use it and no body will now what the hell I'm doing. Fun times for me.

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Guest Anglesault
Yep it is indeed...That's another great thing about Cena...Like The Rock, He keeps doing new things that the FANS can imitate in their lives...

Of course, the scenario where you rub your hand in front of your face and say "You can't see me" (despite evidence to the contrary) would have to present itself.

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Yep it is indeed...That's another great thing about Cena...Like The Rock, He keeps doing new things that the FANS can imitate in their lives...

Of course, the scenario where you rub your hand in front of your face and say "You can't see me" (despite evidence to the contrary) would have to present itself.

That's the best part about it. When you do it to people, no one will know what the fuck you're talking about. The reactions on people's faces are priceless.

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Guest MikeSC
Yep it is indeed...That's another great thing about Cena...Like The Rock, He keeps doing new things that the FANS can imitate in their lives...

Of course, the scenario where you rub your hand in front of your face and say "You can't see me" (despite evidence to the contrary) would have to present itself.

Maybe a Democratic candidate for President could do that. Perhaps that Dennis Kucinich guy.


Nobody can see him.


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Guest Choken One

Uh Actually..."U Can't See Me" is a decent taunt to use.


I saw some guy doing it at a Pick up game yesterday...

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Guest Choken One
Yep it is indeed...That's another great thing about Cena...Like The Rock, He keeps doing new things that the FANS can imitate in their lives...

Of course, the scenario where you rub your hand in front of your face and say "You can't see me" (despite evidence to the contrary) would have to present itself.

That's the best part about it. When you do it to people, no one will know what the fuck you're talking about. The reactions on people's faces are priceless.

It's not any different then when MC HAMMER said "U can't touch this"

when he was standing 2 feet in front of you.

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Guest Anglesault
Uh Actually..."U Can't See Me" is a decent taunt to use.


I saw some guy doing it at a Pick up game yesterday...

What the hell does it mean?


If someone came up to me, rubbed his hand in front of his face and said "You can't see me" I'd punch his ass out cold and ask his unconcious body who can't see who.

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Uh Actually..."U Can't See Me" is a decent taunt to use.


I saw some guy doing it at a Pick up game yesterday...

What the hell does it mean?


If someone came up to me, rubbed his hand in front of his face and said "You can't see me" I'd punch his ass out cold and ask his unconcious body who can't see who.

Heh. Aren't we the bad ass AS?

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Guest Anglesault
Uh Actually..."U Can't See Me" is a decent taunt to use.


I saw some guy doing it at a Pick up game yesterday...

What the hell does it mean?


If someone came up to me, rubbed his hand in front of his face and said "You can't see me" I'd punch his ass out cold and ask his unconcious body who can't see who.

Heh. Aren't we the bad ass AS?

I have little to no patience for stupidity.


My "posse" calls it "anger issues"

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Guest Anglesault
But Angle, your hands can't hit what your eyes can't see.

Shows what you know.


I'm out to prove that damnit, I can see them and I won't stand for idiocy.


And I'll show the Jackass that he can't see anyone if his I is swollen shut.

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In a high school soccer game in which I recently competed, an opposing player shoved one of my teammates, a sophmore. Being one of the vetran senior players, I ran over and told him to get away from my player. He said some stuff back, I said some stuff back, and as one of his teammates walked him away from the scene, I did "Word Life" and yelled it at him as well, spur of the moment without realizing it. This was right in front of our team's fans, so the wrestling fans popped for it. Fun times.

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What "cena" thing do you like most


I love it when the wigger isn't on my TV, does that count?


Hey, he's got a mouth and some charisma. That's all. His ringwork is bad bad bad. He's all mouth and nothing to back it up. I can't figure out all the Cena love around here. He's the total opposite of what a SmartMarks' dream is.


Oh, and I absolutely HATE his gimmick. It's already worn out on me a long time ago. I also feel that his wigger gimmick won't help him to really become a Main Eventer, actually it would most likely keep him down in a silly character that is on par with Scotty2Hotty...

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What "cena" thing do you like most


I love it when the wigger isn't on my TV, does that count?


Hey, he's got a mouth and some charisma. That's all. His ringwork is bad bad bad. He's all mouth and nothing to back it up. I can't figure out all the Cena love around here. He's the total opposite of what a SmartMarks' dream is.


Oh, and I absolutely HATE his gimmick. It's already worn out on me a long time ago. I also feel that his wigger gimmick won't help him to really become a Main Eventer, actually it would most likely keep him down in a silly character that is on par with Scotty2Hotty...

Wow, what an ignorant statement......... Why does he have to be a "wigger"? Because he listens to Hip Hop music and dresses urban? I'm like that too and i'm light skinned, so am i a wigger?


Anyway, the one I like the most is "ooo......kaaaaaay"

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We sat down to watch the Italian Job the other night......Mark Walhberg walks onto the screen and my friend goes "Hey!? Why the hell is John Cena in this movie!?" It had us rolling for a good 5 minutes.

Oh and yeah the word life thing is a rip off of "TO MUCH ROCK FOR ONE HAND! WHOOO!" I do the word life thing sometimes.

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In a high school soccer game in which I recently competed, an opposing player shoved one of my teammates, a sophmore. Being one of the vetran senior players, I ran over and told him to get away from my player. He said some stuff back, I said some stuff back, and as one of his teammates walked him away from the scene, I did "Word Life" and yelled it at him as well, spur of the moment without realizing it. This was right in front of our team's fans, so the wrestling fans popped for it. Fun times.

That just reminded me of one time when I was younger I was playing in a Youth Basketball game. I went down the court, scored a lay-up and then went center court and did the Shawn Michaels pose like on the front of "From the Vault", when he stand-splits and flexes.

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