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FF X-2 thread

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Guest FrigidSoul

Nobody should run water while they piss, you gotta think about the fishes and how they need that water.

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To be fair..I am extremely dissatisfied with DBZ's dub because it isn't a few nipples taken out. It is a whole new show. That's where most of the crazed anti-dub people come from.

I suppose you're referring to the ones who bitch about...


*plane explodes*


"I see their parachutes! They're okay!"


Or... *building blown to bits*


"It's too bad this is Sunday, or there might have been people in that building."


"HFIL"/"next dimension"


...and so forth--yeah, I agree about that. Yeah, they want to tone down the violence, but there are certain series that you just shouldn't do it to.

My guess is with DBZ and SM, the US animation companies thought they were getting a kid's series (by US definition) but by the time they discovered it wasn't suitable for poor impressionable American kids' minds, Japan had already cashed the check and changed their locks.

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It's not just that. It's that they've also change crucial plot points, gotten horrible VA's who actually hate the original and think that the dub is the only "true DBZ"(talk about arrogance), and have added in terrible terrible music.

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Guest Kamui
Also, the people who think that Saturday Morning is the appropriate place to make a stand on the American view of homosexuality or nudity (OMG THEY MADE ZOICITE A GIRL HOW DARE THEY!??!!) crack me up.

JOTW, there's a difference between "accepting/knowing" why a change was made and liking it. Sure, I know WHY they made two of my favorite anime characters of all time into "cousins" and I can understand it, but that doesn't mean I'm screaming with joy everytime I hear them call each other "cousin". Again, there's a difference.


Plus, I'd be a little bit nicer to the dub if all it did was censor out the violence and sexuality, but rather they never did a direct translation otherwise, and there's WAY too many plot holes that just weren't there in the original version. Plus, characters are turned into jerks (I can list a million bad things Mars says/does in the American version that she never does in the Japanese one, Neptune and Uranus are also changed from bad-asses to complete jerks, and MERCURY of all people actually insults Moon!) and bad slang is added in. I can't understand why they'd do THAT.


Still, if people like the dub, good for them, and as long as they release the subtitled version as well, I don't care (this is the same stance I have on everything, by the way). DBZ, I can't comment on its changes because I'm not a fan of the show.


Andrew, yeah, I know there's some problems. Never recall myself saying Japan was perfect. I was just pointing out that not EVERY Japanese man thinks the same, but you changed it to "culture", so yay.



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I like the Sailor Moon dub. I was obsessed with the first two seasons of that show but lost interested in 3.

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Guest Kamui
I like the Sailor Moon dub. I was obsessed with the first two seasons of that show but lost interested in 3.

As a rule, if you liked the Sailor Moon dub then you'll love the subtitled version. I got started on the dub too, then I found the sub online and I was hooked forever. Generally, the sub is just the dub version, only more dramatic and less stupid.



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I like the stupidity though. That's why I stopped watching. Too much drama and less funny.

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I can field the differences between the DBZ Dub and Original.

Go search out the Dragonball Z Otaku Alliance. It was a website I helped found. I am no longer a member but I helped with a good deal of the content. It explains just about EVERY difference between the original and the dub. Sometimes an episode will even go with no 2 lines being the same or in the same vein.

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Guest Kamui
I like the stupidity though. That's why I stopped watching. Too much drama and less funny.

Oh, there's still plenty of comedy- and the comedy's better in the subtitled version. One really underrated thing about the show in general are the comedy episodes.


It's got drama, yeah, but there's still lots of comedy too. That third season you're talking about, S, is just heavy on the drama and light on the comedy, but then Super S (the fourth season) changes around the balance again to more comedy and less drama. That's just how Sailor Moon works.



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I just beat it. I got the good ending. Whatever you do, don't miss out on it and get the normal one. The stuff required to get the good one is not hard and it's incredible!



Spoiler (Highlight to Read):

Tidus and Yuna reuniting was so awesome! It was exactly what I had been hoping for. I am so happy for Yuna now!

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Read the spoiler and:


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Well, that was dumb. FFX's ending was arguably it's greatest moment.


How in the hell did they explain that Tidus is alive and well considering that he never really was born in the first place?

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I just beat it. I got the good ending. Whatever you do, don't miss out on it and get the normal one. The stuff required to get the good one is not hard and it's incredible!



Spoiler (Highlight to Read):

Tidus and Yuna reuniting was so awesome! It was exactly what I had been hoping for. I am so happy for Yuna now!

*screams like a little girl*


Spoiler (Highlight to Read):

I like Tidus

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Guest FrigidSoul

$50 for like 3 days of fun? A half ounce of pot would have cost less and lasted longer

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Spoiler (Highlight to Read):

The Fayth brought him back, but he is still a dream

:huh: Huh? Wha...? That's it? THAT'S THE EXPLANATION?


...that's weak. I'm sorry, but I was under the impression of


Spoiler (Highlight to Read):

wasn't the fayth GONE? I thought that was the whole point of having Tidus disappear and no longer being there. The fayth was no more and hence, no longer could Tidus be there.

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It doesn't really get "epic". A big villain does show up that forces them to stop just hunting for Spheres, but even then it's still really lighthearted and carefree.



The game wasn't short. It was like 40 hours long. Besides, I'm not done with it. I will beat it multiple times.



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The Fayth are in the Farplane now. They tried to stop the villain down there but it beat them and is using them.

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I'm guessing that Sakura played the game non-stop..

Yeah really


Don't you have school or work or something in between, Sakura?

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I watch crazy people and make sure they take their meds. I work the night shift alone in a small building with nothing to do(since they're all asleep) so I bring my PS2.

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Well I don't want to read any ending spoilage, but what do you have to do to get the good ending?


I did miss a few missions at the start, so maybe I won't get it.


I guess it's another run through got me...


(PS anyone who said "Lets make this series into a PUZZLE GAME needs to die. Don't talk to ME about calibrating towers or dirty, dirty monkey love.)

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Here are the requirements for the good ending with very little spoilerage...



1. In Chapter 3 meet with Ormi and Logos in Guadosalam and go to their rooms. Maechen should show up and give you a story about the past.


2. At the very end of Chapter 3 Yuna is stuck in a field of flowers and says "I'm all alone". Start hitting X and you'll hear a sound. Keep hitting it until you hear the sound 4 times and Yuna goes up a staircase made of light.


3. Do the mission in Besaid in Chapter 5. It's more of a cutscene than a mission. The end should be a camp fire scene.


4. Do the mission in Luca in Chapter 5. Like Besaid, it's more of a cutscene. Follow the moogle all over until it's done.


5. After you beat the final boss and are in the flower field again press X until someone asks you a question. Say YES.

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I never thought this game would affect my emotions so much, but it did.


After seeing both scenarios, I decided to give the sphere the chicks stole in chapter one to the Youth League [my reasoning: they fought so much to break away from Yevon, so...why support the New Yevon? Then again, I'm sure that's a crucial decision point].


Then, on a whim, I go to Besaid. This...Youth League dude TOTALLY pisses me off!! Something about getting 500 points in that gun minigame. Gah, it's impossible not to get hit, thus, impossible to get 500 points. I practically threw my controller against the wall after I failed. Finally I said 'fuck it' [yes, I actually said it out loud, which is a rarity for me] and went onto a different mission. 'Course, I had spent so much time on the damn impossible mini-game that I had to take it back in less than a half-hour.

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