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rising up out of the back seat-nuh


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OK, I haven't logged on for a few days, and when I come back:


1) Numi has lost it and got banned

2) Banky has lost it and got Numi banned

3) Sandman has lost it in a far more amusing way than the above, and not got banned, even for calling for everyones death

4) Hoff has developed a crush on me

5) Every single post by people not at UGS has sucked the cock

6) Fooster has said nothing


So, whats going on? Does this place really need my constant supervision to make it work? Or is it to late, and have you all become irreversible twats?


When I come back, I demand you appologise to me and to each other.

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I'm not really sure how it got started, but it definitely was f'ed up. You unfortunately missed out on a lot of the insanity last night, as most of the fun stuff was deleted. I think constant doses of chave booster shots might be neccesary...


The only thing I am sorry for is that time I ran over the neighbor's cat and then put it under their back tire so they would think they did it.



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I'm not really sure how it got started, but it definitely was f'ed up. You unfortunately missed out on a lot of the insanity last night, as most of the fun stuff was deleted. I think constant doses of chave booster shots might be neccesary...


The only thing I am sorry for is that time I ran over the neighbor's cat and then put it under their back tire so they would think they did it.



Yeah, my question was going to be "how much shit did I miss", because I know that what's in the "Reasons" thread was just the tip of the iceberg.

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I have a confession. I...I'm a chaveosexual.





Oh GOD, it felt good to admit that.


And the most important thing of all is...



































*spinebusters Chave*



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Dammit there are SO many people in this thread in line for a spinebuster that I'm just gonna leave and save a headache.


*walks off*










*continues walking*
































Yeah, mother fuckers. Plus I'm sneaky. Better watch out.

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Nothing beats pissing in somebody's face.  I wasn't talking about a finisher though it'd be a good one...

Remember the pissing fatality in Primal Rage? That would own


Good thing Hoff used all his energy spinebustering those other two guys and thus had nothing left to spell my name right, so mine wasn't as bad <walks away>

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I always like B. Orchid's fatality in Killer Instinct. Hi-larious, especially when the wolf or dinosaur was the victim.

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He's Angelslayer not Angleslayer, though I make that mistake a lot too.

I don't know how you could make that mistake, Frying Dutchman

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*kicks Angelslayer in the balls*


*locks Angel in the Dutch Oven*


*holds ropes*

I call FISH~ swerve run-in.

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I'm not really sure how it got started, but it definitely was f'ed up.  You unfortunately missed out on a lot of the insanity last night, as most of the fun stuff was deleted.

What happened?


EDIT: Nevermind...

Edited by kkktookmybabyaway

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