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Goldust Not Getting Renewed Contract

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Guest JMA
What pisses me off, is that the only thing that SOME fans will know Goldust as is this recent "comedy" character.


I'm quite possibly one of the biggest Goldust fans here, and this news just really gets to me.



I know exactly where you're coming from. Goldust was a brilliant character when he first came out. I always got a West Hollywood Transvestite vibe from the original Goldust character.

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It's sad that you still don't understand why Mark Henry is employed.


They tried EVERYTHING to embarrass him into quitting his contract - he didn't budge. If he's fired, he could use his stint in 1999-2000 as character defamation and sue the WWE's pants off.


Buying him out of his contract would be the DUMBEST thing they could do right now - he easily takes homes of millions of dollars. Why not use him while he is available for them to use? It's not like he's in a main event spot, swaying the audience to watch/turn away from the product.


They never do anything with him. The last time he got really over was with the Chyna thing and that was years ago. All they ever do is give him abit of a push, then bust him back down, etc. They might as well just cut their losses.


And as for the main event spot have you been watching the last couple of weeks? Henry had a program with Goldberg were he took him out, controlled most of the match and screwed up alot of moves I might add and they didn't even job him cleanly to Goldberg. And this is Mark Henry we're talking about.


Dustin was never green himself? By your logic, why did he survive in the WCW in 1991, when key guys like Flair were being dropped?


No by my logic Dustin should be were they are, upper midcard. You know getting more mic time, matches, etc. Cause he's over and can work unlike guys like Orton and Bastia.


BTW, I don't really hate Orton and Bastia I just don't think they should be having the pushes they are getting.

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I totally agree, JMA. That's what made Goldust so interesting in the beginning... that air of uncertainty in his character. Is he gay, or is he just playing mind games with the wrestlers? Do we hate him because he might be gay (the antithesis of the burly male archetype that wrestling audiences engender), or do we hate him because he makes unwarranted advances on the other wrestlers? I think they had a real goldmine (pardon the pun) with him that got unjustly squandered when they neutered his character and had him turn face on Lawler oh so many years ago.


I must admit, though, that I got tired of his latest incarnation, that of the stuttering, Tourette's-affected backstage buffoon. The fact that he really didn't do anything of substance storywise pretty much sealed the deal for me that I just wasn't interested in him anymore. Sure, he can wrestle, but can so many other guys on the roster who actually make me care about their characters. In that sense, I'm not sad to see him go.


As for him being over in TNA sans the Goldust gimmick, I think Runnels is in for a rude awakening. He'll get the initial big pop, get a few marquee matches in, then settle into the lower midcard to get some of the new kids over... for a lot less money than he was getting from Vince.


And not to derail the discussion again, but this whole Orton debate stems from the fact that his push is criminally undeserved compared to what he brings to the table. His wrestling skills and style are underwhelming, and don't keep me or any average audience riveted to his performance. And bringing up any heat he may have gotten during the aborted RNN run has no relevance in this Evolution stint. What he's doing now makes him unworthy of this big push. And yes, this is a big push. When you're touted as a legend killer, have Ric By God Flair in your corner, and are allowed to get the upper hand on people like Foley and HBK, that's a big push.


And forget his mic "skills". I need only remember him sitting with the announcers during the last RAW. Everything he said was unconvincing and uninteresting. Sure, you can blame the lame-ass script all you want, but his delivery, which is supposed to be that of a smug, arrogant blue chipper, was lazy, callous, and lacking in depth and conviction. Nothing he said conveyed the message that he really thinks he's the shit. And if he doesn't believe it, why should we?

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They never do anything with him. The last time he got really over was with the Chyna thing and that was years ago.  All they ever do is give him abit of a push, then bust him back down, etc. They might as well just cut their losses.

You cut your losses when he's losing money, which he's not in a position to do so.


You DON'T cut your losses, if the negatives (losing millions of dollars) outweigh the positives (Mark Henry off of my television).


Hell, that's the total opposite of "cutting your losses".

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If Dustin leaves the WWE, he is done without the Goldust gimmick. He doesn't get over without it, he never has (see WCW and late WWF days if I remember right) and I don't think TNA has a magic formula to get him over. And no way in hell does Vince allow him to purchase that gimmick cause Vince will not allow him to make other people money. He just won't.


And without it then it would be like Sting without the face paint, it's just not going to work.


However, the WWE REALLY must be insane if they resigned Make a difference Fat ass on Smackdown but cut Goldust. That doesn't make any sense at all. If I think about that for more than 10 minutes then blood will come shooting out of my nose.


The company gave him a horrible gimmick and he made it work. HE GOT LANCE STORM OVER! Lance Storm! The guy was getting cheers when with Goldust and now....he's Val's walking dick.


The moral of this story boys and girls? DON'T be a team player, it'll get you fired.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
He'd get a big push, but fans won't be into plain ol' Dustin Rhodes.  The sensationalistic nature of Goldust is what got him over huge.

They killed the Goldust character by making him a comedy act. The only reason people liked it was because there was NOTHING else entertaining on RAW.

He was more over as Booker T's sidekick than he ever was as the insane sexually deviant film fan. Sorry, but turning him into a comedy act only enhanced his popularity. He also got REALLY GOOD in the ring when he was teaming with Booker so that helped too.


I agree the Tourette's Syndrome thing was dumb.

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Guest Megatron
He was more over as Booker T's sidekick than he ever was as the insane sexually deviant film fan.



I agree the Tourette's Syndrome thing was dumb.

I disagree with the first part and agree with the second.

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I liked Goldust right up to about his RR match with Razor. That was such a cool feud with Goldust playing to Razors homophobia - some really cool psychology. I enjoyed that. I thought that Marlena was a man in drag the first time I saw her. I liked the vignettes leading up to his arrival, cause it was just really different and I dig movies. But pretty much well everything after was crap (cept for Bookdust, which ruled). The tortured dustin was soooo bad, and the controversial goldust was annoying.


One of my favourite angles involved Dusty and Dustin on SNME where Dibiase and Virgil beat up Dustin -drew colour- and Dusty came down and sacrificed his body to protect his son. They haven't really done an angle like that since. And I was a big fan of Dustin and Barry in WCW - they were a neat lil tag team. Nothin too flashy, just got the job done.


If this isn't a drug thing (which it probably is), the WWE is stupid in getting rid of him. They don't do as many "comedy" matches as they should. They have guys like the Hurricane, Rosie, La Rez, Spike, etc. which they could really have fun with but don't.

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The problem is that that would involve a shred of intelligence, and well, the WWF proved it long ago didn't have any when it signed Henry to that long term contract. I mean, seriously, the man gets a HUGE line of sweat rnning down his back just from walking down to the ring. Give him a sumo gimmick or something, that's the best thing to do right now and pray for the best. Maybe he can feud with Rikishi or something

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Guest RollingSambos

I like Orton. He's got that "X" factor. He's definitely a future superstar. And I don't think that he is worthless at all...what a ridiculous fucking statement. He's charismatic as hell, has a great look, and his in-ring work seems to improve every week. So fuck the naysayers, you are probably the same people who were anti-Brock until he beat The Rock at SummerSlam 2002.

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Guest JMA
He was more over as Booker T's sidekick than he ever was as the insane sexually deviant film fan. Sorry, but turning him into a comedy act only enhanced his popularity. He also got REALLY GOOD in the ring when he was teaming with Booker so that helped too.

Goldust was insanely over when he first came in. His schtich was new to the WWF and got him tons of heat. Truly an innovative character. Besides that, almost anyone can get over with a comedy gimmick (even babyface Doink).

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent

Rico doesn't have an inch of the talent Rhodes does.

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